Times Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 9The hip bone's connected ... Joint replacement workshop. Heather Neill of Joint Knowledge visited the Exeter- Villa on. Thursday t� talk about joint replacement. About 20 visitors and Villa res: idents heard about the 'effects of arthritis on -joints. what's involved in a joint replacement. the, operation, re- cuperation. rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Centralia send donations to ice store, fund Donations can a'iso 'be made through Bell Canada.. . By Mary. Peterson Centralia correspondent • CENTR.AL1:\ • -Minister Hca Chet Scott wcicumet( eyervonc •tt, w•ot . shoo at- Centralia United Church. on Sunday January t, He; ` sermon was ' entitled How Sweg, 1: . I. Scrtpturcreadings yyert' read true, ' I Corinthians 1 2 1 I and' 'John 2.1- H tipcoming events , Everyone i, invited to, ;I (iearft`. for Youth t;nit. Service° .i 1 rrvit Memorial Church on January 2. at 7:30 p.ni ,Rctreshtncnts will he served following worship Ministci Scott announced an in. door winter walk-a-thor; \\';II1, tot Memories to support the AI/her met Mooren (+t Hilron County on. Saturday. Januar% , 2-t Irnm. 9..1f1 a.m - to 1130 p.rli Fur additional' 'information. call 482-1482 or. i 801/-541-5012 February yw ill he Ai/.helmet Awareness IVhmth Zion West Linnets Church • ;r F • will hold amily Night. oil F"4bruary h, Written reports lot the Anrtuail Mt:thrills should he provided to Mr- ,chcllc Hcrn a. stain as possibly Zion West will hold then ,Annual "Meeting January 29 at pin . The Annual Mecum -at Centralia will. be -held iEchruary 4 at S p.in . All ladies arc invited to attend the• Annual Meeting oI the' Heron -Perth UCW on February t) at Brucclield United Church.-kegisirautii begins at, 9:30 a.m. Please hrrn, a , hag lunch and your own mug lce,slornt• fund • -Many people in -thus area can rc- .caill the difficulties faced during tcc • st(lrnls- they have experienced and -appreciate the hardships caused by the recent. ice storms In eastern On- , - tariu and Quebec. Anvnne wishing . `t. support the Ice Storni Fund It, ready can send a -cheque or mond prdcr to The United Church of (-anaida. 325(1 Blom Si West. 1•.tohicoktc. Ontario io the attention • o1 Man France.- Denis,' Cheque, shttrlt1 hr rilade.uut tt The -tinned Churet, or',C:anad;r with Ice Storni Fund indicated.. 1)nnation' i:Iii..alslf' he- made through Ilett Canal.:, To make a donation call 1 -9(0-63(1-025. . - (S_25.). 1.90i-6304K/5V tS5p. r. 1 9(H 1 -63t1 -(i125 :1S125.). ail '1-90(1 011 1-025' r 1 S 250: I Your donation will then he hilted directly tc, vote, telephone hill 1)onattons to: farincrs• can he . made It !hi' Ontario Rural Relict launit anal ;sent to Foundations tot kir;:1 Living: 150 Geddes St.,. Elo- ra. Ontario NOIi 1St\: . For in tornlanun about generators - .:all 1-88s-466-2'370 Centralia Faith Tabernacle All youth- are invited to'a Coffee Hous Rally at 6:30 p.nl. The cost , is -S2 Ait air welcome for movies. taldle•. •rilusic and tun • f I.vcrvonc 1s .welcome to conic lie;u•the spcctal ministry of The Singly Switzcrs during both the' . morning and evening worship ser- vings on :Sunday,, Januar\ 25 ()fir Wedncsdaj . January 28. • the Annual Congregational Business Meeting will be held at 7 p.n1. Lost and luuitd will he cancelled that evening • - Euchre results - Larry 's.Town and..Country Res - tannin! _ in Crednum welcomed 41, group -of euchre- players there re- cently ..Blanco Rtollins and Howard Dolan(' were high winners, while tin: lune- hand winners. were Grace -•Wurni and Harry Noels, Lbw hand winners :were Mary Rhame and 'Gel -wee -Adams Times -Advocate, January 21, 1998 Helping one-quarter million Canadians remember Alzheimer Society of Huron County dedicates January to Alzheimer Month to raise awareness and come closer to a cure A fundraising walk will be held this Saturday at South Huron District High School By Chantal! Van Rosy T -A Reporter HURON COUNTY -. Forgetting simple words or substituting in- appropriate words into a sentence. putting things into strange places, such as .a watch in the freezer. ex hihiting rapid mood swings. wt ar- ing heavy clothing op it hot day or not understainding.what .t birthday is are common symptoms of more than one-quarter . • million Ca- . nadians. • .This is the number of people in Canada who suffer Iron) Alzheimer Disease (ADI, a degenerative brain disorder. that destroys vital brain .cell. and -is the• leading cause of de menua causing loss til memory. judgement -and' reasoning - and changes in mood and behaviour -January is Ai) month and the Alzheirncr Society •nt Huror, C'ounty is working hard -at gating the message out that it people dos not support finding a cure for AD.. by 2030 the number of ot: Ca na(hans-affecictl with AF) and other ,dementias could -increase to three- quarters of a million, . " Because the p(►pulation Is hvin longer and hecatise of advances in -technology... people. are able ' to eliminate other diseases." said Pattie Down, vice-president of the Alz- heimer Society of Humn County. She explained it is not -the numbers that are going up but the numbers of cases now being detected as Ab). "About 15 to 20 years ago. alz- heirners was seen as a normal part of aging. Nov,. studies on the brain have eliminated ;rlfhcinlers as a nor- nra l sign of aging." she sai/[.adding -any "age group is susceptible 10 the (disease. Al nidmher Of people in their 41is and -505. also kgown =as "baht boomers", are getting 'the disease.. "When it hits.pcople young it hits much harder." she,,said. • Aliheime, can • he found across the .hoard, .aid Down. "It doesn't matter it you're mak, female. ec- onomic and social aspects don't matter. anyone can gait.' Presently. there is no cure for the disease which is tic tiiurth leading cause oI death in Canada. Ho -ever. medication exists to treat some ta- ttle .symptoms, such as depression. - thy void dtsea e..hearl disease and infection. An Indoor Winter Walk -a -than - will he. held on ;Saturday from 9:31) a.m. to J 21(1lYril. "10 raise money. for the t\lzbetmer Society -of Huron Counts: The walk- will take place at ` (;udcrlch Distract, Collegiate •In- slitrlte. South Huron District High School. St. Anne's Catholic Sec- ondary School. Clinton. Seaforth Dlstoet High School and F,[: Ma dill High School. Wingham 71 Point to 11o/ t<lcl- by Rev. Vernon Dean - Exeter Pentecostal 7ahernacle Here's to all those unsung heroes who serve U. day af- ter day with watt' tory leve thank •vous .l'm thinking , about the gas station attendants. the doctors. nurses and medical receptionists. the hank tellers. teachers. assistant. and school office staff. store salespersons. How .about those who just answer our questions and give directions'' . Thor cheers for thecl lice officers and those who deliver trail -and packages..My hat is oft to pastors and church stair both paid and volunteer who day atter day -provide a service to this community I honour those who accumulate the -news. and local info and present.it to us weekl\ in the,tornt of a ne'wspa- toe. And hciws about it word of gratitude to those -who provide ,communis services that coverthc full -gamut ot human need and destre 1 knows thanksgiving was in (ktoher - hut we can celebrate evervda% with.a kind word of gratefulness • - - Are von grateful for this point'.' LEGION NEWS The Exeter Legion!. having then General Meeting on Thursday night- at ightat 8:00pnr The guest Speaker for .this night will he Chcrvl Fisher. a Veterans Affairs councillor- She will be talking about" the VIP pro gram and• Veterans allowances. All veterans arc.invited'to attend.. There will' he an All .Members .Sport Night on Saturday -January 24 hegmning with registration11 �at 7:3 pm .For those inter4at�t-e(1 in the* Super Bowl. the Branch will he open, to Members and guests. between 4 -9 pm Sunday uy watch - this event. There. Is no cover chai`.ge • for this. We will he having an °Pen house .-on Sat. Jan 31 and the proceeds •from this will go towards the "Ice •,Stoma 98" relief fund. The Branch will he donating $500.0( -now and the proceeds from this. day will also be forwarded. The Exeter Legion also gave 5500.00 towards. the. Manitoba Flood relief and we are proud lobe able ito assist our fellow . ountrymen and women Winter retreat organized for youth groups By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA - Church services were held in Goshen on Sunday :with guest Judith Ritchie beginning with the call to worship. Res. Crick was preaching at Wesley Knox United Church, her honk congregation in London for their U.C.W. anniver- sary service. This Sunday the church service will be held in Goshen. Goshen's annual meeting. will follow. a - potluck lunch. Church will be in Varna on February 1 with Varna's annual meeting to follow. Teens and Trends can pick up their registration forms for the Winter Retreat. This is to he held February 27.-28 and March 1 at the Larnbton. Centre. Thr pickup will be Friday evening and drop off will be Sunday afternoon. There will be a bus picking up and dropping off of at various places. Registration deadline is February' 15 and it will cost 535. Speak to l'racy C'ifck for more information or to register The Trends will meet at 7 pin.. at the Brucefield Church on January 23 to go to the Huron Presbyterial Youth Gathering in Exeter. A speedy recovery is wished. to Bill Dowsun since his surgery. Happy birthday wishes go to Andrew Laurie. Varna U.C.W. will meet February 5 at 8 p.m. arthe church. On Sunday Feb.. 8. the Branch will he hosting; Youth darts' for Zine C"-1. This for youths' up to 18 years and on Sat Feb. 7.ihere will he Fraternal Darts n1 Pt Elgin We would like -to congratulate C'hery I Glavin who Won" 1st Place U.A.C. poems at - Zone C-1 level. Har marks were I00eii . She was presented with a cheque tier 5.40.(10 and her'poeni ,will go onto the District Level Compcution. We.. are pleased to announce that the Legiort Public '-'Speaking Competition will take place on F'ehruars 24 at the Branch: Everyone is welcome to attend and ' to give support to these students We wish to draw your attention ,to the following in our current "Canada Wide Sale" flyer. Page 8 Item 10. Ultimax belts. 26- 1479x. Copy reads Reg. 54.99, Sale 39.99. -Should read: Low price 39.99_ insert page 1. Original Tide. 51-0761-- 2. Copy Should read: 7L. NOT 8L. Also.. • We. wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Great .Savings Great Values" flyer. Page 2 Item 24.. Supra sponge mop. Copy Should read: 42-9616-2. NOT 42-. 9626-2. Page 4. Pioneer 3 -CD stereo system with remote, 44-0290-4. The illustration Should show the Pioneer logo. NOT lftCA. Page 9. The illustrations Should be transposed for item 1. 48" fluorescent handylight. 52-3234-2 and item 3. 48" wrap- around fluorescent fixture. 52-3238-4. Price block and copy are correct. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. mote 8021303-07 zones: AU. excl, 9,90 Fnr...funhcr information and for pledge forms contact the - Alz- heimer. Society of Huron County 'at 482-1482 or 1-800-56 C-5012.- People -5012:People can also support the cause by wearing a "Forget Mc N`ot" la- pel pin or purchasing it "Forget Me Not" booktnark, poster or display . There are also monthly caregiver support groups. wandering persons registry. workshops and cduca- tinnal sessions. an extensive rc- source library,. a Special' Slops . Friendly. • Visitor Program. in- dividual contact and the. Huron Adult Day Centre. The Huron Adult Day ('entre helps those with alzheimcr con- tinue to live independently . In • Hu- ron County. Day Away. Programs- are rogramsare available to help miirvuhtals continue and form hohh,es and in - terests, excreise. participate in dis- cussions and enjoy games and a,- mines. ctn•ines. The'..prograun operates at the 1 xetc( Villa Thursdays loan 10 a.m. to 3 p.(17 T'h(',prngrllli Is of ' igihle (o clients residing ) i South Huron. `1 ransportaudn 1. arailahlc as Well as lunch.. snacks and -whirl- pool bathing and hairdressing earl, 41(idiii0nal costsr Tn register , for the Ex-eter flay 'Away Program call , 519-235-4600. . To become rmntvcd with the Alzheimer S(►Cl4.ly of: - Huron Count call 519-48:,,-1482. or- the Alzheimer, Society (41 Canada at 4I6-925-3552 Page 9 Students will be new board's focus By Michele Greene •Spe4,;ial to the: Times Adyoc•alc STRATFORD The new Avon -Maitland District School Board got down to husiness at its first regular meeting last Tuesday. Jan. 13 au the head - .quarlers of the Fortner Perth County Board of Education'. in Stratford.. . The amalgamation of the for_. tner Perth hoard and the Huron County. Board of Education brings nine trustees . from the two cnunties, 10 student trus- ted and administration together in the hoardt ronin of the rootlet Perth hoard in Stratford. The board will alternate its meetings between tivattord and Clinton. the headquarters tit the .toriner Huron hoard until.a per- . manent site is chosen,. Chairperson Abby Armstrong !old, trustees that they Bayo a • huge task 111 front of them to (fe- riae who they are, and where they .are going., "Already. -1.4. -an see a melding (I a,ne'( hr,11(I I'ln prepared to lo; us on the 1as4, al hand and . not the ncgaI,ves she said Chairpctr'son .Acinstrong -also Milted he, 1(>,'115 to -the students: ' ythose.cducatitn is in the bomb of these trusters "One Ihiile- i._ clear. if:.they can't think. communicate. or rea- son. the\ are liost. • 11. they, ca,. they can unlock- the mysteries of the world 1' helteve the or portunity .10 become .e.ducatc,lis the 'grealtest.gift- we can "child;'' she'ard ' Insta r)r� MATESTIC A c ozg fire in seconds and no payments 'til Jan. '99t 'Call today for details on a'natural • gas firepla}ce. elai5lC N[ -AI . I': Bou TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT 359 Main St. Exeter • 235-2032 t DEFERRED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE TO UNION GAS RESIDENTIAL, CUSTOMERS ON APPROVEDREDIT -THROUGH UNION GAS AND MEMBER UNION GAS HEATING DEALERS. ALL OTHER OFFERS NOT APPLICABLE OFFER, VALID FROM JAN. 19/98 TO MARCH' 7/98. THERE ARE NO SET-UP FEES OR EARL\ PAYMENT PENALTIES FOR FINANCING. -' • Pleus(' l0irl its at On(• of our upcoming s('nllncIrst Financial Planning Strategies for Farm Families • INTO THE NEXT MILLENNIUM 14612413 r, , Guest Speaker Kevin Stewart Stewart Media ' Producer/Host of Family Farmer 1988-1997 Topics incIude... 'Alternative Tax Sheltered Vehicles 'Keeping the farm in the family *Investment Strategies 'Tax Planning 'NISA - Strategies 'Segregated Funds 'Guaranteed Investments 'Estate Preservation Above seminars will be held from 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Advance tickets only are available from your local MetLife office or CIBC branch. Tickets cost 815 per person which includes a full course luncheon. Since seating is limited. tickets must be purchased seven days before the seminar Sponsored by: are OrAeftife