HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 21Tinter -Advocate, February 11, 1998 • Swanning the defence. Exeter junior ringette-ptayerkdrri Ful- ton (white jersey, #9) takes a shot while Sarah Hodge awaits the rebound in the background during the championship final versus Walkerton at the :Richmond Hill tournament on the . weekend. Exeter lost 84 and returned home with runner-up trophies. For more details oh._the juniors and Exeter's other ringette teams, see page 16. ' (photo/Michele.Hodgert) Group encouraged to sign donor cards • EXETER . - The Alpha Tau Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met -at the home of Donna Jones on - February 3: ' Elaine Bogart conducted -the business portion of the meeting. F.Isic Hermann. chairperson of the Social Committee. announced that anevening of fun and games has been -planned by the committee on February .17 at 8 p.m. at her house: During the evening. there will he a silent hake auction.. • Shirley Walkom outlined plans for the _Founder's Day banquet in •April. . . Maude C'onnon, co -hostess. introduced her sister. Katharine Shepherd, who"spokeabout the: Canadian 1,ivcr,Foundatibn. The Foundation's mandate is to reduce -the incidence and impact of all liver 'iliseases which. affect one -in 17 Canadians. Shepherd. is the. Health 'Care • Education Chairperson for the Chatham -Kent Chapter of the Foundation. She stressed the importance o•f the Liver Transplantation Program. She encouraged everyone to -sign an organ donor card and also to indi- catc your wishes in this regard to your close relatives..- Information.hrochures were dis- tribute(' to all. A video "Your Liver and Your Health" is available for viewing and is used.in a- teaching module for grades seven to f 3. - Donna Jones than.kcd Shepherd for her -presentation' ahiut liver dis- eases and- the work of thc Foundation. Donna Webster win a draw for a plant. held by the Ways and Means Committee Saintsbury couple go snowmobiling By H. Davis Salntshur' correspondent • SAINTSBURY = There was no service. -At. -Si. Patrick's on February 8 as .a large number 01 the. congre- gatton were ill with colds and:nu. Michael and Suzanne Davis. accompanied by. Gary Mt)rley and Gloria Duncan. spent thc weekend snow -mobility in,the Bancroft area., visiting with friends. 'Ono-. and Irene 1 -line. - ' :Travis anti --Starr -Dai rs were overnight visitors Friday with. Ambrose and Helen Koncina. - St. , Nortek's women.- have received elates tor •Perth Spring, Deanery to he held. at .St. James Anglican Church. St: Marys on Snow -sculpting brothers. Dave Hetherington, left. and broth- -er John practice at the Grand Bend Winter Carnival for their trip to the Ottawa Winterlude Festival. The Hethering- ton brothers were chosen' to represent Ontario at the fes- tivals first national snow -sculpting competition. Local sculptors to represent Ontario at Ottawa Winterlude By Chantal, Van Raay TA Reporter • GGRANi) BEND - Two Iocal.snow-sculptors are on their way to Ottawa this week for the first national snow -sculpting competition at Onaw;r', 20th. Annual Wmtcrludc'Festival. - - Dash Heth,;rrngton from Grand Rend and his brother `John, of Fer• - •ti will represent the province next 'Week at. the competition --The :Hetherington dill representOntario wih a."hullmoosc theme." iiacir _province and -territory will he represented at the competition :on.Parliament Hill The 12 -toot -high by .12 -foot -wide by I6-foot-Iottg hullmoose and cow. ice 'structure w;as chosen by thi• Hetherington's because. "The. sculpture, ha, to he indigenous to the province and -the bulltnoose is someihrng that.: an he 'found in-Ontario.".said•Dave. 'This is not the first time the brothers haveplayed with a chisel and They. Dawe competed in Grand -Bend's annual snow -sculpture event tor the past 12 years. They. placed at ihc•snow-sculpture event. rn 1996. The\ Also -competed in a-snow-sculptum competition in Frankeninuth. Michigan last year. placing•second froni an tical sculp- tore thev-created. • This veal the\ were busy sculprtng a hlue--.heron at the ice 'sculpting competition at •the Colonial parking lot in Grand Bend on Saturday. :The Hetherington's Degan.sculpting rn Ottawa yesterday at'i a.m. and have until Friday at K a:m. When asked if -they think this in enough time .to carve such an immense. structure. i)avc .responded. _ "We'll do our hest." • P,- they win the competition. they will receive an all expense -pawl trip to ans. Canadian provincial capital. worth `e6.000. , Panther Profile By Sarah Vermont • The '=prefect- is a behind -the -scenes group 01 students working within the school. This is ai group:of responsible students who votun- • leer their time ,to help run,student activities. They have had an active participation in -every. dance this year. working at the doors and hath- - rooms and generally 'helping make sure everything runs smoothly. EVong with the student council this is the group that .you would sec sweeping. scraping gum• oft the floor: and helping tit 'put:equipntent away atter thc dances are. over. It s.a thankless rob and you won't- hear one. of them complaining about it either. Well n's'about umc they gen some credit for their time and effort because we couldn't have dance, without them Thanks.Mr all the help guys.- it realh is appreciated' (iuidanc(. counsellors have heen'.visitrng with hone rooms all. last week about. course selection. The course selection process began an the tenth anti students arc reminded that the should have the copy signed by parents -in to. the guidance office by Friday. February 13. Students art reminded'that if you get your course selection sheets in • quickly you will have a -better chance of getting into the courses vein want • Parents' night will he held tonight from 7-9 p.ni. in -the large gyri at the. school Parents night is for parents of grade eight students who wilt ix: attending the school next year and parents of students who wtll'he advancing into grade ten next year are also welcome. Upcoming I- vents Wednesday. Februan '11 - Parents.' night for grade 8 and 9 parents in the large gym from 7 t)p.rn. Jr. and Sr. basketball to Madill Tlrrsda‘. February 12 - Huron volleyball finals (teams to be an- nounced) Valentinesemi=formal from 7:30-11 p.m. - F rtdat. February 13 - Course selection . l-omis signed, by parents must.be m' 4Jondal February /6.- Seaford' basketball at SHDHS . • Wedirescicn: February. M' - Science field trip to !max theatre in Lon- don. Peer mentor student coordinators go to leadership convention. April 21 and the' Annual Conference of the A.C.W. of Huron Diocese. April'25. -' • ' . - Several from the arca visite() the. C:. Haskell and Son Funeral Home in. Lucan on the weekend paving - respects to the Tate )rv.illc Langford. who passed away at Craigweil'Gardcns'Nursing Home. He' will he hurled February 9. He tanned 'formany years in Biddulph Township and is• survived by his sister H'azcl (Arthur) Hcrn of Mississauga. Michael .and Su anne Davis arc happy to have a new nephew, Cole Douglas. who was horn to parentis Donna and Mike Marttivof London this weekend. Casinos a concern for seniors GRAND BEND -•"The casino issue is likely the most important issue that. faces our community." Rey. BiTh Pulman tottl Grand Beni) Golden Alters 'at the cluh's- February meeting last Wednesday in the Legion Hall. II'is not just an issue about carr nos. the speaker stated It 'is an Issue ahout Justrcc. too--jusltce for those people who aren't going to be heard He was referring to out-of- town owners as well as the much Iargcr'area which calls Grand Bend its town. . . Grand Bend is a great place hut. heifer Putman said. to spend effort on looking at other. social issues in our- community and making it attractive He singled out. illegal" ' drinking and drug problems. • Ushering in another vice isn't going to solve our concerns. "Do we have a heart. a, passion that peo- plc count" the United Church min- ister challenged. • Bert Pullen stated his 'views ' about the suhiectin intra ducing the speaker. . Winter Carnival actrvrucs wcrc highlighted and Laura (7ayalier announced future bus trips. President Larry Cola -outlined meals for seniors at the Anglican hall. .Three menmhers of the club • showed their crafts and outlined. some of the interesting points of their creation. Dee Rath discussed her china painting. Jean Dann told of her handiwork of crochet. needle punch and plastic pieces, and Cathy Southcott displayed several of her paper tole pictures. • Eighty-five members attended with lunch prepared by Margaret Adams and her group. Wfir ei~e air -e tfi4ey inno w Where Are They Now? is an extended series on South Huron District High School , radruates and their career choices Hannah Mathers - Nursery .crop regional extension agent EXETER - Hannah Mathers. a graduate of South Huron District High School was not prepared to abandon education when she graduated. Mathers went on to obtain a Forest Technician's Diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming College •in Lindsay. Ontario; an associate degree in agriculture from thc University of Guelph; a degree in plant science from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and a masters degree in horticulture from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. She also recently defended her thesis. "Germ Plasm Evaluation for Cold Hardiness in Sour C heroes," for a doctorate degree in horticulture from Michigan State University. Mathers now lives in Woodburn, Oregon with her husband Jim . Beaver and two daughters. Nona Mac and Emma Joyce. She works at Oregon State University as a nursery crop regional extension • agent and at the -North Willamette Research and Extension Centre. Before accepting this position at Oregon State she worked for the Alberta Ministry of Agriculture. After this she moved to British Columbia to take a position as a provincial nursery industry specialist for the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture. Oregon's nursery industry fetched a record $448 million in sales in 1996 and was ranked the state's lop - selling commodity for the third consecutive year. The farmgate value in British Columbia is only about $85 million. said Mathers, explaining just how big a position she is presently undertaking. • Mathers is also a speaker and moderator at the Ornamentals Northwest Seminars held each year in August in Portland. Oregon. • Mathers is the daughter of Harry Mathers and the Iatc Mary Matlters of Exeter. iHannah Mathers I 1t 4 ■ F L U S H E A+S TE R- E. T T • E� 1 N L 4 MO.A �. A P O A SES R_O T FIUZZ E -S S 1 IVY A 8 F E S T E'L T•S PIIIE K A R E A SPEE TRIEO OME M AVOR P R'E S ' N t T S'1.N CA cOR-D. ,A 1. A P P t A LP ..0 T ANDEM C R E A S( S1 IME TRO .;A S T� ( l s Page 21 1/11*1/1111$1/1/ 0.4 Dance Nell 9prn 2678 tam 349. Demers %icon* Fri., Feb. 13 Country -Justice .. - Sat., Feb. 14 Sunrise WV ififinoWV ANSWERS ERS Friday Canada's #] Hypnotist' SAILESH • "Extreme Hypnotic Perceptions Exotic. Erotic & Sometimes Psychotic Tix $5.00 advance $7 door Next Friday SASS JORDAN 111 '1l• Hae 8 West. Chnton ) 482-1234 Graduate - We are pleased to announce the graduation of our daughter Tern -Lynn Elder from Fanshawe College. She 's graduated - with a - diploma from the Legal `- Assistant - Programa and 'is. presently employed . at the. law firm -of Harrison Elwood in London We, are proud : to -. see you successful lyachieve your goals." , - Congratulations and Best - Wishes Fred. Susan, Richelle. Dustin and Amber - Lea 12" GRAND BEND - e WINTER CARNIVAL a FEB. 6-15 42 EVENTS OF WINTER FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 2ND WEEK EVENTS For Kids • Colouring Contest • Children's.Party ,. • Children's Village' of Snow Kids' Skating (motor-trike rides - $2.00) Party For All • Parade • Snow Shoe Tours • BYOM Barbecue • Grand Bend Scouts Hot Dog BBQ • Legion Steak BBQ • Amateur Talent with Rick Powell • Sno-Pitch • RECEPTION HALL and Chili Cook off (Residential) • Adult Beach Hockey • Snowbird Golf • United Church Luncheon • Firemen's Pancake Breakfast . • Figure Skating Ddmonstration • Waiter's Race • Turkey; Bowl ToumeY • Thursday - Seniors' Day - Legion THUR DAY TRU UNDAY SHOPPERSDRUG MART ONTARIO INTERNATIONAL SNOW SCULPTING COMPETITION FRIDAY 4 PM • 8 PM SATURDAY 9 AM • 5 PM INDOOR FLEA MARKET - LEGION Due to weather, some events may have to be'cancelled - check with Winter Carnival Headquarters 238-6776 Sponsored By' - SCHNEIDERSI 0 uliongas Marie • ('rode ROYAL UMW M N .y...., b n ..*, rt 09.914.4 CKCO 111' r.'.1Rt'pfA LUrt (11 1,11 Grant) Bend Royal Canadian t,ekiuu Branch 495 OLONIA vahmali Rotary Club of Grand Bend CEO (:FI'L•l V MLR Wegfivrt (c1trt<rurd! iNolrolf ZfrOak4 VCR ONTARIO TouRl sx