HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, February 11, 1998 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Winter fun. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school students enjoyed a perfect winter day for the . winter carnival on Friday of ternoon. Above, Julie Met= calfe held on tight while Dave Desjardine pulled her along the crazy carpet course. Left, Bryan Morley shed his winter jacket for the sack race. Luncheon part of Winter Carnival plans alsrr`dtscus cdcsuggestions were and hostess. Hardie' Pancake supper planned St. Pauls has planned a pancake supper for Feb- ruary 24 at 6 p. m. in the parish hall. • By,Marlet Lewis Granton correspondent GRANTON At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Fehru' ary .8. Pastor Normalic Voakes enti- tled her sermon 'RSVP' teased on the lessons -front isaiah"6, I Corin- thians 15 and Lukc 5. Lunch fol - 1 iWettitt 'ervirnd-then-the-an= nual congregational meeting was held; .chaired by Voakes. Marilyn Humphrey was the secretary and the presbytery. representative Rev. Bruce Scott was also. in attendance. April Bryan was appointed as the new treasurer. All reports were re- • . viewed and approved: - There was no service .at St. Pauls- Anglican-Church, aulaAnglican-Church, Kirkton because of the Fcumenical service. at the Kirkton Woodham, Community Centre which involved- the three churches plus the scouting and guiding movement groups. St. Pauls has -planned a- pancake supper for -February 24 at •h p. m. in the parish hall., - Unit 'one met at noon on Thurs- tlal February 5 for a pot luck lunch at Amelia Jameson's place Cathie Wcstman opened the meeting with lesson thoughts on 'There is my neighbor'. Plan, were made for the next meeting and the Lenten lunch- eon -series will he held at Granton United Church on March 4 at 12 noon. Audre ' Wcstman chose Amazing- Grace as the theme. ba- the' rthe' prop -ant. and Madeline Hardie concluded -with a. pushing word contest. Unit 2 met at Brenda Hardie's home on Monday -evening Fchruar President :-Pani Have. opened with'a reading arid led the business when further plans were made • for the hot social after church on Feh- GRAM) BENZ) - Twenty -tour women attended the United.Church \\ Omens meeting., Thursday atter- no<tn. I-chruary 5 in`thc Sunday. Schiiol room. President Evelyn Johnson welcomed everyone. Hazel Broad opened the worship period.. withprayer. SJie read ,t story •01 a nrnc year. old Welsh girl.. Mary Jones..whr> in 1793 wanted a Bible. and her struggles to get one. From tht, a meeting held in London. 1•.n'jland in 1804 led to thr roma- non of Bible societies. . Jovcc Thompson talked about bereavement. Secretary Berne Keyes Was hack alter :Several weeks of. holidays. Thc roll call was answered with a Biblical -verse with 'love' in it. Plans were finalized for .the Winter Carnival luncheon held at the United Church on February 14. The World Day .of Prayer will- he held March (, at Dashwood United Church r Happy Anniversary was sung tor Annie Moroni who observed her and Hugh's 57th wedding anniver- sary this month. The women pre- sented her with a plant Lunch hostesses were Doris Bestard and Norma Walper. Thc theme on February. 1 at Grand. Bend United Church was "Thc Power that is Love " Rev. R. Putman's sermon tope. * was "We have this ministry". He spoke to the - children about many things the could love. Thc scriptures "were read by Millie Kane. • The United Church Women mill he serving lunches - of soup. sand- wiches and pie at the church on February 14 to celebrate the Winter Carnival. Thc- cosi will he SS for people 13 and over; and S3 for chil- dren. • Thc theme_ on February $ at Grand Bend United Church was "Imagine My Surprise" Rev. Putman spoke to both children and adults about how God calls them to, do things The scriptures were read by Edna Frampton. . A Lenten Bible Sttidy •(vill he held February 11 at 7:30_p.m. at the church. Thc Session .and Board ot. Stewards will meet on February 12 at 7:3(1 p.ni. at the church. There were Ili tables. of•cuchrc when Grand Bend Golden Agcrs met on Januar 28 at. the Legion Hall__- .- Winners were: ladies high - a tie between Mare Moser and Madeline Swcit-r.ct: Ladies low - Aileen Ravellc: Ladies Ione hands - .a tic between Cathy Junkcr and Simone: Mcns high - Claude Leroux: Mens driw -.Verna Lovie playing a man's card; Mcns most. lone hands -:Ross Connell. Thc next euchre games will he held February 11. 7:30 p.m. at the Legion hall. r 1/'/41r-/rIr r"r irur. r�ir.�r�,r._ rNirPr r` r rrr * 4 *w4*w4/wt3w4*w4*w4* 4*w4*w4Sw4* 4 / 4* 4* 4/4/4/ 4* 4* 43w4 Ow4 AAA r 4 Does your cupid like Books? The Times Advocate has fully restocked shelves GIVE THE GIFT THAT LASTS IP Children's IF Historical- " Humorous r Sports CHECK OUT Served lunch , - Unit 3,will not he having a'regu- lar-meetini in February.' C ouh Bakery 387 Win St. S. Exeter 235-2626 Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat.Feb. 11,12,13,14 . White Bread 2/1.29 Cinnamon Buns 6/1.95 Crusty Buns 6/.59 And for your Valentine: Sweetheart Cakes, Cupcakes, Raspberry Mariannes & Heart Cookies, large medium & small'_ THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOI. BOARD JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION February 23-27,1998 In order to register for Kindergarten, children must be four (4) years of age on or before December 31: 1998. Parents are required -to bring the Baptismal Certificate, Birth Certificate and Immunization Record Card of the child you intend 'to register.. Parents should contact their, local ,school. The following schools offer -Kindergarten classes: , St. Joseph's School (Kingsbridge) 529-7646 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Mt. Carmel) 237-3337 St. Joseph's (Clinton) 482 -7035 - Precious Blood (Exeter) 235-1691 St. Mary's (Goderich) 524-9901 - St. James (Seaforth) 527-0321 St. Boniface .(Zurich) 2364335 - Sacred Heart (Wingham) 357-1090 . - St. Patrick's (Dublin) 345-2033 . - St. Patrick's (Kinkora) 393-5580 Holy Name of -'Mary (St. Marys) 284-2170 St. Mary's- (Hesson) 595-8929 St. Ambrose School (Stratford) 271-7544 St. Joseph's (Stratford) 271- 3574 St. Aloysius (Stratford-) 271-3636 . . Jeanne Sauve School (Stratford) 273-3396 Parents who expect that their child will enrol, in the optional French Immersion -Program in Grade 1, in future years: have the potion of enrolment for Junior/Senior Kindergarten at- either their local Catholic School or the French Immersion Centre (St. Marys School. Goderich or Jeanne Savv0 School, Stratford) at which they expect to enrol their -child for a French Immersion programa Ronald Marcy Chairperson of the Board Gaetan L. Blanchette, Director of. 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