HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-02-04, Page 6Page 6
Times -Advocate; February 4,198
1. Worth Texas
5. Tamale base
9. Sonic.
13. "Little White Duck,-
14. Model Elaine
15.- Nastase"o1 tennis
. 16. Clammy
17. Beneath
18. Della Wilder
19. Bravo. for a
bullfighter -
20. Contends
21. Cul in two..
22. Clutch
24. Roman statesmen
25, Doesn't depart -
27. Cultured milk
30. -Spectators at an
Army-Navy game_
32. Drill -
33. Auditor's snits
36. Malt. beverages
37. Cries
39. Take it on the
40. Literary monogram
41.. Mind Lat
42. Mr Sister
44. Heavy
46. Legume: old-style
47. •Filled pastry -
50. Famed moralist
52. Put arow
53. Port of Hawai
54. Mouse sighters civ
57. Summoned the
butler •
58. Face coverings
60. Splendor' ay the
Grass screenwriter
61. Coat -rack
62. Assert -
63. Actor Harry
64. Before rock or tack
65. the line
66. Expands
' 1. Generic dog's name .
2. The - Office
3. Apostates
4. Sound o1 disapproval
5. Eerie
6. Symbols of wisdom
. 7. 1992'Ecosummit
8. Vane di
9. Halve
10. Antipasto item
11. Gretzky. once
12. Pans subway
14. Bird venerated
by Egyptians
20. Fathomless
21. Horse father
23. Cerlain breads
24. Whammy -
25. Wound .remnant
. 26. Rangy
28. More than
29. Republican inits
31. Take an oath
33. Brought into
34. Toddler 'smuddy
- creations -
35. -Actress Archer
38. Remnant
39. Antony's lovefor
41. )14, Ger •
43. facto .
44. _Bmught up the rear
45. Fastened with brads
47. Sod
48. Heidi s friend in
49. Passenger ship
S1. In some other way •
53. Bring on board
55. Mild expletive
56. Rosewall and Norton
58. Vintner's need
59. Vanity
60. Neighbor of: Wy s
point to Ponder
by Rev. Vernon Dean
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
ere's a point to ponder that I heard just -last week....
There was once a father who loved his son very
much but couldn't find any quality time to spend -
with him. The father was very busy. making money so he could
give his son nice things. The.son wanted to build a tree house
but the father always seemed to be too busy.
One day when the son was in his teens. he -had a serious acci-
dent and ended up in the hospital. dying. The dad frantically
tried everything to save his son's life but his condition just grew
worse. As the teen drew his last breath. he looked at his father
and spoke:to him. I'm sorry. Dad it looks like we won't get
around to building that tree house after all. Unfortunately.
many people have to lose a son. daughter or
spouse before they realize that they were so busy
that they never got around to giving the greatest
gift of alt. -themselves!
Got the point - yet?
Vestry meeting at St. Patrick's
By H. Davis
Saintsbury correspondent
SAINTSBURY - Si. Patrick's
celebrated their Holy Eucharist ser-
vice on February 1 with. The..Rev.
Stanley Jay officient. ,
The children's focus helped them
understand annual Vestry and
belonging to a church. -
The Rev. Stanley Jay presided
over the annual vestry meeting.
Margaret Carroll read the minutes
from last year's, meeting and was
reappointed vestry clerk for 1998.
Heather MacGillivray will be rec=
tor's warden and Kimberley Kelley
was elected as people's warden.
Hazel Davis will be the lay dele-
gate to synod: .
Prior'to the.,,treasurer's report,
Hazel Davis -read a letter addressed
to the rector, warden and board
members, from Bishop Townshend,
Archbishop of the Diocese, thank-
ing them for the effort demonstrat-
ed by St. Patrick's for the year
1997 through the diocesan appor-
tionment in supporting the ministry
of the church.
Board members are as follows:
Heather MacGillivray, Kimberley
Kelley, Margaret Carroll, Hi gh
Davis, Viola Atkinson, Suzanne
• Davit, Chris Kramer and Hazel
Davis with Mary Davis as honorary
member. Suzanne Davis thanked
Rev. Jay and all those who helped
make such a successful year.
Great Chapterwill be held at St.
Paul's, Stratford on.February 17:
Zurich library repaired after flooding
By Carmel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
.. ZURICH - 'The annual hake sale
and• fundraiser for Bob Miuleholtz
in India will he held on,l�chruary
15 al 8'•p.m:•and again on Sunday
morning, Fehruary 16 at 10:30 a.m.
following the Masses at St.
I3onifacc Church.
Donations for baking will_be
appreciated and can be dropped off
before the Mass, - . -
lhe library_ has been redecorated
after the flouting. Librarian Helen
I)ucharinc.and some volunteer
helpers will be .some
hack lin the shelves this week and
it all goes well, the library will he
open for business on Thursday
from 2 to 5 p.in. Story hour will be
at the regular time.
Anyone having books at Wine
arc asked Itt.hring them hack as
soon as possible. 'they can he left
:in the drop box if the library is
'(irate fire and six "students from
St. Boniface School -Youth (Group
will be going bowling on February
-5 al the ;Town and•('ounlry Lanes.
the grade. se\-cn and eight students
►s ill be doing activities. in the.gyin.
.lhere.v alt he. a Valentine Dance
at the Hens:ill Arena -on Fehruary
14 from 9 to I a.m. Tickets arc $6
1►er.person.al the door. -
Some of the highlights -during the
next two weeks al (irand Bend
Winter Carnival will be the Fashion
Show at the Legion this Friday.
February 6 at 11 p.m.: the parade on
Fehruary 14 at 1 1:30 aril. on Main
Street (icon -perishable fond items
Scott receives
scholarship award
Roberta Templeman
Staffa correspondent
STAFFA - Staffa Women's
Institute members and friends have
been .quilting at the home of.
Claudette Elliott this past couple of
Congratulations to Christopher
Scott, son of John and Carol Ann
Scott. Cromarty. He was one Of -15
university students who received a
Governor General's Canada
Scholarship award - in t,
Environincntal Science at Ottawa
this past week. • . F
• Staffa Women's Institute held •
their annual potluck supper at the
Staffa Hall On Wednesday evening.
January Nat 6:30 p.m.
John Templeman got home from
-University hospital on thc•weck-
end: '
will be collected for Blessings-
lessingsUnlimited Food Bank in Zurich);
and the snow sculpturing competi-
tion runs from Fehruary 12 to 15.
The Sl. Boniface School Council
meeting was held on January 28.:
Tracey Regier chaired the meet-
ing Principal 'Mr.•Kraficlmeck gave
the secretary's report. -
-Teacher representative Mrs.
Willett gave an update of events
going on in the school.
Students are preparing to say
their speeches in the gym on
Fehruary 6 -al I p.m. Parents ,and
friends are welcome. -
Winners will compete at the
Legion in Hcnsall on -February .17
at 6:31) p.tn.
A pizza lunch will he served.to
students on Fehruary 18
A winter carnival. with Outdoor
activities -is planned for February-
ehruary20 and a 'Valentine's Day' oar
Fehruary 14.
Betides having First Friday Mass
each month at 9 a.m. for theslu
dents and teachers, Fr. Wronski and
Ir. Morris will have Mass on Ash•
Wednesday before classes begin, to
prepare for Lent.. -.
The main topic on the agenda
was to purchase t-wo separate play=
.ground units, one kw older children,
and one for younger children:
The committee will he having a
Time, Talent and 'Treasure Auction
on April 26 to raise stoney ,For. ibis
projeci, .
If anyone shops at M&M. Meat
Store in Exeter:they can ask to Om
their -purchase amount towards St,
Boniface S4hool #12 in 'lurich, as
they are operating. a fundraising
plan.. -
('ash calendar winners for
February- 1 to 7 are: Beattie Rau,-
au,Dashwood ($100): Susan
Leishman, Grand Bend, Jennifer
Reed. London. Ray and Sue Snell.
Dashwood. Neil Rontphf, Exeter, -
Todd and Lisa Morey. Kitchener,
1:di Zeheincr, Hcnsall ($50 each).
• Personals ' -
Peter and Mary Brand. RR 1
Zurich and two of their children.
recently enjoyed a vacation in
Wayne and Jody Schilbe and
children returned home last Week-
end atter spending two weeks visit-
ing wish his parents in Florida.
After spending the last couple
weeks in Zurich visiting -with their
parents and-fa_ntily members Mark
and Annette Stephan (Regier),
returned back home to Hong Kong
last Friday. - - .
Bernadette Denomme returned
on the weekend after spending a
vacation in Florida with her daugh-
ter and husband. ..
Congratulations to Dave and
Carolyn Stark .of Windsor on their
2.SIh wedding anniversary- on -
Fehruary 9. The,couple will be cel-
ebrating with their relatives in
Zurich on February 14 with mem-
hers of the Stark and Thiel families.
Happy birthday wishes go to
Beattie Geoffrey of the Rest Horne -
who was 75 on February I . -
Husband Clarence and family
members helped her celebrate on
Dr. Mark E. Jones
South Huron Chiropractic Centre
Do you suffer from
• Headaches • Back pain
• Neck pain
CaII 235-4892
493 Main St. EHeter
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello • . • C
r" t
Home diagnostics is growing as we approach the
21st century. There are home testing kits for AIDS, -
blood in the stool, cholesterol'and urinary tract infec-
tions. There are also kits -to analyze body fat; detect
drugs o1 abuse -and chuck deteriorating vision._Not alt
these are available in Canada: yet, but they are coming -
Storing',medications in, a bathroom or a kitchen hear any significant
source of"heat or moisture such as a sink, shower or dishwasher in
creases•the likelihood that the medication will alter-without.you're realiz-
ing it. Best storage is a cool,area away from heat, moisture,- direct_ sun
light and.children. .
The nicotine in tobacco causes the -adrenal glands to secrete hormones
that increase blood pressure an_ d heart, rate. February•"is'Heart Month..
Why not stop/smoking now? -
If you area heart patient and are taking medications for this, it's good -in-
surance to wear a Medic -Alert bracelet or pendant. Medic -Alert is a tion -
profit organization -that provides doctors, paramedics -dnd first respond-
ers with instant access to reliable medical information in case of a medi-
cal emergency. For more information call 1-800-392-8422.
- ' Phone 235-1982 440 Main St, Exeter
. "Your Health Care Pharmacy" 1
Baillie's Picture
Factory Clearance Sale
Ready made frames, pre cut
mats, discontinued frame
lines, and many limited
edition prints. Everything
priced to sell!
Wed. Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. - Sat.
Feb. 7 at 4 p.m.!
Huge selection of frames
priced 70% below retail!
Baillie's Picture Framing
166 Main St. Ailsa Craig, Ont.
Reg. hours: Mon. to Fri.
8:30 till 5 p.m.
Saturdays by chance
• (open til 4 this Sat.)
Prices in stied from February 2nd - February 1561,1998
Cover Girl Teddy Bear with
Lipstick and Nail Polish '6"
Ultra Dish Detergent 900m1. 99¢
' Hershey Instant
Hot Chocolate 175g 81
Pride of the World Fig Bars 21$100
St. Ives Twinpack
Shampoo and Conditioner
Zest Bar Soap - 6 pack
Anapal Collection =699
French Perfumes
Listerine Mouthwash 750m1 with
Free Endangered Species
Tooth Brush
Large selection of valentine Chocolates, Cards,
Children's Boxed Cards,
Perfufwes, Gla pries,
Plush Aw/trials 6 Assorted Gob.
Come in and get
°=1F.e;;t MAYTAG
Rebates from
$40 to $100
ask about o% Interest terms
Only until Valentines Day
390 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0705
17 -'
25 .
51 :
62 .
- -
1. Worth Texas
5. Tamale base
9. Sonic.
13. "Little White Duck,-
14. Model Elaine
15.- Nastase"o1 tennis
. 16. Clammy
17. Beneath
18. Della Wilder
19. Bravo. for a
bullfighter -
20. Contends
21. Cul in two..
22. Clutch
24. Roman statesmen
25, Doesn't depart -
27. Cultured milk
30. -Spectators at an
Army-Navy game_
32. Drill -
33. Auditor's snits
36. Malt. beverages
37. Cries
39. Take it on the
40. Literary monogram
41.. Mind Lat
42. Mr Sister
44. Heavy
46. Legume: old-style
47. •Filled pastry -
50. Famed moralist
52. Put arow
53. Port of Hawai
54. Mouse sighters civ
57. Summoned the
butler •
58. Face coverings
60. Splendor' ay the
Grass screenwriter
61. Coat -rack
62. Assert -
63. Actor Harry
64. Before rock or tack
65. the line
66. Expands
' 1. Generic dog's name .
2. The - Office
3. Apostates
4. Sound o1 disapproval
5. Eerie
6. Symbols of wisdom
. 7. 1992'Ecosummit
8. Vane di
9. Halve
10. Antipasto item
11. Gretzky. once
12. Pans subway
14. Bird venerated
by Egyptians
20. Fathomless
21. Horse father
23. Cerlain breads
24. Whammy -
25. Wound .remnant
. 26. Rangy
28. More than
29. Republican inits
31. Take an oath
33. Brought into
34. Toddler 'smuddy
- creations -
35. -Actress Archer
38. Remnant
39. Antony's lovefor
41. )14, Ger •
43. facto .
44. _Bmught up the rear
45. Fastened with brads
47. Sod
48. Heidi s friend in
49. Passenger ship
S1. In some other way •
53. Bring on board
55. Mild expletive
56. Rosewall and Norton
58. Vintner's need
59. Vanity
60. Neighbor of: Wy s
point to Ponder
by Rev. Vernon Dean
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
ere's a point to ponder that I heard just -last week....
There was once a father who loved his son very
much but couldn't find any quality time to spend -
with him. The father was very busy. making money so he could
give his son nice things. The.son wanted to build a tree house
but the father always seemed to be too busy.
One day when the son was in his teens. he -had a serious acci-
dent and ended up in the hospital. dying. The dad frantically
tried everything to save his son's life but his condition just grew
worse. As the teen drew his last breath. he looked at his father
and spoke:to him. I'm sorry. Dad it looks like we won't get
around to building that tree house after all. Unfortunately.
many people have to lose a son. daughter or
spouse before they realize that they were so busy
that they never got around to giving the greatest
gift of alt. -themselves!
Got the point - yet?
Vestry meeting at St. Patrick's
By H. Davis
Saintsbury correspondent
SAINTSBURY - Si. Patrick's
celebrated their Holy Eucharist ser-
vice on February 1 with. The..Rev.
Stanley Jay officient. ,
The children's focus helped them
understand annual Vestry and
belonging to a church. -
The Rev. Stanley Jay presided
over the annual vestry meeting.
Margaret Carroll read the minutes
from last year's, meeting and was
reappointed vestry clerk for 1998.
Heather MacGillivray will be rec=
tor's warden and Kimberley Kelley
was elected as people's warden.
Hazel Davis will be the lay dele-
gate to synod: .
Prior'to the.,,treasurer's report,
Hazel Davis -read a letter addressed
to the rector, warden and board
members, from Bishop Townshend,
Archbishop of the Diocese, thank-
ing them for the effort demonstrat-
ed by St. Patrick's for the year
1997 through the diocesan appor-
tionment in supporting the ministry
of the church.
Board members are as follows:
Heather MacGillivray, Kimberley
Kelley, Margaret Carroll, Hi gh
Davis, Viola Atkinson, Suzanne
• Davit, Chris Kramer and Hazel
Davis with Mary Davis as honorary
member. Suzanne Davis thanked
Rev. Jay and all those who helped
make such a successful year.
Great Chapterwill be held at St.
Paul's, Stratford on.February 17:
Zurich library repaired after flooding
By Carmel Sweeney
Zurich correspondent
.. ZURICH - 'The annual hake sale
and• fundraiser for Bob Miuleholtz
in India will he held on,l�chruary
15 al 8'•p.m:•and again on Sunday
morning, Fehruary 16 at 10:30 a.m.
following the Masses at St.
I3onifacc Church.
Donations for baking will_be
appreciated and can be dropped off
before the Mass, - . -
lhe library_ has been redecorated
after the flouting. Librarian Helen
I)ucharinc.and some volunteer
helpers will be .some
hack lin the shelves this week and
it all goes well, the library will he
open for business on Thursday
from 2 to 5 p.in. Story hour will be
at the regular time.
Anyone having books at Wine
arc asked Itt.hring them hack as
soon as possible. 'they can he left
:in the drop box if the library is
'(irate fire and six "students from
St. Boniface School -Youth (Group
will be going bowling on February
-5 al the ;Town and•('ounlry Lanes.
the grade. se\-cn and eight students
►s ill be doing activities. in the.gyin.
.lhere.v alt he. a Valentine Dance
at the Hens:ill Arena -on Fehruary
14 from 9 to I a.m. Tickets arc $6
1►er.person.al the door. -
Some of the highlights -during the
next two weeks al (irand Bend
Winter Carnival will be the Fashion
Show at the Legion this Friday.
February 6 at 11 p.m.: the parade on
Fehruary 14 at 1 1:30 aril. on Main
Street (icon -perishable fond items
Scott receives
scholarship award
Roberta Templeman
Staffa correspondent
STAFFA - Staffa Women's
Institute members and friends have
been .quilting at the home of.
Claudette Elliott this past couple of
Congratulations to Christopher
Scott, son of John and Carol Ann
Scott. Cromarty. He was one Of -15
university students who received a
Governor General's Canada
Scholarship award - in t,
Environincntal Science at Ottawa
this past week. • . F
• Staffa Women's Institute held •
their annual potluck supper at the
Staffa Hall On Wednesday evening.
January Nat 6:30 p.m.
John Templeman got home from
-University hospital on thc•weck-
end: '
will be collected for Blessings-
lessingsUnlimited Food Bank in Zurich);
and the snow sculpturing competi-
tion runs from Fehruary 12 to 15.
The Sl. Boniface School Council
meeting was held on January 28.:
Tracey Regier chaired the meet-
ing Principal 'Mr.•Kraficlmeck gave
the secretary's report. -
-Teacher representative Mrs.
Willett gave an update of events
going on in the school.
Students are preparing to say
their speeches in the gym on
Fehruary 6 -al I p.m. Parents ,and
friends are welcome. -
Winners will compete at the
Legion in Hcnsall on -February .17
at 6:31) p.tn.
A pizza lunch will he served.to
students on Fehruary 18
A winter carnival. with Outdoor
activities -is planned for February-
ehruary20 and a 'Valentine's Day' oar
Fehruary 14.
Betides having First Friday Mass
each month at 9 a.m. for theslu
dents and teachers, Fr. Wronski and
Ir. Morris will have Mass on Ash•
Wednesday before classes begin, to
prepare for Lent.. -.
The main topic on the agenda
was to purchase t-wo separate play=
.ground units, one kw older children,
and one for younger children:
The committee will he having a
Time, Talent and 'Treasure Auction
on April 26 to raise stoney ,For. ibis
projeci, .
If anyone shops at M&M. Meat
Store in Exeter:they can ask to Om
their -purchase amount towards St,
Boniface S4hool #12 in 'lurich, as
they are operating. a fundraising
plan.. -
('ash calendar winners for
February- 1 to 7 are: Beattie Rau,-
au,Dashwood ($100): Susan
Leishman, Grand Bend, Jennifer
Reed. London. Ray and Sue Snell.
Dashwood. Neil Rontphf, Exeter, -
Todd and Lisa Morey. Kitchener,
1:di Zeheincr, Hcnsall ($50 each).
• Personals ' -
Peter and Mary Brand. RR 1
Zurich and two of their children.
recently enjoyed a vacation in
Wayne and Jody Schilbe and
children returned home last Week-
end atter spending two weeks visit-
ing wish his parents in Florida.
After spending the last couple
weeks in Zurich visiting -with their
parents and-fa_ntily members Mark
and Annette Stephan (Regier),
returned back home to Hong Kong
last Friday. - - .
Bernadette Denomme returned
on the weekend after spending a
vacation in Florida with her daugh-
ter and husband. ..
Congratulations to Dave and
Carolyn Stark .of Windsor on their
2.SIh wedding anniversary- on -
Fehruary 9. The,couple will be cel-
ebrating with their relatives in
Zurich on February 14 with mem-
hers of the Stark and Thiel families.
Happy birthday wishes go to
Beattie Geoffrey of the Rest Horne -
who was 75 on February I . -
Husband Clarence and family
members helped her celebrate on
Dr. Mark E. Jones
South Huron Chiropractic Centre
Do you suffer from
• Headaches • Back pain
• Neck pain
CaII 235-4892
493 Main St. EHeter
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello • . • C
r" t
Home diagnostics is growing as we approach the
21st century. There are home testing kits for AIDS, -
blood in the stool, cholesterol'and urinary tract infec-
tions. There are also kits -to analyze body fat; detect
drugs o1 abuse -and chuck deteriorating vision._Not alt
these are available in Canada: yet, but they are coming -
Storing',medications in, a bathroom or a kitchen hear any significant
source of"heat or moisture such as a sink, shower or dishwasher in
creases•the likelihood that the medication will alter-without.you're realiz-
ing it. Best storage is a cool,area away from heat, moisture,- direct_ sun
light and.children. .
The nicotine in tobacco causes the -adrenal glands to secrete hormones
that increase blood pressure an_ d heart, rate. February•"is'Heart Month..
Why not stop/smoking now? -
If you area heart patient and are taking medications for this, it's good -in-
surance to wear a Medic -Alert bracelet or pendant. Medic -Alert is a tion -
profit organization -that provides doctors, paramedics -dnd first respond-
ers with instant access to reliable medical information in case of a medi-
cal emergency. For more information call 1-800-392-8422.
- ' Phone 235-1982 440 Main St, Exeter
. "Your Health Care Pharmacy" 1
Baillie's Picture
Factory Clearance Sale
Ready made frames, pre cut
mats, discontinued frame
lines, and many limited
edition prints. Everything
priced to sell!
Wed. Feb. 4 at 9 a.m. - Sat.
Feb. 7 at 4 p.m.!
Huge selection of frames
priced 70% below retail!
Baillie's Picture Framing
166 Main St. Ailsa Craig, Ont.
Reg. hours: Mon. to Fri.
8:30 till 5 p.m.
Saturdays by chance
• (open til 4 this Sat.)
Prices in stied from February 2nd - February 1561,1998
Cover Girl Teddy Bear with
Lipstick and Nail Polish '6"
Ultra Dish Detergent 900m1. 99¢
' Hershey Instant
Hot Chocolate 175g 81
Pride of the World Fig Bars 21$100
St. Ives Twinpack
Shampoo and Conditioner
Zest Bar Soap - 6 pack
Anapal Collection =699
French Perfumes
Listerine Mouthwash 750m1 with
Free Endangered Species
Tooth Brush
Large selection of valentine Chocolates, Cards,
Children's Boxed Cards,
Perfufwes, Gla pries,
Plush Aw/trials 6 Assorted Gob.
Come in and get
°=1F.e;;t MAYTAG
Rebates from
$40 to $100
ask about o% Interest terms
Only until Valentines Day
390 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0705