HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-11, Page 51T'.S 1011R BENINLSS_ Exeter Lions support downtown parkette Times -Advocate, February 11, 1998 Page 5 The parkette, which could be completed by summer, will host numerous community events By Qgawtlall van Raay T -A Reporter /EXETER - .The 406 Main Street project, which has been in dis- cussion for a number of years is ft- nailY becoming a reality. • With financial aid from the Exet- er Lions Club the help of spear - .heading fundraisers, it is anticipated that the parkette could finally he completed by mid -summer. "The Lions Club has endorsed.the project and said yes to . it." -'ex- plained beautification chair John Wuerth, adding the Club -will match funds from the . town• and the EBA • of $30.000. • The Lions CIuh will spearhead a fundraising • campaign- in the local - area for the purpose of raising funds for the. project. 'Fundraising for the project is expected. to begin this spring. Lions members John- Ste- phens. Ted Jones and Bill Carson will lead the campaign.. "With the help of the citizen. of • the community we. will sec this dream become a reality ." said Ted Jones: EBA member Tom Scip. is op- timistic the - community • can raise • the funds needed to make the park a - reality. . "This is not a large sunt to he raised by -a-town the -size of Exeter for such a worthwhile project." he said Wuerth th agreed. . . better. . "London is coming closer to us "The more money we raise, the all the time. It's a great project'and .more intricate it can become," he said.' • The project is one the EBA beau- tification committee has been working on for the past three years. They hope to start construction by this spring so_ that. the parkette I think we . need to he positive about this. "We're seenas an aggressive,' on-going, forward -thinking -town.". said Wuenh at the January busi- ness meeting. "We're just scratch- ing the surface," he said of the could be corn pleted by . . mid- -parkette. • summer, r witt-he-a-funetional-parkette The. Parket meeting place and as a focal paint for the. heap of the town. it will hold :community events, such as .music and drama . festivals while maintaining parking spaces .; for downtown. 1 Business Directory, AUCTIONEERS MUUSSEAO AOCTION SBRViClS Mensal! Ont. 411 types of auctions. . Complete service. Will purchase partial or complete estates. Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 236-4558 ************* **** *. Filson & Robson * 4 FULLY LICENSED & * * BONDED. CALL OR FAX * * (519) 666-0833 4 3 Auctioneers for the * * Price of 1 4 * With modern equipment * * Pickup and sell complete * * or partial estates 4 * Specializing in Farm, Real *ii 4( Estate and General Sales * REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 for downtown." he added. "'it will. he a focal point where various or- ganizations can perform." While the parkette isn't the Cad-. iliac project that was initially dis- cussed. Wuenh said the mote mon-- cy fundraised for the -Project the Plans for the parkette arc in its fi- nal stages. Shrubbery will line the arca. an open concept pavilion/ handshcll will host concerts and plays and a walkway will trail from one side of the parkettc.to the other. According ti)- Exeter's building official Dave Moyer, the parkette will further enhance Exeter's park system and. community. recently recognised nationally through the tr u4JJ ftinetinn ac a Communities in Bloom .competi- tion.. ""hie Exeter Beautification Com- mittee. Council and the FBA were thrilled to. welcome the lion. as a partner in the project." Moyer said. • Ice storm unds Raising funds. Carol MCNaIi, right, rang through the groceries for Shawna Soudant and her daughter Presley at Seip's valu-mart Monday morning. Customers of Seip's valu-mart donat- ed more than $1,000 to help victims of the ice storm. Seip's, matched the. donations dollar for dollar; sending morethan $2.000 to the Red Cross for distribution. Beautification Committee already -busy for spring New southend entrance sign on the agenda By Chantal, Van Raay T -A Reporter -EXETER - While the. weather. may cause you to think otherwise. the EBA beautification committee_ is already thinking -about spring. The baskets. barrels and flowers • for Main Street were discussed at the February business meeting. Beatification chair John Weurth said the number of barrels on Main Street will. go up this year to 65 from 57 mainly because more har- rels,will be put further north and in front of the proposed parkette at 406 Main Street. The barrels. baskets and flowers. from Plant Paradise in .Exeter will cost about 51(1.000 .to purchase. maintain and del,ver.•said Weurth - The money ' wilI come from heau- tifieation funds The proposed flowers and plants to he used for 'Main Street this year are impatiens of fuschia: pink and red with spikes in the, centre. The suggestion of using ivy and ge- raniums was alst' discussed - In other business Also discussed at the meeting was the option of either installing a new south -end entrance sign or re- vamping old -Christmas dccora- --tions Because Christmas decorations are only up?for a short time. -11 was expressed that a permanent wel- come sign might he -more beneficial to the town. \iii Ni •.,r:;.,�,, •.ti Vii. 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