HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-21, Page 5IT'S YDl]P Bll_SINFS.S Times -Advocate, /irnturry 21, 1998 Down to the foundation • • The former Exeter Christian Reformed Church and house .were deniolishedjast week. Owned by Peter Westerhout, the site will be cleaned up in the near future with construction of -a new building starting by May. Page 5 Mitchell chosen for health council office N1IT('HI:I.I. - 'Etre Ontario Ministry of Health has picked. Mitchell as .the. office site for the consolidated Grey-finice and Huron Perth ...f)i.trictHealth (•ouncil. the transition team planning the • consolidation. ann<;iinccd. The oIlict' will he at the current site ;If the Huron Perth I)iStriet. He;tlth Council: office. 235 Si. George St. Iifiglnt:i 2.1 Not1111. Mitchell. The transition team.. i, part olihe planning process . for the consolidation of the Crey•Brucc and I luron Perth • Distt ler • Health Councils. carried -out a •Carel Iol a i'entral office site in October and :Noweinhcr.`tnd ctinadcred sites in Hanotcr. 1.istowel. Walkerton:and Wtngh.un ('fuer iii ul . the • onside' anon included central Ioc,l ion ytitIuh the consolitllled hraliil Lt ii it re;.+Ital. -pIo\►lltltt It, linentuc++ r.asµliiuti foi bringing together people. from throughout Location of new headquarters discussed Stratford officials want offices to stay in Festival City II) Michele Greene • to (lit / Wit a : Iden(rrtt' STRATFORD • 1'he A‘on- 'Maitland 1)isirlcr :Sch4,o1 Board took the'First step In choosing a • heaefgtiariers;ht ,establishing an ad _ hoc colllrllltter tt•+ 1r1\r•'t1!-'ate.possl- hle sites. . The C'll\ of Stratford. is urging it 10 roseate 11 in the l•esti aI illy. Ai 'the new hoard's. lint regular nlecting. held -in Stratloi-d-Tuexdat. Jan. 1.3: trustee, nominated 'Trus- tee. Leslie Wow- and Colleen Schenk to the committee. • • Stratford councillor Dan M.lthei- son: and,Larry Appel, the city': cc- unnmlc de3elurnicnt oft wet-. were alio 'at the' meeting* and • outlined rt•J.on. 33h3 the ne\\ school hoard should ,;hoose the hu11ding .oI the 1 iinler Perth County Huard of Lilt]: - cation In Strafford as its headilu:u- te s. • Business Directory AUCTIONEERS IMOTISSEAU ,,., AUCTION SERVICES Hensall Ont. All roes ci auctions CornFilete service. W ourchase parba. cor'iplete estates. Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 236-4558 • - or Filson & Robson FULLY LICENSED & �t • BONDED, CALL OR FAX 4 it 4 4 4 4 (519) 666-0833 • 3 Auctioneers for the Price of 1 With modern equipment Pickup and sell complete or partial estates •ir Specializing in Farm, Real • Estate and General Sales 11 REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St.. Stratford Phone 271-9660 WEIGHT CONTROL 1 can help you to Lose weight, gain energy acid feel great! Pro- gram is Dr. recom- mended and fully guaranteed. Call now (519) 430-3245 "Ower the wears, the cit\ has tak- en pride that the Perth . ('aunty Board of • 1=ducatio'n• was here. , in this heautifut'huilding:' said Conn, Mathie.un, referring to the histori- cal building on \Vater St. • . Stratford also makes good inglstl cal sense. said ('oun. Mathicson- I'hc. hulk purchasing--an•angentcnt hciv ecn the former Perth hoard, the cit\ and the Stratford General Ho.- pttal Board would he affected If the 'hoard moved Out of the city. he told -trustees Added transpurtauri+n costs to deliver the goods outside of the ci1\ could reduce the amount saved ht the three public hodic,-s purchas- ing in hulk. hes.nd. - Coon. Mathieson -.pointed out -to trustees that Stratford rd is 'the largest ct,nunercial and industrial_ centre -1D the two counlles- and "rcpresents:a good -chunk oI out lax ha.e,and of your tax hose." - • . - "It would he a feather in every - one's -cap it the largest lieneratof..ol income i. considered -as the• head - quarlcrs. • said Appel. . - Thr. iIt also h.ts restaurants. h., [OSand other sort ice- ayailahle suited to busting meetings. It is on a niaimr transportation route with easy accc.' It• Iligli ay 4(11 and a wain station bringing in trains Irons Stratford twice- a •dots - said Cr run Matfilr.r,n. „ 1 liere isn't. an ihing strong with Seat, rill. Clinton• or Mitchell, hut an )1)u sect 'ccs the people '" ‘pre l .tsked-trustees to con.lder • • IIt school: lace dos- ing.... .los- in,_ . Parol Carroll. drrec_tol 01 'educa- tion. said tile-ho.ud.u. interested in lo,atlnL'. in .1- contnutnfts along Hight\.n 8: There are also live s.hoi,l• ul -Miro') County also. ;Dula serve as hod- offices- .aid MI Carroll I ate could -he. lacin,. ;losing. h«ausc ut Iott enrolment. lie said.. • Lmnlmc;f( al ,Scat( -nth •.1)iarrct Sgcondart School is expected .to drop t4. 275 over the ite\t- twit year.. School. tel 1 •.hiwine '14Ittn- ship. Huron Park.. the Winghain area. an<1 \W,tlttal also have lows en- rolments • • $ $ $ $ 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 $ 5 5 1 • ('arroll said he has no informa- tion on .low enroInlenh and possi- ble closing. in Perth Schools. - *''The hoard will have to decide it it has more space than it can afford - Iu keep.%said Carroll. Trustee At.ie Tut Ic n scud the new hoard doesn't have a pole} for .school closings _ don't feel comfortable' doing a school closing policy for site seIee ; .tion.", she card. • -Trustee Wentlx_ Anderson sug- gested the hoard put nil'the dear-. sign of a iti t site '11hc. hu.lncs, tfe- partnlent has .t Iarge-ta4k in from oI • them and doesn't .need the arc:. ;+1 slut ing.. she said. w - "Thr location •8I- .t corpoorate- headcluariers has no benefit to our student.. We'should he'lookltig :u • • _fwiior kindergarten l.uirenlh ol• - Iered in.Huron schools! and French immersion. -fhose are stall and pro- -graitl issues we have to have in . place by September.- said Trustcc \ndcr.on • The deei.tilri oI.the board Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM IS1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are • Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS • Jee Chatty- RRS Mrtcnell . •.348-9705 Rori Feeney RR 2 Dublin •- 345-2360 Larry Gardine• RRt Stan,, -..345-2678 Jack Hodgen RR t Kirkto• 229-6152 r! hart O She,'-RR.t Grarrto• .225-2600 Morns Willows RR2 St Paws 393-6548 • AGENTS Wayne Maver Exeter 235.1915 John Moore Dublin 345-2512 Joseph Uniac. Mitchel- - 348-9012 Head Office Exeter • ' 235-0350. A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, are on record and in good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1997. IMUTUAL , FAR M MU T UA L K ES INC. WE OFFER: • Mutual Funds from Industry leaders • GICs from top interest -paying institutions • Life/health/disability insurance frons innovative, . leading companies " WE OFFER: FINANCIAL PLANNING - t' help make today a little better fur tomorrow . LIFE -PLANNING --to help ensure you provide (Or those.you. ESTATE PLANNING,- to help ensure your family gets ,more from your estate than Revenut(anada • ••- RETIREMENT PLANNING - tt+ help :ensure you fan comfortably, in your retirement year-- 497 ears497 Main St., South Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S1 519-235-4000 John Hanson, Exeter 519-235-4000 Norris Peever, Goderich 519-524-6105. Bob McNaughtorl Seaforth, 519-527-1571 Graeme Craig, Walton 519-887.9381 McMaster Siemon , Mitchell 519-348-9150 Barb Worden Dublin 345-2771 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 5 5 5 5 5 s tion .hoiilil ix- made ht all nine - 1rll.lees. Defy' 1rtlstee poillied out .Ituste:•- Boli. Allah questioned 'the board. decision to nominate 'Pru-- tcc s Schenk and Wood tii the new -add hoe committee -in t:h:u,e-'01 lied-. Ing a location 1t•1y conceit) wouldht In forcing two trustees.•into th1.lrllo(o11z111\ sltarged issue: " Th;lt he fair: It would he like allotting !\<ul •locule hon..•' he said. • • Trustee:Schenk.admitted Lending a new location Is .111 ominous task but she is willing to take It :She added the Lina! decl.0+n still fi.. made h‘ the lull hoard .md not It her.clI and Trustee 1Wt�ud. the. four counties. parking and wheelchair accessibility A site in Listowel wits 'recommended 'to the Ministry of Health in November. In selecting Mitchell. the Ministry "of - Health ciled financial considerations - .the Huron Perth District Health Council is in the .et.tlnd year of a lite -year lease on the offices. As ttcll. the site will require ` few • changes _ to acconintotlate ..the consolidated health ...council. • Other .-sites considered by the transition -'team would have required extensrte renntaUnn.. • . - -111 •making the announcement.. the. Ministry of Health.said ' the transition team and thnew health conned...when appointed. can look .it ways to equitably scr\e all the residents -lit Grey. Bruce. Perth and Huron Counties: •flie possihility ul Iltovllh' Council and committee meetings to k+cations throughout Ihr four counties: using . video tonlercnce tecttnology..and locating a part -tulle workstation in 'fire\:-ii)tice. hate alreath been discu%.ed by the transition team. • and have been suppilrted in principle by the Ministry. The new council will consider sueh})plions and stake recontinendationt, to the Nluusti, 01 Health • :.A workstation would involve having ttlfice space available to health -.planners when they are working in the Grey -Bruce area. The announcement of the office site is the • first step lixally in the protince-wide consolidation of district health councils which was announced by the Ministry of • Health on Septeniher 4. l997. The next step will he the ann<tuncentent of the appointment of the new (;re) Bruce Huron Perth District Health council: expected • ht the end of Januarx It 'has been recommended Ihat the, nett `council ire made of equal membership Ir each of the 14ui•ertunues. Once Ilio nett • members are. apponued:. the prt+c'es:"oI selecting stall 1% begin. Application. -twill he,. sttu,4lt In+m existing %Lott members The new health council. 1s to begin- ttpeia 1'nl. by the end.or. March AQUAFINE is proud to announce the • appointment of Tracy Stire Tracy Store to their highly t/ualitiecl team of Water . Consultants. for all ynt/r water treatment needs please call Tracy at 685-0445 or toll free: 1-800-265-4606 IC% 0111111110R LNC 370 MA IN STREET, S. EXETER, ONT. 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TKO SYSTEM AT2A2 2.3.3 n1111X /WO Kb pra(es or • Soyo !x• motherboard with 512 kb pipeline burst (ache 1.)SR supported • 64 Mel; of Sdra►n • 24X quiet- CD -rum (!3TC) • 43. gig ultra DMA hard drive • Acer 56K fax/voic eidata modern • 1.S" AOC digital monitor • ATI 2 mel; Rage 11+ 3D accelerator . • Sound blaster AWE 64 sound (-did • NEC speakers. • 1.44 FDd - • Keytronics, Windows,keybuard • Microphone • Logite(h :3 button P512 mouse • • mouse pad t • Windows 95 w/Internet Explorer 4 $2095.55 WINTER 1-1()t1115: MON,-IRI. 9-0 ALL OUR SYSTEMS f INCLUDE 30 DAYS FREE INTERNET (Some restrictions may apply) • •slim toti.or t,tsv • .54' Kb cat -he .rain • 1 h(1 MHZ MM V U'U • I b Alb.E1)O ram • 1.44 ,\ l b -F(N-) • !.(t Gb Ultra 0,'.1A hard drrve ' • mil video card - • -14:" (hti(tal SV(;A colorer monitor. •:• tVin 104 kevboar(! . • Windows 9.3 iv/disks c\ mantra/ • mouse and hail . • 24 speed (I) -Rom • '1() bit sound card • S5 ►vatf 1/W1P0) )) speaker,• • 3.1.6 upgradable tax voice modern (Acer1 TKO SYSTEM ATIC •. 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