HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 8•Page 8 - Tani': -Advocate, January 21, 1998
Don McCurdy of the Exeter Legion presented Cheryl Gla-
vin of Crediton with a -certificate and award on Thursday.
Glavin..ar OAC sttident at South Huron District High
School won the Royal Canadian - Legion -Zone C-1 Re
memhranCe Dat' Literary Contest with a score of 100 per.
"Cent Hoc poem will now be entered in the. district com-.
petition for soutbwestern Ontario -
Panther Profile
Rif Sarah Vermont
":\iA •, ,1n4nit•' entll ...horn• tat :halving and worrying. the past
1.•.•. mono,- It •Iriiiit ' at-,. how being put to the test a: cxatns are tin
iic'\\.t, i II • 1:111 •:111',..4., 01 .enlc:ler. one were on MorKtax, anti exatii
th''ani ih,• t.,11.wt.1112 tl:% 7-hc\-will run until .lanuary 2P and sen e:lei
'w, r,•.•rr, 1anu:u. ' 1)i11in_' '\ant.. if hue's arc car'd'ed dui to
!IA,' •,., .1.111c, ,•'sail. It ; Ih•ri tla'. will he postponed -anti all exam.. not
m.1-111,- ,in,•. t• Ih.il ii.t•. 1.k ill h.. on:hed.aht'ad one da%
fl. . h.ln�•, li - st•rlir.t, i - I -not the onl\ change underw:l\ at
5f -finis :i'hr n.+4.
\1: Antic:- and \I. k,`\4. .Iwo ill South th Huron's tnu'st teachers Ark.
111 -.Ain,..- into rrhrt•nlent I her elan\ conlrihuuon. to -the .thrid were
1. , t'oi,r ,.: t`, • slat- and •ttuttt'n1-. lit an assenlhl\ on 1 oda\ 111 then
Iloilo; l' wit, sad tt, sr; ,hent gl and we wish lhenl lurk 111 then- future
entlea.t,ut . .
•i terth ha. 1-,t•t'n th.- nrtti,•ioa; .it SHIMS tor two \:ears: -and i.
lea\'ol;' I, • 111 ,-om,,111. proi.anal ;i1 t •iinron .•(•I ISS 1 wo years is :I rel`
•. ar%rt, .hr,ir1 Iim,-.1.' ht• Ill: prr1.. ;,- !t at •1 school -,11111 (''spar this. 1\.11
1 irrth ha. Lound .t couiittii}hl•• 1) I•' nu, 'school. and I, leaving h(•
near. heiunt: H. .._t_ ;O.:, . 1,.. - I, IIk' school a.jenlhl\ nti Fri
iia\ .In,' \\,- send 31111 ,11. 41.,11 ht and happiness_ 104 hi, neo.
Mt, Floniuli w ill h,' ial.nt:' \1: (•crit , nilaunt': as the new prinel
(\;a, .Sh.• • t. ah.' titane: -tlrni nt.I!• a; .( iodriet I )i trtt ,- Collegiate School
anti Ithiewaie, seco din, S.3141'; and 1• the .tn-s• ,(',dale principal ill
ih: hi:..old •i,: SI -II )3 1:-.,
%ir, lrnnluth-ha,.rhitni-. 'nit w1111 iht• audetltenliI1i ll 8.,:a trout It.
.•1'1 .1 se11:, t'' Ill,- si hour.- ,itn11':nt`t I.• alit! It !'t\•- Ill•-: 11WI \'it•w - 01,
C‘.11.0 .11.' tut I, 1'• 2'0111,''\'. 'i::111 t .11111•• t1u.:lh1•• ella.11Ye, tor (Ill' Itlttllt
- tit • her t.tl:llloli. stl,• would hke 1„ K. ler_ n%itt.etI in lltc school :mil
-alto l\ :cents to hold a eerlanl-.chot,! .tura •'tk-CL: Iotlkidg Itirtward i'•
wtirklni' with he' - -
, - l iia,: nho(t•. wetc tti.tnhtued 1:1,1. week 1 -it ar\ student, wi 4t ma\
no' h:4 .'-1nick: t: thew -111. •\4-)11 e:I1. re.- then II`. the malt: tithe; ' in.
.-:in mak:: order, •iii \our L•rall .nh03, .:111 liar 131! i tui \uta\ . .ialu ar\
•''• Parent. t•t .indent, who .'an iii.:f mak: th,- nitlrl; :u:• also wcleont.
. • . on1: 111 1m 111:11 da',
1!pinnlin;; e\inl•
Alr)mtttr, .lunu(r) 'i.. ta.Itial. 141 ,'\arm
i :u It/‘r: /(illlttrl . ill .i t1;1, or \t'c(tild .rttlt'.Ie:
Imit .(1(t .ltllllltN •11- ureter. tot !lull nhotl
Aliurrlr:'.' 1-r0'4:4(4) 1`,1:'sit,' Ileedlt In' 1t'lallh,. 1)Ip111.11er1.. arc,
1'1111 :1(4111.., ill t`. distributed •liir hitt.,; \431 , nein ih; :teeth.
tl.;n . ,.r • / ' narrow 1111'1ti,. ticurill , .tlalrni
•,114111 'Jul( I.ut : !1: I:- \C:I!
St. Patrick's Church makes donations
By II. Davis
Jltrntcour, ('nrrespomtieti;
S:\I\'!Slit:k" 5:.I'atrrtt . cctehiated their brut( t:ueharr-t st•r\rcr til.
I t t ;t t .l:n: nit Januar'•. Is with 7lie 1(e\ Statile\ J:% out icier;
ih. Jiuldretl , 1ocu• was' -(rod • Wori. 111 the IA iirid.and ilclput,•(ind'
tlrranl tri,!: n', ti.iii_ tJt: .p,tra! ,•itt: antt.ahtruie. th:Ii (r ha:
, Margate- 4 arri,ll :,site, \4111 tin- Ncrlpturti i iitL. ( ourtn.'.
`L)t(idfr:to,-and1 r\.t.I11.1'.'. wrl. .cr\er• Inclit'sir\IC;
�t I'aultl. wilt send _•fit• o: tootle\ to•thc ice Storni lielie-r•unil an
the l'inl:cnlrr •I tint 1 uhd
3 1, fanu.n-. '-..5: I'auitl, wilt;:e.iehi.urtheir r-\cnnig-.rr4�,.
.r. •t`.n.
(,)It I-t•htu:tr I ir. I' i, . Blame‘ J;1'\• wiIJ he a1 St. Patrick. , to ceichrat-
the Not, i:u;•han:r •r HS tli .1111 ;inti to prc%adc-river the annual .ear\
rucum,.r_1oh4144nu Ih: .tv\rt• . ##
-Ihi I),i\i, rnn.`\ct1 dinnci reccnt1( with Ralph .(t`4cc and Darin •
Simpson 111 i t'nuor. - -
Sui:lrm: Ira' I 1-lark-Ita4t, and Starr \'sited will, atoll •ihcresa
(ir:l4llt or luntta\
kin an l \l.ui,,,iir1 ( •Mull ..diet' 411: \1ar4 I):%i, in tui: 1:xitcr \'ulI. on •
:Ilmtda\ , -
IIa►rstuhuui, Ls(
fs lira- e- I,trrrti)tt;
Ear Candling
It's an ancient way to clean wax
out of your ears. It is being used
all over the world
• helps with colds
• ear infections N
• sinus problems
• head aches
Call for an appointment
Hairstyling, Esthetics & Tanning
50 Thames Rd. E. (valu•mart plaza) 2351880, walk-ins welcome
St. Boniface building fund
benefits from recycled pop cans .
By Cannel Sweeney Komi last'I'hursda� - -
Zurich correspondent :\ hti ' k :trio! dol wa. held lilr Jell `
1 aPori anti I .Is:I Rdc' on January
7(1RIC'H - •St Bonil:lec ('•L\' I. I h at Ih. /01'131 2'omntunit-
hilt' their 111o111hls mce1in)) "411( Centre -rhe couple are planning to
Januar 2(3 w'Ith rri t idrni J1a11 tk•. married. to Jamaica to February
Rcgier. left is the :4th tit.Isrrlorc and -Paula
Memhership (lues of Si ' Per P' t :,Pori' -.
.stun will he collected a1 the hack, 01- sum" '.te4'kk, Rk ? %ur►ih, was
(-•tltlrch alien M:1:. 01) .Ja"""r24: elected .1' second ''i,•1'-c11a11•Inalt t`t
and 25 -and again-on.Januar .1 :tntl dtt (;a\ I ca i'ootl. 1','-()p I United:-
itedrf=ehnlary I. •• • w.hlch operate. flair% processing
- Any high school age your!) want Iailltiies 111 tI\e Ont:u i., ionununi
ing- t0 go the Northern 1 ir'ht Iles -
('0nlrrenct' • fit V11nd.ol 4411 A tart•.ckt-Irulluik Illnt ht 10)1 \\ill
Fchruar\ and. t; arc tt` Phulte - he held al )hr Ili nnluulc Church
Defuse Mintingei a. soon as pits.' lellt.wshlp hall on limitar\ ?S. id
blc Io. n►aki._arrangeincitt:
p nu • 111 honor of Pearl and
The Beaver. ; ouldn I t.. nit', .\nthe\+ Kucple, 41311 :er 11'41\ ing
ganning 1:1.1.4\ri•k due 13' lark, 01, tt, Ne\\ fl:unhuiz I'he. will be
:now sur 111c\ 440111 tt, lite 31011'1' 411 Illl..ett h\ 111,• . ,1111111111111\ fill all
leadel.Susam-I-ckel :Intl ,►`turn,. 13111, hard 4441rk :u fill:.ulz'. l'nttrtt
s1, 101( 111,- .lute 4\111 11044 he run h,
the -,)11111111111,\ I 1\Ili L. gdt1111` tttttn
(i1tthricli• - - -
Hilt'itntt !tarll\'u Bin-out'h-ol
llensall reeentl\ attentlill the 311•01t'
skating coiiirwilhtm rn Hampton
plies retuned .Koine with art- aut,'
iraphid ill, tui, o; 1:ikI, 11,411
Hail%\ hirlhtl;I‘
i)tilli 3i,,'Reallt (t' hrothei and .t•
Irl li,thhir Meti,1n(:1 4110 larks'\ •211
and Si;,ce\ nil- Ianlrair'.• ' ; 1)141t0n
.,; P._e'\ and lL.itl•l- \t,,i3' 'ria
Ilrnsal •
•\ /lir 1..)-.r;s:tl,_nt ! 1am,int
\`ails...• h,i- hr:•I, 11, 1,411:'31 •
hall uta'anu:tr4 ?t,.:H 21111nr I:h. will: h, sr.ir: and ielar 4i. 314
..,.t 44111 ht- _ti,. ' .)Mint' 4411,- 114, 11 (,lurhr. :in,! :II
111, lour 11 thou (ion+ St
I aim tl► 131,`1, 44 h• wet, 311: 314 fhr
el': .t ol'13- t\1 , 11114Y•l•k I(', 1 Ihi \ :Irk'
pot tot ether on .lan.u:Ir' _'? at \ill! without 311:0 snit h\di,• ane, :u.
Mit TI.1(1.e in 1'r:u1i . -' :nul•3,ate t,
school gytn 34 hA:C 54)n(t•
tun while Ihr 4111(3C! p141311` In :rade
and S will hr lila%tit? card. down-
sI:llrs in the parish lull
• l ender, are Denise \'lt•atrnt'et
hannc Mille' Karen Granitic and
('1ti_irlene (tYt'rhtilt
iI'ersnnals '
.and ltren(l:: ("rent( -t. Ihcli-
t girl, and hi. intoner I Late •
3rcniet. 01 Oh'. \lilpl:
1\parinu•111s h:%, rcttn'netl- Irotn'.t
.two-week vacation Il. I•lorrda 1ieal -
torn anti Iktitt: /chi- and their
ettildier spent the oast (w1y
\4r: k to 1-iorlda and returned
• 1311 \ enloyid ., ha\ ride hack to di,.
hush: "rheho‘
.'s ho, recintt\ • hr41u('h;
used It14•. l0 ihell lilel•I IIIY III:11 %4t'',
glen to fhr W(111101 S11e110l 11,
( i'sle't' h '
\lemhir. of the St linrnlarc K
til l' will be laking .i.ltla(' 01 11011
cart. 111 he rec4cietl• Ilii, week II
:►n one would Itki It • di )n:tk- s, ynr
to rats:: Mone\ fol Ihi hillltlltl
tend. drop Them oft at the lion,' 01
either Ralph South or Doug t -)chit.
-111 %unt'h. 1)1 Inhti Jai nh. nn Maul
Streit in Hen:all
'1'hc ne\1 •(;i'lden Ai_ter'.cuchr.e
part \ will -tic field at rho i•,lwnshih
It41111t I t• l':ulsh \4111, he ha%lIkr a
rt 14111.' 01. Y, n: rat ;r . 1= 1+
i•raticin.- hall heel, It. \ Ism hit law!
1\ to Lluihi.' i11111ng Illi ('hrl.h11a-
The next Regular
Meeting of the
Hensall P.U.C- will
be held on -
Thursdcy, January
29 al 7.30 p.m. at the
Hensall P.U.C. Office.
.Ryan panic' Regier was hapiiicd
at Si Patrick's Church in I.ucan •tat
Januar 11 He is the son of Danny
..and Rhonda Regie' 01:1 r11:an and
his grandparents are' Pat and Iivel\ n
Reg'iei. RR Z lunch
Country Kids
Hwy 83 West, Exeter
Jan. 26-31
500 for all children's
Dr. Mark E. Jones
South Huron Chiropracri, Centre
Do you suffer from
• Headaches • Back pain
• Neck pain
Call 235-4892
•• 493 Main St. EHeter
Country Bakery
367 Main St. S.
Exeter 235-2525
Wed.. Thurs., Fri. and Sat.,Jan.
Portuguese Bread
.99 oz
Pecan Rings
Rose Buns (Sourdough) $1.29 do7.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
For every movie rental•, Jan. 21-27.
Clarke's Food Mart will donate•
$1.50 to the Disaster Relief Fund•
- 227-0059 fax,ohonr•
�T A irI' `he
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
• •
• •
u:siness and Industry
Community Profile
The Times -Advocate coverage area is the heart of one of the R ost •
dynamic and heavily populated areas outside of the city of
This fact is often understated and unrecognized by -
residents inside -this area as- well as those from -other...
The purpose of the Times -Advocate Community .
Profile is -to give local businesses and industries. 'the
opportunity of promoting themselves. -
It will..also be used as a promotional tool for our -
• T 721aocal municipalities who will all receive additional copies to
send out as part of their information package to anyone
who wants to know more about us.
With the investment of an advertisement, the Community Profile
will provide you with a unique opportunity to have the story of your
business told in an editorial format
Included with each advertisement is a story/photo article of equal size
at no additional investment.
•• Community Profile will be distributed with the Times -Advocate and an
additional 1500 copies will .go to area municipal offices. We believe it will
.be the largest special edition we will publish this year.
• This is an excellent opportunity to let thousands of people know what your
business is all about.
1/4'page 5" x 7 3/4" $215
1/2 page 5" x 15 1/2" $380
full page 10" x 15 1/2" $659
This section will be published late April or early May, 1998
• • • •
• •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦, • • •