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Times -Advocate, February 4, 1998
Haugh lire Inc.
265 Thames Rd.
Hwy. #83 East
Call. 235-3752
Orator.Ivor Mak,
Tyke Little Hawks
January 28 - Ildcnon 8 al Exeter 4
Goal: Lucas Skinner (2). Mitchell
Partridge. Jayden Iksjardine
Ambits:. Partndgc 17) I)esjardine Brett
Warwick. ('ole Hackett. Shawn Simmons.
Brendan Shapton Kyk Ven
Goaltender: Emmett O'Reilly
. January 31 Exeter 7 at Forest
Goal: Adam Johns. Nick .Anslett, Mike
Nedra. And) Sedlak. tilde'. Scutt Lrwsky
Assists: Ansett, Sedlak •
Excrer wins OMHA playdown fins round
Januar) 11 Stephe• at Exeter 10
Goal: Ikstardui: , hi, Skinner (2).
Partridge-. Shapron
Assists: Skinner t2). M Partndgc (4).
Shapitjn \'en (11. Lcc Bnntnell (2), Hackett
' ('_ 1, Jake Partndgc (2). Stephen -Clarke. Jeff
Penn. Scott Overholt. Warwick
January 11.- Exeter 10 at ?munch 3
Goals: Stunner 141, Ile-aardmc 111. Shapton
(21. M Partridge •
Assists:-SLmnei ( 21 Shapton (1). M
Partndgc (6). Vert t2E Ha.kctl 121, Overholt
(2). Clarke. O' Redly . 1 Partndgc
Next game: Fch 7. 11.45 in Exeter
• 'T\ke_T-Rex's
February I - Exeter 2 at Parkhill 1
(:pals: Jarrett Johns. Bryn Overholt -
Assisls -1 vlei Bryson...Hayden Cann. Adam
Paget. Dustin Mills.
(;oaltcndcr: Jordan Skochmaku
Next game: Feb 7. 11 10 a m" at Stephen
Senior. Tyke
- January 31 - Exeter 4 al Forest 1 -
Goals: Riau Parsons. Jared Green 2 i. Brvec
Assists: Marr Denomne
Goaltender: Matt Kerslake_
• Team record: 6 win.: 0 losses. 1 tie '
Next game: Felt 7.1 is -an at Exeter. 9.45
a ni
Shamrock Novice AE Steelers'
January 15 OM11.4 plavdown.
Exeter 1 at Dorchester 5.
Goal: Tim Bunch
Assist: Mate Cooper
Januan 24 - OMH 4 playdowns
Exeter (1at Lanihcih 12
" January 11 •,0%1H -.A playdowns
Er ctcu "1) at Mt Rrvdgc. 3-
Fchruan 1 OMHA. plavdowns
Lucan bit Exeter 2
Goals: Bunch, Shayne Mudge ,
Asskts: Justin knstctt. Ben Hodgins
- Next game:'Feh 7. Parkhill al Exeter. 12 45
Novice 'A' Waxers
January 11 OMHA round robin playofl5
' Fared 7 at Exeter 5
Fchruan 1 : Exctct 2 at Lambeth -5
Goals: Troy Elder. Larry Nonhnvcr
Sssists: Chad.Hackett. Tim Buck's
L%M Novice Bombers
• January 31 - Liman 2 at Exctcr 3
Gouts: Ben Hewat (2). Justin Dionne
Assists: Hewitt. Bobby Cook (2i. Trent
.1 ayloi. Kvli Bryson. Scan Hargan
Goaltender: Brad Funk
Top forward: Hewitt
Top defenceman: Brett Oud
Next game: Feb '. 1(145 a.m in Exeter
Atom 'A' Broncos
January 27 - Exeter 1 at Lambeth 3
• Goal: Traci. Elder
Atom AE Nabisco -
Januar 31 Snaihroy 4 at Exeter 1
Goal: Jordan Darling (2). Michael Cooper
Assists: Justin Stacey. Brett Ha: Lett, Mark
Detnch. Darling
Fchruan 1 - Exeter 4 al I)orchcsiet 1
Goal: Baskett. Darling t 21. Adam Hayter
Assist}: Darting (2). Ciyoper: Adam John'.
Sines -
Atom 'Vipers.
January 11 Exctcr 1 at Parkhill 1 -
Goats: Corey BMA.: t 11
Assist: Pat Allr•u
Goaltender: Scan Ellison
- Next game: Felt 7. Exctcr ai Mt Buvdges.
- L/M Huron Tractor Peewee
January 11 - Ildcnon 1 -at Exeter 2
Gosh: Jamie 8ascnherg, Jason Roy
Fchritan 1 - Exeter 4 at Forest 3 -
Gnal. Roy- Steve Mason. Costa Koluas.
• Iivereu Drone_ .
_ Shamrock Bantam
Jarman 25- 0511q (Wei !Mall round of t
point .enc,
Game 1 • hires! 1 m Fxelcr h
Goals: Tanner Ingram 121.Aaron Heywood.
John Grego.. Craig Overholt. Allah Rowe
Assists: Heywood. Jared Rpume 1 ". Mike
Setp i 2E, Jett Hogan (21. G: vc Ras:nbere.
Andrew Mayer
Goaltender: Brad Alar Donald
February •1 Game 2;' Exeter 4 at Forel 5
Goals: Rascnhcrg: Rowe. Bourne. Ingram
Assists: Racnhcrg. Hey wrxsd. Mas•cr. Ty ler
Goaltendet: MacDonald -
Ncxt games: Feb 5 u Forest. v 10. Feb 7 al
- Eseucr.5-Il'
Midget AE Lions
January 31 - Ildcnon 2 at Exeter 1
Goats: \S avnc Cole 2 it Brent Hamman
Assists: Ilan Snell ,21.:Adam Mdlct r21.
•. . Greg Young%
-Goaltcnrder: Jeff Gooch
• Next game: Feb -3. 7 10. Dorehems-1 tri
Exeter ,
RSD Midget Generals
'.January 2S - t)MH4 prciimmarn play.dts•
Forest 2,31 Exeter- 3
Goals: left Campbell. S. ott keys. T s ler
Assists: Campbell. Roan Hay awn. Cam
Dougall. Greg Geoftrey
Goaltender: H J Theophilopolu.
Next game: Feb 5 in Forest.'4 p. in
Intermediate Girls
Feb I -. Playoffs -round robin
. Lucan 5 at Exeter:3
Goals: Lauren Havnham 42). Meagan Rail
Assists: Missy Hauler. Shawna Rowe i 21.
Jodi Truenmer. Sarah Webber
Goaltenders: Miranda Hayter. Carolyn
Quinn - •
Next games: Feb 3 at Exeter vs Seafonb.
5:30 p.m.. Feb 6 at Sarnia. 830 p.m . Feb 8
ai Exeter vs. Parkhill. 5 p.m.
Campbell sets pace in rolloff.
Ron Dann
Monday Night
Ladies . League
team of Mary
Tracy Lather. Lia Snell. Karen
Campbell and Be'. Cregan won
the •Zurich 5 -Pin Bowlers:
Association Scorecard Holiday
Classic three -game. pins over
average tournament house round
rolloff.. Sunday at Town and
Country Lanes.
Campbell set the winning pace
for the winners as she rolled a
723 three game total pinfall to
lead the way with 144 pins over'
her 193 per game league average
as the, leaden finished with a siz-
zling 373 pins over their team
average, The Zurich Association
Scorecard champs now advance
to the single round-robin, match
play. pins over average Regional
Scorecard Holiday Classic finals
March 22 at an Ontario Five Pin
(O.F.P.B.A.I designated location:
The Zurich Association appointed
Mike Cregan to coach the win-
ners. -
The Tuesday- men's league
team -of Leo Hoffman, Jim Lewis.
Andy Lanshergen, Tom Smits
and Ralph Koopmans finished a
distant second, with 152 pinfall
above their team average. -
Zurich Association meeting
• Sunday
The• regular monthly meeting
of the Zurich 5 -Pin Association
will be held Sunday. 7:30 p.m.
and will be hosted by Mike and
Bev Cregan at their horde to
Bluewater Zone Association
to meet
The next Zone T meeting of the
Bluewater 5 -Pin Bowlers"
Association is'scheduled for 7:30
p.m.. February 20 at Molesworth
Lanes. •
Chiefs lose to Thedford 5-3
EXETER - It won't mean anything to the standings. but the Exeter
Juvenile Chiefs hockey team lost an exhibition game to Thedford 5-3.
RyAn Fretter, Marty DeBruyn and Jason Becker scored for Exeter with
Dan Storey. Paul Knight. Jeremy Stewart and Mau Froud picking up the
assists. •
• The Chiefs next take on Elora in their Ontario Minor Hockey Associa•
tion playdown series. an 8 p.m. start at the Rec Centre:If Exeter wins,
they face either Aylmer or New Hamburg in the next series.
Senior Tyke
• January 31
Stephen 4 at Lucan I
Goals: 1'y ler Windsor (4)
(.oaltender: K) le. Masse
Next game: Stephen at-home, 2-10 p m
Novice Rep Mauraders
Januar) 23
Stephen 7 at Zunch 6
Goal: David Reschke (2). Josh
Conuelt.xen, Nick kf-rcy (2).1 T Knee121
Assists: Reschke, Jeffrey (2). Knee. Jamie
Hodge (2), Kurt \'anOxch(2)
(.oaltender: Brendon VanOsch
January 24
Stephen 4 at Si Marys 2
Usti shdce tate t)ucnk r2), Knee
Assists: l Thompson (6). G. Thompson (SI.
Windsor (3). Smak (S). Springall,
Vanfiergen, Sheridan. Shayne Wilson. Mau
Marine, Kent Nicholson
Goaltender: Baker
UM Peewee Bullshuoters
January 30•
Stephen 2 at Ilrussels
Goals; Nes in Hrtdgins: Kor) VanAltena
Assists: Hodgins, Geon i)uckuonh 121
' • Goaltender: Richard '4Sung
Assists: Knee. Jordan ('ronin. II VanOsch,
K VanOssh
Goaltender: Blanchard
- January 2S
Stephen 7 at Watford 0
• Goals: Ihicnk 14.1. Knee (2).7cffer)
Assists: Jeffrey. Reschke (Al ('omclicscn
(3), K VanOsch" •
.Goaltender: Blanchard.
hebrirary 1
Ildcnon 7 at Stephen 1 - . .
Goals: Knee, Jclte n. VanOsch
-Assists: F Doenk. C. Duenk (21. Cram_ n
Goaltender: Blanchard
Next game: Feb 6. Stephenar-Thedtord. 7
Atom Local
January 26 Stephen 1 at Zurich 6
Colds: Jamie Carradine (2). Ryan Masse
Assist: 1)avid-1)csiardinc
' _Goaltender: John Young
January 11 Stephen 2 al Forest 2
Goals: Canadine (21 '
Assist: Leanne Cronin
Goaltender: Young •
Atom Hawks
January 26 - OMHA 'D' playdown.
Stephen 7 v. Belmont 0
, Coals: Grcg•Thompson (21. Jason
Thompson (4). Jeff Sunale
Assists: J Thompson 111. Brent Windsor
14). Smale (31.Andy Spnnga)I: G
Thompson 111 •
(;oaltcndcr: Jcfl Baker
lanuan 11 .05111A Tr pLydow n.
Stephr;n 1; s. Belmont 1
(Saab.: Smalc .: l'hompso, (61. G
1-h,yinpson i • • Tun Shendan. Jeff
Vanhe .1
.January 11
Forest (11) I at Stephen 4 •
Goal:. Jamie Bibby 12). V1'es de Lange.
Assists: )auris Reschke. ('or) I.awiyon, do
Lange. ('hns McNeil (2)
Goaltender Lars C;Iayn
February I
Slralhmy 2 at Stephen 5
Gods: de Lange (21, Bihh). Reschke.
• Duckworth-
uckworthAssists: de Lange (2), Bibb) (21, ResetIke
121. Justin Muller (2), McNeil. Mile
Canadine • -
Goaltender: Young
pJunior Girls
_ ..
January 10 Playoffs
Seafonh I at Slcphcn 1
, Goal: Michelle Sooners die
Intermediate Girls
January 28 - PlayolF.
Godench 0 at Slcphcn 2.
(;11aLs: 'Jessica I/as tcs-121
Assists: Tracy Wilson, Jotke Repel
Januar) 29 - PI:Dolt. -
Stephen 3 at Watford S
(sisals: bastes 111 .
Asitia: Lindsay ('arsons. Katie"-Pickenng
Girls -
January 9 -
Stephen 1 at llcnsall 4 -
(;oals for Stephen: Nicole Muller, Leanne.
. Cmnyn(21
- Assists for Stephen: 1. ('ntny n -
Coals for Musa: Kate Slcwan (11
- - Assist for Hcnsall: Slcwan
January lh
Forest •1,a6Slcplen l. -
COM: Kelly Cronin
January 29
Forest •2, -it Stephen 2
Coals: Stephen McCann, Tanya Siucklcss
A.ssisl: Emily Instal
Henson Dinar Hockey
Januar 25 Playoff gave
111sth Oar Hcnsall 7
Goal: Charlie Junks, 1!nk Lawrence 0).
Ryan Campbell (21. Shaun Thompson
Assists: 1.awrcnec (2). R Campbell 131. Tim
Hay. Nathan Regier
Jlcnsall beat BhlhIwo games to one. win-
- rung the
in---nmgthe firsi round of playoffs
Januar) 1I - Playoffs - hest 2 of 3
Hcnsall 7 at Rayfield.
- Coals: Lawrence 122). R• Campbell i 3.1.
lies en Butson. Thompson
Assists: Lau tepee 131. R Campbell. 51
Campbell. Jinks '
Fchruan 1 - Playoff game
Bay field 3 at Hcnsall 5
Goals: R Campbell 11). Lawrence. Blair
Assists: W Campbell, Lawrence 121.13
Campbell, Ttiontpson, Jason.Sinall. !11 -
,. Campbell -
Hcnsall defeated Bay field too gimme.
FCC Junior Girls
Januar) 31
Hcnsall (1 at Mitchell 1
Goaltender: Miranda Knight
Next game: Feb. 8 at Hcnsall, 6 p m'
Mathers' win bowling tournament
LUCAN - -\ Scotch Doubles
tournament was recently held at-
: Lucan Lancs with 24 couples par-
Bill and Donna Fathers placed
first with a total pinfall of 1093
oxer five games. They also had a
high single game of.279. •
Placing second was the team cif
Doug and Ann Marie Beaudoin as
they had a total of 1040. Laurie and
Betty McGee had a total of 1023
for -third place. as Well as a high
single game of 262.
Others who -..claimed high single
prize. were Paul and Evelyn Smith
with 254. Rob Riley and Cheryl
Smith with a game of 251 and
claiming the fifth single was John
and Marie Jaques at 2_ 19.
The next Scotch Doubles:tourney
is scheduled for Fchruary. 21 at
7:30 p.m.
South Huron indoor
SGccer League
Woos n's League - January 26 .
Lucan 2 vs. Grand Bend 2
Goals for Lucan: Kathleen Gnffith. Iib Greenlee
Goals for Grand Bend: Kant Lacier. Ahhy Russell
Exeter (1) 5 vs. Exeter (11) 2
Goals for Exeter (1): Wend, Sims (31. Fallon Giles. Kerry Brownlee
Goals for Exeter (11): Dallas Giles. Laura Cook
Men's League - January 28
Stratford Scramblers 2 vs. Grand Bend 2
Goals for Stratford: Ken Murphy. Jeff lacobellrs
Goals for Grand Bend: Fadhul Arkor (2) -
Stratford Central Rams•13 vs. Taxandria 4
Goals for Stratford: Stevan McCallurn (3). Mike Treischl (2). Matt Peck (2). Carlos Ra
mas (2i. Brad Wittig. Tony Smith. Craig Leis
Gods for Taxandria: Rick Veens. John Veens: M Harrow. len DeKomng
Exeter Fury 2 vs. Pork 'n Beef 8
Goals for Exeter: Matt Sims. Pete McAllister
Goals for Pur k 'n Beef: Shawn Jacques 131. Matt Szabo (2). Patrick Harnett. Alt Moussa.
iheter Kohlmeir
St. Columban 3 vs. Exeter Centennials 7
Goals for St. Columban: Wayne Ryan. John Mordan, Josh Diet/
Goals for Exeter: Jason Smale (3). Darryl Thompson. Richard Verberne, Frank Hae.
George McEwen
Current standings - Women's League
.W • L T
Lucan 2 0 2
Exeter (I) 1 I 2
Grand Bend 1 2 1
Exeter (II) 1 2 1
Current standing. • Men's League
Pork 'n Beef 4 0 n
Exeter Centennials
Exeter Fury
Stratford Central Rains
Grand Bend
Stratford Scramblers
Si. Columban
1 n
1 1
2 . 1)
I 2
2 1
3 0
4 0
10 11
Best of the bonspiel
Gay Lea winners. Deb Hunter, left, Greg and Cathy Pfaff
and Doug Webber were the overall winners of the recent
Gay Lea Bonspiel at Exeter Curling Club. The 11 a.m. draw
winners were Scot and Leah Morgan and John and Carol
Coleman. - - (photo/contributed)
Lucan Minor Hockey
Tyke Lightning
Januar) 11
Lucan 6 vs 1hedlord 2
Goals: Jamal 1)cJong (11. Shaun ('mule).
Wand -on Verstcegh. Tyler Iiryrkn
Assists; Jonathan W ikon t 2). Tanner
Jackson (21, Schastlen Hales. Dana Dryden.
Andrew IkKok, Nathan \ aid Willie%el (2)
(;oaltcndcr: IAnrglas Muu.hrll
Fchruary I Exhibition game
Lucan 1 y s London South 2
Goal: Jackson (11 _
Assists: DeJong (21. Bryson,
V aol k nTletus I• Crowley
Goaltender: Alochc Il '
Senior Tyke Lasers
January 10
Swisher) 4 ai Lucan I
Goal: Matthew Mills
Asdst: Adapt Harrigan
Novice Lightning
' January 24
Lucan 1 al Eimer
Goals: Taylor Allen. Travis Mueller:Tyler
Assists: Russell Vanderhyden (21
Jauutary 25
Lucan 5 at Stephen 0
Goals: Vautdcrhyden (31. Schon (2)
Asdsts: Vandcrhyden (21. Schon (21
Shutout: Alex Parkinson
Mt. Budges 1 ai Lillian 3
(;oafs: \'ander)»den (21. Allen
. Assists: Justin Pedersen. Mueller. Lpke,
0510 4 ss Lucan 2
Coals: Allen. Mike Ilamgan
.Assists: Parkinson. Griffith. Ryan
,Cousincau -
Call the
Times -Advocate
SIrati 2 vs. Lucan I
Goal: Mueller
Assitt: Schon
AE Novice. -
January 1I:
Lucan 5 !Merton 2
Goals: Ales Men (2). Jessie Jeffery 12).
• Ryan Clarke .
Assists: Mali Shipway (2), J ,Gamurn, T
Orchard. R ('I:uke
February I
Lucan 6 vs Exeter:2 •
Goals: Clarke (2). Jellcry 12).'L Dunne. 1)
Assists: Shipway (2). (iamson, Sowerby,
fed Peters. Clarke: Avery
'Janury 27 - ()AMA playdowns
Lucan3 ss Ildcnon 5
Goals: Tyson DeJong (21, Geoff Moss_
Assists: Alike Noyes, Andy Burglars. Mike
lldentnr leads 4 print series 2.))
Next game: Feb 5 in Lucan ai 7 p m -
Intermediate Girl's Fighting Irish
January:24i- Exhibition gauze
London Ikvilcttes 1 a6Lucan6
Goals: Lindsay. Parsons (31, Jolene
Heffernan l3)
Assists: Tleffeman (3). Rebecca Blanc (3),
Parsons (2). firm AAbeI, Michele Former.
Becky Dries- _.
. Goaltender: Jen Illman
Fchruary I - Playoff gave •
Lucan 5 at Exeter 3
(;oats: blanc. Hc'ifeman. Parsons, Abel.
Jodie Van Spmnscn
AssLsts:.Paigc Maybrey, Forney. Ahdl.
Jessica C'omicllscn,-Van Spronsen '
' Goaltender: Illman
Next game: Feh.'4, 7 p.m: at Stephen
Driver Education
Begins January 28,-1998
at 3:30 p.m. 'at .H.D.H.S.
To Register
Call 284-3348
January 1. $1.000:- Cathy Metady, Dublin. 2. $50. Denver Homuth. Exeter. 3. $100,
Jarrett Johns. Exeter. 4: $50. Dan and Linda Crerar, Ffensall. 5. $50. Peter Sutherland.
Woodham. 6. $50: Phyllis Chute, London. 7..$50. Todd Jones, Exeter. 8. $50. Jane
Bedard. Zunch. 9. $50, Nancy Quinn, .Exeter. 10. $100. Darryl Smale & Jenn Case,
Exeter. 11. $50. Becky Roushorne, Exeter. 12. $50. Leah Morgan. Exeter. 13. $50. Vera
Guenther. Exeter. 14: $50. Robert & Barbara Oud, Exeter. 15. $50. Bill Muster, Grand
Bend, 16. $50. Michael Van Gerwen, Exeter. 17. $100. Bev Brintnell, Exeter. 18. $50.
Carquest Canada, Mitchell, 19. $50. Tom & Muriel Dalrymple. Exeter. 20. $50. Jason
Westlake. Exeter. 21.350: Don Avrill. Exeter. 22. $50. Emil Hendrick, E>Seter. 23. $50.
Bernie Denomrpe, Exeter. 24. $100. Katherine Potter. Exeter 25. $50. Peter McLeod.
Exeter. 26. $50. Jett & Cassie Dalrymple, Exeter. 27..$50. Jane Hefley, Exeter. 28. $50.
Philippe • Maes."Hen sail. 29. $50. Darren Snow, Exeter. 30. $50. Ashley Rasenburg,
Exeter. 31. $100. Fred Jordan. Exeter.
13,14 15t11
Displays By
The Circus Model Builders
London N'Glneers Model Railroad Club
Landon Cana Club
Local Carving Clubs & Woodworldng Artisans
The Forest City Wildfowl & Carving
Draw Prizes...
Cradles Drills from Federated 'Rol
Wood'n'Things Kids Workshop
5 pmle(ts you can build and take hone.
Proceeds to prow i Asoixi p"
• Free Burger King Coupon with AdmLssiont
Pr1.11-4, Sat. I I -6, sun. 11.5
Admission: Adults $6.00 Students (12-18) $3.00 Under 12 Free with an Adult
Exhibits & Sales of:
Machinery, Power & Hand Tools, Lumber,
Wood, Craft & Finishing Supplies.
Hardwoods, Decorative THm, Ceilnetry,
TLmings & Furniture Accessories
pins many show specials!
Demonstrations of:
7ltming N rniture Shipping, Baiting.
Bind Carving, Bandsawing, Chip Carving.
and Tablesaw set-up.
\\ 1 II1?\1 \IP(;I-01 \11t)\I)()\