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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Council seeks
toll-free service to
closer communities
EXETER - Mayor Ben Hoogen-
hoom rci ttved correspondence --
from Bell Canada indicating toll -
tree service to Ilderton will he
available for Exeter residents in the
fall of 1999.
Exeter council discussed the let-
ter at its regular :•ueting last Mon-
day night. Deputy Reeve Dave Ur -
lin suggested it would he more ,
beneficial to have toll-free access
between Exeter. Grand Bend and
Zurich than llderton. Councillor
Robert Drummond thought Clinton
should also he added to the list in
light of the county services Exeter
residents access from Clinton.
Council passed a motion to send
a letter to Bell Canada seeking to
have.the local toll-free arca extend -
cd to Grand Bend. Clinton and.oth-
cr communities as may be identi-
Bills for Bell Canada customers
have increased an average of $2.57
per month to pay for upgrades in.
Oh, swany
Cold seat. This Trumpeter
swan was the centre of at-
tention at Morrison Dam
Conservation Area on Friday
afternoon. Though rare to
the area, the swan wasn't
in any danger out on the
ice., 'Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority in-
formation/education tech-
nician Kristi' VanDongen
said Ministry of Natural Re-
sources staff in Clinton as-
sured her the swan could
take off from the ice unless
it was injured or frozen on
the spot. The swan took off
after a couple of hours rest.
Be mine. Biddulph Central
School Gr. 5 student Joel
Desmond hands his sweetie
Amanda Mills the Valentine
they made together. Re-
member to think of your sig-
nificant other this week and
mark Valentine's Day on
Saturday in style.
Hot Foods
To Go
High schoo
students receive Td Polio vaccine
Bryan Evans, a Grade 10 student at South Huron District High School in Exeter, felt the full effect of the Td Polio vaccine administered by Diahe Dawson
of the Huron County Health Unit on Monday morning. More than 130 grade 9 and 10 students received the polio, diphtheria and tetanus booster.
EXETER - Grade 9 and 10 students at South Huron. Dis-
trict High School were shot Monday, in the ann that is. The
students received the Td Polio vaccine to protect them
against three serious diseases: tetanus. diphtheria and polio.
The Td Polio vaccine is given to people seven years or
older and a booster. needle is required around the 15th birth-
day. Alter this. only the tetanus and diphtheria (Td) vaccine
is given every 10 years.
Although the diseases 'the vaccine protect people against
are rare, they arc serious, according. tollhc provincial Pub-,
lication "Immunization —'Your Best Protection.”
Tetanus is also called lockjaw. It is a serious disease that.
can happen if dirt with the tetanus germ gets into a cut in
the skin. Even with early treatment, tetanus kills 20 per cent
Of its victims.
Diphtheria is a disease of the nose. throat and skin. It can.
cause breathing problems, heart failure and nerve damage.
'!'en per cent of the people with diphtheria die.
Polio is a serious disease people can contract front drink-
ing water or eating food with the polio germ. This disease
can cause nerve damage and paralyze a person for life. of-
ten causing problems in walking. Some people die of polio.
Fortunately, the Td Polio vaccine protects nine out of
every I0 people who receive all their needles.
Serious side effects Bunn the Td Polio vaccine are rare.
Mild pain. swelling and redness are common for a few days
at the spot where the needle was given. A few people may
get a mild lover. lose their appetite or feel tired for a day or
Call your doctor is any% of these symptoms happen within -
threc days after the needle: hives. swelling Of the face for ,
mouth. breathing „difficulties:, very pale color and serious
drowsiness, high fever (over 40 degree` Celsius or 104 de-
grees Fahrenheit). convulsions or seizures or other serious
health problems at any tir)re.
If the student is ill with -a fever or'inlection worse,than a
cold, the doctor or nurse may decide not to give the vac-
cine. Anyone with a serious allergy to antibiotics called ne-
omycin. polynryxin B or streptomycin, or who has a serious
reaction to the vaccine before. should not be given' the Id
Polio vaccine.
Lucan getting $425 tax hike?
Provincial downloading numbers point to either less
services offered by the village or a massive tax hike
LUCAN - If the province doesn't throw money into helping
municipalities deal with downloading, Lucan taxpayers
could be in for a $425 tax hike.
That's the newest understanding of the ever-changing
numbers from the province village council has atter they
debated the impact of the latest 'Who Does What' update
at last week's meeting.
Middlesex County released a formula rundown of how
provincial downloading will affect each of its member mu-
nicipalities. Lucan will need $165,030 from the province in
its Community Development Re -Investment Fund to make
downloading 'revenue neutral' as the province claimed it
would be. If Lucan doesn't receive the extra money from
the province, council would have to hike taxes about $425
per household per year to make up the difference and pro-
vided the same services.
Administrator Ron Reymer said Lucan mayget lucky
when it comes to a handout from the province.
"The chances of getting substantia? help from the prov-
ince is better with a large need than a small one," he said.
"They can't ignore that."
Biddulph and McGillivray Townships have an even great-
er need. They would need $569,206 and $811,905 re-
spectively from the Community Development Re -
Investment Fund to make the downloading revenue neu-
If Lucan and Biddulph were to merge, the entire tax base
would have to absorb those costs.
"I think we should hold off on amalgamation for a few
years," councillor Perry Caskanette mused.
Become a Big Brother/Sister.
See Crossroads - Second front
Lindsay Parsons to skate in Milan
See page 14
Local businesses support C.O.P.
EXETER - Two Exeter husi-
ncsseS have provided the equip-
ment to get Exeter OPP's C.O.P.
program (Citi/ens On Patrol) off
the ground. •
MacLean's Radio Shack donated
a police scanner and cellular plume
in cu -operation with Bell Canada
and Exeter Canadian 'lire donated
four spotlights. four binoculars and
kit hags from Canadian "tire. The
equipment goes to tie tour arca
(' O P..prugrarns in Exeter. Zurich.
Hcnsall and (ntraia-Iluirorr Park -
t:xeter 01'1' ('ons?. Liam Brennan
said the Exctcr ('.0.1'. branch has
45 volunteers and will start their
Tate night patrols hy• month's end
once the cell phones arrive from
Bell Canada. The'. Zurich. Hcnsall
and Centralia area programs are
"lagging" behind the Exeter one in
interest with only eight, seven and
six volunteers respectively. ,Bren-
nan said.
C.O.P. volunteers patrol neigh-
borhoods io their comrmrnities in
pairs for a few hours during one
late evening/early morning. a
month. When the pair discovers
susprcruus activity. they call the
OI'1'- an the cell phone and never
intercept suspected criminals. i he
spotlights and scanner will help out
in their patrols.
Brennan said C.O.P. programs -
work hest when there are 60 or
more volunteers so pairs stay up
real Lite only once per month. Vol-
untccrs will get to pick which
nights they go out on patrol de-
pending upon date availability.
"I'll take as many people as 1 can
get." Bierman said of the amount of
volunteers he's looking tor.
11 interested in volunteering for a
C,O.P. program in your com-
munity, call lircn'ian at (519) 235-
( 00..
Helping C.O.P.S. Exeter OPP Const. Liam Brennan, right, happily accepts equipment from Ex-
eter Radio Shack's Gary MacLean, left, and Canadian Tire's Randy Stanlake and Diane Simp-
son at the Exeter OPP detachment last week.
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