HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 22i
.CliuIdrtn and nlotorr;l-..dinor or nor
' Tally expel snownldrhiiersio enter
I:d\cardl :Sire.' nlui-v athrough thi•
A sc,onli aspc,:J 1. [lid; open
sli$rnt 'dram yvhr.•ii -ts :t potential
hazard lot • sfoWnir>.hilers and chil-
dreir t)lavinr .in the awn Willi Vic
,furrent posruon of_ • the -private
-snowtencc.:children .Hui\ :enter the
'ereck -11, walk arm -Juridic tense
On 11'tontJd.\ night: comic. it- Ile•
oiled .11 • :Oil ;r-.n0►ctencc - 01.1 1111.
s0ut1t. SOL/ 01 the drain on • town
proper"\ so • that snowmobile• .an
not pas, through and post tht- area
3. ;1 no -snowmobile area' •
'The nesehhuringr landowners will
have the opportunity to -comment
on the .tent(• before 1t 1s erected
Council .emphasized the - slim))
drain. 'makes this situation unuluc
and due. not Set a prcccdent for
blocknig snowmobile access ti 1-.'
etcr through outer town prr'perues
Page 22 ' Tints -Advocate, Januar/ 21, 1.998
20 Property for Rent
EXETER - 2 hedroam house.
$600.0(44nonth available January 1 Phone
235-0182 after 7 p.m. (021fn) .
EXETER - 2 hedro oiju. ground • floor.
private entrance. downtown available now.
Bachelor, reasonable. downtown. available
now ('a11.236-4285, (02ttn) •
. APARTMENTS - Ste%r 'ridge. parking
and heat included PI ( extra 451.2111
(02tfn )
23 Wanted to Rent
RI'' 1 good land n. 1'144(•4 area I ,ing terns
agreements -Conventional or not practices
Crop rotations including alfalfa I -au price.
' or flexible arrangement, (':al 224)-6112 01
224-8.S)(hatic'r.pm 402•(5•• •
. (ASI' d'ROi, 1 A\I) WA\TFI1 _.
\'441n: c,intpetiuv: tarme! interested in
. %droll. and lone term• 01 sa:ughl .;ash rent.
share erop rent 111 - awn 01 •Ieau to ow'n
('ungrtuty: r:uc, on all option• Manfred
• l .tri ncl 214 64454 day. 262 1202 cvcnmc.
dr, 04.-i
2� Notice
P111111)s• FRU11l. Vim 'R ''ASI The
Exeter lime, • Advocate ha.. mans
unclaimed picture,. received Irons yoni
special occasion • Pleas pick up sour. plink
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Late of the Town or .Exeter. in the
County of Huron. who died -on the 2nd
day, 01 Septehher. 1997 Creditors and
others has ing-claims against the above
caatr are required to send lull partici]-
. lars of such :hurts to the undersigned
on or before the 29th dal ' of January.
10911. alter which date the estate assets
will he distributed. having regard only
to clans That have then been recd, ed
Barrister and Solicitor
417 Main Street South
Exete f. Ontario
NOM 156
Solicitor for the Estate Trustees)
Auction sales
CLINTON 482-7898
Sat.. Jan. 31 at 9 a.m. Furniture,
antiques. new carpet. snow
blower. etc at Lohh Auction in
Bob Heywood 235-0874 Res.
586 Main St. Exeter
Saturday, January 24 at 10 a.m.
on loatlon at Hotson Lighting
11 mile north of the main Intersection at Grand Bend on Hwv. 211
Wt• clavi heel tavored by th( owne• t(- I,qu)dat(w by public auction all
rernamrn€, fixtures, chattels and stock found at the premises of Hotsor
,-ightIng Inct(ides hundreds .of lots of lighting fixtures and:accessor_ies
hanging. wal! mounted. table lamps and shades. coach style etc for
every -room in vote house Also. chrrta and glass including; such names
�s .Waterford. Zwetse). Royat Alpert. Paragon. Mikesa. Bromley
Humme' et:: Accent vases. mirrors,. ant prints. flower arrangements:
;:offer and lamp tabres, curio cabinet. somd••shetving, hundreds of
oarts 'Also- subject to reserve - an excellent Roxtor dining
suite. as new. with Queen Anne style round ext. fable.. 4, chairs and•,'
matching hutch and buffet Subject to additions or deletions.
• UPCOMING. SAT. JANUARY 32. at South Huron Rec Centre. Exeter
rhsoers'ni content= o' Londor,. Grand Bend and, Exeter homes Water
to 4
Snowfence at Edward.
Street to discourage -
snowmobile traffic
. t_XUTI:1: C,)i.werm Iron+ his:a
resident, have prompted council tt•
ado ..:num 'once on the south side
01 the Anna: Sired i)rain al. Edward
Street. ' •- -
Snoyvnu)hilcr- enter Exeter from
the • cast through the Prsde -Suh-
di:\is s:. hchintt the-I:xetei illi, ld• ,
Edward Street The same routs 1s
taker h• xnriw'niohller. leas mg -
troth _
l hi
,ss-nrrs or flit. property f 4 the
north of the"tow•! iteht-tit -m'as hay's'
rested :I snowrmr, veui the
sr)„yvmohlicr, trona :rossmt' Mei;
!'licit •
ti,risd i anothei issue Although
n. .oniplaints have come trim the
\ctcr Vila,,, council re ogniZe(f
to: :,liiscnes: :of. this snowmobile.
rnuit'td the \ 1IL( .may ;lake this
arc,: n)or: sell.Illvs- to noise than
Eyelet •
Tit: third. Issu. and. Mi. One di.-,
..usstil nos' h\ council. L. safely
CAA road safety tips
Tjp iii: Drinking and driving invisible on, top of a black asphalt
don't mix ' road. It (sours when moisture Or
. Throwing a party this -holiday condensation on the roadway
season''. Hcrc arc some practical treeres overnight.
suggestions -from CAA Central Another early morning hazard i.
Ontario on flow to he great host and the slippery bridge. While there are
not contrihuie to the tragedy of a some warning signs such• 'Rridges
drunk driving'crash when your Ices' or "Slippery When Wet." it is
especially 1n►ponant. to heed the,
message on colder-rnornings and
'force alcoholic drinks on your • treat ever •hridge with extra rati-
guests. Respect the wishes -of those tion.
who say "No thanks". and serve a Bridges -tend to accumulate frost
variety of non-alcoholic 'beverages and we whenever temperatures go
• - Serve protein -rich and starch\ - down at night. Early horning dri•
foods throughout lhe•cvening t0 - ving during the..•oldei. month:
help retard alcohol absorption. requires es(fit rare and attention..
• Slow down the drinking rale of Allow yourself -snore Inns 10 get
vont- guests with lively talk and, where.you're going '
party gam('i. _ .-,-, _Tip,#4: Rewarc• of carbon
• Poi away -the alcohol when it monoxide. the silent. killer •
gets late and bring out the chfree In 190. carbon monoxide from
guests leave
Don's he a "pour" host and
anis dessert. - •- '
• 1:ncourage car' pooling' C',fvc :r
_small gift to all designated diivers.
• Takc keys. call a cab. or insist
:that a guest who has'tiad-too ;itch
to drink sleep overnight al your
home. - No mallei what -yin" do: there
Might he a)niconc who has partied
toil. much artdl -wilI insist on driving.
Take :0rntnan(1. Yc)u max lose a
friend Mai night. baryon will have
a better friend i1 the morning who
loved your party and lived t0 tell
:bulli it' • -
Tip #?,: ('opin 1 with frozen
door locks -
I Itiien dt.roi Ih1..k lett you Out in
the cold" CAA•('entr.il Onlant'
.ays.lhatnurtj)rl:is can ati:0ul the+
Irit.tratlng sltllallnn h\ llang'a
graphite -based lock luhn.:ant. It •
aho•,a.euiu(t idea to place masking
tape (it adhesive rape over kevhnlos .
when goring the ear. washed in silh-
/ero Temperatures.
It 'Jack Frost does'gct,the'heitci;
ut 'You. thaw vOtir trozcn•door- lock
by .ilunung de ieet into il'Antrthei.
trick is•uslne a hairdryer'un the
dooc.tntt 10c k lot a tem minutes. "As
Iasi resort. insert a key, heated hy'
match or hghicr To.avoid hum -.int; vourseli wear gloves or hold
thi kc-\ withplies
Tip #3: Earp morning driving
hazards -
Black ice anti troll(\ bridges are
Iwo ha.arti. c Irl\ Horning drivers
should he on the- lookout for says
CAA Central Ontario' Black i u 15
tech used 40 describe' a thin. stip'
pery. sheet (it Clear ice that 1. almost
Motor. vehicle: acc.ldenfaI
'claimed. the live. 01 -30 unsuspect-
Ing Canadian. -.•-
. 'rh1s colorless. o(lirrlcss, tasteless
..gas. is especially_ dangerous in -cold.
weather when windows are dosed
and the car heater is In use
To avoid the threat or carbon
monoxide poisoning. C'AA_ Central
Ontario -suggests ►nutonsts
these precaution.:
. Never nun an engine in -a closed
garage (it other unventilated endo-
' alae -
• keep cal vent. 0r ,i Window -
slightly open to ensure sufficient•
-circulation, In stop -and -go Aral::
fie. keep forst :it'd intake >'ent.
• closed as they may suck in exhaust
tunics from other vehicles
• Shut Oft the engine when sitting
in a parked :car` • '
• Have the _engine lunedi reeuia;
Iy Thl. wit! nut 0111 fvr heHei
performance.. but aho it will lower
the productunl•nl carhoin monoxide-.
• 1•rcqucntl\ have otic exhaust'
system checked for Iraks iln(1snip-
pages. and replace any faulty part.
tinrncdiatelx •
'• Tinn't-allow. the tailpipe to
he. onlr plugged with snow '0r 0ther-
loreien 0htcct
C -.A v'entr'al Ontario 1 ' one (1
1 1 CAA -affiliated auto .:luhs ser)
Ind ; is million members_lhrougt
1.34) offices across Canada In :addi-
ti0n.lo offering a \rite• range -ori
travel insurance and en►crgencx
road servi. e . CAA Central Ontario
alsowork, to improve mutorlaig•
and travelling nd(ti nls -
('111 ' ,.
tri -
. 7h; at:. •u!' 1 Nit 0.C.•
ir'rrlc r;;," frtiu,inrs-
tali UV' .1':,� 110C. -
iso olive oil
small onion. chojiped
stalk celery, diced
6 cups chicken broth •
1.1/2 cups green or yellow split peas
isp crushed dried thyme
1 • bay leaf •
1 cup - diced cooked extra lean ham
1 carrot. dread or. shredded
1 cup_ Carnation® Evaporated Skrm•Milk
• - San and pepper
is largt Stith c1%111, heat on liver medium-high heal. cook union and
,cies: s11rr(ne \'..aswnallt. until softened. Add broth, split peas. thvnid
and'ha% leal. hring ti' hut; Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 40
tumult-.`. slifrdin' often
Add haat and carrot. return la sunnier and cook. covered. for 20
minute, Siir in evaporated milk and reheat. Seasun with salt and pepper
1n lasts
5 ml
1 ,
375 ml
2 int
250 mL
250 ml
Milne •1'lur,e7
Pe' serving Jl'4, (,alone• ' /i g Prdtear 1 ; g fat
50 g Carbohydrate
A good .nicer. 01 caecum and fiber
tit tint 'I
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's'work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy. .
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application. ,
Hero are some guidelines to follow.' in preparing your resume:
_1 Make it clear, concise and easy to .read - and no longer
than two pages '
=I The resume should be typed on 8 1!2" x 1.1" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
_1 Start with your name, address and phone -number
J Next under a sub -heading "Work History' detail the
previou obs you'.ve held - in reverse date order
- that is; as , first.
J Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position. -
• State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
=1 The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have -
attended in conjunction with your work.
J Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices' held, in professional or industry
J Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer -such as volunteer work, etc. -
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an interview. So make It as impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at -
Mai "nor hr. 111111.1h 1.1ire
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331
hockey scoreboard
ileasall Minor Weiler
Januar). 17 .
Hensall 11 al Flina Logan I
'tittle Tvlet Kegler. Tim Campbell 17'
Asstd..: Repel 424. H(•n Hovru, 421, Nathan
Kinsman Brendan Hiicke. Jtrsnn Campbell,
111,'ybdiae I Coiling,
(;oa11ender: Aio ,i Iiedarit •
Next game: Jan 24 111 14as luelti al 12-45
• p 11 '
Novice Hurricanes
Januar 3-
1:1nra 1.og;ur i at Hensah 7
Gnats: Man 1':unphe1t i 21. Brandon Consult.
4ssisls:.l':uriphell Cowart Spence,
H:d,•n1s,h Kennet 4lien Brent Ingram
Next game: Jan .: ui Bnissefs
Dynamite Nos -lie(' Cirls
Jaruiart. 11,
Parkhill t' at Hensall h.•
Gnak: Merin.. t"• . • t; alai S(•t.an,�-
.012i. Kane Jtnk.. •
ku r►-Kourk,-
aha l,apon.
lanuan 11.
•llensa11 • 111 Narkhili 4
(.nahc Ste%sair_i 1l. -
4c.i.1.: ).else% .4 knurk.) inits0! Allen.
• Jardann Phillip. -
Shutout: \(u;du• 1 apo;,- -
'SCst game: tan ; i" p -1i: .Slephrn 111
Hensall. -Ian '4 • h p t1, irt Flora 1 agar
Assists: "Aman
J:inua:: 1 - ll,•r,.al • al l hnaui I
4:oah: Matt ('amphcll i 2t. Brent Ingram:
Ryan Campbell t2)
Assists: M Campbell. Ingram. Erik -
t.uwrenee-t 11. Blau Campbell
Januar) lei Clinton 5 at Hensall 2
Goats: Lawrence
Assists: Bevon Hutson It ('amphell.
Januar) 1' Blvlh h at Hensall 4
Doak: J1 ('ampPi II (21. M Camph.11.
('harlrr link.. -
Assist.: 11 Campbell Lawrence 114
MiehaeI Crete. Nathan Regret
Playoff game: Jan 24 Hlvlh at Hensall
2 I+
Legion Peewee ' . '
ars 12 Hrnsal3 11 at Baylieln 1
Jamran 17 (hftard Iourn:uncut
Goitre 1 : Hayfield 1 vs Hensall 4
Goals: Knta•n lirh 4 2 4. Cardio M: Morland.
_-Kevni Diekms-
Asxixts: McMorland Jacob Hovius. Mall
Forrest Hmm Thtunpson
- Goaltender: Travt. Shelton ,
( (mile , kills -Creon 2 v. Mensal' 1
(;nal:ll(,kins -
Assists: Ilan Mme. Thompson
(;oaltender: Brad Voting
1. an- 15 Bh1h h al- Hensall 1
(:rink: Kevin Diekmx. Rnhen Erh..A 1'
. Ferguson
Assists.: llid:Ts. Erb- Mail Forrest
... Vest game: Jan 14 in Bayfield .
Lucan Minor Hockey
I ,ightning'i'yke
Lucar h t. ):ser;: •
Goal. t I•tvn, •'nuturc i4,. Tanner Jackson
Jared ['canal: 42 -
Assists' !,\ ler Hryd eri 1 11. Andrew lk kok
, 1; Sh:r..r. Crowle s 421. Sets:Wi•n Hak't.
lonatliati Wilson •
Gnallender: Rrandiin Vtrsreegh'
" Lasers_ Senior Tyke
lunars 3
Strathrm 411 1 :i.1 -71.11:-...31.1.
u I.0 an 4
(.oak, David taller121 Matthew Mill, 124
Assists: lc/miter Fundriri. knh Shepuay
.\ ',Lilo Flanigan. Brad ('ot+k-
(.oaltendc r: \lark i nnmcnicdns '
'SCSI game: 1.. 2s. at Stephen
•L/M 'novice Lightning
Loma, : •
(:bah: 1 not- \1u: Ilei kusat•II
yattdcrh%d. n 1 as In' 'All'ii
t •
-• Jauuar\ 1.
• Stralhrn! (i Lu:lin 2
(Voak: \tuca(ct .2
Assists \ :rndrrlIsdcn 424. lkukr_ Griffith
7%ler S.. -tion,
Novice AF
Januar I"•
t.u.ati 2 i, Mt Bndtcs•_
(.oats: hClare 1) Sowerhs
Assists Al ShlptLI :2, .i 'Anxcnn A
Arens -
Guahcnderr It Benneh
Januar% It, -
Lucaiu 4 ts Si Mars, _ ,
Goals: 1 Jetler! .-3. 1 Or;hard
Assists: 1 Peter, Sowerhs Orchard 7
Goaltender: Heriot
Novice 'A' Lasers
January I, I u.an : ,t. Mi Brydges (4 -'
1314: hael Noyes, Dylan Pryce .
Assists: Niek Forget Christ Van Kastercn.
Etre I eFetwrc. M Noyes
Shutout: Karel Hes.
Januar 10 - Exhibition game .
t.uan.4 ys Mc.Brydges 1 ,
Goals: M Noyes ill Jeff Latta
Assists Gregor) Novo.. Raffles VanPraet.
Lana. Dustin M.Taggan'-
Gnaliender: Hess •
Januar -1 I Exhihinon game
Lucan ' vs Mitchell (t
Goals: 3.anPrae) 42i. M Noyes 2t. Lagan.
Coutun•..2t. Engel
Assists: M Noyes 121. Chad Liles. Couture.
,lana. \'anPrae: Lefebvre. Mi. -Taggart
. Shutout: Hcc.
Januar 1- Local) 'c; West Lorne I
- - Goats; Noyes i Z i. Latta
Acsistsr Eppel ,.1 i. Liles . 4dam Froais
Januar 1 . Lucan 4 vs Lambeth
Gnats: M Noyes 43). VanPract
Assists: h1.Taggart. LeFehvte
L/M Atom Eliminators
Januar! I- Lucan t v, :Strathros I
Gnats: Thompson 1,24. Crowley. Hailhu.
, Foram. Duca;
Assists: Crowley. `fhompscin. Hodgins_.
la, lor Due,:k. Galbraith
Next game: Jan 24 at Stephen
L/M intermediate Girls Fighting
. Januar! It - Lucan 2 ar w'afford 4
Goats: lidera. Hcfternata Jodie 5 anspronsen
Assists: He. ku t)nes. Enn Abel. Paige '
Gualtender: Jennifer Jllntan
'`ext game: Jar.2 I. Lucan at Parkhill k 1(.
p.m - ..
Exeter Minor Hockey
Tyke T -Res
Januar. I
. L:.xCler 4 a1 Alt Brydge. -
Gualy: lacier John>'(21 Brett Os edit'''.
• • Cine Lovelace
Assist~: O%erhol •Milo-\ vrgersera Paul
Christmas. Brent Gdxlkui. Adatii Paget.
Jordan Hodgins.-I)ushn Mills. Tyler Bryson
Goaltender: Stec Morgan ' •
Next game: Jars 2-1 at 1:%eter at 1 14S a nu
yke Little Hawks
• Januar, !,
Exeter. .1 at Lucan ll.
Jayden 1k:,lardinc :
Assists: Leo Nnntnell (2 r Cult H:tcke('
Jesse Blanc Svntl Overholt
Goaltender: Shawn Srntuwn,
Januar I fi '
Exeter (• ar Tin:dlord 1
Goals: Mut:In:II Partridge (.9'. Hackett..
tksiardtne. Bnntnell
Assists: Ha.kelt (24. Deslardun (2a
Overholt (2). Blanc (21. Jeflre Penn_ Kyle.
Ven. Brendan Shantou. Suuni( s
Goaltender: Emmett O'Kedh •
Next game: Jan 24.8 lit am' w Ildenon
L/M Novice Bombers
1411001 % I
Exeter I al Forest
, Goal: Heil Hewitt
Assists: hobby Cook. David haters
Goaltender: Kyle Bryson
lop forward: David Markle
Top defent-eman; Ryan Himmel'
January 18
Exeter Oat C'.M.O (MI Bryd)res' 4
Goaltender: Brad Vink
'fop forward: Jeff Werdu
fop defenceman: Sean Harrigan
Next game: Jan 24 al Exeter vs Lucan.
1(1:45 a.in
Atom AE Nabisco'
Januar% I - Esete' tat Mt Brydge: 0
('mats: Scott Loeser, Jordan Darling: Brett
Hackett :.
Assists: Mark D(einch. Adan, Hauler.
- Adair Johna. Luusles
Shutout: Cores Bilckv
L/M Huron Tractor Peewee
Januars 10 - Lucan 5 at Exeter 3
Goals: Paul Rqushurnv C 1..Steve Mason
Januar) 17 - Exeter 3 a1 Si Marys 7
Goals: Jamie Ra.enberg: Everest Dioni (2)
AsAist: Darren Snow
L/M Bantam Nabisco
Januar 1- Lxeler 10 %s M1 Brydges 1 ,
Goats: Mike Kerslake (3t: lush Mayer 12).
Daryl Weiss (2). Matt Rowe. Caleb Johns.
Cunts Vessie•
Assists: Ben Parsons (2)..Chns Frayne (21.
Rowe (21, Vessie (2). Johns (2). Mauer. -
Goaltender: Chris Deslardine
Intermediate Girls
Januar) 14 - Round robin playoff
Exeter I'at Stephen 0
Goal: Shawna Rowe ,
Assists: Missy Hayter. Pam Keys
Goaltender: Carolyn Quinn
January 18 -. Exeter 2 at Wes( Lorne 4
Goals: Hayter. Prcslee Mayer
Mast: Hayter
, Goaltender: Quinn
Next games: Jan 2 Exhibition game.
San . ,r. Exeter_ s )r.m : Playoff games • '
I Lucan at Exeter 5.p.rn . Feb 3.
Sealonh•at Exeter, 5:30 p.m.; Feb. 8.
Parkhill al Exeter. 5 p.m ; Feb. 22. Goderieh
at Exeter. 5 p.m