HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 20.Page 20 Tinfes-Adty ca
February 17, 7998
Bilttlr Announcements
AHBOT-I.ItOKSHE4.l. - HIE raster. Anne.
is thrilled to announce the arrival of
I:Ivahelh Carlisle 00 FRda%. January 10.
• 1948 Proud parent, are Carol and Malcolm.
Eighth ga antic Inld far Art and Marron
Abbott. Exeter ansa twelfth.grmdchild for.
John and Mary Borshell: London • 7`
• I'011l: ros, - I -ani •Wyati Cole 1 arrived at
tel 114 n' January 27. I'mh weighing 9 Ihs
t' 0/ My parent, are Ri: k :and i snnent: aft
Pon Carling Omani, 1 ann the. first grand-
child of Doug and Pat Poulion. Kippen and'
arc they proud of me' I am the 1wt 1118
grandchild til Paul ..aid •Gladys Hutchins.
9:30 aim Communion Service
Sunday School for all ages
11-00 a.m -Family Bible Hour
Thursday Evening Home Bible Stun
al.8 p.m For info, contact 229.6572
94 Orchard Street. Exete•
Everyone Welcome.
February 15 •
9:30 a.m-11:00 p.m. /.
• Worship Broadcast U.wyylr .a..,c
; on Community Channel - --
332 Huron St W
Pastor Peter Tulntnga
February 15, 1998
10:00 Erin Morning -Service
• Sunday School tor ages 3 to Grade 4
dunng morning service •
Nursery Available
7:00 p,rrt Evening Service
- Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
GJCS 1240 8:30 a.m
CKNX 92(' 10:30 a.m
Dans 7 V
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a:m
February 15 -
11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m.
Worship Broadcast
on Community Channel
en.trw re
187 Huron St W Exeter
. Pastor )(am Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek •
Sunday. February 15
Morning Worshit 9.3( and 11:00
a n.
Sunday Schoo 9.3( and 11:00 a.m
7:00 p.m Evening Fellowship
.Wednesday 7:00 p.m Family Night
, Everyone Welcome
6f+ Main Street South
- 235-2784
Minister -
Rev Daniel Roushome
Courtesy Car 235-1967
,Youth Worker Tracey Whitson Bahro
Sunday. February 15. 1997
11.00 a.m Morning Worship and -
•Sunday School -
Feb 12 8 p.m.. Chou practice -
Feb. 18 7:30 p.m.. Board and
'Session meeting
Feb 22 . Annual meeting after
A warm welcome awaits you
Comer of James and Andrew St
Sunday. February 15. 1998
10:30 a.m.
• Sacrament of Infant Baptism
Rev Cordell.Parsons
Sunday School 10:30 aim
Courtesy Car Charlie Atthill
. .235-1536
Nursery Provided •
All welcome'
P.O. Box 934
Grand Bend, NOM 1T0
• 11:00 a.m
Guest speaker: Rev. Emrique Aldaz
Sermon. Faithful Discipleship, The
• Cali'
Mark 1:1.8. ..
Now meeting at Calvary United
Church, Dashwood
For further info: contact 238.8337
Death Notices
Cads of Thanks
In Memoriams
• DVKEMAN • At South Hilton Hospital.
Exeter. Oniario on Saturdu Fehruary 7.
1998. Marjory Marion (Hull k) Dykcntan.
of Exeter Villa. (former of Osborne
Township) in her 8S1h year.pear wife uI Ihn•
late Judson Dykema' (198M. Loving.tnolhcr
of Paul and Mary Dykt(man of Lucian.
Gerald and Jane fearing of -Exeter. Roy and
M•.rityr' hyk'•irmil at Si Maty. 43pn and
Ruth Ann McIntyre of RR 2 Lucan, [lick
and Lynda Hnkansson.uf Huron Park, Bruce
and May_-Dykennn of RR I Ailsa Craig. L.
• . and' Coven Dykema') of Elgnifield Drive.
We, and Ecoids Brown lot Fanshawe Park
Road.'London. David and Lois Dykeinan 01
KR 1 Lucara: fear grandmothcrof 30 grand-
children and. 31great-grandchildren
Predeeeascd by I grandchild and .1 great-
g.rmdehild fear fiend of Elbe' Cushman of
Exeter Manor% was a charter and lite Mem-
ber cot Iilnnt,lle Women's Institute and a •
nat•ntlwr of Ehmville t. C H' Fiends called
for vt;itauun 0.11 Sunday-. February. K. at
- Diene) Funeral Horne. Exeter. Ontario.
where the laneral service was held on
Monday. February 0. 199k with kit
Cordell Parsons til Exeter United Choral
011 rat ing. 4 private !amity Interilletit at
1sete' Cemetery Those. wlshtnt 10 Drake
•memnnal contribnnons mos consider the
Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Haim]
Adult Day Centre
4 trec'will he planted
as a Irving metnonal
to Marjory Dvkenian
1 AN(:FORD-- At Cr: igwrel Garden:
- Nursing Home. Ailsa Craig on Friday.
Fehruar h. 1941, Orville Franklin Langford
of 1.ucan to his Kist veru Dear brother and
htnth:r-an-law of Hanel :and Arthur Hent tit
Air..e.,sue+:r 1.eonard and Margery t Thacker
o1.Hlansf•ard township. Olive and Percy
H11dgrt, ,, Sr Marv: and Helen and 41es
Dressier r of -I orumu, I'rcdeceasd hy a son
Inhn , 191491 .Fnend, called at the (' Haskel(
runt -Son. Funeral flonte. 1.ti-an on Sunday
where the Iumera! service -was held 1111 -
Monda. 1'ehruars t• with I'a-ttoa Heather
Scott oltt: raring • Interment Hari tinned
('enteters Donahoe, rt - the Ontario Heart
and :Clrokr Found: man world he appreciated
fly the )amid%
LE:NIC'- I'ciacetillt at 1 . Monday
Fehruary 0 1') ib . Dorothea "Dui.
(Singlenrgr'l.t•nk 111 het '1st yea Helnvetl
wilt- of )rill. mother 01 Susan Sabourie tit
Exett.r.. John and Ann Leek n! 1.nudnn
Ont ru, (,,raudtnother tit ('au1'and-Itenec
and'terein). Deal ;islet to Fahta and .Anna tit
Faagland Prede ,eatctf hy. two brother,, Tony '
and huger 4hi+ survived hs Paul On -and
- tamilti of rtl:rkham, Ontario M:uty niece,
and nephew. in England and -her heti tnend
Ann: of l:xeiet Private service 'and cre)iaa
not. Thur.das ar Foresr,Law') hie tiuinal
Chap,; London. Ontario Those wishing to
make memorial contribution, may Consider
Dorothea'. lavorrtc charity. UNICEF.. 700
Richmond Si. ).Donors. Onlanr n1 Ausahlc
Hayfield Courservan nn, kk "4. E'.xetcr.
Ontarm. NOM -1S5 for planting•of a'tree Hill
and his family wet,: • (mends- relatives
-and neighbor, it,'hts home 213 Willem, St.
Exeter iron ' to 'p.m. Thursday. Fehruary
I; 7,
HAYW ARU - trncxpc'cri•dty at Lnnalito
Health tcienee• C:e_ntre. Victoria C'anpus
1111 Saturday F•ehruar ` 14108 Gladys
111 igginfinuona • Hayward in. Grand 'Cove
Estate, (irand--lieud. formerly of North
1 ore u1 her '911,• year fie -loved wit- ut rhe
lair hdwanl Alt Hayward item, 1.,iyed
mother ant' mother-ut-law re Edward •led'
and Jan ftavwant ot RR 1 Grand Bend,
' rand., fly, ssanl•Hanuhon and her husband
Keil n• ( •unhridge Loving grandma tit
t.ukt Allison and Neal Hayward t-and.:n
.S:01- and Shannon Hamilton l)ej ;(cies
and ,rarer -to -tau ur Marron and Jack
Stncknw11 or loath Predeceased M her ester
Jean Crem:Wnu A Slennonal
Basies will ire held at the 1 Harry Holtman
A Son, f•nncral H •. Dashwood 4510
21' 15 i' a uu Salurdas f•ehruart -14. jail.
ai 1 t, m Tht. Rc% Itoht Peehlcs officiating
It desired nteinonal donations to the Cancer
Soctel\ Tran, Canada trail di charity of
china. would be appreciated ' 7:
HE:NDRICK - Sudden% at St Josephs
flealth ( entre 1. tun int Monday
1•chruars 9 199h Harold F Hendnct ni kit
Dashwood tui ht, 19th veal Helot -ed hes
hand tit Elizabeth (Finlay, Hendrick Loved
father' tit Elamc•and Wayne. Corbett ot RR 1
Exeter Allen and Cynthia Hendrick of RR 1-
Dashwood Loving grandpa ot Jamul and
Dawn Corbett. Drew hristcna and
Kimberly fiendnck Deal hmthei o1 Doreen
Dater, of Exeter and Irene Thompson of
1 eeswaet Ile will. also he missed by his
Mothers -no -law sisters-in-law: nieces and
nephiovs Predeceased by his parents Lloyd
and Dorothy (Brennen Hendrick and infant
` brother Carl Rested at the 1 Harry
Holtman A Sons Funeral Holme. Dashwood.
with vlsrta Tuesday after ' and
evening. where the luneral service will be
held on Wednesday . Fehruar), 1 1. 1998 at
1. top 1u The Res Gard Lazant nfhctaung
Interment Calvary Untied Church Cen►etery.
Dashwood If desired memorial dunatiims
10 the Cancer 'Society. Calvary United
Church or chants tit choice would be-apprc
:idled 7t
LF:N'IS - William
Douglas Lewis. rn his 71st
year. died peacebully sur -
mondial by the love of his
faintly and. friends In his
Crediton home on
thnrsdas. February 5.
1991s Douglas is survived by his loving
wile. Witold:* (Andrews, Lewis and (herr
children. Jackie and Fred Wells. Atha Craig.
Dart and Mary Ann Lewis. Ailsa Craig. D)eh
and Doug Case. Exeter. Barb and Peter
Traci. Stones Creek.' Vicki and Paul
Meadow, Delhi. Kevin and Ria Lewis.
;Ailsa Craig. I. grandchildren and I great-
grandchild. molher-tn•Iaw Viola Hendy.
Ailsa Craig and srster•Olive Hamilton of
M sauga Sisters and brothers-in-law of
Isabel and Frank MacDonald of Clinton and
Inane and Arnold Andrews of Centralia.
Predeceased by brothers Harvey and Earl
Lewis and sisters Eva McGovern and Rehr
IGihbett) Marcey Visitation was at 7'
Stephenson and Sun Funeral Hone. Ailsn
Craig. Friday. February 0 Funeral service
from Crediton Zion Untied Church on
Saturday. February 7. 1998 conducted by
key Ed Daksihanis Donallons to V.O.N
Palliative Care Volunteer Program, Hunan or
Middksex County, would be appreciated by
lhc'family A Masonry Service under the
auspices of Craig Lodge 0574 was held on
Fnday evening • 7t
BAKER - A sincere thank you to my neigh
hors and friends tot then kindness. for card,.
treats, flowers. food, visits and phone -vans
Thanks to my family for all (heir love and
s ppon. .
CLARKE - A.sincere thank you to all the
caring people who sent -cards. flowers and
sharW'fl►etr pruycr wdh us while I was 'a
patient at Hotel-Gmee Hnspilal in Windsor
and since' returning home A special thanks
10 Eugene fol his exha help and to Tont and
Rose for your surprise, v101 and support
Thanks to ;111 011 lixetei area 11nul,'and
friends lit your lova and granted.. shown
towards us at this time of need' .. . -
7` .Hoh and Grace'
COWARD - Thank you to everyone who
10 writ me. and tiro the gift's. cards and
telephone calls while 1 was in the hospital'
and smee returning Mime.
7' . . t•ve
OVE:RH01:1 - Special. thanks to My Min -
1'.. relatives and inends. lei cards. Treats and.
(lower. I received .ince ors ;urgers .41so e
;neer• think. Int your telephone call. and
'visits It was all greatly appreciated -
HAI.1. • In loving memory of Esther. loving
wife oI Modes. another tit Kathryn :indium
Cecile and Gem. David and Cinds and her
eh•nshd grandchildren
Entered into Ili• prey nee nI the lord whom
she loved. Fehruary 14. 1991
Many entered God's. Kingdom •
Because of het gracious invitation '
•Satlis mussed h, her friends and';till% 7'
ROI,LINCS - You'd thank 111 my age. I'd he.
able to figure out what tits tenuity and
friends arc up rt' Mans thank, rind hug. to
Glenn. left and Laurer for all then surpnses
on ern .htrrhdal. To ins vitunger friends"
Donna -Jun. Het and Eris lin the dinner and
the trouhled hem. you got Inc goad For
everyone at the hall. thank, Inc all the gag.,
and gilts and I hope you entoved the party as
inch as -1 ilul 11, nay -cry -worker. at, the 7. A.
urs hunters at Country Flowers, the Port
Albert pang and all -who helper( Make ins
milestone memorable. thank you' ••
,y ' r Sac
N'1:1151 -ER - wont. .anrot express our
Mantel' gratnutk to our many Inends whr•
shirred our less in. John', ••hs.g'.
Your expression, of 11.v - and :trepan rind
especial). your prayer, -have sustains d- ti.
Thank vnu oho loi-thc pone cath, visits.
donations and floral contribution, Special
thank yin) 111 out hureh tastily :uta Pastor
',evil] Rutledge and Gent] Int hang there
with us We love you ail and will never for-
get voila kindness to us
7' •lose Webster.
Angela. 41hcn and Minds
In Memoriams
HI \1'k1.F: - In loving memos ; r oui
ileal mom. Lola. who passed swat 1'rhruan
Tont slip. M, hal uxnrones-slay.
Quietly we remember every this
Loved alwt►ys. Mane. Jim and Helen
WEBER •In loving mentors. of a husband
lather and graudlalht•i. wwh, passed iawnt
Nolhm'gagcan ever lake away.
The love a Man holds dear. -
Fnnd mein ort' linger every day.
Remembrance keep. hon near •
'.Always rernemhered. Havel. •Marlyn. F.d'
and family. and Joyce and 1: Is 7'
WOOD - In memory of a beloved hu;hand.
Dai and trend Murrn. who passed away 4
year ago on February 1 1. 1994
We do not need at special day,
To bring you.elos• to mond.
the memories we have al you.•
Are with us all th••ioM -
Forever mussed and loved always..SLip
Mike.and Lonnie. (;'husk and Pain • 't
WI IRM - In'lnvtng n►t•niory ot a dear son
and father. Carl. who passed away Fehruars
I I. 1'R)7 -
(.od looked around His garden. .
And hound an empty space. -
Hr Then looked down tiptoe this earth:
And saw von' tired trice ' .
He knew Ilial von were suftenng.
'He knew that you were in pain. •
He knew that you would never get well.
l Ipon I0s earth again
Fie pot his arms :round you.
4nd hfied voti to ret
Gtiit's•garden must h• h-anMil.
He' only lake, the hest •
Mr's, von .io much. Minn. Dad. Shven and
Maths, -
r r r r r r r r r r r r
IP Valentines Dance V
V Feb. 14 r
IP i{.EnsafL Arena r
IP 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. r
I Pt -i zas and Lunch
✓ � Footloose r
✓ S6./person r
✓ Sponsored bu fiensaff r
✓ K.st ttgs r
r r r r r r r r r r r r
(:AMPKE1,1 - h: mini' n>emnrs 01 won
mother and grandma. Wendy. whr sudtlenh
passed away three vi,ar: ago- Fehruary 15
i trip
The moment Thar sol: died
Our hearts wen -split in )Sits
Thr one side filled with immune,
Thr other died with mat .
Wt• think ut von en silence.
We always speak sour maniac.
1-01 all we have are 'neurones.
And your plenum mu nuns •
We often las awake at nights
When :he world is tail asleep
And lake a walk down: mentor- lane -
Wdh )ears -mem, our cheeks
.The years we had walk you
An- worth (heir weight ur gold '
- - Thr p'y and 'atwitter that sou gayt• u., .
An. ours 0, have and hold
kenicnttxnng sour, easy til di.
We do et cyert.dat
'leu± mussing you ts a Manacle:
That neva goes meas
We hold vnu close wither uu, hearts
And there, vont will centaurs.
111 wall. !Montanan nm Iryc,
1'ntif wt meet again •
LI'sintrly .rcnten►hcred b% vuur htishand
Gary 1 rt: s . Darren and 'Taylor Derek and
CAMPBELL - 111 )ovum• nacnurruta dear
daughter -au -law Wendy will. waw suddenly
taken Iron; nit three year, ago. Fehruary
1419' .
There 11,it pia. -t; it, our hearts caticd
'Mentors Lane
In n Wendy yin' will always remain
-There is always memory always a teat
Flt a daughter -u'-law . Io't-d and 'held so
Though heaven and earth divili its
And distance seems :1 lot.
Them is a Hnwcr-Ihat grows between us
The gentle Forget -Me -Not
Forever m my heart. loved ht your mother
nolaw Shirley and lanaih
1)IETRICH - In loving memory of a dear
husband. lather amt grandlathei Heiediei
Dietrich.. who passed away . I•chru:irs 0
Always remembered and sadly iiiushed by
his wile Man and )snarly '•
IJOWSON • Iia loving -menton of a dear
husband. George.- who passed away un
Fehruary 10. 199(1
Atoms. but neveyr quite alone and 1 face an
empty chat. hut sometimes in the silence 1
u lags• he is (here. My companion fur mi
many years. no longer here with n>r and yes
in sonic mysterious way. he keeps tilt c •
Sadly miSscd and always remembered.
• 7t-
Dad, Jen.
Matt and
IP Lucan r
✓ Community Centre r
Bingo w
i Special r
Valentines Bingo r
Wed. Feb. 11 r
✓ Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. r
V Regular Game r
Jackpot Game
58 calls or less $2700 bonus
mi Total prizes $3000
mg Due to the licence regulations. qp
no one under 18 allowed to play ;
Licence 9537495
• •
• • • • • • • • •
• •
'4,000 Prize Board including two 51,000 Jackpots
With Superstar Bingo 525,000 minimum
Iskosi ems= ass*
4 miles south of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21
1 mile north of Pinery Provincial Park
INFO LINE 249-2713
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
v•Iri 1.10Z*
Feb. 14th
Happy RI, thda►
from your silt
much younger
• •-.i...- 4111,
on r
Valentine's V
Love from
all your r
r 1 . (aril} r
r r r r r r r r r r r r
Love, from
your family '
ety▪ _40c .leLL' kk_ -02(. ,1,1,-LataggL1gagmagilgigi.vYmmkta i iAnggtlitgiwalt-tq _
IHLJ1.IPIp' r .SCIYIt-111h1 ^IF O IN Ii��IEIiR5 4 Jf
✓ .
t; 4
Bruce and Ruby Stanlake of Grand Bend t
'CIq�1�1�1gL1gt.1q�1L1a•1r.1L1L1gi7Ltt•1+-1+•ti1�1�1gq.lgtQur.tgtll�ttYa�t1+ttlgt��l�1tt�tt7�tq�ltZt7�l�Ygt3 �
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzSzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xzzzzzz;r
N 14
New Year's Resolutions?
Hour about helping Young parents
Become a Parent Mentor
Families are waiting to be matched with ezperrenced parents
who can provide a sympathetic ear on parenting issues. Training
and resources provided. Mileage pard.
Cal! Ruth or Kim at 1-800-479-0716
for information package H
Time - A Priceless Donation M
Coming events
CUSTOMER APPRECIATION \afconne lea'at Exeter Brareh Lrhrtr. Saturday.
F•chruary 14 from I until 4 Please nen t.. us downstairs m the tun'✓r library.
PAN(:AKE. SUPPER it be held in lnvnt'Me-nitnat Pansh H:11' on Tursdas February
24 Iran, S to 7 p.m Scalloped meanies baked beans and haul ett. Adults bli children
• under 12 S4 (KI h-.8'
Lti(:A!' MINOR SOCCER REGISTRATION. Saturday February 2S. Saturday.
March '.0amt -12 noon Thursday. Mar,h S 5.8 p.m Lvcan arena, .!),;v1'
SEMINAR INJt'N(:IAK PSYC'HOLo(; " 1)reants and the Inner Lilt". s,'. M.ondas
evening, eom.ilel :ung March '. ' 30-4 3U p n' . Grand Bend tor lore mfonnatt to call
instructor (dig Mogensorr at h5'-4108 • -.14,4•
HORSE TRAINING CLINIC. John Lyons method M_ ,emfied mstruetur March 7. K.
.pec attar tints For any .breed or age of horse Salt•. nun-.yitdt•nl raining Phone for
• no)ce• mlonuatrun and to pre -register Seating Binned Appaloosa Xing. Parkhill. 294-
, iW44 airylrlin' 7t-
THERE'S. STILL TIME FOR 1'Ot' to register in the "Breastfeeding -Friendly''
'A orkplace Contest' Workplaces that become "breastleeding-triendls" M Apnl I. 194b
Aran be eligible to win a Night Out On the Town. which includes limousine sen t.e dm -
nee for two and bahys►lung For more information. call the Lanuhion Heahh L'mt at 3s1-
8331 in l-8(14)-(K+7.1E34 7),
1f you are interested in food. here is an exciting new opportunity. The -
Community Food Advisor program can help you learn and practice
the skills you need try. buy. prepare and store food. Sharing your
existing and new-found knowledge with others can be an Important
contribution 10 your community. Sound like something for you? Here
is how to get involved...
• Learn From Professionals • Share Your
Knowledge and.Skills • No Cost Training
To find out about becoming a Community Food
Advisor % olunteer. join us on:
Monday, February 16. -
7:30 p.m.
Mitchell Town Hall
169 St. David St.. Mitchell
(Snow Date February Iv)
Fur more information call
• John (hr al the Huron County Health Unit
at 482-3416 or
toll free at 1-$OO.265.5184.