HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-04, Page 20Cook's Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. a leader in'tbe global marketing of edible beans, cereal grains. and oilseeds with seven multi -service grain elevator locations u7tbin Ontario is seeking tura motivated individuals to join tbeir team in the following positions: AGRI-SALES/ELEVATOR OPERATOR (Kirkton) and CUSTOM APPLICATION OPERATOR/ELEVATOR OPERATOR (Centralia) The AGRI-SALES/ELEVATOR OPERATOR responsibilities will include providing customers with an excellent level of service and product knowledge. We require an individual with a strong understanding of crop inputs and the capability of making crop recommendations. Off season responsibilities will include grain elevator operation. and yard duties. A formal education in agriculture and/or prior experience in agrl-sales as well as Professional Certificates would be considered assets. "' • The duties of the CUSTOM APPLICATION OPERATOR/ELEVATOR OPERATOR include operating and maintaining custom fertilizer and herbicide application equipment. Off season responsibilities will include grain elevator operation and 'yard duties. The ideal candidate will have prior custom application experience, an AZ license, strong mechanical aptitude, and proven organization and interpersonal skills to deliver high quality customer service. A farming background, possession of a Land Class 5&6 exterminators license and a Professional Pesticide Applicators Certificate would be considered strong assets. Closing date for both of the above positions is February 13, 1998. Please send resume by mail or facsimile to: Cook's Division of Parrish & Heimbecker, Ltd. Attn: Marlene Munn, Human Resources Supervisor (SC 9002 P.O. Box 10, Centralia Ontario NOM 1X0 `Fax: 519-228-7084 CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. Ods will not hr printed WWI payment receiver/ i t) 1'1 .1t. 1 VOW,' rll1,' 235-1.x.1 1 "13r-1.-0766 (11,111 to" t't'Cly.c'(irri Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 [WA MINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS ' Get Results With Our $ii Super Ad* Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge * FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY * ONE ITEM PER AD * Private non-commerclal ads only • MI Sur r Ads swat be DreDald OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 • .m. 3 Situations Wanted LOVING MOTHER of, DNI: l.l'1sffFs to bahysit Large fence in backyard (,)mel neighbourhood Limited spacing Call Loin anytime. 2115-1121. (05.06'1 MOTHER Of TWO wishing 10 hahycii my home Large backyard. ('all Pam 234.61S4106'I 4'Help Wanted SALES PERSON REQUIRED Inc r Hardware Stove mostly cashier work. some stocking and 'merchandising Long term. year round employment Cash experience an ahset. hut will Irani Must have a friendly , personalty to work with customer., Call 238-5500 or bring resume u, Pineland Pro Hardware. Grand fiend. 1'.O:Bnx 1449. :O NOM ITO. (7c) The Times -Advocate urges Our readers to use +caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments, Be certain ypu are l dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remeniber... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true; it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set Words Joined by. hy- phens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 59.63 2 insertions S16.05, 3 insertions $2.1 47. Additional 15c charge for each word over maximum NOTICES: 30 words,(births. deaths. announcements. coming events. me- monams) (Cards of thanks 10c each word over maximum) 1 insertion 511.77 2 insertions 523.54 3 insertions No charge • Classified Ads must be prepaid. Ads will not be printed until pay- ment received'. WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50 GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS • $8.00 per column inch. ,,(minimum size to this category 1 inch Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this (Alice $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Mvertisng n the Trues -Advocate Is accepted a, condwion that in ore event o1 a tyoograph,ca' error. (net ponan of the advenismg apace occue Pled by the erroneous nemtogether with reason ewe alwwance for sgnalure will be re -run n a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge. ohne the balance of the advertisement me be pad 10r at an applrclbie rale In the event of a lyp09taprncal prey advennng goods or services at a wrong woe. goods or services may not be sold Adverting ,s an otter to sen and may be wrtndrawn at any time My errors must be ac- knowledged warm seven days of pubhcalron The Tnfes-Advocate reserves the pr.v,lege Of re • vgng or rgectng advemsentents that n consid- ers obiectronebfe and to change the classd,catron 01 any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the policy or this newspaper Contents are Protected by copyrght Rproduchon of any material without the pemilss'On 01 the ptbkshar is forbidden Advertisers purchase space and CVCiAation only All nights to any advertisements produced by the Trues -Advocate. usng anw0rk. typography Or Micrographs arranged for by the newspaper Shall be the properly of the Tues -Advocate No such ad or any pen thereof may be reproduced or *s- lurped without written Conani of the Turas - Mvooate STATEMENT OF POLICY The Tine- voCele r5 not retponable for errors in advertisements nor submitted In (cobra form. nor for more Man a sn minion of that advertisement Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD apd Save $2.00 WORD ADS -2(I word maximum 1 insertion 2 insertions 3 insertions $9.63 $16.05 $21.47 Times -Advocate, February 4, 1998 Page 19 235-1331 C'1 .ASS11:11'1) ( )121 )1' 12 1 O12 01 Additional 15c charge lin each word ov'i maximum NOTICES - 30 ward maximum (Births. Deaths. Announcements. Commie Events- Mernoriams, Cards of Thanks t 1 insertion $11.77 2 insertions $23.54 . 3 insertions No Charge Additional ISo charge Inc each word n,er n,a, omni (•1_ASSiFIFnS ADS MUST Bl ['RITAID ADS WII.1 NOT la I'RlNTI-A) l /NTil PAl-11,11iN I IS RF('1:INTO Bordered & Montl>)y Ads Rates available an request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with identification I. 4. I PHONE: I Money Order, Visa and Mastercard ® I METHOD OF PAYMENT: are accepted I 7 PLEASE. CHECK YO(IR ,4D •f I•il I CREDIT CARD NO. Expiry FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ti'`vS1IRI I SIGNATURE THAT i -r IS CORRECT a Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! • � )I Z1 1�f! a j 4 SITI�IaMIt : � LIQ I 8 kai Fust 11 SLiwive -Is M I4 9rs :eh. IS p1i oil • 16 For Sale 17 W I Ig W to 89 s; 19 lit/2322°1 : 20 p'lO�rh' For Srafe �, 21 For M For Rent NAME t w sate or Rent ADDRESS 1ted 22.54 ananted oDrtytOyt, d hces • Legh°tiMa 28 lrsW 29 `ruction Sal Yang and Garrage.es DATES TO RUN. Visa MasterCard Cheque 4 Help Wanted WANTED MATI!RI ('AkF(IIVEk tot Infant 111 our home Non-smoker, likes Boys, trial period rwhcch may lead ro full tune employment. References required Please direct response-, to Box 871' 040 1' xetet Times Advocale, Box 850. l.xetei. Outar", NOM 1S6 r5tfnl 04 04 04 04 04 H 10404H ►4 ►1 i H ►4 04 04 04 04 04 104 04 04 /4 ►4 H ►1 Kirkton-Woodham Pool Invites applicants for... Supervisor Assistant Supervisor Instructor/Lifeguards Instructor/Lifeguards "In training"' for 1998 season Please submit resume to: Lisa DenOtter • RR #1, Woodham Ont. ,NOK 2A0 229-6730 , by March 1, 1998 interviews on Ma1.19 & �1 ►4 H ►4 H ►4 H 04 ►4 H ►4 ►4 ►4 H ►4 ►4 ►4 H ►4 ►4 H H ►4 ►4 ►4 H ►4 ►4 H ►4 d J4 PerthCod1 Co-operative Inc./ Co-operative enc.1 PETROLEUM DRIVER t'rrtl:• i aunt•. t ;•-Onccwsr 1' •,. stem- Intiv r.u: _ibdtn a 1)0111• [.. . , qu.tiu\ n! petroleum prcxlu t- .tor dn'er,c group n• , uq(,ntu`•r 1; .n.i 'a. ar , 1,, onu tied ,uc r,• csc 11',11:1- .. (1.n.m11 enrtnntJ;uc 31,11 mnuV,il, 1'..tn r .til tnruu' %lnchell!morale luta ttr,l gn.ri nip 111 a d; iurl nca..1 un nr,Slucr n:.1 salnJrd .•)b. r. n mennc .\n 1(1 551(1: flu• sou Oat en,Ln. . u-unnt- ra;: and ;attstaCuun and the: prndllil 1. int lime' .incl nIrel- a-;.mr" eXpe.?Jriun- lull (5111 Jkr 1x rc-,I-umtol. tri: dad': 111sennd\ Lumen. ;alc• Inky', anis 1,r' the JL operation and ro mirt.m -c n1 the dchsen Iiia?. Alio,- 31i ern, Alfj repro rm aur, promutr (((1 1_0.. r.'ran., a .: nni11>c t; n Jur prnlcsunlii cunnc: Thr nu.t4nc rcqune' Ur_ per,,,, ,,, n- h.n•- .. clCjc 10:i driver.. Iosco,: and s d.ui�'i nr pork kr•nlr:cart Ti. tx inm:cicrcl' hr thl- oppmmung,. t,lc.l•• h,rn'Jnt you. n,inituai ermhdcnr a• • Perth County Co-operative Inc. 612 Erie Street. Stratford. Ontario NSA 2P1 • Attention: Andrew Troyer No telephone Inquiries please. 0.r eeouie1 ilk, to (113111. a! .Ipphcane Ill' acme nnh ihosc /Indy; ion,:dcrJura. contacted 4 Help Wanted. EXPERIENCED .A-7 DRIVERS for 'In Axel dump trucks pulling pups. local and long hauls. steady work. AA.I. Jackson. Call 271-1104-(05-08c0 THE HIIRON RESEARCH S'JA'I'!ON is seeking college or university students 10 work as Research Acsisiams from approximately May 1 to .August 31, 1998 The deadline tor applications is Feb 28. 1998 Please mail resumes In. 1111ron Research Station. k.R.M 1. Exeter. Ontario NOM IS4 (6.1` PEI' LOVERS NEI DED . Make one sake. profit 10- yearn Home based. part-time/hill-tune ('all 221)-85bh (6.7' ) 42zzz#zzzzzzzzzzz3zzzzzzzzz44 N M M Poi N H L II para,•med N H MI HfA.TH SERVICES_ 04 H A part time RN required'for , H r' Visiting Nurse Program in N H - south end. of H H . County of Huron. - - H H,Applicants wilt possess car. - H H, flexible won, hours H H Current Ontario registra'lon H 04 N H excellent COn-trnunIC,tlCr� H H a'lcl �tssf Ssmf'rtt Skil!.,' ' H H community and '9r geriatrics H H eXperlenCe H H C'clr'erl' C:Iinic:ai (:Xperlence H N Call 1-800-463-3156 H 5 Business Opp. alizzzzzz3zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt la w• AVON M 04 FREE OFFER!- M 14 Feb. 9 -to Feb. 13 N N ►s H. Excetlent opportunity! N 1.4 No fee to start your own H H ii Avon business and H earn $$$ 114 N H Easy to sell! G: H "Everyone knows Avon" H Call today: Jeanette Deelen w ;4 District Manager 348-9403 H 6 Services TELEPHONE - TV CABLE " INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses -Repair wiring - Install jacks for phones - modems - Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 AN'I'ill T WATCH AND (:1 OCK SPF"IALiST Doe. protessiotial repairs 10 watches and clocks.•Frer csuniate, to repau grandtater clocks Sall dull Arnhold .509 Gil)esptc. ,fort Franks !'hone 243-1110 i3(htnt .'Yzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi". Qt 411r) PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and nnu' S minute enlargements Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235 1612 flan) WDODCOCK BROTHERS ('LASS A 1,1('ENSF.I) TRt ('ti MI';('HAN1(' In ortl:•1 I1, nlrT t Ihr dcnsuuls til otu1Lro\s'tnt r,r!�:ultzahon. �cc .urren(I1 h:nc an op:'1114.1o! ('lea A 1.1.:rn:.e(I l ru, k \'it•chans. i hk su: Lt•., 1u1 ,.arrdltlalc will hast• a 11r ` y':'arc C\pt'rIett C 111 Ino,f. and Ir:111er r:•(lair :nut n+:untcniinci•. rood tnlc•rpr,•immtl shills. midi hr ahlt. 1S' uorl. 56111 minimum uyrcrs'r.um AUCtItioll to 111,•11 yuahh ss'orktu:uIshyr l - t tine nual Vol cot's'c)t•ratirin (1IS•a.c luru'ard a (:•sunk hs ('c -h 1)'41.. It, Manul!er, Human Resources N budcuck Brothers 1'.(). !lox 100 Sebring l ills• Ontario NOF iX() SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS , Repairs to all makes and models 20 Years' experience. . All Work Guaranteed Contact Wicker Basket 165 Main St. Lucan • 227-4158 Do You Need Help , .With Your Computer & Internet Problems? Call Jeff McCann 237-3531 Hensrr CC]+r7 Oo:•7e Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Limited "An Equal Opportunity Employer" It IND 1 6 Services 6 Services Complete Auction . Service Your Place or Ours Dougal McGregor or Roger McKay (519)786-2222 (519)229-8173 Continuing to Serve Farm - Residential - Commercial and Real Estate Sales. CLASSIFIE MARKETPLACE `Advertise Across Ontario or Across the County IMMINAMEMME WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs. prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Spe- . cial care taken In harvesting Penin Veneer Co. ' Ltd. est. 1927, 340 Louise St., Krtnhener (519)742.5887. - • Non-profit student exchange program offers car- ing adults an excellenl.expense paid. volunteer opportunity. Introducing Canada to teenagers from around 18e woad EF Foundation. 1-800- 263-2825 DONATE YOUR CAR HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND Tax deductible Free towing Need not run Free phone card Sponsored by AADCO. '800.463-5681. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS- up to 81% profit for you or your ministry No Inventory. Home based ser- vicing Christian Market Complete training and support Select territories. 1.800-663-7326 AMAZING FACT The Internet will grow by 2 700°o ip 24 mo's Earn up to S15ktmo with Canada's fastest growing Internet FranMise Fut? trarnrng Investment Req 1.888.678.7588 ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS S140.000'yr income potential Profit from the explosive computer (raining field Interactive multi -media system trams via the Internet Low overhead Franchise No computer exp req 416-679-2201 LOG HOME DEALERS WANTED Join the proven leader In pre-engineered log homes tnvestmedr required ,Call Rick Kinsman. today 1867 Confederation Log Homes. Box 9, Bobcay- geon. Ontario KW 1A0 1-800-567-0270 LEARN AUCTIONEERING Classes held April 18-24,'98 For nlormation contact. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneenng. R.R 05. Wood- stock Ontario N4S 7V9 1-888-866-7355 CHOOSE YOUR CAREER/slart your own busi- ness Earn an .international diploma/A l N S. offers over 100 home study programs. Alternative health. counselling. self-improvement. nutrition. new age, business, spoils, Beauty. writing Free Prospectus 1-88B-516.1212 http.//www tains cont We have a career for you' BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES' t Leant Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certificate now. For FREE brochures, no oblgatlon, U 3 R Tax Schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy . Winnipeg, Mando- 1 ba. R3T 286. 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training espenence COMPUTERS. No previous txxnputer experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now available in computer programming We will train suitable applicants Can CMS ton-(ree1-800.477.9578 JUST 59.00 PER MONTH Absolutely Complete!! NO Money Down!! No Payments for Three Months!!' From the fifth largest PC manufacturer in Canada. 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 lull duplex, Inrel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Dont be fooled by other offers! Credit Approval avaltable right over the phone! 1-888-8609190 more Infotio order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door any- where in Canada. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home -study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK 1.800-267-1829. The Wrung School, 38 McArthur Avenue. Suite 2966, Ottawa. ON K1L 6R2. - SAWMILL 54895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks. beams Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information •1-800-566- 6899 Norwood Sawmills.-R.R 2, Klworlhy, Ontario POE 1GO. SATTENTION STUDENTS Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars New products available. Nothing to pay in advance Fast detrvery 1.800- 363.3589 FREE DELIVERY. Pond Checkers. the fun new _board game everyone will love! Baby frogs jurrtp- ng on lily pads to cross the pond and become bullfrogs. Sale promotion price 524.90 (taxes included). Cat 1.088.544FROG(3764)for orders. Moneyback guarantee. Maden Canada. . SLEEP ON WOOL: Fleecy merino wool mattress overlays, warm in winter, :cool in summer, for resttut healthy sleep Washable. tour sizes from 5159 Also 35 sheepskin products. 1.800.667- 2261 AMMO WANTED Experienced Window Installers and Sales Representatives' Weekly Pay. Work Year Round, Thirty Ontario locations. Pick up the phone and CALL NOW'!! Toll Free 1.888.738- .0738. Experienced and licensed CRANE/BOOM TRUCK OPERATOR required for busy engineer - ng company west of Toronto. Please fax resume to (519)853-5707. t. 1111111111111■ DO YOU LOVE TO CROSS STITCH? Jon our Stylchen Tyrie Friendship Club its FREE! Listen to our voice mad message al 1.888.666.4806. STEEL BUILDINGS...Fnat Clearance. Construc- tion and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30 53.688.00 25 x 14x30 53,988.00. 30 x 14x40 55,944.00. 40 x 60 59,688.00. 40 x 80 512,244 00 50 x 100 521,566.00. 60 x 120 528.900.00 Others Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 1997 FACTORY Clearance Sale on Many Models end Sizes: Reserve your building now for sprung delivery while quantdies last. CaII 1-800.668.5111. ext. 536. MUST SELL 2 all Steel I-beam harped straight wall buildings (NOT QUONSETS). One is 50 x 100. Brand new, never erected. Will fold until sprig SACRIFICE PRICES • CALL TODAY . 1• 800-304-6349. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, COOKS, AND DECKHANDS for 38 passenger Ifip. (May 6 to Oct 18) Live aboard 10 days then 4 days oft Send resume before February 6 to Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 36, OrMa, L3V 6H9. IiAMMOND ORGAN - WANTED to buy. Please call collect 905-304-6060. TRASH OR TREASURES? Paying up to $1000.4. Wanted any pre -1970 Collectibles, Advertising. Clothing, Comics, Dols, Furniture, Glassware, Jewellery, Magazines, Postcards, Signs, Toys. Watches. Auction, evakwlion, Pur- chasing Service. 1888.301.1903. • It's Afftwelb • it's Past • Ws Easy 1► OW • Nortbom Orrtatio 878 • Eastem t?rri'itb $ 4 Ontario $ 00 • Central Ontario $134 • AN • Packtpes Available ; ,, • Cd Nds paper ftoi defilsf