HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-04, Page 2220 Property for Rent EXETER - one " and two bedroom apartments from S375 up, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (45tfo) HENSALL: 1 and 2 bedroom apts., fully carpeted fridge and stove, paved parking, 7V cable, ere. Special rates for seniors. 13th month rent-free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603. (I2tfn) • RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious.2 bedroom apartment for' rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and _stove available. Phone 236.4607.(33tfi) 2 BEDROOM APT. - Carling St. Exeter. Fridge and stove supplied. Cleaned and painted. S495.00. Phone 235-0512. (18tfn) ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS from 5349.00 in Exeter. 235-3509. (28ifn) - •' OFFICE/STORE FRONT - Commercial space for rent. Main Si:. S. Exeter. 235-1462.(3(tin) • EJ(ETER-19RHt'ND-1f00R - 2 bedroom.. rpt. available immediately. ('all 263-2180 (37tfn) Property for rent Exeter Country Meadows 3 bedroom homes, new building management Phone -235-4694 HENSALL - 1 bedroom 5376./month including heat. 2 bedroom $406/moatth. - Available -immediately. 12th month free. CalI 263-2380. (42tfn) SMALL 3 BEDROOM house available December 1/97. Call 235-1756 after 6:00 p:m. (46tfit) AVAILABLE NOW One bedroom.' apartment with dining room. Heated. fridge • and stove supplied. $375.00/month. Call 235-1354.:(45tfn) ; • GREAT VALUE - large one and two bedroom units available in a clean quiet building. Call Jackie 262-2234. (47tfc) DASHWOOD - 1 & .2 bedroom' apts. 5395.00 . and 5450.00 monthly. includes appliances, laundry facilities available. `Call RF./MAX Bluewater Realty Inc., Marlene Parsons at 235-3777. (03tfn) EXETER - 1 bedroom upper, level .of duplex. 5325. monthly plus heat and utilities. (519) 565-5641.(50tfc). FOR RENT PUERTO PLATA DOMINICAN ' , REPUBLIC: - Condo in Luxury Hotel, Sleeps 4. All inclusive 4450:00 per person per week., 15min. -from Airport. Some space available , Feb. and March Call 235-3293 20 Property for Rent 91 Motor Home - For Rent 97 C Class. 29 ft. loaded, rent daily, weekly or monthly 236-7169 tai; & 2 BEDROOM .UNITS - (lose to downtown. Ideal for seniors. Clean. 235.3.573.(SOtfo) EXETER . - • 2 - bedroom ' house. S600.00/month available January 1. Phone 235-0382 after 7 p.m. (02tfn) rREDUCED RENTS! First and 24th months rent- free deal. large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in _Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Call Exandarea Meadows r Co-op at 235-3382. ,;, 1 EXETER - Large bedroom 'apartment, newly renovated. No pets. Call 235-3293. (03tfn) 1 1 FOR SALE - 3+2 BEDROOMS ONLY $125 900. Spacious raised ranch on 1/2 acre lot in quiet community of Brinsley. Fully finished lower level; Municjpal water, 'excellent for large or growing I - 20 Property for Rent APARTMENT . 2 bedroom, bright; cheerful boradloom. Treed lot, highway *4, 2 miles south of Exeter. Tiled bath, vs heat, large livingroom and kitchen. S410., plus monthly. References required 235-0392. (4tfn) EXETER - Sorrell 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, new windows; heat included. 5600. Phone 234-6262 evenings. (04tfn) COTTAGE/HOME - - 20 min. . from Tobermany. Sleeps 4. All conveniences. Non-smoking. No pets. Close. to National Park trails. 519-596-2824. (05-08') RFIMIX LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED CENTRAUA - 1$t timer's home - large fenced lot. 2 storey brick. 4 bedrooms, large country kitch- en. 2 baths, high eff. furnace, air, what more for a low price.- - NEW LISTINGS. HENSALL - HAY TWP. "150 acre cash crop farm,. with. new home. BLANCHARD TWP. - 2 - 100 acre cash crop farms. LUCAN - New one floor ranch, 2 car garage, great for retiring farmer. GIBSON CRES., LUCAN - 8 new model homes starting to be built. Prices from 1124,900 to $150,999. Going fast. • - • • CREDITON - 2 large lots,• ,with gas, water;.cable. 1-29' x 250'. LUCAN-Kleinfeldt - 2 - one floor bungalow's. with gas, air, . fin- ished basement. Price $118,900. - LUCAN Nicoline - one floor bun- galow, finished to the nine's. spotless: $114,900. •• LUCAN - Harold Ct.--4.bedroom, 2 storey home -on a quiet court, spotless,'2 baths. : AILSA CRAIG - 4 level backsplit, 2 baths, fireplace, garage, done up nice. - • Member of Re/Max Platinum Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker 439-1400 family Call Today!! • - paaiatimminiaNatmmatatata.a ya,4,4.am e•ayc, FOR FURTHER -INFORMATION CALL. 10U5_ HOTLINE AT 679-5443 AND I r ENTER LD.k3699. > 1 STAN" FRANJKOVIC,-The 'Farm- Boy Associate Broker 1 IG.K• Realty (519) 471.8888 sutton group -preferred 1 and Insurance Inc realty inc., realtor .J ie. L 4 r Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE For The estate of Milton Lightfoot at 258 Pearl Street, Parkhill, Ontario on Saturday, February 7 at 11 a.m. kiln Deere 110 garden tractor, air compressor, buffalo drill press, shop vac. Mikita 300 mm planer (like new), bench grinder, B/D radial arm saw, Chop Smith combination saw, roller stands, jointer, Eastwood Braze N Spot welder, jigsaw, hammer stapler, electric cords, large._ quantity of clamps, antique gas motor, large gas motor, air paint sprayer, skill saw, hand sander, hand planes, bicycles, battery charger. quantity of hand saws, Creepie, Workmate 200. Mac tools and box,. brace and bits, B/D work wheel, extension ladder, hammer drill, bench vise, quantity of lumber, come -along, floor jack and stands, hoes. shovels, bifold doors (new), electrician pouch, utility trailer. NOTE: Mr. Lightfoot was in tfie electrical business for many years, so there is a large offering of articles pertaining to this busine§s. TERMS: Cash or cheque w/proper ID. Owner and auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Lunch available. Sale to be held at the house weather permitting. If bad weather sale will be moved to Corbett Community Centre, follow the signs. ' COULTER AUCTIONS Bruce Coulter 294-0585 Brett Coulter 237-3120 , • ESTATE AUCTION SALE of excellent variety of tools, tractor, antiques, 'misc., etc. For the estate of the late Norris DesJardlne. Lot 1 Con. B, Stephen Twp. 1 ml. E. of Grand Bend on old 81 Hwy. (Grand Bend Line) Saturday. February 14. 9:30 a.m, . Sale Inside if necessary TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENTS; Ford 8N tractor, 3 pt. h., (excellent condition), M.H. 2 fur. 3 pt: h. plow, 5' rotary mower, 3 pt. h. blade, small disc and plow for garden tractor, harrows. TOOLS; Vertical air compressor with large motor, power hack saw, table saw and extension, grinder, floor jack, hydraulic jacks, impact and power tools of all kinds, acetylene torches, propane torch heater, Snap -on torque wrench DFI box Wrenches,' KO tap and die, testers, impact sockets, sockets of all kinds, large gray adjustables, chain saws, welding bench and vice, wooden benches and horses, approx. 50 hammers, hand tools of all kinds some Mr. Desjardine made, also old wrenches, clamps, chains, dritl press: battery charger, etc. ANTIQUES & HORSE EQUIPMENT; 10 sets of hames with brass tops, horse collars, collar tops, horse bells and spreaders, bridles and harness parts, whipple trees, neck yolks, shafts, hay car, old car wheels, moose horn, metal seats, milk bottles, odd dishes, lantern and lamp globes, school desks, chllds wagon and sleigh, lawn ornaments, yard sticks, old tools, road signs, some other furniture pcs.bag carrier, cream can, etc. Wail 2 new composters, chains, nuts and bolts, electric cords, electric motors, threaded rod, pulleys, ladders of all kinds, garden tools, cart and oil pump, MTD roto tiller, air hose, nut and bolt bin full, rope, boxes of all kinds of parts, screw nails, etc., rolls of vinyl woven fence wire, plastic water hose, 6" Held tile and fittings, windows, barrels, blowers, quantity of lumber, bikes and parts, storage fridge, buddizzor, plus all kinds of misc., bus seats. This is a large Interesting sale, Mr. Desjardine collected for years. Plan to attend, dress warm. TERMS; Cash sale day or approved cheque, • Auctioneers: Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 4 E r 1= r 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 L 4 jg r STING God starter or eNEWment bungalow. Near shopping in Exeter. 2 or 3 bedrooms. newer roof. replacement windows, good basement, large lot. Asking $89.900. Cdll Dwayne T.nney'. L t`s i )e NEW LISTING - 3 or 4 bedroom brick. close to schools/shopping/rec centre. Gas hot water heating; newer kitchen, 2- 3 pc. •baths. lots of closets Asking $106.900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney, NEW LISTING - 1979. 12' x 68' Commodore mobile home. w/10' x 16' addition. on rented lot 52. Webbers r 4 r L is Lid L r s r Trailer Park, 1 1/2 miles west of Exeter, newer oil fumace. Clean park w/paved street. Asking 521.900. Call Dwayne i Tinny.9 r Lli bedrooms. lots ofspace. large fenced yard. Family room w/woodstove. Gas heat, central vac. Attachediarage. Asking 5147.500. Call Dwayne Tinney'. f I GREAT FAMILY HOME - in Exeter, 4 • 10 t r r t r ,14 GOOD RETIREMENT HOME, close to EXETER - 3 bedroom brick, 1 1/2 storey, near bchools. Oak kitchen, gas neat, attached garage. plus workshop. $139-,900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney'. L downtown. 2 bedrooms. bricked in I sunporch, deck, full basement, in good 1; condition. 4109.500. Call Dwayne Tinny'. r t m Sales Representative Dwayne Tlnney 235-3889 Times -Advocate, February 4, 1998 Page 21 COLDWELL BANKER ALL -POINTS REALTY SERVICES Pat O'Rourke (RES) 237-3762 EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-1449 1, as CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M.J. Chanyi e-mail; porourke@hay.net GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237-3182 • plEs1235-1077 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT wwadv. mil s.cat TO VIEW ALL OF OUR LISTINGS AT VOUF2 LEISURE Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr@hay.net direct line toll free (1-800)-342- 7217 Days or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. NEW I-ISTING CURB APPEAL GALORE with this, 4 bedroom Dashwood home. Plenty of natural wood trim'and hardwood floors HuKe lot over 200 ft deep Efficient gas heat. 589,900. Pat ('Rourke Sales Rep- SMART ep SMART BUNGALOW 3 BEDROOM with replacement Windows, gas -heat, new floonng, attached arae and .largge area' waiting for ttnishing. Asking 598,000. Call M.J. Chanyi • Sales Rep. , HUGE FENCED LOT :153 OFFERS PLENTY OF PRIVACY for your family "Large'wrapai- and rear deck 4 bedrooms Nice quiet street in Exeter. Now rued at 596 91N) V,it ('Rourke Sales Rep LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME' 7 CUTE INIMACUI.ATE BEGINNER HOME in Exeter Hardwood Floors. living nom Os fireplace. Nice private lot. Easily affordable with payments as low as 5586.25 per month for principal and interest Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep for your view•in NIOVE-IN CONDITION 4MIl1111 41111m IMP ' BEDROOM , new bathroom, main floor laundry. large country kitchen: new ,arpeting. hi-eff ,gap heat Asking S99.90) Call M J Chanyi Sale. Rep IGHLY' MOTIVATED VENDOR hots ust reduced this home al 160 Sanders St. W. Exeter by 515.0(0 to S114,90) Huge kit - 124' fron(age x 115'. Gas heat •Call today or your viewing .appointment Pat' n'Rodrke Sales Re. Ruth Zielman-Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr@hay.net PERFECT RETIREMENT HOME NORTHLANDER w (h • 4 : season .uranium, 5 appliance., maintenance. tree. m,txcelrent condition Large utility shed. double paved drive ready for otc; upanr.. Asking 566,(x)0 Call M Chan,: Re • WANTED - All types of farm properties. Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep. for a free market evaluation of your farm. 100 ACRES. BIDDULPH TWP. - 98 acres workable - mostly systematically tiled. Good clay loam. No -creeks. 50 ACRES,- USBORNE TWP. = 5 bedroom home: 'Great property_for thebeginhing Iiiig'farmer. Barns and shed. 325 ACRES- .' - 300 acres; workable - all systerriaticaliv tiled - in 3 parcels in Hay and Stephen Twp. - - VERYTHING YOU WANTED iN A OUNTRY PROPERTY and now pnced t 5169,900 Newly renovated 3 bedroom.. 'as heat, central air, newer" barn and 'enced paddock. .Large Shed:",tndabove Il comes with a fabulous view of lake luron i'at ('Rourke Sales Rep PLENTY OF OAK TRIM - huge master bedroom'. Large living room. Spacious family room on lower level with ga. fireplace. 2 bathrooms. Central air. Ideal property for retired or professional couple Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep.. ' IN THiS ATTRACTIVE DASHWOOD HOME - Nice bright eat -in kitchen overlooking rear deck 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Huge tamdy•room on lower level.Plenty of closets and storage space Huge lot backing onto open fields. Only 5112,901) Pat ('Rourke Sale, Rep NEW GAS FURNACE READY TO MOVE IN THIS 3 BEDROOM ZURICH HOME .anordable livirfg with payments al; low .n S482.111 per .month' for pnncipat and interest 7.1 pavmcnts tl.�vhy y e r,unn t t - more' pa ie is 3 1, mints r.' ,,barn. v 'u :an lice here Iht. heapIs (all Pat O'Rourke :ales Rep for your chowutF VENDOR WANTS OFFER Ir . EXCELLENT BEGINNER - two her., n- North lander on it: .own treed 10) 17 Hensall. Uhhty .lied. excellent condition Asking 5„+:900 Call '.t 2 (. ham i S,iles Rep , 38 ACRES iN HAY SITUATED RIGHT ON HiGHWAY +►A4,_ hush lot with 11 acres workable, a river for fishing. This is not a building lot Asking 5),9(51 Call M.. Chanvt>,rlesRe . $$FARMERS $$FARMERS $$FARMERS We have European cash buyers and local buyers looking for land in Huron, Middlesex and Lambton Counties and Exeter area. If you want to know what your farm is worth in today's market call: JERRY ZEHR Direct Line TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217 days or evenings. URGENT: Buyer looking for farm in Hibbert Township and area. REDUCED TO L011I.R PRICI wo storey uric commercia .ui .ing located in business core. 2 apartments on upper level. Owner wants an offer. JERRY ZEHR Direct I.ine (519) 236-4712. COL NM) II0\11 O\ ; 1(Ri ti It is time to make your move to the country. This home features: 3 bedrooms, newer windows and furnace, huge shed w/concrete Boor. 599,000. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. GR\\DBE\DCOL\TRi HO\IE '11N i, ai Four bedrooms, 2 washrooms, fireplace in living room, 40x30 workshop with concrete floor and hoist. North from The Bend. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236- 4712. ' NF1\ 1 I' 1 I\(. Enjoy retirement or your first home in this spectacular Brucefield bock bungalow. Sunken living room with fireplace, patio door off dining room, full basement. Located on well treed lot. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. BUILDING LOTS t.OT FOR SALE Lots of lots to choose from in various • locations. Gall JERRY ZEHR Direct Line . (519)236-4712 for more information. REDUCE[) 10 $122,900 ountry ving on. 1 e et ge (of Dashwood). Three bedroom house, attached garage, 35x58 concrete block work shop with cement Boor. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519)236-4712. EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLOWELL BANKER AFFILIATES OF CANADA A 1 HURON PARK L RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX 2,3 & 4 bedrooms, Detached and . semidetached Bungalow or two . storey -homes: . Available for rent at -reasonable rates. -- large yards. and park area • friendly quiet community, - walking distance to public school, swimming pool, skating rink, grocery store, restaurant and post office: . • FOR FURTHER - INFORMATION PLEASE CALL (519) 228-6657 1 1 FOR SALE - 3+2 BEDROOMS ONLY $125 900. Spacious raised ranch on 1/2 acre lot in quiet community of Brinsley. Fully finished lower level; Municjpal water, 'excellent for large or growing I - 20 Property for Rent APARTMENT . 2 bedroom, bright; cheerful boradloom. Treed lot, highway *4, 2 miles south of Exeter. Tiled bath, vs heat, large livingroom and kitchen. S410., plus monthly. References required 235-0392. (4tfn) EXETER - Sorrell 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, new windows; heat included. 5600. Phone 234-6262 evenings. (04tfn) COTTAGE/HOME - - 20 min. . from Tobermany. Sleeps 4. All conveniences. Non-smoking. No pets. Close. to National Park trails. 519-596-2824. (05-08') RFIMIX LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED CENTRAUA - 1$t timer's home - large fenced lot. 2 storey brick. 4 bedrooms, large country kitch- en. 2 baths, high eff. furnace, air, what more for a low price.- - NEW LISTINGS. HENSALL - HAY TWP. "150 acre cash crop farm,. with. new home. BLANCHARD TWP. - 2 - 100 acre cash crop farms. LUCAN - New one floor ranch, 2 car garage, great for retiring farmer. GIBSON CRES., LUCAN - 8 new model homes starting to be built. Prices from 1124,900 to $150,999. Going fast. • - • • CREDITON - 2 large lots,• ,with gas, water;.cable. 1-29' x 250'. LUCAN-Kleinfeldt - 2 - one floor bungalow's. with gas, air, . fin- ished basement. Price $118,900. - LUCAN Nicoline - one floor bun- galow, finished to the nine's. spotless: $114,900. •• LUCAN - Harold Ct.--4.bedroom, 2 storey home -on a quiet court, spotless,'2 baths. : AILSA CRAIG - 4 level backsplit, 2 baths, fireplace, garage, done up nice. - • Member of Re/Max Platinum Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker 439-1400 family Call Today!! • - paaiatimminiaNatmmatatata.a ya,4,4.am e•ayc, FOR FURTHER -INFORMATION CALL. 10U5_ HOTLINE AT 679-5443 AND I r ENTER LD.k3699. > 1 STAN" FRANJKOVIC,-The 'Farm- Boy Associate Broker 1 IG.K• Realty (519) 471.8888 sutton group -preferred 1 and Insurance Inc realty inc., realtor .J ie. L 4 r Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE For The estate of Milton Lightfoot at 258 Pearl Street, Parkhill, Ontario on Saturday, February 7 at 11 a.m. kiln Deere 110 garden tractor, air compressor, buffalo drill press, shop vac. Mikita 300 mm planer (like new), bench grinder, B/D radial arm saw, Chop Smith combination saw, roller stands, jointer, Eastwood Braze N Spot welder, jigsaw, hammer stapler, electric cords, large._ quantity of clamps, antique gas motor, large gas motor, air paint sprayer, skill saw, hand sander, hand planes, bicycles, battery charger. quantity of hand saws, Creepie, Workmate 200. Mac tools and box,. brace and bits, B/D work wheel, extension ladder, hammer drill, bench vise, quantity of lumber, come -along, floor jack and stands, hoes. shovels, bifold doors (new), electrician pouch, utility trailer. NOTE: Mr. Lightfoot was in tfie electrical business for many years, so there is a large offering of articles pertaining to this busine§s. TERMS: Cash or cheque w/proper ID. Owner and auctioneers not responsible for accidents day of sale. Lunch available. Sale to be held at the house weather permitting. If bad weather sale will be moved to Corbett Community Centre, follow the signs. ' COULTER AUCTIONS Bruce Coulter 294-0585 Brett Coulter 237-3120 , • ESTATE AUCTION SALE of excellent variety of tools, tractor, antiques, 'misc., etc. For the estate of the late Norris DesJardlne. Lot 1 Con. B, Stephen Twp. 1 ml. E. of Grand Bend on old 81 Hwy. (Grand Bend Line) Saturday. February 14. 9:30 a.m, . Sale Inside if necessary TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENTS; Ford 8N tractor, 3 pt. h., (excellent condition), M.H. 2 fur. 3 pt: h. plow, 5' rotary mower, 3 pt. h. blade, small disc and plow for garden tractor, harrows. TOOLS; Vertical air compressor with large motor, power hack saw, table saw and extension, grinder, floor jack, hydraulic jacks, impact and power tools of all kinds, acetylene torches, propane torch heater, Snap -on torque wrench DFI box Wrenches,' KO tap and die, testers, impact sockets, sockets of all kinds, large gray adjustables, chain saws, welding bench and vice, wooden benches and horses, approx. 50 hammers, hand tools of all kinds some Mr. Desjardine made, also old wrenches, clamps, chains, dritl press: battery charger, etc. ANTIQUES & HORSE EQUIPMENT; 10 sets of hames with brass tops, horse collars, collar tops, horse bells and spreaders, bridles and harness parts, whipple trees, neck yolks, shafts, hay car, old car wheels, moose horn, metal seats, milk bottles, odd dishes, lantern and lamp globes, school desks, chllds wagon and sleigh, lawn ornaments, yard sticks, old tools, road signs, some other furniture pcs.bag carrier, cream can, etc. Wail 2 new composters, chains, nuts and bolts, electric cords, electric motors, threaded rod, pulleys, ladders of all kinds, garden tools, cart and oil pump, MTD roto tiller, air hose, nut and bolt bin full, rope, boxes of all kinds of parts, screw nails, etc., rolls of vinyl woven fence wire, plastic water hose, 6" Held tile and fittings, windows, barrels, blowers, quantity of lumber, bikes and parts, storage fridge, buddizzor, plus all kinds of misc., bus seats. This is a large Interesting sale, Mr. Desjardine collected for years. Plan to attend, dress warm. TERMS; Cash sale day or approved cheque, • Auctioneers: Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666-0833 4 E r 1= r 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario (519) 235-2420 L 4 jg r STING God starter or eNEWment bungalow. Near shopping in Exeter. 2 or 3 bedrooms. newer roof. replacement windows, good basement, large lot. Asking $89.900. Cdll Dwayne T.nney'. L t`s i )e NEW LISTING - 3 or 4 bedroom brick. close to schools/shopping/rec centre. Gas hot water heating; newer kitchen, 2- 3 pc. •baths. lots of closets Asking $106.900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney, NEW LISTING - 1979. 12' x 68' Commodore mobile home. w/10' x 16' addition. on rented lot 52. Webbers r 4 r L is Lid L r s r Trailer Park, 1 1/2 miles west of Exeter, newer oil fumace. Clean park w/paved street. Asking 521.900. Call Dwayne i Tinny.9 r Lli bedrooms. lots ofspace. large fenced yard. Family room w/woodstove. Gas heat, central vac. Attachediarage. Asking 5147.500. Call Dwayne Tinney'. f I GREAT FAMILY HOME - in Exeter, 4 • 10 t r r t r ,14 GOOD RETIREMENT HOME, close to EXETER - 3 bedroom brick, 1 1/2 storey, near bchools. Oak kitchen, gas neat, attached garage. plus workshop. $139-,900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney'. L downtown. 2 bedrooms. bricked in I sunporch, deck, full basement, in good 1; condition. 4109.500. Call Dwayne Tinny'. r t m Sales Representative Dwayne Tlnney 235-3889 Times -Advocate, February 4, 1998 Page 21 COLDWELL BANKER ALL -POINTS REALTY SERVICES Pat O'Rourke (RES) 237-3762 EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. 235-1449 1, as CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M.J. Chanyi e-mail; porourke@hay.net GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237-3182 • plEs1235-1077 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT wwadv. mil s.cat TO VIEW ALL OF OUR LISTINGS AT VOUF2 LEISURE Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr@hay.net direct line toll free (1-800)-342- 7217 Days or Evenings ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. NEW I-ISTING CURB APPEAL GALORE with this, 4 bedroom Dashwood home. Plenty of natural wood trim'and hardwood floors HuKe lot over 200 ft deep Efficient gas heat. 589,900. Pat ('Rourke Sales Rep- SMART ep SMART BUNGALOW 3 BEDROOM with replacement Windows, gas -heat, new floonng, attached arae and .largge area' waiting for ttnishing. Asking 598,000. Call M.J. Chanyi • Sales Rep. , HUGE FENCED LOT :153 OFFERS PLENTY OF PRIVACY for your family "Large'wrapai- and rear deck 4 bedrooms Nice quiet street in Exeter. Now rued at 596 91N) V,it ('Rourke Sales Rep LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME' 7 CUTE INIMACUI.ATE BEGINNER HOME in Exeter Hardwood Floors. living nom Os fireplace. Nice private lot. Easily affordable with payments as low as 5586.25 per month for principal and interest Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep for your view•in NIOVE-IN CONDITION 4MIl1111 41111m IMP ' BEDROOM , new bathroom, main floor laundry. large country kitchen: new ,arpeting. hi-eff ,gap heat Asking S99.90) Call M J Chanyi Sale. Rep IGHLY' MOTIVATED VENDOR hots ust reduced this home al 160 Sanders St. W. Exeter by 515.0(0 to S114,90) Huge kit - 124' fron(age x 115'. Gas heat •Call today or your viewing .appointment Pat' n'Rodrke Sales Re. Ruth Zielman-Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr@hay.net PERFECT RETIREMENT HOME NORTHLANDER w (h • 4 : season .uranium, 5 appliance., maintenance. tree. m,txcelrent condition Large utility shed. double paved drive ready for otc; upanr.. Asking 566,(x)0 Call M Chan,: Re • WANTED - All types of farm properties. Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep. for a free market evaluation of your farm. 100 ACRES. BIDDULPH TWP. - 98 acres workable - mostly systematically tiled. Good clay loam. No -creeks. 50 ACRES,- USBORNE TWP. = 5 bedroom home: 'Great property_for thebeginhing Iiiig'farmer. Barns and shed. 325 ACRES- .' - 300 acres; workable - all systerriaticaliv tiled - in 3 parcels in Hay and Stephen Twp. - - VERYTHING YOU WANTED iN A OUNTRY PROPERTY and now pnced t 5169,900 Newly renovated 3 bedroom.. 'as heat, central air, newer" barn and 'enced paddock. .Large Shed:",tndabove Il comes with a fabulous view of lake luron i'at ('Rourke Sales Rep PLENTY OF OAK TRIM - huge master bedroom'. Large living room. Spacious family room on lower level with ga. fireplace. 2 bathrooms. Central air. Ideal property for retired or professional couple Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep.. ' IN THiS ATTRACTIVE DASHWOOD HOME - Nice bright eat -in kitchen overlooking rear deck 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Huge tamdy•room on lower level.Plenty of closets and storage space Huge lot backing onto open fields. Only 5112,901) Pat ('Rourke Sale, Rep NEW GAS FURNACE READY TO MOVE IN THIS 3 BEDROOM ZURICH HOME .anordable livirfg with payments al; low .n S482.111 per .month' for pnncipat and interest 7.1 pavmcnts tl.�vhy y e r,unn t t - more' pa ie is 3 1, mints r.' ,,barn. v 'u :an lice here Iht. heapIs (all Pat O'Rourke :ales Rep for your chowutF VENDOR WANTS OFFER Ir . EXCELLENT BEGINNER - two her., n- North lander on it: .own treed 10) 17 Hensall. Uhhty .lied. excellent condition Asking 5„+:900 Call '.t 2 (. ham i S,iles Rep , 38 ACRES iN HAY SITUATED RIGHT ON HiGHWAY +►A4,_ hush lot with 11 acres workable, a river for fishing. This is not a building lot Asking 5),9(51 Call M.. Chanvt>,rlesRe . $$FARMERS $$FARMERS $$FARMERS We have European cash buyers and local buyers looking for land in Huron, Middlesex and Lambton Counties and Exeter area. If you want to know what your farm is worth in today's market call: JERRY ZEHR Direct Line TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217 days or evenings. URGENT: Buyer looking for farm in Hibbert Township and area. REDUCED TO L011I.R PRICI wo storey uric commercia .ui .ing located in business core. 2 apartments on upper level. Owner wants an offer. JERRY ZEHR Direct I.ine (519) 236-4712. COL NM) II0\11 O\ ; 1(Ri ti It is time to make your move to the country. This home features: 3 bedrooms, newer windows and furnace, huge shed w/concrete Boor. 599,000. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. GR\\DBE\DCOL\TRi HO\IE '11N i, ai Four bedrooms, 2 washrooms, fireplace in living room, 40x30 workshop with concrete floor and hoist. North from The Bend. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236- 4712. ' NF1\ 1 I' 1 I\(. Enjoy retirement or your first home in this spectacular Brucefield bock bungalow. Sunken living room with fireplace, patio door off dining room, full basement. Located on well treed lot. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519) 236-4712. BUILDING LOTS t.OT FOR SALE Lots of lots to choose from in various • locations. Gall JERRY ZEHR Direct Line . (519)236-4712 for more information. REDUCE[) 10 $122,900 ountry ving on. 1 e et ge (of Dashwood). Three bedroom house, attached garage, 35x58 concrete block work shop with cement Boor. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line (519)236-4712. EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLOWELL BANKER AFFILIATES OF CANADA A