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Times -Advocate, February 1.1, 1998 FARM1IPDATE
First Line Seeds support
new soybeans
GUELPH - The Ontario Oil and Protein Seed Crop Committee
(OOPSCCI is supporting the registration of 'eight new Roundup
Ready soybean varieties introduced by, First Line Seeds. Alejandro
Hernandez, research manager at the Guelph -based seed company.
-says the decision to support the new varieties. was made at the Jan-
uary 21 OOPSCC meeting in London. •
According to Hernandez, the decision by•OOPSCC means•tnat fol-
• lowing registration, First Line Seeds will be able to offer Ontario
soybean growersa full range of Roundup Ready soybean varieties,
across all maturities, including the only early season Roundup
Ready variety in the 2600 HU .range. "It's not the number of va-
rieties that arc supported that's important," says Hernandez. "What's
important is the fact that we will have varieties to meet the needs of
-grower,s-in-all-regions of the province." The first five varieties that
• First Linc Seeds will submit for registration are:
2601R* (at 2650 HU); •
• 2701 R* (at 2700 HU);.
280-1R* (at 2800 HU);
310IR* (at 1100 HU): and
3201R* (a( 3250 HU)
Company president. Peter Hannam. said the Committee's decision
to support the Roundup Ready varieties speaks favorably of First
Line's research and development program. "Our view has always
been to consider soybeans in terms of packages of features or traits.
The more complete the package, the better the variety. To the extent
that enhanced herbicide tolerance adds to that package, we believe
new varieties with this particular trait will help to better meet the
n eds of the province's growers."
Hannam says that First Line Seeds will also use the registration
and launch of its Roundup Ready varieties in 1998 to introduce a
new numbering system for varieties with 'enhanced agronomic
traits' such as herbicide -tolerance. The new system is based on the
maturity -area (heat units) and the enhanced trait (eg. Roundup
Ready) of the variety.
Brussels livestock sales
The sales at Brussels Livestock for the week averaging 681 lbs sold for an average of
98.75 with sales to 123 O0. •
Lambs:Under 50 lbs.
50-79 lbs.: 172.50 to 192.50: 80-94 lbs.:
140.00 to 162.50.
Sheep: 61.00 to 77.00 •
Goads: 537.00 to 592.50 -
Steers:Under 400 lbs. 106.00 to 128.00
400 - 499 lbs. 99.00 to 121.50
500 - 599 lbs: 105.00 to 120.00
600 - 699 lbs. 96.50 to 114.00
700 - 799 lbs. 92.00.10 107.50'•
800 - 899 lbs.- 94.00 to 116.00
900 and over • 96.5010 113.0()
300-399 lbs. 72.00 to 120.50
400-499 lbs, 89-00 to 114.0(1
500-599 lbs. 87.00 to 118.00
600-699 lbs. 84.50 to 105.75
700-799 lbs. 70.50 to 105.5(1
800-899 lbs: 83.0() to 94.25
900 and•over 64.50 to 96.50.
Plain stockers:50.00 to 65.00
ending Fehruray 6. 1998
Fed cattle: 480 .Cows: 313
Stockers: 1563 Veal and Bob Calves: 380
Lambs and Goats: 124
The fancy. steers and heifers sold `steady with
second cut selling 52-(8) - 53.00 lower. • .
Cows sold barely steady. Veal and Iambs
_ both traded on a steady market. Calves sold
52 (10-53 (10 lower under pressure with year-
lings selling steady •
There were 193 steers on offer selling from
87 0010 97.0010 the high -of 105 50
-Twenty-one steers consigned by Jim Ho-
watt. Londesborough averaging 1473 lbs.
sold for an average of 9430 web. sales to
Thirteen steers -consigned by Schmidt Brook
Farms inc.,Woodstock averaging 1507 lbs."
sold for an average of 89.51 with sale to •
,98.25 • -
F• ur steers consigned by Machan Construc-
usn: Monkton averaging 1296 lbs. sold for
-'-an average of 96 74 wnhsales to 98.00.
Eleven steers consigned by Kada Farms.
-Bluevale ascraging 13(10 lbs. sold for an a-
erage of 91 65 with sues to 95 50.
Four steers consigned by Karl Terpstra,
Mitchell averaging 1363 lbs. sold for an av-
erage of 84.31 with sales to 92.00.
Seventeen steers consigned by Don Culbert,
Dungannon -averaging 1385 lbs. sold for an
average.of 90 71 with sale to 91 -2.5 --
Three steers consigned,by Paul Murray. Ri-
pley averaging 1400 lbs, sold for an average
of 90 73 with sales to 91.00. •
One steer consigned by Robert Hunking. •
Auburn weighing 1370 lbs. sold for 90.75.
Two steers.consigned by John Covers. Cre-
diton averaging 1432 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of,89.13 web sales to 89.50.
Five steers consigned by Shawn McMahon.
Bluevale averaging 1092_Ihs.. sold for an av-
erage of 85.90 with sales to 89.00.
There were 262 heifers on offer selling from -
87 (x1 to 97.0(1 to the high of 99.75. ` .
Sixteen heifers consigned by Johnston
Farmsi-Bluevale averaging 1176Ibs. sold for
an average of 90.93 with sales Io.99.75. •
Three heifers consigned by Allan Thonton:
Grime averaging 1140 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 89.14 with sales to -97.00.
Fifteen betters consigned by Pete Sereda,
Crediton averaging -1 192 lbs sold for an av-
erage of 91 42 with sales to 96_75 -
Twenty-five heifers consigned by Rick Go -
vers. Crediton averaging 1267 lbs. sold for
an average of 90.82 with sales 10 96.25.
Six heifers consigned by John Smuck.
Wingham averaging (068 lbs. sold for an
average of 91.85 with sales to 96 00.
Eig)heen heifers consigned by Hugh Love.
Atwood averaging 1 153 lbs. sold.for an av-
erage of 89 12 with sales to 95.75.
Twenty heifers consigned by Gordon Dou-
gherty. Goderich,averaging 1210 lbs. sold
. for an average of 89.42 with sales to 95.00.
Twelve heifers consigned by Harold Jonker•
Orangeville averaging 1082 lbs sold for an
average of 92.80 with sales to 95.00.
Nine heifers consigned by Bill Mainland.
Arthur averaging 1315 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 87 42 with sales 10 94:00.
Five heifers consigned by Terry Murray.
Clifford averaging I353 lbs. sold for an av-
erage of 8926 with sales ,o 94.0(1..
There were 313 cows on offer selling from
320X110 57 (K) to the high of 68.50.
Twocows'consigned by Bruce Pewtress.
Wtagham averaging 1048 -lbs. sold for an
average of 60.55 with sales to 68.50.
Three herf cows consigned by RonWell.
Cargill averaging 1272 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 55.55 web sale to 68.00.
Four cows consigned by George Errington.
Auburn averaging 1251 lbs. sold for an aver-
age of 52.09 with sales to 64.50
There were 18 bulls on offer selling from
'55.00 to 68.25 to the high of 86.00.
Two bulls consigned by •Keith Backer. Wal-
ton averaging 1427 lbs sold for an average
of 85.48 with sales to 86.00
One sun bull consigned by Terpstra Farms,
Brussels weighing 1765 lbs. sold for 78.50.
There were 380 bob and veal on offer sell-
ing: •
Beef: 95.00 to 128.00
Hol' 80.00 to 92.00
Plain Hol: 65.00 to 80.00
Twelve veal consigned by John Verburg,
Londesboro averaging 662 lbs. sold for an
average of 108.07 with sales. to 128.00.
Two veal consigned by Leon Brubacher.
Clifford averaging 683 lbs. sold for an over-
age of 118.93 with sales to 125.00
Seven veal consigned by Henry Bos. Blyth
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Community Woodland Steward Workshop
hosted at Centralia College
CENTRALiA Few people offered through a partnership of lo
would argue with the fact that cal woodlot associations, steward
woodlands arc an important re- ship councils, conservation author
source in southern Ontario. They . hies, local forest consultants. th
provide economic benefit thmugh Ontario Forestry Associations. th
the harvest of forest crops and sup- Centre for Land and Water Ste
ply of raw materials .10 industries wardship of the University o
that process these products. The ex= Guelph and the Ministry. of Natura
panding ecotourism industry and Resources. Similar workshops have
recreational activities of area res- been successfully held .in Kempt-
idents contribute significantly to ville and Orangeville areas. -Par-
the local economy and arc dc- ticipants, have commented very fa -
pendant on•the presence of natural vortbly on the benefits of attending
areas--for---quality-outdoor • ex -these -sessions including knowl-
periences. Woodlands are also of edge and
critical importance to the health of
our natural ecosystems, providing
habitat for wildlife, filtering runoff
and playing other vital roles that
contribute to ecological health.
A Community Woodland Stew-
ard Workshop will take place at
Centralia College from February 27
to March 1. The workshop is being --
offered with the goal of enhancing
community level knowledge of for-
est management principles and
practices in order to encourage in-
formed and sound management de-
cisions by woodlot owners. Re-
ductions in funding over the past
couple of years has reduced the
availability of government services
providing advice and assistance to
private woodland owners. It is
hoped - educational opportunities
such as this one can help to offset
the reduced access to information
by providing participants with val-
uable woodland management
knowledge that will be of benefit to
them and which can be passed on
to their neighbors or other members
of their community. The program is
• portunity to network with other par-
. ticipants.
People interested in participating
c. should have some basic knowledge
e of tree species and broad resource
- • management principles. They
f should be- willing to commit to
1 some type of follow up that will
help further knowledge of re-.
sponsihlc woodland management in.
their.conlmunity. Cost of the work-
shop is $95., which includes over-
night accommodationfor two
nights and meals. Participation is
from residents of
op -
south -
Denfield Livestock Sales
Market report lir February 3. 1998.
The market at Dcntield traded on a gout demand at fully steady prices on
all classes of fed cattle according to quality. Cows sold steady. veal steady,
stockers strong, sows and boars higher.
Don Eedy and Mark Vanderploeg. Denfield sold 10 heifers. average
weight 1377 lbs, average price 99.08 with sales to 109.25 purchased by Clark
Bros. and 101.50 purchased by Norwich Packers.
Brian Pelleboer. Wyoming sold 4 steers. average weight 1376 lbs., average
price 96.72. • -
Ben Kleeman, Parkhill sold 15 heifers, average weight 1211 lbs., average
_price 91.52.
Ross and Henry Duff, Croton sold I5,steers-. average weight 1380 lbs.. av-
erage price 93.55 w ith sales to 101.(X) purchased by Norwich Packers.
Tim Kerrigan. Wyoming sold 5 steers• average weight 14061hs., average
- Norman Hodgins. Parkhill. sold -30 steers, average weight 1471 lbs., aver-
age price 90.26.
Gord. Hardy. Lucan sold f0 steers. average weight 132(1 lbs.. average price
91.73, sales to 97.75 purchased by Holly Park.
Choice steers: 92.00-96.(0, sales to 101.0); Good steers: 88.00-92.00:
Good fed Holstein steers: 78.00-84.00:
Choice exotic cross heifers: 92.00-98.00, sales to 109.25;
Good heifers: 85.00-90.00: Common and medium: 65.0)-80.00:
Good cows: 50.00-58.(0, sales to 65.00; Canners and cutters: 43.00-50.(X1:
Shells: 20.00-35.00; Direct to packer cows over 600 lbs.: 1.10.00;
Direct to packer hulls: 112.00: Choice Holstein veal: 85.00-98.00;
Good seal: 80.00-90.00; Plain veal: 65.00-75.00; . •
Good Holstein hull calves: 85.00-135.00;'Sows: 30.00-39.00:
Boars: 25.0)=30.00.
western 'Ontario. -
The Huron Stewardship Council
is willing to sponsor attendance by
several participants from • Huron
County. If you .arc a Huron resident
and interested in attending, please
contact Steve -Bowers as soon as
possible (by February 18 at the lat-
est) at 519-482-3428 or 1-800-265-
For general information about the
workshop Or to register if you arc
not a resident of Huron County,
contact Dan. Schaefer at 519-773-
The 122nd Annual Meeting of the
Members will be held In the
of McKillop Mutual Insurance
91 Maln Street, S., Seaforth, Ont.
Wed., February 25, at
1:30 p.m.
• To receive and dispose of the 1997
financial and Auditors Report
• To appoint Auditors
• To consider and enact proposed
amendments to bylaws 430, 33,
• To transact any other business that
may properly come before the
• To elect Three Directors
• The retiring Directors are John
Tebbutt, Matthew Haney and Walter
McElwain: All are eligible for.
re- election.
• Any person wishing to seek election
Or reelection as a Director must file his
intention to stand for election in writing
with the Secretary of the Company at
least seven days in advance of the
Annual Meeting. (Bylaw No. 21(d).
James Cardiff,
Secretary -Treasurer -Manager
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