HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 231
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Vandals damage 9-1-1 signs
By Chantafl Van Racy -
• T -A Reporter
/they were erected last summer.
.. Kap the mud off the roads
• Road Superintendent Ken Parker also gave a re-
port regarding the problem cif mud and detfris on
roads at the tan. 6 regular council meeting. • •
- A draft bylaw is currently being drawn. by Usk
borne .Clerk -Administrator `Sandy Strang to deal
with this issue. • .
Parker addressed council- about his .concerns re-
gardingahc cost'of cleaning roads of mud and de-.
kris resulting mainly from farm•operations.
"The profile- is i'arniers coming off field. --and
hringing mud onto. the road. -.Parker- said. "Some-
times you'll get- big gob's of mud on the road and if
it freezes someone could drive over it and it could -
he a real mess." •
Parker said this isn't a new -concern,. He said when
farmers experience wet falls or springs the' situation
is usually, worse. •
:..He explained if gravel has til hc.put on -reads or a,•
machine has to be sent- out to clean the "roads. the
Farmers will he charged -tor the service..
"It's not always their fault:'. Parker said. "But
sornetimcs they -dont carr."
The dralt bylaw will deal with -these concerns and
will include the fees the township will charge -land-
• owners for rectifying these situations. These -fees
have not -yet hecn established. '
• USBORNE TWP. - If you vandalize 9=I -I sign:
you're going to pay. .. .
This.is the warning Ushornc Township would.like-
to: get out to the vandals who damaged the newly
erected 9-1- I signs in Ushorne Township: • -
Those caught damaging road signs will pay a fine
up to 51,000. Road Superintendent Ken Parker said
the offence is in the criminal•'c de as theft under
.51.000. •
- Parker said, so•much damage had hecn done to the
Signs they •will have Io•h�e•replaced. He said some
igns have hcen- broken oft the top, some have hecn
hent over and some signs were completely; broken
oft'and moved to another arca .
/' .h
"The damage was. sad tit some of the signs
they will hive 0) .he .replaced:" said .Parke) . adding
some signs -have not -even hcen li►und yet.
He,addetl each sign will probably. cost S1 -00. -to -re-
place. He said tyyi• hlades.. a post a set of hardware
an.d,la(ior calculates the amount.. • -
"We found eight signs -that have to he replaced
a n•the *township of Ushornc.'•' he said: • * .•
Parker saitt. there haus always been a problem with
vandalism to stop and yield signs but this is the first
time damage has hcen clone- to 9-1-1 signs • since
Children for Chernobyl information ni
ST. MARYS-- On Thursday
night. anyone interested in finding .
out about hosting.t•chilsl from . -
Chernohvl for the summer is invit-
cd to attend an information night at
Huron Centennial School library at
.7 p:ni. People-wishine. to help orga-
nlxe:-a committee in the Zunch.area.
are also welcome to anent) -
-The 1998 -summer visiting pro-
. grata is quickly approaching:ansl
tl e -St. Marv: Children for Cherno=
- 1 .1 commit(e(- is -looking for host
I' /milks interested in caring for a -
Child during the summer holidays.
The ideal situation would he to -
have one parent fiddle bet irhoth ..
arc working outside the home and•
the proper arrangements for child
care -can be made. they arc also. ..
wclkomed-as host families.
Children from Belarushave heel►
visiting Si t. Marys and area lor•the
past: five -years. - -
For information on.Thursday
night's mceung. contact Shelly
Bender at 236-427():- -
For; turtherinforebatton about the
Generator stolen
- .\ generator lett in the hack of a pickup parked in a
pitches% Ave.. Lucan, driveway was-stojcn between midnight and 7
OPP a.ni. rn13.-
_t Jan London OPI Coasts Donna Shulist said. r
• • _The generator is•worth about S2,500. - -
Clubs and saw nabbed .
I.UC'AN - A mitre saw and a set of golf clubs: were. stolen from an .
Oak Si.. Lucan. garage overnight on.Jan .f6. Shulisi said- -
Thteve. gained entry by forcing the lock on the side door. Valtic-of
the stolen items is ahoui 52.00{)
Several power tools stolen
GRAN!) BEND - Sevc-ral power tools together worth about S1.401..
wcre.stolen troni a Lake Si.. Grand Bend. home between Jan13 and •
;Jan 15. North Lampton OPP-Const. Luke George said-
aid-lools taken include- a Makua mitre saw and cordless drill with case.
spare battery and drill bits: a Black and Decker hammer drill. jigsaw
and reciprocating -eau : a set of Mastercratt wood chisels: a hex kev set:
a leather -carpenters apron. two Estwtng hammers. ' '
If you know anythulig about this crime. call -the -Forest OPP at (519,
78(1'2349 orihk L.arnta/Lamhton Crime Stoppers at I -80X)-222-8477. -
Fake $20 found in Exeter
EXETER - Huron County ()PI' warn -areal retailers to ht sin -the
lookout for the most professional take S20.hill, they have ever. seen.
Const. John Marshall said staff at Melba & Abner Tuckers -store at
383 Main Sr.. Exeter, found ii "very'good looking" counterfeit •
Canadian S20 hill with serial number ESL1483557. Marshall said lake
trills with that serial nttnther have been found across the country in •
recent months. including one found on Aug. 26. 1997. at Seips
Vatumart. '
-There s quite.: a few of: these hills around." Marshall said.
The'only differences between the fake bills and the real on. arc the
counterfeits arc "slightly smaller" and 'feel more slippery."
Coniact the Huron County OPP at (519) 524-8314 or Huron County
C'rirne Stoppers at I-8({)-222-8477 if you conic across a suspected
counterfeit hill.
Van window smashed
• LUCAN - Thieves made oft with a hockey bag full of equipment
atter a van parked al the Lucan Memorial Community Centre had its
back window smashed on Jan. 17. Sliulist said •
In another incident at the arena, two coats, a duffel bag containing
school taroks, a eatecorderand its case were stolen from a van parked
-there between 4 p,m.-10:30 p.m. on Jan. t7. Shulisi said the van was
locked at the time. -
Chainsaw - stolen from pickup
LUCAN - A chainsaw was taken from a truck cab parked on Water
Si. in Lucan in the early hours of Jan. (8. Shulisi said. 2
The truck was left unlocked
Watch for those deer
I IURON COUNTY - The Huron County OPP warn motorists to be
on the lookout for deer on roads even though the dead of winter isn't
peak deer sighting time.
Marshall said Huron County averages one deer accident a day.
Motorists should be especially vigilant for deer between April -May
(when bucks are out chasing does) and October -November (when deer
are getting ready to weather winter).
The Huron County OPP will issue a bi-monthly deer report bulletin
to fill motorists in on the deer situation starting this month, Marshall
program. apply' to PO Box- 3001. St.
Marys. N4X I A6.or contact any
committer member: Jeff and Loys :.
Fawcett at 349-2459: Peter and
Sherry Fedyk at 284-3448; Lukc
and Joanne DeBrahandere at 229-
6722: or Fred Olhach at 284-1441•.
Times -Advocate, January 21, 1998
Page 23'
Police services contract on Monday's agenda
EXETER - Representatives from
the Ontario Provincial- Police will
meet with Exeter council on Mon-
day •night to discuss the contract for
• -The OPP presented council with a
budget increase 'of nearly -25 per
cent in December. --
Part of the increase was due to the
budget including provincial, averag
es for items .such as overtime and
- vehicle maintenance rather than fig-
ures based on what has been spent
in. Exeter.
Other increases are due to new
items: communications support. ra-
- dio equipment and regional head-
quarters support. • Wages have. also
• increased: .
. Mayor . Ben . Hoogenhoom, said
:there .is room •for negotiation.. in
some items and' doesn't expect the
final contract -to be as high as the
submitted budget. .
"Statistics• indicate we're setting
more. hours from the police - than
we're contracted for." Hoogeiiboom
said. adding the proposed .contract
IN still less than the last fiudget pre-
sented by, the town's police -force
five years ago. •
"Our detachment has keen very.
cooperative." Hoogenhpom said.
` The Exeter .. committee of the
whole discussed the contract behind
closed doors for' two hours last
Monday night. •
Before going in -camera. Hoogen-
boom said the contract is' a very
sensitive topic and whatever coun-
eil discusses before it meets with
the OPP should be kept within four
walls. •
"1 don't sec any value in it being
splashed over the-newslianer.'' .
Hoogenbornn expects Monday's
- meeting with the OPP will be open
• to the public: -
"No decisions will be Made in a
Closed -meeting." he promised.
Snowmobiles are a perennial issue in
Exeter. And although we have had
very little snow .this year, we have
still received complaints of
inappropriate behaviour (a practice of
the minority). .
For snowmobile owners: Please ensure those who operate
your machine know the following: -
( I) It is illegal (and dangerous to others) to use the sidewalks
(2) Private property is to he respected -
(3) Late night :snowmohiling is prohibited (i.e. from midnight
to 7:00 a.m., except that persons may return to their own
residences by the most direct route during that time
(4) Control your, speed
For those who witness misbehavior. Please do the follow ing:
-(1) Get a license plate number;
(2) Identify owner if you can; -
(3) Note location and direction of travel;
(4) Phone the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 (even if you do not
have all of the above information).
The OPP need information to lay_ a charge. Your help 1.
important. Even -if a charge is not possible (i.e: both license
and operator "identity are needed) the OPP will phone the
owner if the plate only is identified in order to promote
:proper use of the snowmobile.
.211r1.11116,a, ii',
�.l •791
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You must he 18 years of age or older and have p
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