HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 6Tinges-AdPocate, February 11i 1998 • TAM! Y CROSSWORD 5 ACROSS t t:vat,• " 6- -C• .• . 11 13 - 15 R 16 17 18 :�. • 20 21 24- 26 29 ..;: 31` :. 37. ^vier.: • . - 39 . . 40 41"r•- 44 • - 64. 68. c., • 70 73. A -. 74. P,. .. 75 P„ ', : i 76 • DOWN. • 2 3 4 f- 4 32 n. 33 r (. ;r.;r,• 36. App • rr 38.. An,,•r' 2 was 42.•Su000r 43. 4utno•.Ferhe 46. P.:n? , nor'.' 48 Ner. 0r6Pa/is fe, npr 51 Saving -via-a-v- 52 7,nn,a.1•. 56 . a^^..a;e deer 58. 'F',, nam, ,r Rayeirr art': r^IPC!;. I,r:r ft/Pok 59 60 61. ' 63 65 9 '.'a' 66 0 sits.. 67 •1 -.69 45 a; , 16 1� ...; • a: . 47 '22 R .' 50 t. • y: 53 - r 23 sa ,, 2s , •rn� 26” heat: n •2 • - 5 59 6. .. +tic=: '•' ar • • 711 • 72 Dashwood W.I. • DASHWOO!) - FOn Fchruary. 3 'Dashwiiod Women's Institute' met at the hall the Twecd:muir. meeting convened by Maud Hoff - Man. Descriptive factsabout Wiar- ton Willie. signs of spring and fes rive pork goat were given followed by a poem " Yesterday" rc.t l by Al-- dene Wolle. June Rader read there- - port. here- port and Kacthc Frciter the •treasur- - cr'\ report. The Roll Call -"Tell about your -childhood horne where you lived ,and present da) home" • with• interesting detailed inform:(-. ti ► During • the . husincss - members • wcrc,-reminded about hostess .i'iti tear the Ploughing Match. rhes W.I workshops at Sr, Paul, and Londe. hon+ to make a patchwork "+c.t. hceswax candles. and a .hroomsuek (Irill. COrrespondetice was read. - The program consisted ut tlic ntotlo• "Every' (lay iii our hie is a . day in.history . Live it Wisely ". Tel- - !Thom. pictures were displayed with a contest - changing. words to numbers. A log hook• and Orli hloik were. shown. -Instruction to- .prescr-c- ncw-sprint clipping ani nee (lour paste were read. . Members pal- eipalttd in many :ycrses of ''Huron County 1(1(1 vicars acre,7 and today• its townships and. existing/proposed names of !once. soon, N arid S of county road g-;.• hitch g*:iyc an cxanlplc oI. "isn't rt. funny r•. - During lunch. locations of child - hoi►d home: were handed in. Rtrtli (fay Wish!' were sung- tot Alden.. \\ otic acid • Dorothy Rcstcniayc! Valentine quit and yersr e.rn.'ludr.: ' a social evening The girls at St. Bonlface school in Zurich swept the public sneaking competition on Fridat afternoon: Senior winners. hack row from left are: Candace Becker (first). Jenna McKinnon (second!. 'and Amanda Van Aaken (third:. The Junior winners. front -roil from left are: Michelle Denomme (first,. BrP,anne BP.Cker Sf'COrid) Natalie Love (third) N H N: 11 H 14M FOUR CAN DINE H H H. 04. H FOR $14.99, M N' - _N N includes 2 Extra Value Meals' H of vour'choice d N' M 2 Kids Happy Meal HCorrespondent celebrates : . of your -choice & 4 desserts a4vallable daily from 4 p. n: to !.dose. 57th weddingiversa Eznrres Fee 78/98 , annry N OMS at Exeter L'fzzzzzzx zzzszzzzzz zzzzzzzzznzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzszzzzzzzxxt. H H (y\fl aidrH • ■ it By Annie Mnrenz Shrpka correspond/mt.. SNIFF:-•\ Siy tapir. (11 euchre were to Play al Shtpka-C o,ni,titimr% Centre on Fchruar.y 1 Winner, were•, La(1'tc,s•hiih Madeline Nwelt/cr. Ladies/low - Slrirte Durr., Ladies lone hands Mary Moser: Mens- high - kation Clarke•: Men: low - Roy Wardle: Mens fine - hands - Harold f inkhcmci -The next euchre reanle'..wili he. held Fchruary 17 at 7:1(1•11.nt • Svrnpathy .Is c'xpres.cd to Rlo,, Keller. and John and-Beycrlc•y Kclicr. to the death ()t their hrc►the . • rn .•-Robert Felt/. of :\rise Craig The Funeral service. was held' 411 • 7101 ` Lut_hcran Church: •i)ashwooll.- o1 January 2(+ 'Happy hirth(fa. this 'mititlr f,• kart Miller and Melvin Stade Rest wl.hc- it, John •and :Sandy., Dlcirrch :es.thcy celebrate their at)tl) -1 4 eddine anniversary [h4. numu, , LeOta Snvdcr'-pent last wee►, Ir, I:c',n(1on V'1111 ifauttlitcr 1'sihet an(! ht i. Sir-. and son at),: Steven• Hugh' and Ann ohscrvcd their 57th •wcddin, anniversary Its.; ,Sunday: kchruar•• f Thc\ 'cnioy e(t .upper, out" with -- friend, itisfriend, ansa Ianl,ty. Lartis and-ph(ine cal -ll. and Solr gatne..•lhc' wcr_ 'married al th:• t•niied Church' manse in Hcnsal i- by Ih gat: Rc• . R.A. Brunks •an;i tilt 'weatt -I yea- nrec af1tl,.illnnl_. hilt r11tICt. cOldci ` and more snow :\nni:k- s parent.. `\\ cele% and J:Snr Ann Coleman held a wedding supper i(N about3ui reariyc. at their. earth home -served by netghh(,r women.. Hugh'. broth- er Roy- and .AnnAe-s sister N•laiy were their attendants ivloreni-s youngest sister Shtrlcv (DCII,. aged Iwo years. was baptized -during sup • - perrtnic ' CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION asks • WHERE YOU BANK, do they allow you to share in the profits they makes Or do they keep It for themselves WHERE YOU BANK, do they reinvest your :deposits in the Community') Or do they send it to- a Head Office or to a foreign country - • WHERE YOU BANK, do they insure each and every individual RRSP-s or RRIF you have to $60.000.00? Or do they only insure the total of all RRSP's or RRIF's to $60.000.00? AT YOUR CREDIT UNION, YOU share in the profits. YOUR deposits are put back in• to: the -community to our borrowing members. and YES each and:every one' of your individual RRSP's and RRIF's are insured to $60.000.00. CHECK OU5 T THIS RATE 0 FOR 15 MONTHS Annual Interest Paid at Maturity CaII Us For Details We will keep your investment in the community. 48 Ontario Street CUNTON 482-3466 • nm T 118 Main Street North EXETER 235-0640 SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1952 Capsule Comments Hith Ernie Rliatello Ir.trrest,nk theorN fr,-.- •r„ -! ` yyhe -dr nate biood have -.I:' ' ,,r• , r,\\/ ce "o hear disease than triose, y\' /( .onn • 1: �.ee-rnTh that meet! ris4. IS ilighe• nar1ia'1% calf, tr they hi g,he.• storage-. levels r,' ,/Orponi'91'ng.bi(lne rp(Ue (l'• :hel(' Because wnmer menstruate. the art- il'wwo - . - - i>, r,: . ray +uachines :ire now tle;ne., tester;. Advantages ('xam'.. Tess neer ,ffr• retake < aro bette' ane.more ilex di •••ped .mages. The resl.lfs eleCtron.Cair( arr.- tle ser.: anywhere it thf' vvorlc via .the Internet.. ' - Tn' ng to lose weight")' Reduce your. TV watching Mer ,who, w:a?ct- -a: !east -three hours_ of teleV(sror'. -day are tv\;i(e as (+i(el\ tc tut obese as those who tatol- less tinar ene hour. The 'reaslr- •:rc. naturally, the inactivity Pi:: a!se- the exposure to an those Icor, ads to 074 fodo that stimulate the appetite. ;.,test ttgl re!=• about the ens n''rnarket;ng..a,new drug: -sa- takes 12 \ears and S..3_")e- ri. r' r(,r t(.- hang a- drug •trorr thf Fe search lahor,,tnn to the hands of the patient - - HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 " 440 Main St.. Exete- 'Your.Hearti .`are Pharmacf • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I ; s Emu rf Commu'ni-,ty»Profiie T) ' Trines -Advocate coverage area is the heart of one of the most dynamic and heavily populated areas outside .of the city of London. , This fact is often understP'ted and unrecognized by • 1 residents inside this area as well as those frofn other . communities. - The.purpose of the Times -Advocate Community. Profile is to give local businesses and industries the opportunity of .promoting themselves. . It will also be used as, a promotional toot for our. ► local municipalities who will ,all receive additional copies to send out 3s part of their information package. to anyone who wants to know more about us. - With the investment of an advertisement, the Community Profile will provide you with a unique opportunity to,have the story of your business told in an editorial format Included with each advertisement is a story/photo article of equal size at do additional investment. • Community Profile will be distributed with the Times -Advocate and an additional 1500 copies will go to area municipal offices. We believe it will be the largest special edition we will publish this year. • This is an excellent opportunity to let thousands of people know what your business is all about. ADVERTISING RATES 1/4 page - 5" x 7 3/4" $215 1/2 page 5" x 15 1/2" $380 full page 10" x 15 1/2" $659 This section will be published late April or early May, 1998 TO DISCOVER HOW WE CAN SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS CALL BARB CONSITT OR CHAD EEDY AT 235-1331 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •