HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-14, Page 17Page 16 I - Birth Ainnotincemen1s BAKER - Bryan and Jodie are excited to announce the birth of their son Jonathon James Enc oh Thursday. January/. 199K at • Stratford General Hospinil. Their long- awaited arrival weighed in at-/ IQs 2 ors. Proud grandparent: are John and Janice Baker of Hensall and Lorne and Sharon Ehgoetr.01 Stratford Qroud great-grandpar- entsare Enc and Man Brown tit Stratford RYAN -MOLT and Terri Wclennke with /OW a daughter. Claire Iris lihrahcth. horn at St Th as Agn General on November 7. 1997 4 seder lir.Mary Fiances. John and 'Patrick 1` • Cow IthsrsibfP U11 �S .a a 0,* EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP • 9:30 a.m. Communion Service Sunday ,School far all ages 11:00 a.m Family Bible Hour Thursday Evenuig Home Bible Study • at 8 -p.m. For info. contact 229-6572 -94 Orchard Street Exeter . ,Everyone Welcome - January 18 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel \t/ t* MIMI'S EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 January 18-.1998 • ' 10.00 a.m Morning Service ' •'Sunday School tor ages 3 to Grade 4 during morning service - Nursery Available 7:00 p.m Evening Service Everyone Welcome • Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m CKNX 920 10.30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith -20 Global 5:30 a.m January 18 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. Worship Broadcast on Community Channel EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant Pastor John-Boyachek 235-2661 • Sunday, January 18 .. Morning Worship 9.30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9.30 and 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p:m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday. 7:00 p.m Family Night - Everyone Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 66 Main Street South 235-2784 - Minister '. Rev. Daniel Roushome Courtesy Car 235-1967 Youth Worker Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday. January 18. 1997- 10:30 a.ni Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Jen: 15 B p.m. Choir practice Jen 21 7:30 p.m Board and • Session meeting Jan. 28- Presbytery meeting A warm welcome awaits you. EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St Sunday, January 18. 1998 • J0:30 a.m. Rev. Cordell Parsons Sunday School 10:30 a.m. January 19 Open Forum with Rt. Rev. Bill Phipps, Moderator of the United • Church of Canada 7 -9 p.m. at Exeter U.C. Courtesy Car: Marion Frayne 235-1409 Nursery Provided All welcome' P.O. Box 934 Grand Bend, NOM 1TO SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 11 a.m. Rev. Stanley -Hammond SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Rev. Keith Gonyou 'Born Again" Now meeting at Calvary United • Church. Dashwood For further info: contact 238.8337} Death Notices .4116...e..'' '-1:01' .....- BE('KERSON (WI 1SON) - Peacefully al West Haldttnand General Hospital, Hagersvilk An Tuesday. Januar% 6. 1991. Jean Reckersoon• in her 1i2nd veal of Caledonia' Beloved wilt- 01 Clarence Be.kcrson and the late Maitland Nihon Loving sister or Margaret McCunachre. Florence -and Keith Barden Dat aunt pf Phillip and -Anne Bartlett. Moms and Penny Bartlett Great aunt of Jamie. and -Sara Barrien Also survived by stepchildren Marie and Robert Gibson, Gordon arid Jeannie Bcekerstin. and sadly missed M satiny cousin% and friends The tanul' received Mends. at the Hvtk' & Mon Chapel. Hageisville on January is where the Funeral Sentice was held on January 9 Imcruient Caledonia Cemetery As an expression of sympathydonations to the Caledonia Preshylenan Church or the chanty of 'bur choice would he appree iaued M the family ;. BRIGGS - Peacefully, at South Huron Hospital Jixcter. Ontario ort Tucc(tat January h. I99/. fib,atk•th Murry Boggs pit Queensway Retirement li •- Hensall. Ontario etarmcrly 01 tixclei and London. Ontartot lit her /6th veal Predeceased M het husband R Joseph Briggs hem mother til Nancy McLay tit Clinton and Barbara Meer. of London .Also sus.recd M her_ grandchildren aind'great-grandchildlr-n Predeceased'•hy .2 hnithcrsand I sisit•I Friends called kir visitation on 4ctlncssas. January 7 at the I)ntn&' Funeral Houle Fxrler Pravcrs were held at 7 •45 p til 4 Mass til Chrusuait Buri,,1 \l a,. held' on Thurstla%• Januarc h at t)u1 1•ad\ id Mt Carmel t'hurch, roti Carmel Farber-Paul-- -Baillargeon. of1,i. rant Those N191114.1 10 ncikc nlcni,trtal contrihuuons ma\ con.rdct the .Alihcmk•t Siic i'r. of Huron County zs,. A tree. \.ill he planted :i. a living !nominal tr Eh/allot' Briggs Cards Of 'Thanks DFaOMM-J-. - The rams ',•I (tic 1.::: Florence Delimitate would 1ikc 1.. v;win', thank tinnily,. Mend-) and tiriilihou, -. then prayers. donations. flowers. card. visits with, u,.at the funeral honk, Spr.iai thanks to Auni'Joan for hill heir, and ,print al gutd:m;c. Blucwater ,tail 1011 dict' loving care. Ili Wallace. Mrs \ r,s, het Aunt • Yi: onne. l nc le ( co' -C- W if: (dill prod Peggy W c give •special thank, 1., 1 athct W'nonsi .uut.to' But' and Jou trout the 1 ' Hari( Holtman and S: in. funeral Hoene lot then kindness' z - DEN OTTE4 - Thank vol, 1, all ills taunts mends and neighbor, tin all the card,. tluw, Cr'. and tits hit,kets, visits. :rel 111ord,.01 eni'uuragcnocnt .during nit recent stat al Inc hospital and sulci' returning honk 41-.., orad thanks u, htk:tor. Jew. sou- Sorsrlahl and nurses at Stratinrtd (u'ncraJ Hospital Ili then I. excellent care Sincere thank. - t, - .Jbhr,. HF:NI/RON -'A sincere thanks to everyone. nth. sent beaeuilul floral bouquets and ,taus marry cards of svmparhi phunc .:JI.. and kindness drawn to me .511,1 tottrnune hothi• aItteu 41', death A special thanks to, nl\ Janulres tor then concern and. help 1 - Mos! sin:ert•1\ . hu1 • Dorothy t I rest:intim• I Hcntlrori KELLER - Nc would Juke tothank Stratford Hospital staff and Ili Sor.datd. South Huron Hospital and hl Steele for their caii•-dunrie'R.J 's recent operation`and recovery Thanks -lo Rt•\ C Parsons tut his 'rans and prayers and to out.lannly and tnends for (heir coin:ern aui help - �) . • K-1 and Anna KIATS - le apprcciauou lot hieing pi:kcyl the Witmer tit the dreani kitchen at Stip-s 'alu-ratan. we xrncerui%wnh to thank tom' and Cathy' Seip and all the local busitnesses involved 4 dclighttul,;,urprise wi• will. 'always remember - - ;' Michel and Georgette izza * Panzarotti Angelo's Ex ter Open Thurs. to Sat. 4:30.10:30 p.m. In Memoriams LEWIS - In loving memory of a Jeal hr,,th cr-in-law and Uncle "Fred" w h., passed away Januar" 11. A097. One year has writ. M . - Although oto live, continue on: In our bearts we hold you dear. And special memories hold yon near Vile totss you in sit mato •was.. - W'c nuns the things you used le 1:o And when old uuk•. w'e do rx•c:dl. That's when we tots, you most of :dl ingly remembered h. .later -in law Nola.•dmightei ('ar,•l\ n and 1:III y - LEARN - In loving uk•ntors oil Vla. Learn. Who passed aw:iy one real ago, Januar I (ions is the face we Loved so ilea,. Silent ns the voice we loved to heat 'Ito tau away- 1,11 sight of speech. But not uw, tau 4 'i thought to reach Sweet to remember hon who tinct was here And who. Ihoueti absent is lust. as drat ' Sadly missed and :dwa\. room -inhered M his wile Gloria. mot het I ors. brothel 'Fred and larant-Ipt'. chriJrcn l)-h,.Ji'rrt and kids, Bo/ !Nary and kids ' 1- RF:IJ) - In 1,,s rig tnetnon ol'a dear bus hand Claren.c wtro passed away' 2 wean :Igo Januar\ 12. .1996 You are atm ays on nn mind - No matter what I (1, t. ' all rhe nave within in, Kean'. -- Fheri' are thoughts 01 you . , 41M ays renk•rnhhK•J M w ole IVa, r1. 12E11) - In loving iiwmtir\ of to dear lather and grandfather. CLiramsa. who passed aw;i\ 2 'cars ago., J:muat. 12.• 10o , • He hitd a nature volt could not help I.ovlIV- -41111:i hi•an that ix as purer:Ihan gokl- Araio those who knew hrtu and loved hum lit, memor\ will -never grow cold ' Aiwa's tellIemM'rrd and Jecpls maid h, 4Nan. l :til- Jeretio tett arid S, ,oii • As Seen on TV The Weigh Down Workshop New Weight Loss Class with a• Spiritual Emphasis ` • A 12 week iblically based weight lost pragram will be offered at , Exeter Pentecostal -Tabernacle ' Free informational night Thurs., Jan. 15, 1998 , 7 p.m. For more information call: 235-2991, a� ANSWERS Lucan . Community Centre Bingo Wed. Jan. 14 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Game $1000 Jackpot Game 54 calls or less $1500 bonus Total prizes $3000 Due 10 the licence regulations. no one under 18 allowed to play Licence 8537495 Wekomes all to our G?AND OPENING Monday, January 19, between S - 9 p.m. Come meet the owners and enjoy complementary b'ors d'oeuvres and beverages. Once again Exeter. Thanks for all your support Your hosts: James Eddington and Don Wand Eddington 's Casual Fine Dining 527 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Reservations Recommended Telephone: (51 9) 235-3030 Hours of operation: Tues. - Sun. 11.9 p.m. Happy 20th Jan. 15th Bridget G root Guess Who t eLL• t ti:nataa yragitiumiara Happy 24th Birthday to the Baker Twins (Mark and Matthew) Ian. 14 Gdtcha - Baker WYkk nl kkkkkN Dance Hall 9o'n lam 349-2678 Jr* Oa'icers Welcome Jan. 16 Sunrise Sat., Jan. 17 Country Versatiles iff/kf!fi liktiffifV11,11 1' 4.40 s.1,4 o4. a 444.4. 44.1♦ 1. Hensall Union Cemetery sir AMNIA ,"', Mon., Jan, 26, 10 a.m. , Hensall VillageCouncil Chambers - • Robt. Bell Chairman' - Joanne Rowcliffe Sec. Trea- ` A -For additional information call • -263-2580. •" Everyone welcome , Hensall Union Cemetery is,a Registered Charitable 1- Orgariization �>r.�v jh.•�v�vr" ,EXETER RODEO COMMITTEE '98 Organizational Meeting Wed., Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m. South Huron Recreation Centre ' It your group or organization ;would like to be a part of this • committee, please contact the Rec Centre at L235-283L.J James (Rolphy) Rolph and Julie Weber Featuring "Dt- Darryl" Sat. Jan. 24 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. South Huron Rec Centre Tickets: $S. (includes midnight lunch). Age of majority required. Formore information call 235-1460 Happy 2Sth Wedding Anniversary DAVE & SHARON PASSMORE Love Tom. Jon, Sue and family Relatives. Neighbours and Friends are eordr Il rt - a y vned to hell' ' celebrate at the • Exeter legion Hall on Sat. Jan. 17 - 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Best wishes Un(( Exeter AgriculturalSoctefy Annual Meeting Fri., Jan. 16 at Exeter United Church, 42 James St. Exeter, Ont. 8:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING I)re.elN the at :nate. ,Intl .I((-canl)h.hmenh filthy St /Clay .Int re the last annual meeting,'. 10 Iire.ellf adel.illt9l statement 01 receipts .Hid a yx'nddurey .int e the annual mr'e'ttng. rt) elet 1 . I Nin 1'r, and direr rc )r. 10 the He card 01 Directors til the FuVry Akocultural tion tt ti LUNCH 1(jlOi l t 111 i 4140, OCIC &Ads; LUELLA TIEMAN (on January 20, 1998) ) Open House on January 18th to celebrate this tiLec1.11 Birth.fa\ front 2-S Ism .N her rest\ien. t- 1111),• hw.kkl Ilr.t NYshcs Only ATTENTION ALL SENIORS Join us for great food & fellowship! GRAND BEND & AREA DINING PROGRAM 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month beginning Thursday, January 22nd ST. JOHN'S BY -THE -LAKE ANGLICAN CHURCH 12:00 noon -.Delicious Diener 1:00 p.m. - Entertainment - Music. Speakers 1:30 p.m. - Cards Transportation provided. Hot take out meals available!! For reservations please call 1-800.263-8246 by Tuesday at noon. • Sponsored by Town and Country Support Services. St. John's 6v -the - Lake 4ngitcan Church and local volunteers . • i PI B & EATERY ANNUAL SUPERBOWL PARTY SUN. JAN: 25 PARTY KICKS OFF AT 2 P.M. TICKETS $20.00 EACH • un 63rizes OIUWIL YOUR. MONUIEIT X0{1 Y. - MB WB WILL GAVE IT READY FOR SPIIING In •keeping with our commitment to, offer the best possible service, we have added., the sale of upright monuments. We believe the full colour design system we have'will make your decisions a little easier, particularly at this difficult time. Our memorials are all custom created to scale and in the colour of granite you have chosen. All our monuments are lifetime guaranteed. ADinney Funeral- Home Inc. 471 Main Street, Exct1L,-1- - 235-350) Cali for an appointment oN