HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 7A friendly card game
Queensway Friendship Night. Every. first and third Friday of each month•: the Queensway
Nursing Home in. Hensall hold's a Friendship Night. 'Last Friday's Party was exciting . for -
card-pla,'ers: from left Peter, Bedard;(volunteer:), Mildred Klopp ((esident), -Mary Broadfoot ..•
,(resident). Edna• Deitz (volunteer) and Theresa Bedard (Queensway employee). .
Visitors to Queensway enjoy card pa
HrNS.AI'1. -Hie Raking (roup at Quet•n•wa.t
Nur'sin ,Home Luer Monda% attcrnc,i,n I, ,ttia.ke.
,. -Almond BarkRarer 1,ait'r mitre J•1;1%.'. a qui/ was Kahl iii
the Retlrl=ilienl Home .1 Inoue Fvervon.• tried thci,
lack at hrain teasers and general knowledge qucstlons•
• Nan I rist•r of iter Hensall United Choral Fed wor
ship`scrvn . c1n `1 n...(ini 'with ShIrt•rt Dignan a: rianr.t
A olunteer hire7C'ol • also assisted-
Scncrtl rc.r(rrnts (`nit t 1. Rreaklast. Group tin
bi'erhie'sda. Morning' 1.•Ahlnte'e'i Rcti% Simon.,:assisted
as ihc% •mind`. fried( eggs':-hieaktast sausage and
red hacc)n.'1lrtst. entice and tuiCe •- •-• •
'L1`iitnu 1-lution Paaor rl ('ire vciltuileet. led Billie
Studs (in. \\cdncsdas •alic•rnoota from igu,(Ic hoof.
•Seiiuor-Sarni: The group ha, I,ivel% des. II' 11n• a -
r' cr one -is encouraged to vire their•thoughis• and •
ideas tw tssJles raised . -
• .On • 'bund} aIIernnan: Laches• Hour round several
women. rei-ei viny manicures and trcsh.ri i1 polish-
• Rcstdent- relaxed Frida% afternoon as they - watched
Nie video "North to Alaska" starring.-Jeihn Wayne. In
the evening. residents and %tsitors bier! then- Jock at a
%,ard•parte held in ttic lounge Door prirc winner. were'.
\'i :iatillarrct_ Mildred Girrgcricia..Tfieresa Bedard and
1)i,rc.oth% 11 il,llont• • -
. ('orcin}; events •'
Januar% 22—t% p in . Sonn,r Drncrs: lanu;iry .22-.
p in. Rirthda%v parts with 'ill i.')ar{c ;end Band.
Fehruan 2. '1 30:;, ni A`uiiliars meenny. } ehruar `
7 p Hi-. Christrin Rt pied Sinner: •
Times -Advocate, limitary 21, 1998
Page 7
Caven PCW make
plans for upcoming
events and
celebrations in '98
I XI--fFR - :I'hc• regular meeting
•oil the ('aven PCW..was. held on
Januar!, 12 in the 'church hasement
at 1 30 li m.
The meeting began 'at '2 tint wrtli
President Jean basion Opening with
a poem and welcomed everyone
hack in .tart a Next -Year. Hymn
57S "Standing at the Portal was
sung. The Devotional was given -hy
the 'Executive. Scripture was read
from John 1-. verses 1-11. -
Mclallan-gavc'a reading
telling the group to. Work' to mal.c-
1(Wk ;i trul% new year. Margaret
Strang- dosed devotions with
Prayer. -
• Reports were ' _given. • Event.
-planned -for ..ibis year were
discussed and arc as hillow•s a tea
al • • the Vr11a March- If..
Congregational dinner Marcie J1.
tiidewafk hake sale in Joh. C'ratt
•.how anti sale. Octohe1 17 •and
Huhu Luncheon Novemhcr. 11 In
April the Spring Thankoffennt will
he held -'.with a speriitl : mission
spcakci. .
-. This • .veal i. Caven WMS
'celebration. ot. 1(10 year. and plans
arc un(larwa%- for special events for
sits\ occastnn..-
i'here .was a total ,of S 1 .phone •
calls made in the last month and so,
s isat. and cards til sump;alis and
gel well were sent • -
1 he annual , meeting of 'Huron
Pcrih Preshvterial =will he -held -tn.
'Andrews Church. -Stratford on
Fehrur% .20 • with a shove dale vol
I•chruar 23 • The • F..xecutive
meeting - , ot • 'Monk- Perth
Presbyterial wall Kc - held in
Seato_•I• iii'.'. • • •
• The- Hamilton-I:cinch--n S%nt.dical
Messengers group meeting at Elimville•IIsi! hi held in Stratic,rd Aral
Rhoda Rohde _
Thames Road correspondent
•TH.AMF.S ROA15" :The Januar-% '
neottng of Thames Road-Fihm%ally'
C W: w;i: ,held on- 'I t. 1a%
evening ai ..Faim%tllc Church t►,th
?`; wnmen present . -
.13I a.triee •Daiw.on welt- sired•
everyone and opened witty :a poem
"Ring,,l)ut•thc' 01(I:.1Rrrit !If', ((IC
Newt and gave 'the Ca:. t,
•-- Worship
• Shir-lc.% (;Impel re'ailfa non
- "(rod • Wort! tor -the Nt•%v
The. -- ' l ea(Icr:hi 1• . and
i)eveltnpment (=ontnlitiee_had the ,
New Yeae-•; .progran. ora hnia t,-
- promote 1eade•rslilp and
Development and prepare Iii: tits
M:irga;ei . %1e ( artt•r rca, poem
'and Shirk. ( ooher gait- Ili
tune. ha% ('unriintttoi, Ie.' in prase;
Thy group eitactes . sl. - •11;
•1 n;, (:.ale- -High: II... Beatrit•c
• 1 r,iw- ori was dressed ::..ir, ;ln! eI nl
(Ir:ith -With :Shtrlr%
\ane% Br;•wn, iia% c unnnrrlot. a-
}t:,rhar., 1 01(1101min. .11,1,irt
k wrliftr a. Martha Smith.
J41argare! Stewart :i. Helen f van.
and Margaret 111cCarter a. Melinda
Franklin. and Sharon -1 vin actin_ ,.
a• a 1' (• L1 n►(•mhet Marjorie
Johns piatvcd the pian;, a•' the skit,
was portrayed
Mhrgarct MeV...and and Mar%
Rc•wclrlle.reccived.thc oftcrin,
Mar% •Ri.wcli(f, tta.s;,: a Pain ,,r,1(1.
` '
J'rg:ulcit Sharon I, vin opened
the hutine�s part utl the ineet.,ni by
wclk.omut' 1•'ervttnt: and erwne a
- poem rtifrtle4J'esurfile: Secretor(
Diane .l.cftcr% lino}, 1b roil cal:'
vh,h w•a- answered ,vrth (tualrtu•.
..rpood leader Mil read thc`niiri-
• 'phi, c-1►(H1 sap "11 +1 a ‘iii (`utric•,
and Ser the I:Kght arn
t •,pafned h%
,.pianist Mandril John.
pmt• 22. fixeter .PC Vl' i. one of the
groups .i,esponsih(c ft I • .ntitriuor,
hteak Tuesda% April 21
—President -Jean •Factors closets the
meeting w nth a "Thotight�• for the
las".-The. ereal'esi unctcrdevclope l
err;tu,r% ,in the Nodal tie: under
The -title. ot'thc rrunistci `. sermon I
was ' Givingand.Cittlett visor -hal
• Judith Parker 'and daughter (:Ilii
eeeis•Ld lhc.olternn and were the
greeter; -'
ales ane t orrc (pt,ncicncc ti1;,rilvn 'Upcoming Staffa WI sets up
Pt ni gat; the treasure' •.rep:sr On•Januar% 21. Messenger, .wik
. tt estrntnstd...11 t•ekend win hi° •meet at F.}im' it le - at m
h •I - ,t, t � . r - 1` quilting project .
d 1bla% _ t, i and the Lnn(1on
.•('onfcrence 1, scheduled tl.t Mas
2•; t,..2 -t al Httron Pak :
i'nrc. were Clafor. ,hantt(tcis and
the allocation was set at S?;I
• Anne Bra% gave the- trca•urca
nu,ncs rrec_IV-cd Ir.ini the -.air of
Regal care!. .
• fl)e group _has liven asked -1.
cater Iii the (Mdse!!<Wws annual Dan
(loci on •Mareln2tc• - -
The annual income 01 die Huron
Perth I'res1'vier% 1..1: 'til 1. 1, • be
iic•Id al /rose •1,eld filled Church
• on Fehnrar% 'y • 'J he snow date -1•
F ehruan It,
1'hc \1:orld_1).iv ,,1 l'rai;•cr .rrvice
will he held al •hit int' kit -111,111a!
C'hur -1. 'f:\clei on Mardi t, at .2
Croup 11 served •truti bread...
cheese and tear
• Church serviet-
Re% Jock 1sonta%- lit the Chri t•
.and lc al thc• c'hurc'h ser% ice on
Sunda% morniitt•at Finny -lily Hi:.
old 'the .children a star%"Jesus
Mlenihcrs are to hring a !(some. • - ,
On- Januar% ,2t). ihe l:,,uth. Grout
. will meet at:Thanics Road al 5: 15••
.. •
p.n, and thcswitre to •each hrinc• a
tannic • • .
The annual, rneettrig and potluck
dessert will he held on I•ehrtr;(rt. -.1 quilting a 'quiff- tot ka%• Small. at
a! I•han►cs Road al ' p ,v • mite house of .Claudette. fiIhott Illi.
' `f c►uitg adults in grade eight and past we et
-ur. wtsilrnt• 1,, take 1 infirm:prion -.-lhi._'(lum:ut% Muton Ritchie
. classes are k • rgei. rn . ‘.fila,;". with 11 .NIS 'ill htsciit in rtnm. wail- a
kc% .Jock 1 olrn:n •potluck dinner and me int. at -the
Pcrsnnats . h,,rnr of .lean ( are. in. Ianuar% 20
. Mani people li..in• this atei
attended the 2Sth wedding anni.vct •
!..Z11'‘ CC' rrlchrataon t(,r .Darr and
;Sharon ,I'a,s'morc C,rr. l Iilit.1;1%-
cvt.ghii i the I•.me(et .1.ecron Hall
Thar annrvcrsar% was on Inman
Rnherta. Templeman
Sraffa correspondent
STA FFA --Sialta Women
Inaunic member, hair been .his‘
The C•loggei-.put
al die I•.xe•tei C 1118
led a.stnr soTL a:
Guild. comprised ot
Ras Cann. Hare Ji•
kohdi'. supplled t
Thursda( evem
• tip
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up to 1/2 price from $39.99
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Ideal for Spring & summer
• Samsonite & McBrine Luggage up to 50% off
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Have a news tip?
Call the Timer -Advocate
. f)
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ti�. o r41.
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so you can correspond with us.
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
ParticipACTlON• a- national . •not -for prof,' private cin,
pang was formed in. 1971 from seed, money provided
b} the federal government. The focus of its message -
is active .liv)ng,•and health. One of the first images
that -got everyone's attention track in 1972 was• the
statement that the .average 30 -year-old- Canadian
was as fit 'as a 60 -year-old Swede; This shocked Ca •
nadians into action.:PartiCipACTION has been flourishing ever'
The "sric -ess• of this program is partl% due to its gentle humor and appea
to the.average person Its '7watk a block a'day` and .''spend time Flaying
with your kids' themes Caught the attention of Canadians .
is also due to' the more than 2500 reguta.'modia su000rtc--
who have donated over $270 million in free'.media tiny al)sac tc
showcase ParticipACTIOty. Success also due to the-riartnershir. forger..with .the-pr,vate•sector which teas supported the progralr with. minions a'
dollars di donations
The oarticipACTIOtti- program. contains sound ideas for. bette•. health - tan
uary is a great time to begin your ;lourrjev to better -health sing. the ,d(`
as expressed in Paitici ACTION is a great wad to star, that iournes
rhrrmg this first month of ,1:99$. we salute ParticipACTfO< forthi, wonder
ft,! wOrl. ,t has done during the past 25 vears,and-we wish it continuer
Success well into the next centun
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