HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-28, Page 1916 For Sale SLAB FIREWOOD FOR SALE We buy woodlots MILLER WOOD PRODUCTS 235-2516 BEAT THE: PRICE INCREASE before the New Year on table and chairs. Orders taken for solid (oak, maple or cherry) table or chairs. 7 styles of chairs, finished or unfinished. Melvin Albrecht, Chenyhill Rd. (6th Conc. W. Nissouri Twp.) straight south of St. Marys, 3rdplace on nght. (51-05sa) W(X)D FOR SALE - Good dry mixed hardwood, by the cord or 1/2 tonne pickup truck load. Will deliver. Call 225-2609 after 6 p.m. 1 - (5X16' SLIDING DOOR; 1 - 15'x15' sliding door insulated; 1 - 15'x16' insulated wall; 1 set 20.8 x 38 snap on duals; I set 20.8 x 38 tins good for duals; I Ford 100 lawn mower 10 HP cooler engine; 1-307 olds engine and trany; 1 Acorn stove; 1 Scope engine analiz,er; I 8 HP clinton engine: 1 wood splitter; 1 60,000 BTU Swank Radiant Heater; 1-3,000 1 Ib Forklift (3 pt hitch); 1 cultivator 16' 1-20 rototillers (no engine); 1 Foley Reel Mower grinder; 1 Robi Cut off saw; 1-280 gal. tire calcium. Call 349-2304. GREY ULTRA SUEDE JACKET - Sir 38. One pair of black pants, waist 30. Both worn only twice. Call 233-9297 after 5 p.m. (44tfn) 2 HORSE CROWN TRAILER - Good condition. $1500. Denfield. 519-666-0777. • (44tfn) ' EXERCISE EQUIPMENT - Sears Jogger/gym/rower cost S380. like new. Asking 5225.00. Phone 283-1362. (45 -Ossa) ONE 1NGL1S DRYER - 1 Beatty fridge - green, 1 25 cu. ft. freezer; 1 compressor for cold room; 1 way angle snow plow 12 ft, and 3 ft. mounting. Best offers, must go. ('all 225-2609. (49-05sa) ONE WESTINGHOUSE FROST FREE refrigerator 13 cubin ft. , white in good condition. Asking S175.O0best offer. Also, •one vinyl easy chair in fair condition, asking 510.00. If interested 'call 284-3272 weekdays. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. COMPUTER SPECIAL - Pentium 166 MMX, 32 mh ram, 1.7 GI ', CD rom, mouse, stereo speakers, 3 6 fax, wi s� '95, monitor, Canon colo printer, and much more. S16./wk. Free delivery. - 1-800-515-5545.(02-05c) 400 BALLS OF MACRAME CORD - frames, replacement arms and patterns at Macrame Lawnchairs & Supplies, Hwy. 21, 10 km S of Grand Bend in Ravenswood. Call Carol 243-2660. (03-06') MASTERCRAFT self-propelled snowblower. 10 hp, 28" cut, electric starter, used 3 years." -Call 349-2377. (03-05sa) I 16 For Sale MATCHING SET INGLIS washer and dryer, super size, almond colour, dryer excellent, washer needs some repair, 5250/pair. Large wagon wheel ceiling light 525. Hunter green wood, corner stand, 2 door cupboard at bottom $125. Call 284-1912. (01-05sa) SET OF P205/65R15 Kelly Navigator All Season Radial tires 5150.00. Electrolux LCF Flo UV undercounter water purification system 575. Open to offers. Call 225-2157. (03-05sa) QUANTITY OF HAY and straw. Small square bales. Call 284-3639. (4-5SA) CARRETTE BY EVEREST El Jennings ElectricScotter. Phone 284-3726. (04-05sa) I CHESTERFIELD and chair 575.00. Call 229-6308 or 284-4700. (05sa) ST IHI. BT 106 gas powered drill with 8" ice auger - 8" post hold auger and drill chuck. Excellent condition. 3 years old. Retail over 5800. Sell for 5450. Iluron Tractor 235.1115. (04-05c) APPLES Northern Spys & Other Varieties • Fresh Pressed Cider (call ahead for bulk) • Grape Juice • Apple Butter SAWYER'S ORCHARD 235-0446 Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad WHITE ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE model 303 in cabinet with all attachments included. Fully serviced Dec. 97. Call 236-4681 Leave message. (05,06') WOOD FOR.SALE - $32. per cord in yard. $37. per cord delivered. 234-6316. (03,04,05•) - POOL TABLES - shuffle boards and accessories. Bob Tanner, 291-3270 or 291-3617. (06') LOVE SEAT - rose tones $250; 2 - burgundy swivel rockers 5125. each. Excellent condition. 235-0635. (05*) 3 YR. OLD MOFFATT frost free fridge. Excellent condition $450. GE washer, older dryer. Both good condition $150/pair. 30" almond electric stove- S80. Metal dad livestock rack for full size pickup- 5100. Call 228-9950. (05") NEW BUSINESS - RAVENSW(X)D opening Feb. 2 - Stu's Trade Centre, featuring; Macrame lawnchairs, supplies and gifts, Magical Scents, Aromatherapy. Massage, Ear Candling, foot care clinic and Canpar delivery service agent, junk'n treasures, indoor flea market, used furniture - and liquidation centre, for home and personal items, Alouette cosmetics. Open House, Feb. 2-8, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Prizes and refreshments, macrame chair supplies, all on sale during open house. (6 mm. cord $4.95 ball) Vendors wanted for indoor spaces and outside tables (in season) 243-2660. (05.06c) CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' • � r . - AGA1 u Tt�s { • c.,l; WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment 'for hardwood logs, prepayment for limber stands. Veneer log prices Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Spe- cial care taken in harvesting. Pannilt Veneer Co. Ltd, est. 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887. ANNOUNCEMENTS Non-profit student exchange program offers car- ing adults an excellenl,expense paid, volunteer opportunity, introducing Canada 10 teenagers from around the world. EF Foundation- 1.800- 263.2825. DONATE YOUR CAR. HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Tax deductible. Free towing. Need not run. Free phone card. Sponsored by AADCO. 800-463-5681. ousINsss (vas: CHRISTIAN BUSINESS: up to 81% profit for you or your ministry. No inventory. Horne based ser- vicing Christian Market. Complete (raining and support. Select territories. 1-800-663-7326 • AMAZING FACT. The Internet will grow by 2,700% in 24 mo's. Earn up to $15k/mo with Canada's fastest growing Internet Franchise. -Full training. Investment Req. 1-888-678.7588. ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS. $140,000/yr income potential. Profit from the explosive computer (raining field. Interactive multi -media system • trains via the Internet. Low overhead. Franchise. No computer exp. req. 416.679.2201. LOG HOME DEALERS WANTED. Join the. proven leader in pre-engineered log homes. Investment required. Call Rick Kinsman today. 1867 Confederation Log Homes, Box 9, Bobcay- geon, Ontario KOM 1A0 1-800-567-0270. �'sCA �•'rr`oP.Psx LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held April 18-24, '98. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R R. NS, Wood- stock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1.888.866.7355. Tic. REER' • UNit4a CHOOSE YOUR CAREER/start your own busi- ness. Earn an international diploma/A.I.N.S. oHars over 100 home study programs. Alternative health, counselling, self-improvement, nutrition, new age, business, sports, Beauty, writing. Free Prospectus 1.888.516.1212. hllp'//www. tains. com We have a career for you! BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Learn income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certificate now. For FREE brochures, no obligation, U 8 R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manito- ba, R3T 2B6. 1.800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience. COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now available in computer programming. We will train suitable applicants. Call CMS Zoll-Iree1.800-477.9578. x3. '� 1r t x.�r<:�� JUST 59.00 PER MONTH. Absolutely Complete!! NO -Money Down!! No Payments for Three Months!!! From the fifth largest PC manufacturer in Canada: 200MMX, 24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Video, 33.6 lull duplex, Inrel MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooled by other offers! Credit Approval available right over the phone! 1.888.860.9190 more Info/to order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door any- where in Canada. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home -study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2966, Ottawa, ON K1L 6R2. - - SAWMILL 54895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 100. SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available, Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800- 383-3589. FREE DELIVERY: Pond Checkers, the fun new board game everyone will love! Baby frogs jump- ing on lily pads to cross the pond and become bullfrogs. Sale promotion price 524.90 (taxes included). Call 1.888.544FROG(3764) for orders. Moneyback guarantee. Made in Canada. SLEEP ON WOOL. Fleecy merino wool ma tress overlays, warm in winter, cool in summer, for restful healthy sleep. Washable, four sizes from $159. Also 35 sheepskin products. 1.800.667- 2261. HELP. waNTE . w . . WANTED: Experienced Window Installers and Sales Representatives! Weekly Pay, Work Year Round, Thirty Ontario locations. Pick up the phone and CALL NOW!!! Toll Free 1.888.738- 0738. Experienced and licensed CRANE/BOOM • TRUCK OPERATOR required for busy engineer- ing company west of Toronto. Please lax resume 10 (519)853.5707. .... HOf�RIEB yt<y�t . � ¢• DO YOU LOVE TO CROSS STITCH? Join our Slytchen Tyme Friendship Club, II's FREE! Listen to our voice mail message at 1-888-666-4806. $ir et i 1149 ''' STEEL BUILDINGS...Final Clearance. Construc- tion and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30 53,688.00. 25 x 14 x 30 53,988.00. 30 x 14 x 40 55,944.00, 40 x 60 59,688.00. 40 x 80 512,244,00. 50 x 100 521,566.00. 60 x 120 528,900.00. Others. Pioneer 1.800.668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 1997 FACTORY Clearance Sale on Many Models and Sizes. Reserve your building now for spring delivery while quantities last. Call 1.800.668.5111, ext. 536. MUST SELL. 2 all Steel I-beam framed straight wall buildings (NOT QUONSETS). One is 50 x 100. Brand new, never erected. Will bold until spring. SACRIFICE PRICES • CALL TODAY . 1, 800-304-6349. �Z:: 1 .VACATioWT LYE EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES, COOKS, AND DECKHANDS for 38 passenger ship. (May 610 Oct. 18). Live aboard 10 days then 4 days off. Send resume before February 6 10 Ontario Waterway Cruises, Box 36, O,ifia, L3V 6149. Vtastiattli HAMMOND ORGANA�j i- WANTED to buy. Please caN collect 905.304-6060. TRASH OR TREASURES? Paying up to $1000++. Wanted any pre -1970 Collectibles, Advertising, Clothing. Comics, bolls, Furniture, Glassware, Jewellery, Magazines, Postcards, Signs, Toys, Watches. Auction, evaluation, Put. chasing Service. 1.888.301.1903. • It's Affordable;', It's Fast • It's Easy • Ons 8111 Does It All • • Northern Ontafo $78 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Weatem Oillarlb $130.6. yC,e,.ntralbnterlo $134 •All Ontario $390 • Natkrrtill Peakhgatt Avbhibl• CM Ole paper for details! 16 For Sale 1 IF! ST'YLIi SPA MATE - 2-3 person, I, . able fibreglass tub, 3/4 hp. pump, 1.5 I.0 heater with cedar tub surround. CJI !ib 16h3, leave message. (05,06') BI;Y A SATELLITE SYSTEM for just 516.95/month with no money down or buy now and do not pay for 90 days (oac). Save even more with our 25 per cent discvuneon installs we sell and install all brands of small dishes starting at 5259.95. Call 519-527-1009 or 1-888-269-0669 Bun Enterprises. (05") 17 Wanted to Buy WANTED: ('AR & TTtt!('KS for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our !rices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252. Advanced Auto Parts. (50tfn) 18 Wanted , RIDE - Exeter to St. Marys 9-9:30 a.m.. . return 5-5:30. Phone 235-3290, leave message. (05') VENDORS WANTED for the 9th Annual Craft & Quilt Fair sponsored by Perth North District Women's institute at the Listowel Arena, Saturday, • April 25. Contact: 356-2614 or 595-2006. To consign your quilts for the quilt auction contact 356-2220,291-9194 or 595-8165. (05) 19 Property for Sale FARM FOR SALT: - 100 acres, excellent, Targe brick home with new addition. Modern 500 hog finishing barn plus capacity for more with other barns. Call Linda daytime 527 2103 or evenings at 229-8887.(03-05") HOUSE FOR SALE - 3.6 acres, N. of !mean. #4 hwy., 4 bedroxint trick, 3 baths, attached garage. 227-0773. (02-05") • HENSALL - 4 bedroom brick bungalow. Fully finished. Fenced inground pool. Corner lot. 262-2:518. (03-08c) MIST SEE - year round living. 4 bedroom brick ranch style home. View of the Take. New bathroom, natural trim, newer carpeting. - 15 years old. For more information please call 451-7174. (4:5') FARM HAY T -WP. - 50 acres, sandy loam. 35 acres systematically tiled. Early possession. 227-4766. (05,06c) F 0 R s A L E GREAT FAMILY HOME In Exeter, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, large main floor family room, wood stove in livingroom, central air, gas heating. 30 x 24 workshop, large back yard. For information call Janice 235-0438 or 235-0420. FOR SALE HENSALL - new, ready to choose your own colors, 1700 sq. ft. with large garage, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, family room/dining/kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Main floor laundry, fully landscaped, cement drive, quiet street, has school bus pick up, 5 year new home warranty. Call 262-2029. Broker protected. 20 Property for Rent FXEiTT:R - one , and two bedroom apartments from S375 up, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. One month's free rent. Phone Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349.(45tfn) HENSALL.: 1 and 2 bedroom apts.; fully carpeted, fridge and stove, paved parking, TV cable, etc. Special rates for seniors. lath month rent free. 262-2230 or 905-662-6603. (12tfn) Property for rent Exeter Country Meadows 3 bedroom homes, new building management Phone 235-4694 FOR RENT PUERTO PLATA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Condo in Luxury Hotel. Sleeps 4. All inclusive $450.00 per person per week. l5min. from Airport. Some space available , Feb. and March Call 235-3293 20 Property for Rent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT -Spacious downtown apartment. This is an upper six room apartment. Heating is included. Call Dioney's at 235-0173, 9-6, (43tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT - One bedroom plus bathroom with shower. Includes some - furniture. Available immediately. 5210.00 a month. ('all Dinney's 235-0173, 9-6. (43tfn) SMALL 3 BEDROOM house available December 1/97. Call 235-1756 after 6:00 p.m. (46tfn) COMMERCIAL - Approx. 2000 sq. ft. of showroom plus 900 sq. ft. of shop with overhead door, separate or combined. Heat supplied. Main St. Exeter location. Contact Bob at 235-0874. (44tfn) . • AVAILABLE NOW - One bedroym apartment with dining room. Heated, fridge and stove supplied. 5375.00/month. ('all 235-1354. (45tfn) GREAT VALUE - Large one and two bedroom units available in a clean quiet building. Call Jackie 262-2234. (47tfc) DASHWOOD - 1 & 2 bedroom apts. $395.00 and 5450.00 monthly. Includes appliances, laundry facilities available. ('all RE/MAX Bluewater Realty Inc., Marlene Parsons at 235.3777. (03tfn) EXETER - 1 bedroom upper level of duplex. 5325. monthly plus heat and utilities. (519) 565.5641. (50tfc) 1 & 2 BEDROOM UNIT'S - Close to downtown. ideal for seniors. Clean. 235-3573. (50tfn) BROOKSIDE APARTMENTS - Large luxury, 2 bedroom apts. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, on suite laundry, control entry, designed for mature adults. Available March 1, 1998. Phone 235-2961. (52tfn) 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT -Large rooms, fridge and stove, balcony, garage. Lots of storage space. $350. per month plus utilities. No children or pets. Phone 235-1891.(02-05•) EXETER - 2 bedroom house. $600.00/month available January 1. Phone 235-0382 after 7 p.m. (02tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom, ground floor, private entrance, downtown available now. Bachelor, reasonable, downtown, available now. Call 236-4285. (02tfn) - ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS - Stove, fridge, parking and heat included. PUC extra. 451-2131. (02tfn) rREDUCED RENTS! First and 24th months rent- free deal. Large 1, 2 and 3 - bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get free of landlords. Lots of extras. Cal! Exandarea Meadows Co-op at 235-3382. Times -Advocate, January 28, 1998- 20 Property for Rent RAU MANOR in Zurich has a spacious 2 bedroom apartment for rent. Controlled entry. Fridge and stove available. Phone 236-4607. (33tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. - Carling St. Exeter. Fridge and stove supplied. Cleaned and painted. 5495.00. Phone 235-0512. (18tfn) ()NE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS from $349.00 in Exeter. 235-3509.(28tfn) OFFICE/STORE FRONT - Commercial space for rent. Main St. S. Exeter. 235.1462.(3ltfn) 3 BEDROOM APAR'FMEN'F - Very spacious deluxe seven room apartment located downtown. Included is fridge, stove, air conditioner, private entrance, wall to wall carpet and more. $597. a month. Call 235-0173.9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (37tfn) EXETER GROUND FLOOR - 2 bedroom apt. available immediately. Call 263-2380. (37tfn) IIENSAI"I" - 1 bedroom $376./month including heat. 2 bedroom $406/mo nth. Available immediately. 12th month free. Call 263-2380. (42tfn) UPPER ONE BEDROOM APT. Corner of John and Albert. Heat, appliances, laundry facilities included. Asking 5525. Phone - 235-4996.(02-05c) EXETER - -Large 2 bedroom apartment, newly renovated. No pets. Call 235-3293. (03tfn) LARGE ROOM FOR RENT - In new home. Private bathroom, separate entrance. Laundry facilities • available. .$300.00/month. Phone 235-1860. (03-05c) APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, bright, cheerful boradloorn. Treed lot, highway N4, 2 nines south of Exeter. Tiled hath, gas heat, large livingroom and kitchen: $410. plus monthly. References required 235-0392. (4ifn) EXETER - Small 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, new windows, heat included. $600. Phone234-6262 evenings. (04tfn) COTTAGEJIIOME - 20 rrtin, from Tobermory. Sleeps 4. All conveniences. Non-smoking. No pets. ('lose to National Park trails. 519-596-2824. (05-08') 301 SENIOR STREET, EXETER - Quiet, one bedroom units available. Stove and fridge reuired. Lots of parking. Rent 5325.00 plus utilities. Call Larry • at 235-0318 to view. (05,06) . LUCAN - New second floor apartments., Controlled entrance, new appliances, gas heat and central air. 227-4766. (05,06c) TWO & THREE BEDROOM luxury condo/apartments, gas heat, air conditioning, large open concept, 5 appliances, swimming pool, river frontage, decks. S595 - 5795 plus utilities. Phone 433-7243 - daytime and 660-4429 evening. (05tfn) O(0LD5,06ER SINGLE DETACHED HOME in downtown Exeter for rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $650.00/month plus utilities. References required. Phone 519-653-1460. • ) Page 19 23 Wanted to Rent 1 TWO LQCAL FARMERS LOOKING TO RENT good land in Exeter area. long term agreements. Conventional or not practices. Crop rotauonsincluding alfalfa. Fair prices or flexible arrangements. Call 229-6312 or 229.8586 after 6 p.m. (02,05') 1 25Notia. PHOTOS FROM YOUR PAST- - The Exeter . Times , Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN AUGUSTUS MORRISSEY Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 2nd day of September. 1997. Creditors and others having_ clairns against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars' of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1998, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, 0.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario . NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) For classifieds call 235-1331 Carpet bowling January 26 Susie Underhill 3 W, 35 Bill Sullivan 3 W, 32 Myrt Maguire 3 W. 30 Marshall Dearing 3 W. 29 John DeWecrd 2 W, IT, 31 Audrey McGregor 2W, 31 Ray Hodgson 2W, 29 Marion Dearing 2W, 27 �9'��1fU0X►9 225.2645 RR #5 Granton Harold Vander Hyden • ltn,.k • Block • fnun141k'c • Stoma • `r alk 1 i�.; n'ti• r,,uxn • l)n s -s • '.icln • Pm he, • r:tunfico • P,inhng • \cw II,•m,. •tire tit. Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 NSALL ,f STRICT eentAT'r Complete Line of Building Matenals TOOLS - LUMBER - CEMENT DOORS - \X1NDO\1S . }I,ARDWARE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD RENTALS - ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES iuri4 nhir FLOORING • Vinyl • Carpet • Ceramics • Hardwood Excellent selection of carpet anc vinyl remnants Professional Installation 236-4393 235-2081 457 Main St., Exeter 235-440 Zurich Exeter /cross from Canadian Tire f THE HOME OF THE WEEK... HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS 5_ RE MA:N FLOCR ••LAN 1329 50 F• TYNAN.DE5IGN LTD. F an tic.LJ-1Oi2 2432 5Q.PT. UPPER FLOCK P,AN 1103 50 Fr TOTA,, FLC^R AREA 2.32 50 •• - POPULAR FEATURES ENHANCE FAMILY HOME Designed to suit contemporary tastes, the exterior of this home features'a combination of vertical board and batten siding, stucco, and brick, a multilevel roof design with gable accents, and feature windows. Columns and an archway frame the entrance to the living room which also boasts a boxed out window seat. An open plan for the living and dining room creates a spacious atmosphere for formal entertaining. A gourmet style kitchen features plenty of cupboard and counter space, a work island, and a pantry. A large family room, open to the kitchen, provides a cozy gas fireplace. The den, set apart from the main traffic areas offers a quiet place for study. A split staircase, becoming an increasingly popular feature, can be accessed from the main hall or from just outside the kitchen area. Upstairs, the games room feature's a boxed out window seat. With the addition of a closet, this room could easily be Converted into a fourth bedroom. The master bedroom boasts a large walk-in closet and a four piece ensuite with a raised soaker tub. Plans for U-1012 may be obtained for $465.00 for a package of five complete sets of working prints and $40.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% GST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are nqw available in our NEW catalogue: Two Storey Homes 2000 to 2500 sq. ft., which is available for $8.51 including postage and handling and 7% GST. Please make all cheques, money orders, and Visa and MasterCard authorizations payable to: Tynan Design inc. c/o Exeter Times Advocate Plan of the Week. 13659 - 108th Avenue, Surrey B.C. V3T 2K4. Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 MEM Tree & Stump Remoral Res., Come ' fully insured • rnrr 25 yrs. experience - ' ()imp truck • Chipper ' Clump KnCall ave Taylor (519) 238,5451 1 11 ( 1121( 1 \N Industrial • Commercial • Residential • Alann Systems • Farms R.R. 53 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S5 RON BILCKE (tug) 229.6264 TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT Fireplaces, Gas & Propane. High Efficiency Furnaces. Oil • Gas • Propane Air Conditioning • Hot Water Heater Rentals • 0,1 • Gas 24 Hour Round the Clock. Service 359 Maln St. Exeter (519) 235-2032 GORDON DANN Pump Sales & Service Ltd. RR 2 Denfield, Ont. NOM IPO Water Pump Specialist ' submersible lel 8 piston ' sump 8 sewage Water Treatment Specialist ' Novatek water softeners, iron filters and dnnking water systems ' dry pellet chlorinates 'Over 35 years experience' 225-2234 1.800.3213.0392 Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 GLAVIN EAVESTROUGHING R.R. Nt, Centralia, Onl NOM 150 4 AND 5INCH • Seamless Machines • Metal Leal Screen Siding Soffit • Fascia Yn l • Akxnoten Shutters Asphalt • Steel Roofing 40' Boom Trude Free Estrnates Gerry (519) 228.6295} Large quantity of in stock" Wallpaper, also 500 sample books to choose from Paint - Sundries • Giftware Exeter Decor Centre 15 Oldley St. Exeter 235-1010 behind Bank of Nova Scotia A.B. Case Plumbing & Heating 91 Victoria St. W Exeter, Ont. NOM 152 (519) 235-1404 Sheet metal. propane and natural gas, heating and air conditioning, gas furnaces and • fireplaces.