HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-14, Page 3IN Tt-JENE1VS Times -Advocate, January 14, 1998 Page 3 • Ambitious Resource Lucan planned by library Friends By Craig Bradford T -A Reporter LUCAN - The Friends of the Lu-.. can Library are banking on an out-. pouring of support fortheir planned Resource Lucan two -year -pilot -pro- jeei that will- potentially .end the space problem at the cramped li- brary. But the project is- much more than a space -adder. Friends .pros—, ident Mary Lynn Hetherington out- lined the plan at last week's council meeting. "We .couldn't do a lot of pro- grams we wanted to do because of. lack of space there," she said. The firmer Home Hardware at 170 Main Si. (acrossihe street froth the library) is being .renovated to • house several new services in- cluding the Friends administration centre. Here's a` rundown of ser- vices the Friends hope to offer at the new office: - • •Community Economic- Develop- ment Research Centre. The vet to he formed Community l:cinontic. Development Committer: will in vestigatc growth -in tourism and res- idential and commercial develop - :men( through the Resource I ascan office. They will hopefully:develop a strategic plan to reach their goals. !Community Intorniation and Tourist Centre. The office will he a "central cleating house -fr coni- nunity- news. events and • special promotions. witha monthly bulletin containing council agenda.. Friends . newsletter. a calender of events and - other _materials to he produced for distribution throughout the area. •A community sen ice director w ill be made available' to tourists. po• - tential residents and investors and,a tourist intunnation - service will be. created to till tourists in on com- munity events like Heritage Days. the Chrisunas Craft Show, sporting events. the Dongelly tour; the Her- itage Museum and so on. this w mg of Resource Loran will hopefully bring back broadcasts t►I' village council meetings and other com- munity events through Dublin Cahle.TV. • •Centre for the Visual and Per- - funning Arts: An :irt gallery and performing arts centre will he crew-. ed at the office for-onat e -month lot* shows by local artists and per- formers. The performing arts centre wilt operate from Friday to Sunday af- ternoon with theatrical aced musical pc rtormances schcduled.in tti'c sum-' mer and children's events through- out the year. The first- group art evhihition/sale is ptann&I to open on Jan. 30. though • He- therington said it miry be delayed till some - nu nt. Dour computer workstations with Interna across will be avail- able for public use during •da?Monte hours. Resource Lucan is.hapipg to ork with Humtan Resources-I)c- velopment Canada and. Ianshawc ('ollege Continuing •Fducation to provide the courses. *Central Volunteer: Bureau. -Re source Lucan will provide a central registry for volunteers on the vari- ous local community groups with a data base. •('hildren and' Youth Pro- gramming and Outreach. llic pro- ject.: in association -with local schools. community groups and youth leaders. wilt design programs tor -children and teens .t, well. as ion atter school program. A -part-time position .would he created to ad- minister the progranis. The- .-Resource .l:ucan - office would be open zcycri "We don't care .days. a-vt:cck roc the various services big the it pockets are,•it crab office would he would offer: the gen- . all adds' up." ... open from 10 pini. and 7 p.m. -10 - time in February. Hetherington said p.m.. Monday -Thursday and _ 1O the Friends will get a conmiission erste.-noon on Friday: musical and on alt.ari sales. _ theatrical performances would take ' in addition. bus tours will be -of- .• place Friday and Saturday evenings fered. to events outside the Lucan - -with manners on Saturday •. and arca including- the .Stratford and :Sunday. Blyth festivals and -the London Re- -- flu project, will heed a lull -time gional Art.Gallen. • director' and solunlecrstalf:The di- •Centre - for career Training and rector's salary --would caine out of Continuing I dui ttion,.. Couis. the county libraries coffers but the , workshops and seminars- will he of- Friends would reimburse, the lull -tired front Monday _ to: Thursday ' amount. Hetherington said.: evenings in computer programs. Resource 1-u.an's programs • business skill upgradin. 'roc- would be jointly- funded by the reational: management and. ad- prof rncc. Human Resource De - :ministration and. human -develop- clopnunt Canada and. the Mid- dlesex County I.ihrary and addi- tit,►n.il funds will he sought from charitable foundations --and other - sources,. - "We don't care how big the pock-, cis are. it all,adds up," Hethering-. ton said. Hetherington said the project's. projected annual operating budget is in the $50.(100-$70(00) range. Hetherington said. the !nage wouldn't be required to fund any of the project's progranis hut• she did request the village *to drtli a- letter supporting the Friends initiative and to appoint .a -councillor to the Friends hoard. • All hooks will -remain at the Mr- . liicationt. Though the 13(0) .'q. f satellite ' office will ease the lack of space problems at the small -9(0) -sq. ti. li tiraiy.' . Hetherington said the Friends'. goal is stiff to find a larger huiIdnig for the library. Reeve Robert Benner said he is excited.about Resource Lucan get- ting off' the. ground. When. asked if 'he think: the ambitious project will fly. Benner said "given the support from. the province. federal govern- ment-- and the county, yes. It's a wonderl-ul opportunity." • Hetherington said: Resource 1.u: . can is still in the proposal stage and she will pitch the Middlesex County I.ihrary -hoard 'on it on Jan. 28: . " tiycrybixly._ is excited about this proposail -friim the top down." she - said. The.1.ucan Library hats- the:third Iargest,circulatiun of all Middlesex County; branches with about 27.(10) books borrowed each year. Hether- ington etherington Said. - Exeter freehold townhouse development recommended By -Kate Monk T -A Reporter - _ EXETER' . A public. meeting was- held .on Monday night to re= ccive input on the proposed zoning bylaw to:allow a freehold town- house development. The .existing zoning allowed for a townhouse de- velopment and .the rezoning is re- quired to allow. the townhouses to .he sold as separate units_ The site is. _3.88 acres in size and is located west of Marlborough Street between: John and Sanders. Streets.- - - Joe Durand and Doug Jeffrey pre: rented a site plan for the 18 -unit townhouse development: The plan includes the extension of -Sanders -Street-- and-- a privarel -maintained street between two tows of town- houses. . :Durand said they are targeting the single -storey townhouses to. the senior citizens market. - • "They want.,,something a little larger •than . an apartment. some-- thing ome=thing they own." Durand. sad . Each- unit will -have - two bed- -roomsa 'full hasement and ai ear - age. _ The units- will • range from. 1.1(0).to 1.300-squai-c feet in size. The Sanders 'Street extension will • he. a- standard street -with =the de- velopers.picking up the tab. ,Neighboring Marlborough .Street - landowners expressed stormwater management .and privacy concerns. - Durand... and___-Je oncerns."Durand.--antd_�Je fres sand. en-_ gineered designs ensure water (low from the property -will not increase. - With respcct.tu privaieya they. said as many trees as possible would be saved including walnut trees along the cast -side of the property. As. well pine trees. from the west side of the property would he saved and .some would he transplanted to the casrsideto improve -the buffer. - • —If we can do trees well. you'll he happier. with trees. than fence," Jeffrey said. - Huron County and the Health - Unit have hoth.approYed the. zoning change and no neighboring. land- . owners have expressed opposition. Precious Blood now fenced in The new chain link fence around the school yard was erected due to student safety concerns, principal Sandy McQuillan said By Craig Bradford T -A Reporter EXETER - The parents of Pre- cious Blood. School students should he feeling a little Netter about their children .playing on the school grounds now'that it's fenced in. Lambeth's Simpson Fencing in- stalled the chain Zink fence before Christmas. The Huron -Perth Ro- man Catholic Separate School Board picked up the about $16,000 tab for the fence that runs along the north. west and south boundaries of the about two -acre site. "1 guess the biggest (reason for the fence) is for the children's safe ty." Precious.. • Blood principal Sandy McQuillan said. - . There have -been a few incidents in recent years. where students have hcen either picked. -up- or dropped off away from the front of the school •onto the far edges of the playground. School -staff couldn't discern whether the students were with their parents or not in -those in- stances. the worry being. strangers were interacting 'with th(►sc stu- dents. , McQuillan added -a couple ofjun- ior -kindergarten and kindergarten students -wandered onto the streets around the school last year. The fence should stop the potential for those- type of incidents turning trag- ic. he said. ' The fence should also discourage now•mohilcrs from using the play- ground during school hours. McQuillan said there have been cases when snowmobiles roared • through the playground during re- cesses and lunch. - Another addition to the school arc $3.5(0).acousuc wall panels to absorb noise and improve sound quality•in.the gym/auditorium. Ex- eter's Geoffrey Construction did the panel installation. , Feeling fenced In? Not these Precious Blood Schools students who are admiring the new chain link fence at the school installed to improve their safety. From left: Michelle Hunter, Emi- ly Sararas, Michelle VanEsbroeck, Scarlett Antaya, Ashley Overholt, Michelle Gaiser and Jenna Phillips. A plan of subdivision has been filed -with Huron County. Through that process. - stormwater man- agement. snow removal. road. con- struction; servicing and a per- - ronnance - guarantee will . he addressed. - The Conimittt e of the , -Whole . p: sscd a_ recommendation to Exeter C ►until to approve the. toning change. 1 �1 s High, but not a record. Ausable River levels, 'shown here at - Exeter's MacNauuhtvn`Park, were high ,and potentially dan- gerous last week but were no where near record-breaking. Ausable levels not that high EXETER- - Though water levels in the Ausable River and its tributaries - iti the Exeter arca seemed high Iasi week, they were nowhere near record levels: ' Au`sahlc Bayfield Conservation Authority (ARCA) water/planning man - ager Alec Scott said while water levels were higher than normal. they -wer- en't at a dangerous level. - . . - . - The-witter is about three or four feet above normal in the Exeter arca due to thc several days of rain last; week. Scott said. '(lie normal flow for mid- winter in the Ausable is.less than one cubic metre/second; as of Jan: 8. -the.. ' flow was between -10-12 cuhic metres/second: on Feh. 20:22, 1997. during . . - . - flooding in Exeter. ihc.11ow was over 30 cubic :.. - " ' metres/second. At the time. the river engulfed the Thetops of the railings of the footbridges at 'Mac-. • are highh,, the he Naughton Park.'- . •• . banks are Though the river level is not deemed danger - slippery and . ous. Scott said everyone in the vicinity of the the Water is Ausahlc'shi►uld remember there is still potential hazards. . - - very cold."•"Be very careful, he -said.—"Thc flows are - - cold.' high, the hanks arc slippery and the water its very _ • - There is a program the ARCA uses to inform G.r. 5-6 students on the - dangers- of buries of water in winter called the Flood Water Awareness . program. Scott said the program will soon he available for areaschools in- terested in having -an ARCA staff member visit their school. Charges laid in boat engine thefts CHATHAM - Three adult males have been charged by Chatham- . Kent OPP in connection with over 1(0) -stolen inboard/outboard out - drives (boat- motors) from throughout thc region, Huron County OPP Const. John Marshall said yesterday. - ,. - - •- The thefts the three arc charged with include 10 outdrives together worth Over $35.(00) stolen from -Grand Bend's Southwest Marine Scr- - vices overnigh(Jan. 5-6. The men arc also chargedwith stealing trans- port track tires from Chatham's. Maple City Tire. • - . The. men arrested following a joint -investigation -by Chatham -Kent OPP. Chatham city police and thc Exeter OPP, Marshall said, and their - hail hearing was held yesterday -after the T -A went to press. No more details Of the investigation were known at press. 370 MA IN STREET, S. EXETER, ONT. 519-235-0996 (John Norris Building) COMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR HOME AND OFFICE This WeeksManager's Special INCLUDE 30 DAYS FREE INTERNET TKO SYSTEM v12C (Some restrictions may apply) ALL OUR SYSTEMS '. I $1 249. 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