HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 221 Page 22 Times -Advocate, February 11, 1998 CLASSIFIED ADS MUS -i BE PREPAID. Att• rr rr no( De. /Millet/ unh• r'.h insult re•r'•rrvt•ri 1 (r !'1 1(1 1 t b(/h 11 1 ,I _ T -I 331 35-O7 - b 1n,1i1 I.1 r otIA t stir Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM -1S6 1)1 API INFS: MON (DAYS 4 ir.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our S11 Super Ad• Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge * FQ1i$ALE ITEMS ONLY _QNE_ITEM PER AD Private norrcommerc/al ads only' • All Super Ads must be nreoaid OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 r.m. 4 Help Wanted WANTE.i) MA FURL CAREGIVER for infant in our home Non -.smoker. likes dogs, trial period which may lead to full time employment Reterences required. Please direct responses 10 Box 871'. c/o Exeter - Times Advocate..•Bcix 85(I Exeter- Ontario NOM 1S6 (5tfn) EXPF-RiENCED A-7 DRIVERS for Tr, Axel dump truck pulling pups. local and long hauls. steady work A.) Jackson. Call 271-1104.()5-O8c) THF HURON RESEARCH STATION is seeking college or university students to woik a' Research Assistants from approximately May I to -August 11. 19% The deadline lot applications Is E'eh 28. 1995 Pleas; mail resumes to Huron Research Station. R.R.ttl. Exeter. Ontario NOM 1S4 (6.7•! PITT LOVERS NEEDED Make one sale. profit It' years Home based. .part-tinieltull-lime. ('all 229-8566. (6.18) The Times -Advocate urges OW readers to use caution when ' sending •.money for business opportunity or employment . advertise- ments. Se certain you are dealing-, with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... -if any adver- tisement sounds 'too good to he true, it is. r - CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words Sets of numerals as tor senal numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.63 2 Insertions S16.05, 3 Insertions $21.47 Additional 15c charge for each word over maximum NOTICES: 30 words (births, deaths. announcements. coming events. me- monams (Cards of thanks 10c each word over maximum; 1 insertion 511.77 2 insertions S23.54 - 3 Insertions No charge • Classified Ads must be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received'. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50 GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - S10.00 per column Inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch (minimum size in this category 1 Inch Accepted in multiples of half inch.' BOX,NUMBERS to this office $2.50 pe, insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising In the 1,mes•Advocate is accepted on condition trial. in the event of a typograpnlca' erre., that portion of the advertising space occu pled by the erroneous Kern. together wan rMSon able allowance for signature. welt be re -run In a subsequent Issue es a make good at no cnerge white the balance of the advertisement will be paid for roan eppbCable 1818 In the event of a typographical error acvertisag goods or sermec eta wrong price. goods or service; may not be sold Advertising is an Omer to seri and may be withdrawn et any bane My errors must be ac knowbdged within seven days of publication The Times -Advocate 11101800 the prmlage 01 re vtsn9 or rebectng advertisements that ,t consid- ers obpctronable and to change the ClattrhCalgn of any advennemenl from that ordered to con - tom to the policy of this newspaper Contents ere primped by copyright. Reproducl,n of any material without the permission of the 11ubMher Is forbidden Advertisers purchase speCA and circulallon only NI rights to any adverteernents produced by the Tangs-Advocele, tieing artwork, typography or 000Io9nep0s arranged for by the newspaper slier be the property of the Tees -Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or as- signed without written consent 01 the Tans Advocate STATEMENT OF POLICY Tne Tree -Advocate le riot respontlble for 011018 10 advertisements not submitted in Isp101e form, nor kir more than a to merlon of that advertisement Phone • 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 s- WORD ADS -20 word maximum e $9.63 Additional 151 charge for each word over s maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births, Deaths. Announcements, Coming Events, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks) e insertion $11.77 ; 2 insertions $23.54 3 insertions No Charge e e s 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $16.05 $21.47 1 Additional IS; charge for each word over maximum • CLASSIFIEDS ADS MUST 131 PREPAID ADS WII.I. NOT BE PRINTED UNTII. PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Bordered & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash, Cheque rssith identification), igo Money Order, Visa and Mastercard OIC are accepted * PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE: FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT 4 Help Wanted JOCUS EDIU('ATIONAI. TOYS Canadian Company since 1978. 400+ quality toys, games. arts/crafts. Supplement family income selling through home parties, catalogue sales, fundraisers - 1-800-361-4587, Ext. 9339 (519) 887-9422. New ,spring/summer catalogues 'now available. (07') AIRCRAFT refurbishing facility requires experienced Aircraft Engineers (fulUpart time), Avionics Tech. (full/par time) Painters. Prep. Cleaners, Upholsterers immediately. Excellent remuneration. Call Andy at 1-80(-561-2592 or 519-758-8287. (07') , PART TIME TEMPORARY DELIVERY _ truck dnver required for delivery of perishable foods throughout Western Ontario. Must have valid class "D" or better license. Experience required. Closing date for response is Feb. 20/98. Send responses to Quality Jersey Products Ltd., 112 High Si. Seaforth, On. NOK IWO. We thank all applicants in advance. only, those 'under ' consideration will he contacted: (07*) Perth h Inc. Co-operative PETROLEUM DRIVER At Perth County Co-operative- In, susses• stem. iron, our ability- tri pmvidc the highest oral ar o1 petroleum products and serwes a..1 diverse group 01 customers Ti' assist with our continued susses; we require .1 drnamr. enthuslasii and motivated Permleum-Dover for our Mitchell operation •- lour first pa! will ix- to dehve: perrofeuni product. -iii a sate and efficient manner long with the vos will ensure• customer goodwill and satisfaction and that deliver‘ of the produc 1, on time and meet: customs expectations You will also be responsible to: dads- inventors- control. sale. tickets and lc. the safe operation and maintenance of the delivery truck. Above all. vou will represent and promote the to -operative in 4 competent and protcssmnal manner Thi, nosntor. reuutre, the person to have a cleat, D•'L driver, licence and .I dangerou good. certificate T • tie considered x :0,. opnormninv pieast I i •• ,tr • - I mnlidcnc• to til t ::Dunt .Cooperative Inc. c n•° Str et. ;trattord, Ontario • NSA 2P1 Attention: Andrew Troyer n o telephone inquiries please. u. add like le thank all applicant.. but adsisc only those under consideranon will is-.• contacted 4, 235-.1331 C'1.ASS11'11'1) 0121)1:12 1 O12M Please print one word per space. The rate* is shownon the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME -- ADDRESS PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry DATES TO RUN: t SIGNATURE 4 Help Wanted SEED PLANT AND GRAiN ELEVATOR OPERATOR required. Full benefit package available. We are looking for a self -motivated reliable person.- with leadership qualities to join our team. Reply to Hill & Hill Farms • Ltd. Varna' Call 233-3218.(7-9) 5 Business Opp. rxxx7171:2707=1, Looking for a second income? Enjoy working from home? Flexible hours, full/part time! Please join me, and my team! Learn! Meet new people and have fun! NCaiI Deb for details (519) 393-6496. fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzS! ZZZZ.Z TZZ1� AVON IN h4 FREE OFFER! p Feb. 9 to Feb. 13 • Excellent opportunity! • - H No fee to start your own • Avon business. and K earn $$$ N M N M N N M .4 N N M IM N H Easy to sell! • M :t "Everyone knows Avon" H Call today: Jeanette Deelen ►~i District Manager 348-9403 H*4 6 Services STEREO SURROUND INSTALLATIONS • Pawnee Houses • Repair Problems • TenebNabaot ng• Rewire and move existing systems - Ove prorestionat honest advice on starting yarr Serrimed Sowed Nam Theatre System Call after 6:311 p.ar. 235-4525 MIKE'S ELECTRONIC REPAIR REPORTER 'PHOTOGRAPHER 'The Times -Advocate in Exeter has an immediate opening to join their news team. We're looking for someone With good people skills, familiarity with Macintosh computers and, of course, a desire to have a career in the newspaper business. Please send your resume to: Exeter Times -Advocate P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 Att: Jim Beckett Q' 'eticulous Cleaning Services Is expanding once again, in order to accommodate the demand for our service. Our business continues to grow. due to our commitment to total customer satisfaction. We expend considerable time and money training our staff to ensure the highest standards of service performance to our clients. If you are not prepared to work hard and meet our standards, please don't waste.our time. However, if you are serious, mature, responsible, have reliable transportation and are committed to exceeding the expectations of both the company and our clients, we can offer you a position that will provide yet) with job satisfaction and increased responsibilities. All team leaders, area managers are promoted from within. We have immediate openings at the entry level of team member for weekdays, weekends and evenings. Meticulous Cleaning services Goderich, Clinton, Grand Bend, Exeter, Centralia, Parkhill and all points in between. If you meet these minimum requirements contact Madeline Shepherd at 519-238-8549 References required. ie ewe Don't Flirt with Dirt" eQ •0 „6-........mimmemmuilit, Services 6 Services Carole's CLEANING SERVICE Oo von need a little help sslth vo'tir cleaning" PLEASE CALL 235-4729 FOR PRIME POWER- and stand -hs- electricity that works and stays working. call Sommers Motor Generator Sales lad. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewlre houses - Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones - modems Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 Need Help with a Computer Problem? I can Help! I am fully qualified and no problem is too difficult to fix. Call Jeff at 263-5060 evenings rf Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 SEINING MACHINE REPAIRS Repairs to all makes and models 20 Years' experience. All Work Guaranteed Contact Wicker Basket 165 Main St. Lucan 227-4158 �C g • • :1:� rT STOP BEDWETTING Give your child the gift of a lifetime. Get him dry, once and forever. Unit- ed Enuretic has solved this problem in over 20,000 adults and children. Does your child suffer the problem of bedwetting? Does it affect hum emo- tionally or psychologically? Does it weaken his educational ability or ma- turity? Are there other damaging ef- fects? Can you or your child handle this problem without embarrassment or is the youngster denied camping trips or sleep -overs with friends? How many different methods have you used to try to correct this habit? How many defeats or failures can a child accept? DRY YOUR CHILD THE QUICK, EASY, SIMPLE WAY WITHOUT TEARS, DRUGS, SHOCKS, OR DISCOMFORT FOR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WRITE TO U.E.S.C. Boa 32077. Cambridge Ont. N3N 5M2 Nome: Address: Peons: - Wild's Pot UNITED ENURETIC CENTRE I rI rr 2 (bund ii3_ - :tuitions Wanted 5 Business u 1 ted 6 Services Opportunities llit 9 LEveStock 1 ,8 F I J 9 `S Machinery 1Rerts I Equipment, Veit. e 12 Pets e I3 Musicallnetrnte 11 APPlianna •�t���� I r IS penal bievision e / I- For Sale ' -i_, wanted to s 8 Nan Buy s� , 7 19 � e 20 Property For Sale nt ,I 21 For a Pro'for Rent 1 223 For Sate or Rant 124 Property to Rent 25 Notices Waited - ! yes legal Notices 2267 Tenders Wanted 28 -Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 6 Services STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LUCAN, ONT. Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' WANTED HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs. prepaymene for lumber stands. Veneer log prices Provincially licenser- tree markers and certified equipment operators Spe- cial care taken in, harvesting Panni/ Venee: Co. Ltd: est 1927 340 Louisa St Kitchener (5191742.5887 4'r"'lins DONATE YOUP CAR HERITAGE FOP THE BLIND Tax deductible Free towing Need no, run Free phone card Sponsored by AADCO 800-463 5681 AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 2,700° in 24. mo's Earn up to $15krmo with Canada's lastes! growing Internet Francnise Ful training Investment Req 1.886-678.7588 CHRISTIAN BUSINESS up,to 81% profit to' you or your ministry No mventory 'come based ser vicmg Christian Market Complete training and support Select terntones 1.800.663-7326 $140,000ryr potential as an Information Broker Profit Magazine says 'Best Business to go Into '98.. ' Revolutionary interactive systems gener- ate substantial profits No inventory. los over- head 1.888.679.2201 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN AN AMAZING SEC- OND INCOME'? One that won't affect your pre- sent nob or Income'/ Does an extra $500 to 35000 a month sound exciting? Cell Toll Free1- 888.876.6650 fora short recorded message tt you could help MUHAMMAD AO teed hungry children and earn significant income, would you', Homebased business investment required- Call Mr. Kaplan (519)642-4714. PLEASE MUM You already know about our qualrly kid's clothing that's sold un home across Canada. Become a Please Mum Independent Home Party consultant and savour the exciting rewards We've given hundreds of women like you the opportunely to make new friends. made money in an easylo•start career and eam dis- counts for your own kid's clothes WO our exclu- sive in-home line Call us at 1.800.665.9644 With proven success well guide you every step of the way! IMOIRWROPMENO LEARN AUCTIONEERING Classes held Apnt 18.24,'98 For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneerng. R.R 15, Wood - stook. Ontario N4S 7V9 1.888.866.7355 WANTED!' 50 JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIANS. For Information Refer to • the EMDA Website@www.emda.ab ea . Send resume to Edmonton Motor. Dealers Association, 9249.48 Street, Edmonton. -Alberta T68 2R9 Phone 403- 468.9552, Fax /4031465.6201 2 -Year contracts overseas for organic agriculture and community workers, minimum 2 years expe- rience Info www.cuso.org SEND RESUME BY FEB 13 Brenda [loner. CUSO. 123 Woolwich Street. Guelph. N1H 3V1, fax (5191822.7089, e- mail cusoguelOweb.nel For TEACHERS/EDUCATORS North American School Association requires Teachers, Educe - .tors; Tutors, Professionals. Parents. Students, Health Care Workers, Office Stall. etc. work at • home N.A.S A.. 512 Cambridge Street. Peterbor- ough, On:., K9H 4741 or (7051742.0344 Enclose sell•addressed, stamped envelope SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money seining chocolate bars New products available Nothing It, pay in advance Fast delivery -1.800- 383.3589 SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks. beams Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere Free Information 1.800.566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills. R.R 2. Kilworthy. Ontario POE 1G0 FREE ESTIMATES Let FM make changing your windows and doors a pleasure' Enloy comfort NOW' Pay next year' WORKMANSHIP fully guar- anteed' Our twenty years experience, thirty loca- tions. ensures you get your Job done right the fast time' Pick up the phone and CALL NOW!! Toll FREE 1.886-738.0738. CLUB K.0 - KIDS ONLY CLOTHING • wonder- ful dothng tor whole family - Kids Only business is fun. easy. flexible, rewarding! For new cats- iogue/information (905)829.4713 Cheryl Labbett Ind Consultant • 911111111111111111111111111111 PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS as seen on televi- sion tell all. love rob, money, compatibility, lucky numbers Call now 1.900.451.3389, 1100-677- 2288 $3.99/min, adults only 1.268.404.6088 LD aPPty THE BEST COMPUTER. the Best Price Dekv• Bred right to your door anywhere In Canada' Just 369.00 per month, No Money Down For Tyman nus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package 186 MMX, Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo sur rotndsolnd, digital Tull -motion vltleo, 32 G8 HD, 24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch monitor. loaded current software (kst is too long for this ad. alt us!!!) Instant credit approval available right over the plane! Cell 1.800.551.3434 • to order/more information. JUST 59.00 PER MONTH Absolutely Complete!' NO Money Down!' No Payments for Three Months!!' From Are fifth largest PC manufacturer in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 OB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex. Intel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooled by other otters! Credit Approval available right over the phone! 1.888.860.9190 more intollo order. Fast FEDEX delivery, 10 your door any- where in Carted.. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our greet home -study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1100.267.1829. The Writing School, 38 McMMrr Avenue, Sub 2983, Ottawa, ON K11. 8R2. WANTED TO ADOPT BY LOVING COUPLE: healthy •ntant or child under four years of age. Approved nomesludy Please wale 10 Tina Go Box :4032, 275 Second Line West. Saull Sle. Mane, ON PSC 6G7. STEEL BUILDINGS...Fnal Clearance. Construc- tion and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30 33,688.00. 25 x 14 x 30 33,988.00 30 x 14 x 40 55,944.00. 40 x 60 $9,688.00. 40 x 80 312,244.00. 50 x 100 321,566.00. 60 x 120 $28,300.00. Others Pioneer 1.00.668.5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 1997 FACTORY Clearance Sale on Many Models end Sizes. Reserve your bullding now for spring delivery while quantities last Call 1.800.666.8853 ext. 536. I BUY GUITARS mede before 1970. Paying 3400 l0 310.000. for certain modehs by Gibson, Fend- er, Martin, Groben, Epiphone end National Cal Steve, enytkine 1400-964-3544. -J / .1 NAME -- ADDRESS PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry DATES TO RUN: t SIGNATURE 4 Help Wanted SEED PLANT AND GRAiN ELEVATOR OPERATOR required. Full benefit package available. We are looking for a self -motivated reliable person.- with leadership qualities to join our team. Reply to Hill & Hill Farms • Ltd. Varna' Call 233-3218.(7-9) 5 Business Opp. rxxx7171:2707=1, Looking for a second income? Enjoy working from home? Flexible hours, full/part time! Please join me, and my team! Learn! Meet new people and have fun! NCaiI Deb for details (519) 393-6496. fzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzS! ZZZZ.Z TZZ1� AVON IN h4 FREE OFFER! p Feb. 9 to Feb. 13 • Excellent opportunity! • - H No fee to start your own • Avon business. and K earn $$$ N M N M N N M .4 N N M IM N H Easy to sell! • M :t "Everyone knows Avon" H Call today: Jeanette Deelen ►~i District Manager 348-9403 H*4 6 Services STEREO SURROUND INSTALLATIONS • Pawnee Houses • Repair Problems • TenebNabaot ng• Rewire and move existing systems - Ove prorestionat honest advice on starting yarr Serrimed Sowed Nam Theatre System Call after 6:311 p.ar. 235-4525 MIKE'S ELECTRONIC REPAIR REPORTER 'PHOTOGRAPHER 'The Times -Advocate in Exeter has an immediate opening to join their news team. We're looking for someone With good people skills, familiarity with Macintosh computers and, of course, a desire to have a career in the newspaper business. Please send your resume to: Exeter Times -Advocate P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 Att: Jim Beckett Q' 'eticulous Cleaning Services Is expanding once again, in order to accommodate the demand for our service. Our business continues to grow. due to our commitment to total customer satisfaction. We expend considerable time and money training our staff to ensure the highest standards of service performance to our clients. If you are not prepared to work hard and meet our standards, please don't waste.our time. However, if you are serious, mature, responsible, have reliable transportation and are committed to exceeding the expectations of both the company and our clients, we can offer you a position that will provide yet) with job satisfaction and increased responsibilities. All team leaders, area managers are promoted from within. We have immediate openings at the entry level of team member for weekdays, weekends and evenings. Meticulous Cleaning services Goderich, Clinton, Grand Bend, Exeter, Centralia, Parkhill and all points in between. If you meet these minimum requirements contact Madeline Shepherd at 519-238-8549 References required. ie ewe Don't Flirt with Dirt" eQ •0 „6-........mimmemmuilit, Services 6 Services Carole's CLEANING SERVICE Oo von need a little help sslth vo'tir cleaning" PLEASE CALL 235-4729 FOR PRIME POWER- and stand -hs- electricity that works and stays working. call Sommers Motor Generator Sales lad. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewlre houses - Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones - modems Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 Need Help with a Computer Problem? I can Help! I am fully qualified and no problem is too difficult to fix. Call Jeff at 263-5060 evenings rf Do You Need Help With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 SEINING MACHINE REPAIRS Repairs to all makes and models 20 Years' experience. All Work Guaranteed Contact Wicker Basket 165 Main St. Lucan 227-4158 �C g • • :1:� rT STOP BEDWETTING Give your child the gift of a lifetime. Get him dry, once and forever. Unit- ed Enuretic has solved this problem in over 20,000 adults and children. Does your child suffer the problem of bedwetting? Does it affect hum emo- tionally or psychologically? Does it weaken his educational ability or ma- turity? Are there other damaging ef- fects? Can you or your child handle this problem without embarrassment or is the youngster denied camping trips or sleep -overs with friends? How many different methods have you used to try to correct this habit? How many defeats or failures can a child accept? DRY YOUR CHILD THE QUICK, EASY, SIMPLE WAY WITHOUT TEARS, DRUGS, SHOCKS, OR DISCOMFORT FOR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WRITE TO U.E.S.C. Boa 32077. Cambridge Ont. N3N 5M2 Nome: Address: Peons: - Wild's Pot UNITED ENURETIC CENTRE I rI rr 2 (bund ii3_ - :tuitions Wanted 5 Business u 1 ted 6 Services Opportunities llit 9 LEveStock 1 ,8 F I J 9 `S Machinery 1Rerts I Equipment, Veit. e 12 Pets e I3 Musicallnetrnte 11 APPlianna •�t���� I r IS penal bievision e / I- For Sale ' -i_, wanted to s 8 Nan Buy s� , 7 19 � e 20 Property For Sale nt ,I 21 For a Pro'for Rent 1 223 For Sate or Rant 124 Property to Rent 25 Notices Waited - ! yes legal Notices 2267 Tenders Wanted 28 -Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 6 Services STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. LUCAN, ONT. Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' WANTED HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs. prepaymene for lumber stands. Veneer log prices Provincially licenser- tree markers and certified equipment operators Spe- cial care taken in, harvesting Panni/ Venee: Co. Ltd: est 1927 340 Louisa St Kitchener (5191742.5887 4'r"'lins DONATE YOUP CAR HERITAGE FOP THE BLIND Tax deductible Free towing Need no, run Free phone card Sponsored by AADCO 800-463 5681 AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 2,700° in 24. mo's Earn up to $15krmo with Canada's lastes! growing Internet Francnise Ful training Investment Req 1.886-678.7588 CHRISTIAN BUSINESS up,to 81% profit to' you or your ministry No mventory 'come based ser vicmg Christian Market Complete training and support Select terntones 1.800.663-7326 $140,000ryr potential as an Information Broker Profit Magazine says 'Best Business to go Into '98.. ' Revolutionary interactive systems gener- ate substantial profits No inventory. los over- head 1.888.679.2201 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN AN AMAZING SEC- OND INCOME'? One that won't affect your pre- sent nob or Income'/ Does an extra $500 to 35000 a month sound exciting? Cell Toll Free1- 888.876.6650 fora short recorded message tt you could help MUHAMMAD AO teed hungry children and earn significant income, would you', Homebased business investment required- Call Mr. Kaplan (519)642-4714. PLEASE MUM You already know about our qualrly kid's clothing that's sold un home across Canada. Become a Please Mum Independent Home Party consultant and savour the exciting rewards We've given hundreds of women like you the opportunely to make new friends. made money in an easylo•start career and eam dis- counts for your own kid's clothes WO our exclu- sive in-home line Call us at 1.800.665.9644 With proven success well guide you every step of the way! IMOIRWROPMENO LEARN AUCTIONEERING Classes held Apnt 18.24,'98 For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneerng. R.R 15, Wood - stook. Ontario N4S 7V9 1.888.866.7355 WANTED!' 50 JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIANS. For Information Refer to • the EMDA Website@www.emda.ab ea . Send resume to Edmonton Motor. Dealers Association, 9249.48 Street, Edmonton. -Alberta T68 2R9 Phone 403- 468.9552, Fax /4031465.6201 2 -Year contracts overseas for organic agriculture and community workers, minimum 2 years expe- rience Info www.cuso.org SEND RESUME BY FEB 13 Brenda [loner. CUSO. 123 Woolwich Street. Guelph. N1H 3V1, fax (5191822.7089, e- mail cusoguelOweb.nel For TEACHERS/EDUCATORS North American School Association requires Teachers, Educe - .tors; Tutors, Professionals. Parents. Students, Health Care Workers, Office Stall. etc. work at • home N.A.S A.. 512 Cambridge Street. Peterbor- ough, On:., K9H 4741 or (7051742.0344 Enclose sell•addressed, stamped envelope SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money seining chocolate bars New products available Nothing It, pay in advance Fast delivery -1.800- 383.3589 SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS. planks. beams Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere Free Information 1.800.566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills. R.R 2. Kilworthy. Ontario POE 1G0 FREE ESTIMATES Let FM make changing your windows and doors a pleasure' Enloy comfort NOW' Pay next year' WORKMANSHIP fully guar- anteed' Our twenty years experience, thirty loca- tions. ensures you get your Job done right the fast time' Pick up the phone and CALL NOW!! Toll FREE 1.886-738.0738. CLUB K.0 - KIDS ONLY CLOTHING • wonder- ful dothng tor whole family - Kids Only business is fun. easy. flexible, rewarding! For new cats- iogue/information (905)829.4713 Cheryl Labbett Ind Consultant • 911111111111111111111111111111 PROFESSIONAL PSYCHICS as seen on televi- sion tell all. love rob, money, compatibility, lucky numbers Call now 1.900.451.3389, 1100-677- 2288 $3.99/min, adults only 1.268.404.6088 LD aPPty THE BEST COMPUTER. the Best Price Dekv• Bred right to your door anywhere In Canada' Just 369.00 per month, No Money Down For Tyman nus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package 186 MMX, Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modem, Stereo sur rotndsolnd, digital Tull -motion vltleo, 32 G8 HD, 24X CD ROM, full colour 14 inch monitor. loaded current software (kst is too long for this ad. alt us!!!) Instant credit approval available right over the plane! Cell 1.800.551.3434 • to order/more information. JUST 59.00 PER MONTH Absolutely Complete!' NO Money Down!' No Payments for Three Months!!' From Are fifth largest PC manufacturer in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 OB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 full duplex. 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