HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 7.tnemhers may ohtain a ballot and
pay their fec..:at• Williams'
-Haitst"yliag at -262-3217. -or bY'
Phoning Sv.hille Schaufler at 262-
3431 or laneth Sangster•at-262-
-2715 - I f you received .your ballot in
the Anal' please brine your ballot
and membership fee.tti the meeting,
Phone Svhille' Schindler_ foi more
detail. It is:of great importance
that ,ail ii embers attend this•.meet(-
• ing.
• Helen MacLean .chaired the
ehru:iry meeting of 'the F rieu tshtr
('trete and opened .with thr poem
—,C" -Winter' s' Valentine- Mona
Alderdice was Iii chttrgc•o.f dcvot.
tion. and opened With. vile -hymn-.
-Father 1.cad Me !)a%. by•f)a�
The' theme was kindness and't•att
Inc -
Thc %irld 1)ay 'of Prayer Will he -
held -in the ('arme1 Presbyterian
Church on Marcli 6 and 'sevcrd of
• the members volunteered to read it.
necessary .
Thirteen members -and two
tors answered the roll call, with
what they dislike Most ahotit sprung
- cleaning. .
Patti Down, yell() i pro('rani
manager 'for the adult' day centre.
• was guest speaker and spoke on •the
"lin-% ..Away •
pr(igram for
Alzheimer s Diseasi and related
conditions -She conducted a=quit -
with a few true or false questions
She was 'thank . Hele_ ri
-Mae' "carr
Hazel 'Corbett and -Shtrle\
Times -Advocate, 'February 11, 1998 • Page 7
McAllister -served •a Valentine
Dessert and a_time of feII %'ship
.was enjoyed • - • •
('(Snit out ancf Y isit with your
friends.or make new friends al the-
Hensalrand Area Comtnuntty-Drop
In Tltr nest Amp. in. will he held
February 19 at th-. Hensall tinned
.('hureh -
The tta' he,ein. with -foot -care at
I.(i_,I.nv Contact -Mart ('ole at.262-
2304 it .vou-are interested in st•hed-
cling an appointment . 1.unch.wil l
he served in 12• noon Guest speak-
. cr. will. he 0 1' P Constahlc
Brennan:and a representative irom
the Victorian Ordc.r tit •Nurse -s. The
day -wraps up .with game. of cards
for those who wish to stay -
• `Fhc" cost i. S4 Per, perSon It
required: transportation can he pro_
sided,. to Blake reservation\.con-
'tact• Marg. ('ole at 262-23.04 Tor
--Shannon Dougherty of ',Faye
_Skinner. at 235-025h by noon on
-Fehruar\ 16 This event is "spoil::
sore'd tt\ ,Town .and Country
Support. -Services and local volun-
The deadline for -purchasing
Hcnsall.tlog tags is approaching.
'nags. must he purchased by March
15 n; avoid a late payment -charge:
'f ac niaa • he obtained at the
Hensall Municipal Office.
. A reminder to properly.owners
within:the Village'iif Hensall. prop;
erty lazes- arc due Fehruar\ 15..
taxes .must he pant at '1hc•
Municipal Office. 108 King Street -
t *1144
• Women's Walking Shoes from S34.99
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• Children runners priced from $9.99
Ideal for Spring & summer
• Samsonite & McBrine Luggage up to 50% off
392 MAIN ET. EXETER • :.35-1933
Well spoken
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school -,named its best, public speakers last week. In the senior
competition, back -row ,from •left: Colleen Glavin (third). David Zwambag (first) and Mike
Brand (second). In the junior competition: front row ,from left: Brandon Baird (third), Blair
McCann (second) and Skylar Van Osch (firsi).
Horticultural Society schedules annual meeting
By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent,
HENSAL[. -A. progressive
.euchre will he held-at:tht: Hensall
community Centre on February -I
at 1:30. pin Prizes and lunch will
hc-:provided Thi, event• is spon
soretf h_v Hensall Seniors. •
Rev _ Kevin Steeper was the nuii- -
isicr .at C'arniel Presby teri;rn .
Church. -His sernion was. entitled
"Do Yon Mean Mc Lord'. The
offering was reecrveii by H•nrry •
Smith and Rohert BeJI: .lovee
'Pepper-wa:: the organise WI the
ministry of song -
The annual'mcetint will- he held •
nn .Fchruary- 12 at h p.m at the:
church. The P.C.\V. met -Monday.
eVening .with Marilyn C'aniphell••
Presiding Secretary Cathy Bell
re;itl the minutes and roll call: The -
worshrp service was con.ducte;tl hN•
.-Marg Var1ey A Valentin a lunch
'..was_served hs Lola Nixon and -
Greta Baker
At -Hensall llnrii_d 'Church.
Nancy Frakr--r was the minister.
• Mark Gm -lough. was the organist
and l;arry F;ider was the lector. Kay
and Ken Elder were the ushers. The
children's hvnrn "We .a-r_6_the.
church" was suns ' • -.•. •
- .The memorial doors were dedi-
cated. Dave 'Camp -hell Nancy
: Fraser and the'congrceation took
part in this service
Joe Wooden was the speaker at a
workshop held titer the service. • •
11 you. arc •interested In learning
to quilt Call 262-3207: The next
,quilting meeting. will he held on
Fchruary•• I 0 at 7: 3() p.m .
if you know of a shin -in or a new
family or someone who is ill Or
bereaved call Audrey Christie for a
visit at 262,2221..
For a ride to church call Cecil
Pepper at 262-2201.
On February 15 there: will he an
important meeting of• the steering
conimtttec.- •
.Citi. February 22 Lord Baden
Powell's birthday_ will he observed
with members of the Scouting and
Guiding movement taking part.
The •annual General .Meeting of
the Hensall and - District
Horticultural Society Will he held
on Fchruary 16 at 8 -p.m. at the
Hensall Unitcd'Church. This.annu-
al meeting is an important event as
a vote will take place. You must be
a paid=.up member to votc. 'New
We wish to draw your attention to the
following in our current "Save Now"
Page 12. Heated car scat cushion. 31
1464-4. K -Tel has recalled inc 12V
Masseur Cushion with Heat due to
senous safety concerns.. Product will
NOT be available and no rainchecks
will be issued.
We with to draw your attention to the
following in our current "Stonswide
Sayings:" flyer
Page 9. Item II. Bookcase shell. 6K -
0763x. Copy should read 3 shelf
bookcase. NOT 4 shell.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience
we may have caused you
enotep05/306-98 zonas all
Exeter Seniors
concerned about
health bill
EXETER - February 2 was the
regular monthly meeting .at the
Legion for Exeter -Seniors. A
potluck. supper :was held at 6 p.m.
with the meeting at 7 p.m. The,hatl
was decorated with hearts. Vice
president Lois Ma:ails. opened the
meeting with a poem about
_.Valentine's nay. •
• Birthday greetings were sung to
Elsie Jcuy and Marion-Frayne.•
'The guest speaker. was Patti
Down who is manager for -the
—Alzheimer's Day Away Program
from the Huron Adult Day Centre. .
Get well -cards were sent to Lila
Ellis. Kay Blair and ,Lorraine
Wchher. .
Bingo players. for February were
Eldon and Alva .Heywood. Shirley
.Wright and Jean Noels.
Door prizes --were won by' Ruth.
Sehrina and Ella. •
A bus will he .going to
Huronview nn February IR, leaving
the Legion at 1 p.m. The group will
take cookies and supply entenain-
ment-for Huronview's monthly
birthday party. • -
ShirleY Wright will represent the
•group at the Big Brother/Big Sister
'bowling .at Zurich. Shc has .offered
t•o -do this many times' for 'the -
Seniors group: ,
- A letter from IJ.S.C.O.-was read
about Bill.C'9.1, concerning drug
benefits. pharmacy fees. prescribed
drug andfotxl concerns. .A drafted
letter was sent from. which copies
weremade for the duh memhcrs to
sign and send a. message to Allan..
Be a hobo for
Lucan Scouting
1st►CAN - Even a poor hoho can
afloc(l to eat well ai the Ici Lucan
Scouting Hobo Supper 1riiin 5 •
m.-7"• 30'p. m. on,Feh. 19 ar the
Lucan Scout/C,Uldc. Halla .-
Hungry hobos. can- feast on chili
for :S 1.5(.- a hritdo tr►r 51 and a
ehilidog for 51.25. Top supper oft
with•a drink for 25c and a shceot
homertiadc pie for 51. - .
Proceeds go towards Lucan
Scouting programs: -
Point -to Donder
by Rev. Vernon Dean
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
ime for another quiz - this one haN three question,,
1) where did you come from? 2) where are you go-
ing? and 3) why are you here? You have 60 sec
Plato declared that all of life is wrapped up in these three
questions. .
Have you ever thought that for many people - life is just a
endless cycle?
Start_with birth, growing up, being a teenager, then an adult,
getting married, having children and then dying. Our kids,then
-repeat the cycle. SQ'what is the point of it all? _
I'm glad that.as a Christian. "don't have to wonder about Pla-
io's three great questions. The Bible tells us where we came
from and where we are going and most importantly, why we are
here. Revelation 4:1 I indicates that we.are here:for the pleasure
of God. !,suggest that we receive the greatest joy and happiness
when we discover our primary purpose and design Life is not
a meaningless cycle but an adventure in discovering alhthat
God has designed in us that will bring pleasure to
Him. "1 became a Christian on January 14, 1966,, !`
thirty-two years ago. While -there have been ups
and downs along the way, I wouldn't trade this
adventure foranything. i know why I'm here and
wherr I'm going.
Alzheimer Walk for Memories -
Thank You for Your Support
The Alzheimer Society of Huron County wouic like to- extend -
sincere Thanks and 'appreciation' to air Sponsors. Volunteers.
and Participants of the ."Walk for Memories" which took place at
the South Huron District High School in. Exeter. Januar- 24, M
1998. County -wide, we successfully_raisec over $7.900;
Special thanks to:. Donuts NoW. Exeter; Erh.'s County Kitchen. N
Zurich; Seip's valu=mart, • Exeter:: Seyler's Ftiodland, Zurich Tim H
Horton's, Exeter: Brett Bauer. -St lobi .Arribulance. South Huron w
District High School. Exeter.
N Prizes: "Highest number -of Pledges" winners:- - . w
1st - Georgie Hockey, -2nd - Bob Raper: 3m Wendy Herbert. H
H Door prize winners: Molly Cronkwright H
.a zzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzzzzxzzzzzxzzxxxxM
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