HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-04, Page 7Back in Time... By Ross Haugh from the archives of the • Exeter Times Advocate 10 YEARS AGO February 3, 1988 - Exeter Public Utilities. Commission chairman Murray Greene Was .presented with a golf hag- at the regular January meeting of the commission as a token' of appreciation for 25 years service, not only to the Exeter utility but to the district and provincial • associations as - well. In September, a new com- bined teachers resource -manu- al and drill and exercise hook will be available to.all...ei 10 students in Canada. It written by SHDHS n - teacher Wally Websti Exeter council has ,ucd -its six members to the South .Huron Rec Centre Board. They arc Bill Mickle and Pe- ter Snell from council and Jim Chapman; Phyllis Johnson and Kathy Whiteford who has been named chairman . for • 1988. . Tess Romaniuk. daughter of Anna' and Walter Romaniuk til• Exeter, is - one hall' of a partnership- rapidly making a name for themselves 'in the world of high fashion. Tess. a graduate of.SHDHS had years of experience in design with such names. as Parachute- and .; Dales hefore teaming- with partner Derek Price inproduc- ing their latest creations under the Price -Roman label. 20 }'EARS AGO, February 2. 1978 - After 15 years of operation the Exeter Rodeo- will not he jtcld in , 1978. Dalton Finkhcincr who, wasone of three persons who originated the. rodeo •idea more than 22 years ago made the -official motion to disband the .rodeo. -A very dedicated supporter Carf Cann said. "A lack of Interest by the public in supporting the rodeo and the possibility of the ,grand--' stand at Exeter Community, Park being "condemned arc the main• reasons for our deci- sion," 35 YEARS AGO February 2. 1963 - A can- vass of- the village of Hensall by 26 volunteer mothers for •)• the March of Dimes Cam- paign realized $212, Tuesday. Clerk C.V. Pickard adminis- tered an.oath of office to Ex- eter's new. PUC which will hold offtcc for 1963-64 . Commissioners- are •Mayor W.E. Simmons,' formcr•mavor R.E. Pooley. who was elected chairman and vice-chairman Murray Greene. - •- Approval has been received by Group Captain L.H. Ran- dill, commanding Officer of }, RCAF Centralia for the con- struction of a winter spins are- - na at the station. Construction will commence ' by early r spring. 40 }'EARS AGO February 4. 1958 - • New ' Crest Hardware in Hensall owned and operated by Drys- dale Hardware Limited stages -its grand opening 'this week. followin'g 510.000. of renova- tions. A - Centralia Firm, .C.A. McDowell and Co. has been awarded the contract for con- struction •of a dial telephone exchange building to he locat- ed opposite the RCAF Station. near Centralia.': Ij New .. broadloom' carpeting covering the entire auditorium and new oak pews are being installed in -Hensall United • Church as part of their $7,500 renovation program.. 50 }EARS AGO February 3, 1948 - A disas- trous fire Tuesday morning de- stroyed the wood -working lac - tory on James Street of Mr. Helga Jensen. ' - Hon. Farquhar Oliver, leader of the Liberal party in Ontario will speak at Liberal rallies in Zurich. Grand Bend. Seaforth. Exeter and Hensall next week. Messrs. Glenn Robinson. Bill Esscry, Stan Hicks and - Harold Penwarden attended the hockey game in Toronto Satur- day night. 75 YEARS AGO February 2. .1923 - Messrs. Wellington Johns and Trueman Elliott have formed. a partner- ship in the cleaning and repair- ing business and; are renovat- : ing the building that was used by Mr. Elliott. Mr. Lloyd Beavers has ac- cepted a position as hydro su- perintendent at Ayr and left Friday of last week to take charge of his new position. Thc Missionary Committee . of James Street Sunday School offered a prize for the best es- say on Missions and the prize was won by Miss Marjorie Clarke. I I . • , ecutive and directors meeting. By Muriel Lewis Grunion correspondient GRANTON - - Well. it's "almost ' certain': Wiarton \Vallis. .won't ser his • shadow .on -Feb'. 2., hut don't worry about it,sincc it's almost -cer- tain there will be six" weeks •more or winter one way car the other. • . Betty McIntyre. Gladys Cunning- ham and Muriel Lewis of Clande- heiyc. and Granton Womens Insti- tutes attended the . executive • and directors meeting to plan the May annual meeting for the new North West (Middlesex district, held ai the 1 MILY Times Advocate, Febniary 4, 1998 Page 7 • *From- the Principal's desk $y Deb Homuth South Huron District High School. Keden, of the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leaf fame, has written an interest ing•book called in• School which chronicles the year -Ale spent as an observer in a Mississauga high . school He writes: "Everyone talks about our schools Newspaper editorials worry about slipping educa tional standards. Business complains about poor training in the work force. Television programs talk about violence in school halls... -Yet nobody - - except for the teachers and kids -- seems to know what really goes on there." We would like to do something about_ that • Each week, this article will discuss what is , •, h.•se days at SHDHS as well as cs ',Mine current educalioli.....uc' in an attempt to have an ongoing conversation with parents and taxpayers. • Secondary school students aren't very good -in bringing home school newsletters. (That's all right, neither were we►. This medium will be . used then in place of those,newsletters. . Contact me at the school (235-0880i if you would like -to see par-. ticular issues addressed.• Parents should be aware that the course selection process icy underway. Your signatures are required as appros•al in this import;int Deb Homuth process. Students need to do some long terns planning poor to selecting next year's courses and then work bac kw•ards )n the order to make selections for next year. This approach will ensure that pre- requisites arc picked up at appropriate places. The best ads ice l'can give parents and students in their impoftant family ‘discipisions are.10 keep your options open, and to select. as often as you can. a broad range of ccurscs. Course selection forms should be signed and • returned to the school no later than Friday. Fehruary: 13 i:xpect'tirst semester report cards to con q home on Monday. Fehruary'9. • - ' • Grade 8 and Grade 9 parents arc -reminded of the information ses- sion scheduled for Wednesday. February 1 I. -_ This week grade assemblies are being hcld,wheec 1 have the, . opportunity to explain my expectations to •students regarding student conduct. Everything from absenteeism tai computer use w ill he addressed,' - - • Students then hale the opportunity to Talk to me about what they • like and don't like ahout their school. Certainly. part.of the role of our schools is to listen to our young people. For example. we mus'[ .make it a priority 'mask if what students -arc learning at `SHDHS and in schools -across this province is relevant and siFnilicant.',1 would.• hope that in every classroom every •day.-teachers'<and students -are making connections between what thenarc learning ands the real world; Parents; too, must continue' to pose these questions iit,their • children. What did you• learn today?.What du.vou knew now that' ,• you didn't know,heforc?-How docs this.all fu w ith•thc 'world today^ We must he prepared as educators. students and parents, to engage in iThe conversations with ripen -minds.- - And. that.'Mr:Dryden is hou we'll know 'What real\ Boos on there. ' embers attend meeting Betty' McIntyre, Gladys Cunningham and Muriel Lewis: attended' the ex- • home of- j'hxlf;. 1.au hton.'-Mt. Brvdgcs on Tuesdas . Jan 2 ; . At the Granton [ruled Chur h on Sunday. Fehruarc 1 'Mar-r-ar Dutton 'led the service in the absence of Normafic V•oakcs. Thc sermon tor - ie, was 'Love Is nia; all sou need' • based on the lessons from Jeremiah :I. Luke 4 and 1 st Cormthi;fn.. 13. - Next -Sunday : the annual m: el trig will follow the sere r: c At Si, Pauls Angh[•an Church. Kirkton on Sunda.:: Fehruar1st Res. Glenda Meakin relehrated the Holy Eucharist ant her menage was about listening toi God's .call -and heeding a as Jeremiah finallx did. There will he no 'ci•s ice at St Pauls on Sunday l•eh because 01 the annual Ecumenical Sen ice 'at the Kirkton WooJhatt►•Comntunits Centre at 10.30 ,1 in /KIS&W nanle /y MAIESTIC A cozg fire in seconds and no pagments 'til Jan. '99t Call today for details on a natural gas fireplace. TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT . 359 Main St. Exeter • 235-2032 t DEFERRED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE TO UNION GAS RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS ON APPROVED CREDIT THROUGH UNION GAS AND MEMBER UNION GAS HEATING DEALERS. ALL OTHER OFFERS NOT APPLICABLE. OFFER VALID FROM JAN. 19/98 TO MARCH 7/98.. THERE ARE NO SET-UP FEES OR EARLY PAYMENT PENALTIES FOR FINANCING. ' Residents and their buddies make silhouettes Z.t "It H - Monday afternoon the residents of Blue Water Rest Home watched "Wild America" a idea on wild animals created by Walt Disney. Tuesday morning the grade five Buddies from Si. Boniface School visited the Home to make a head profile of their resident buddy tin I•lac.k construction paper with the assistance of. an overhead -projector. The theme was in conjunction with shadows; with ground hog day just mound the -corner. The hlact I h,+ilcttc. head s iews were placed in the hallway of the Home. N15w the stall are testing their skills -of being able to identify the resident ol.each silhouette. While waiting Iheir,turn with the overhead projector. the -student Buddy shared One of their 'Christmas .toss with the resident Buddy and showed them how it functioned. • . - Wcdnesdas••afternoon the resi dents gathered in the auditorium 10 discuss various types ol mittens and gloves.' Many women hrought dress clothes they had wtirn: many Years, ago. The women discusscd. how gloves were always worn to . Burch. There were. male •and female 'leather gloves, squirrel lined , gloves. hard' knit Swedish gloves, • children's gloves. rabbit fur mit- ' tens. elbow length white gloves. a :bald'. VV'i7ard of 07 gloves, warm krrit mittens. Cts•. Dorothy Hayter, Roy •Gingerich. Boband Muriel Carson. Jean • Burr. Beatrice Mt Nah. Philippa Stcckle. Adeline Denomy, Juliette Denomme; Mary Romansizyn, Mabel Riley, Frieda Moore, Ruby Bell, Clara Hamilton, Esther Makins, Hilda Rader, Neil Mustard, Beatrice. Eagleson. Kurt Gebel, Rose Broderick, Rose Merner and Pearl Miller all joined in to discuss how.miliens and gloves had played a part in their lives. Thursday, afternoon Chapel Service " as conducted by Rey. t *herr 1)i\, yo. BBrucelield United - , r, h. Fr. Matthias Wronski. Si Boniface -Chu' h. Zurich Celebrated Mass. -Thursday exening members of .the Zurich Connection entertained the residents in the auditorium. Music tans :Air and Eleanor Horst and Lloyd and Helen Otte -hero gave the residents an es ening of song. Heanor played the piano. Art the violin, and Lloyd the -guitar -and ,Hawaiian guitar. Auxiliary volun •. leers Carmel Sweeney. Ann Flaxhard and Donna Merner served cookies: fruit and refreshiitents to -the-residents and 1h0r guests. Saturday the residents gathered in the auditorium- to torn[ a rhythm hand with their instruments of ari- ous sizes and sounds. Not tinly:i id they mals some good old time n usic. but they escrcised.thcir ann and hand muscles as well. Ground Hog Day. February 2. tenants of MaplewootlS Apartments enjoyed the •• •n'ron meal at Blur Water Rest 1 ionic' Raechler: Anna lirh. Meda 0'B. ie -n.- ila Country Bakery 367 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2525 Wed.. Fri. and Sat.Feh. 4,5.6,' 5O% Whole Wheat ,Bread 89c Brown or White Soft Dinner Rolls 6/.69 Hot Cross Buns 6/1.95 Valentine's pay Orders taken for Sweetheart Cakes, Cupcakes, Marianne$ & Heart Cookies 6 O'Rourke. Lloyd and Helen 011erhein. Ina Nech, Vera Shantz, Rela Snyder and Blanche Bechard enjoyed ih.e meal served by Auxiliary volunteer • Gladys Gingcrich. Ervin•Steinmann -was their chauffeur -with the wheelchair. bus in the absence of Josef'Risi who is vacationing in Florida. ' Thc -Grand Canyon was the movie watched on February 2. "ihe red rock and Arizona -sunshine brought warmth to the moan on an otherwise ON and dull day. February brings a visit from the 'Auxiliary. and Bible Study on February i; Select Shores for Seniors on •February 5. Art Coker on February 6. a birthday party with Goshen United Church -on February 12 'and Notes of • l'estcryear on February 14.. Best w ishes to Mac lox who has returned from South , Huron Hospital. Exeter. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER Festival School of Hairstyling, Stratford is accepting registration for their next class. Make-up Artistry and Nail Technology offered at no extra charge. Financial assistance available for those who qualify. - For further information call 519-271-9551 =a: =MET OE 225.2645 Rt'>' c,-amor, raid ['ander Ryle. •tin 1 • H 1 • if nnh!,vr• • 11,4E • l:+ • •(•ALT • firm, •',ICs.• • P • • 1 - s at. ivtC Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 NSALL STRICT A,,..i,•r C on,plete tine of RwIAiAg . l:c :;!• TOOL t1.'IBER.(F.VE\7 Ikk1Rs Vit\tk)u' . IL'RDUARF - PRF«[ RF TRF XTFD It'001) RENTALS - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES 236-4393 235-2081 Zurkh Exeter THE HOME OF THE WEEK... HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS r AC <E - s • • N •N F..AN ser. Is r TYNAN DESIGN LTD, I c a, No. e-- ::.c.f 1492 5Q,FT,1 J i PER .'.'v s-: !«..k..• "c4L•v-� -ase =.• COUNTRY STYLE HOME UNDER 1500 SQUARE FEET A gable roof design. feature windows with keystone details. a large covered front verandah: and a combination of horizontal siding and cedar shakes for the exterior finish give this home a truly authentic heritage look. Enter Into a foyer open to the second storey and brightened by an overhead window. An open plan for the kitchen. living, and dining area creates a warm country kitchen style atmosphere complete with a cozy gas fireplace. French doors lead out from the living room onto a huge rear deck. The master bedroom, conveniently located on the mann floor. features his and hers closets, a four piece ensuite with araised soaker tub. and private access to the rear deck. Upstairs, two secondary bedrooms share a three piece bath. • An unfinished daylight basement awaits your own creative touch. - Plans for 8T-119 may be obtained for $355.00 for a package of five complete sets of working prints and $30.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage 'and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% GST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our NEW catalogue: Two Storey Homes under 2000 sq. ft.. which is available for $8.51 including postage and handling and 7% GST. Please make ell: cheques, money orders. and Visa and MasterCard authorizations. payable to: Tynan Design inc. c/o Exeter Times Advocate Plan of the Week. 13659 - 108th Avenue. Surrey B.C. V3T 2V4. Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 1111 fit? Illi 1 SI I?\ I( I Ton 8 Stoup Reriroral Res., Gomm ' fou} insured ' ever 15 yrs erpenence ' Dump truck 'Chipper ;111e4 (11111 FLOORING • Vinyl • Carpet • Ceramics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carpet anc vinyl remnants ' Professional Installation • 457 Maln St., Exeter 235-440 cross from Canadian Tire Fireplaces. Gas 8 Propane. nigh Efficiency Furnaces. AIR Oil • Gas • Propane Air Condrtaning Hot Water Heater Rentals • Oil • Gas 24 Hour Round the clods Service 359 M*N St. Exeter (519) 2352032 GORDON DANN Pump Sales 8 Service Ltd. RR 2 Denfield, Ont. NOM IPO Water Pump Specialist • submersible )et & piston• : sump d sewage -Water Treatment Speoakst ' Novatet water softeners. iron hters and . dnnlung water systems dry pellet cNornates • 'Over 35 years experience' 225-2234 1.800-3280392 Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 GLAVIN EAvESTROUGHING RR t1, Osage, Oa NMJ 1KO 4 AND 5 INCH • Sar Nu A scr104 • whl WI Sawn 9dng aiy•NuShuiles Aiwa • Sisal Rosary ee [loom Truk Fre Eseone Gerry (519) 228-6295 Large of Sts stock" Wallpaper, also 500 sample books to choose from Paint • $undo.$ 'low's. Exeter Decor Centre 15 Oldley St. Exeter 235-1010 behind Bank of Nova Scotia A.B. Case Plumbing & Heating 91 Victoria St. W Exeter, Ont. NOM 182 (519) 235-1404 Sheet metal, propane and nature! gas, heating and air conditioning, gas furnaces and fireplaces. /I