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• Times -Advocate, February 4, 19`16
Public speaking winners
The first place winners in the Ailsa Craig Legion Public Speaking Competition -are pictured
above with organizer Jack Whitmore. Shown from left, Andrew Appleton, intermediate Divi-
sion winner, Elizabeth Whiting, winner of the Primary Division, Whitmore and Karen Martene,
Junior Division winner. Alt three students attend McGillivray Central School.
Dog obedience demonstrated for Good Companions
By Annie Morenz
Siupka correspondent
DASHWOOD - On January 19.
the •"Dashwood -Good C'ontpan-
ulii'' met at the C'crmnulnity Hall at
12 noon with.37 7 ntenihers and One
Visitor.' Atter singing "Grace" all
-sat dawn to a riot lurk dinner: Since
last meeting there were four birth-
.' clays and one anniversary..
A dog • obedience 'demonstration
with licensed tlierapy dog: %%as pre-
sentedl by.' Kate Fletcher and Joan
etshntan and, vas well done.
• Katherine Becker gave a talk about.
' "Years gone by'. and Mare Dietrich
read a poem "The Hitch Hiker and
the "Walking Sark". Kaethe Frietcr
recited a polar entitled. "My
( randinother Harold and Ruth
Stire slid a skit on "Do Vou love
Becker gave some measuring sta=
usucs that boggled our minds and
closed -the program with some
The. business meeting opened
with singing O C-anadlaa and reciting
the 1.hrds Traver. Roll .all was
,held along with secretary and. tiers
urer reports that were .adopted by
Florence I1artene, and Martha
Pfaff. The, hall hoard has ordered
new ahatrs and will look into hav-
ing the piano tuned.
Next meeting February 16. at
Dashwood Community Centre al
.12 noon with a pot luck dinner. All
seniors welcome. •
Members rounded out the. after-
noon with socializing and card
game. •
Heritage banquet
set for February 19
LUCAN - Lucan Area: Heritage
will -hold its third annual Heritage
Banquet in the Holy Trinity Angli-
can Church, Main St.. Lucan. on
'Thursday. Fchruary 19 at 7 p.m.
, Thc.gucst-speakcr will he author
Barbara Attard. Contact Muriel
Culhcrt. 227-4766 for•tickcts..
Something for everyone at Queensway
HENSALL - Residents had a
good time at Fun and Fitness on
Monday morning. Following exer-
cises a lively discussion of current
events took place with several peo-
ple presenting their views on the re.-
re=cent news headlines.
. Rev. Tuininga of the Exeter
Christian Reformed Church led
worship service Tuesday with Shar-
en Dignan- as volunteer pianist:
Pastoral care volunteer, Winhic
Hutton lcd the Bible Study group
.Wednesday as they continue
through their Bible Study Guide On
Senior Saints. .
Ladies hour. Tuesday ,afternoon,-
- was enjoyedhy several women as
they received manicures•and a little
extra pampering. • • .
Friday. Resident Council for
Nursing Home and Operations
Group for Retirement Horne •were
held. The January events were re-
viewed and discussed plus the Lp
coming plans for Fchruary. •
Bingos will start up again on
Monday. afternoons as well ;is a
Valentine' party 'sponsored by the -
Hensall . Legion Ladies. Auxiliary:
There will • be entertainment at the
two Friendship Fridays this month
as well as a card party following
Diners .on Fchruary 12 -and the Al.'
De Hann Singers on the 26th. - Coming events.
Breakfast group continues each February. 6, 7:30 p.m. Friendship
Wednesday morning - and Bible Friday with Clare and 'Andrew.
Study Wednesday afternoons. February 12, 6 p.m. Diners. 7 p.m.
.. Videos finish the week.each Fri- Card party.. February 19, 7 p.m.
day afternoon. There is something Valentines :party with Hensall Le-
• for everyone to enjoy. gion Ladies Auxiliary-.
You are cordially invited to a FREE -Seminar on tbe:
New Legislative Changes to the Canada
Pension Plan
Effective January '98
Wednesday, February 11, 7:00 p.m.
The Ranch House, Main St. Exeter
Presented by:.
Nancy Cuthbertson • Canada Pension Plan Client
• Service Officer
Mark McElwain - Insurance and Financial Services
Topics of Discussion win include:
• RRSP options at retirement (new age rules)
• -alternative tax sheltered vehicles
• using life insurance as a tool to pay RSP tax -at death
• minimizing estate costs and probate fees
Limited seating available. To reserve your seat, call Mark or
Denise before February 10, 1998 at (519) 235-1344.
Mark McElwain
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