HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 181 • Page 18 • Time : Atfilut ah', January 7, 1998 CLASSIFIEDS 235-1331::, I( I'i \( I IOL h \il ' Box 850, Exeter, Ont. • NUM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 RM. PHONE FQR DETAILS Get Results With Our 811 Super Ad• Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge _FOR SALE.I1EM$_Qr1LLr QREAIM PER AQ .PdrafenedearynerCAW IILDNly _All Super Ada mustecampald OFFICE IIOUI(S; MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00.^p r. laid•: -f ill) RATES %VOki) AU6 - 11,...d n.a. I insertion ' $7.49. 2 insertions $13.91. 3 insertions $20.33 A,IJnayul 16- .Mawr •w ra.h w.nJ..la nuumum No'rlcEti .. r.vJ .., ,..i..,n,. ,trash.. •nn.,uu,rmenr:. gin. s1, mill.u,. l lid ...r Ih.m(.. 1 u )enol n $9.63 2 insertion, 521.40 -3 insertion' No charge \illi, 1 , o. .-1.4 r.4,1.0 ,d... • n4G' Il(V,t•rr. ht,i a'CI I Uk PRI I.11 .II- t IkwOnizd ii,MignittlyAtts Rale% uiu,L(Alr 1111 reque(f f 41'1�i�1'1 ( .,.h. ('hryur , u oh ,,knld.cat..vn. N s1.1.4-, u1J.r. s',.a.a,"I'1........era '= •rpur.1 ••P1.1 .:.I -.('It Cls 1t n'R \h 1111 (1Rs( 1.11 11 \ PPI. \11s I,. I-,4•1"111' MAI 11I's ('nRKi, t Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL THE MORE YOU SELL! NAME ADDRESS • PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa - _ MasterCard CREDIT CARD N0. SIGNATURE I r -�- I 8r� /2Y, HI� anted �s aw 1 Servl�a Opportuntt(p f-b Spa r�uMaChinety hb�E9c�me^LVeh., Muslcallrgen IS p� TdMslon ' Is For Sale IS ti'anted to au Wanhd Y 1 20 pp�nY Fq Sale 21 F ' for Rent 2! Jio^redletu Ren Renrt 25 Noh efh' Wu•ted :2:25 26 - k8a1 N DATES TO RUN: . 2 - wfy Iota _-_-- Cheque yue and Carage Sala, Expiry 4V; 1 Lost, Strayed Beloved cat named .:swee- tae. a mostly • white fixed female calico with grey and brown markings. Swee-tae also has long whiskers anti whispy hair coming out of tier ears. Last seen :in the Main St./lames St. area on December 31 at about 10:30 a.m. If you find Swee-tae, please call 235-1181 and leave a message on the answering machine. 3 Situations Wanted 1.OVIN(. bt(1fFI1:R of rine wishes to - - bahysit. Fenced 11.tckyal(i. • tittle] ueigfthauhiu.d ('aII I.ort 1 2 i; 1121 (02-01') 1'!ASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words:Sets of numerals as for serial numbers. street numbers. phone numbers or prices _count as, one word per -set. Words -toiled by h•, Wiens count as separate words FIRST INSERTION ' - 20 words S9 00 15c per word thereafter • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No" copy changes. 20 words S6.00. 15c per word there after. BIRTHS • 30 words S11.00 15c per word thereafter, . MARRIAGES . Engagements. Death Notices - 20 words S11.00 each additional word. 15c . IN MEMORIAMS - S11.00 plus 25c per line of verse • - COMING EVENTS • • 30 words $11.00. each additional word 15c Three insertions for the price of two CARDS OF THANKS - 30. words $11.00, additional words 10c each $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS 8 ENGAGEMENTS With picture - S25.50. GRADUATES will picture - S10.50 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - S10.00 per column'inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch. (minimum size in r this .category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples 01 half inch./ BOX NUMBERS.to this office $2.50 per insertion. ` SUPER ADS S11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. pun ADVERTISING POLICY Anyens,--g .n the T.n,es•Advocait .5 accepted cu condhhon that .m the even! of a lypograptncai error that portion of the adver{.sing space c,cu p'ed by the erroneous .tarn together war, reason- able allowance for signaturewrit be rerun im a subsequent Issue as a make good at no charge while tor, balance of the advertisement win be pad tor at anapphCabte rale 1b the evert o1 a - typograpMcal error'adverl.s:ng goods or services at a wrong price goods or serv,ces may nor be sold Advertising .5 an Owl.) 5011 and may be wIhdrawn at any time Any enols must 1N! a;.• knowledge(' Within seven (lays of pubhcahon 1 tie Times -Advocate reserves the pnvdege of re vrsmg or reieclo,g 'advertisements tat .1 cons.d ers obtechonable and to change the cass:hca, CI any advertisement Iron, Ira? ordered 11) con-. trrm lothe pa.cy 011015 newspaper Contents are protected by copyright Reproduction of any rnaleral w.t,oul the permi5sron 01 the publisher forbdden Advertisers purchase space and'c.rcutahon on1l All rghts to any. advertisements produced by the Tones•Advocate. using artwork. typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shay be the property of the T'mes•Advocale No suer ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or as signed without written consent of the Times - Advaate. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Tnnes•Adv6cam .5 not responsible lo. errors in adveN.Semenl- not submitt*owg,bl ed n e form. nor for more Ina:i a s-^^'^ ^••^-' insertion of Thal advertisement Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 4 Help Wanted 4 Help•Wanted 4 Hely Wanted memonimi Tzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz�zz�� 31' i M M The Corporation of the Town of Exeter invites written applications to fill 2 vacancies on the Exeter Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee. Please submit applications to the undersigned by Wednesday, January 14, 1998. Rick Hundey, C.A.O. Town of Exeter P.O. Box 759, 322 Main Street South' Exeter, Ontario NOM 156 Help Wanted - Must be able to operate and have a general knowledge -of farm equipment - Being mechanically inclined would be an asset - Some physical labor . - Seasonal work - Must have a valid drivers license Please send resume to: - - - Box 84P Times Advocate, Box 850 - Exeter Ontario NOM 1S6 Huron County Library Board • Huron County Council invites applications for . the position of library trustee on the Huron County Library Board to fill_ one vacancy. This.appointment will last until November 2000. - Meetings are usually held the second Thursday of each month, in the morning, in Goderich. This position is voluntary, but receives. a small honorarium and expenses. . - - • . ,The Library Board will address - the challenges of. increasing demands on .the. public -libraries by their communities. and a decreasing traditional funding .base by provincial and county governments. Candidates must be -at least 18 years old. Canadian citizens. and residents Of .Huron- County. Please submit a written application by January 15 to:. Ms. J.A. Murray. Clerk -Administrator: County of Huron Court House Square Goderich, ON N7A 1 M2 Are You Interested in Stewardship of our Natural Resources? The Huron Stewardship Council is seeking 'an additional Volunteer council member. Council members are chosen for their strong interest in resource'stewardship as well as to be representative of the diversity of land ownership and land interests in Huron County. Consider adding your skills, energy and expertise to this community-based stewardship program. • The Huron Stewardship Council mission statement is "To advocate and implement responsible. management of our soil. water and other natural resources through cc rnerative efforts of the Huron County community". Its goals include raising awareness of- responsible stewardship practices and stewardship issues, as -well as facilitating access to resource management assistance. Applications are invited from Huron County residents or Landowners. Applications from candidates who are not selected. will be (Maintained on file until October 1998, in the event add (-)al opportunities become available. The application deadline is January 28, 1998. Please contact Steve Bowers at (519) 482-3428 or 1-800- 265-5170 for more information. LOVING ('IlIL1H'Akli .NEI'.IWI) Inc 8 month old.. 4 'yr. old. 6 yr. old. three days • per week .in our home. Reply to P.O .Box e/o Exeter Times Advocate. Bux 850. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6. (02.03•) • Part Time Position in retail store ESSENTIAL QUALITIES IN APPLICANT Would include - 1. Keen sense of color and co-ordination. 2. Energetic, ambitious with leadership qualities. Retail experience would be an asset To apply for this position, send written application to: Box 82, c/o Exeter Times ]- Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 156- Only interviewed will receive reply. � 6 Services 6 Services LAWN .8 GARDEN CAFIE • SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 2354062, • QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom franriag and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-16I2.(3tfn) TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Prewire houses • Repair wiring - install jacks for phones - modems - Internet PETER MCFALLS 235-0368 SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material Wanted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossingll Call office 235.4614 Res. 235-1662 7 Livestock 4 Hol..sT :IN III:IFER. due mid-January. Gary Loomis at 519-293-33(4. (02•) 8J Farm Machinery THE ANTIQI'I WA'f('11 ANI) (-JOCK SPECIAI Does professional repairs to watches and clocks. Free estimates to repair- grandfater clocks. Call Rudi Arnhold. 7599 ,Gillespie. Port,'Eranks. Phone 243-1130. (3afn). 1 • .. FOR PRIME POWER and wand -by electricity that works and stays working. call Summers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. • Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) -- tn1� f ElmUWEf Inn EDER IMOni MN= MON UWE 11001 MOM MOM t.. 1i PIANO TUNING -REPAIRS .• REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 348.9223 sur(net.t. SEWING ,MACHINE REPAIRS Repairs to all makes and models 20 Years' experience. All Work Guaranteed Contact Wicker Basket 165 Main St. Lucan 227-4158 FORD P1.OW - Model 151. 3-16' bottoms. semi mounted. spring trip: good - in corn stalks.Westfield grain auger. rx46. drive. gond condition. 349-2605. afwt 6 11.1n. and weekends- (47.O2sa) 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1982 MOTO-SKI FtiTURA 300 - Oil injected, cover. 1600 km. excellent .shape. $1800. ('all 519.284-1203. (49-92sa) -• 1994 EXT AR71C CAT l:.h.l. Excellent condition. 565-2728. (50tfn) 96 POLARIS xi:r 600 C.C'. - 2800 miles. Ski Skins. 11011) skid pan. Saddle Bugs. Excellent cond. $5100.: '95 Ski- Don Formula S 380-C'.C. - 3300 kms. excellent cond. S3200. Roth sleds preseasoned. Trail permits included. 1996 North Trails Trailer - 102"x id, 5750. Pkg.: deal available. Phonc262-3406. (52-02c) - _ - _ _- 1979 POLARIS Gemini Snowmobile runs well. always stored ' inside. $600., CaII 349-2556.(01.02c) , - 11 Cars, Trucks -•W,ANTEi) -DEAD OR 'ALIVE: ' Cars. trucks and r scrap for wrecking. Amy condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, •Paul's Auto Marine. 168 Thames Rd. -W. Lketer. 235-3922.(I6tfn) . 1993 131'1C'K REGAL l:l'D' - -Excellent condition, leather interior. loaded keyless entry. 512.9(0.00 - certified. - Phone 519-284- 294. (50.01sa) • FORD 1986 ESCORT EXP 1.91. bud inj. spd, cruise, tilt.- air_ new exhaust„brakes. clutch. throw.out hearing, spa cruise sensor. Very little to safety. 51700. as Is. 0110 . 238-5182.(49.03sa1 . 83' M('STANG - 3.RJ„ brown ,with hrown Menai.. Auto, new gas- tank. lifetime ntutflcr, rear brakes. new battery. driven . daily. Need. 'f1.(' 238 5,182. S5(10. otic.. (49-03sa) •• 198(1: FORT) TEMIKI sr500. C'alt (25.2020. (5I.02sa) - n �VIORTC AG E LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE • PURCHASES • RENOVATIONS. • DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS * Difficult Situations Welcomed* - CALL 668-7788 - MTM Realty Services N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone = Top Soil Excavating - Dozing - trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - -Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter /74,2- VAN BREE ';;LI DRAINAGE Farm Drainage Fence Rows 41 Septic Tanks Water Lines Demolition Erosion Control Basements Trucking Gravel For free estimates call 828-3641, Ron or Paul 11 Cars, Trucks I988 PON1IAC EIREILY - Well maintained, 'new exhaust, excellent gas mileage, little to safety.. $950. as is. 237-3141.(02,03•) • TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks, scrap. etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections ' $35.00. Autorepairs. (14tfn) ' 12 Pets I.AB ('Rust JACK RI'SSE!.I, 8 weeks old. ('all 225.2318 (S0-(11sa) Ciel PE GROOMING 235 -DOGS (3647) LANDMARK REALTY INC. 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. • NEW LISTINGS GREENWAY • r ranch, ensu - SOLD fished from (win. Price $12Os- HENSALL - HAY .TWP. - 150 acre 'cash crop farm, with new- home- - BLANCHARD TWP. - 200- acre cash crop farm. LUCAN - New one floor ranch, 2 car garage. great for :retiring farmer. GIBSON CRES., LUCAN 8 new model homes starting to be built. Prices from -$124,900 to $150,999. Going fast. CREDITON 2 large lots. with gas, water, cable. 129' z 250'. LUCAN - Langford Dr. - ge 4 level side . ped large I SOS . . '.2,000 cash r--. - 'RICE $120s. LUCAN - Kleinfeldt 2 - one floor bungalow's with gas, air, fin - basement. • Price $118,900. -.. •- - - LUCAN - Nicolioa - one floor bun- galow. finished to the - -nine's, spotless. $114,900. •- LUCAN - Harold Ct..- 4 bedroom, 2 storey Mime on a quiet court, spofless. 2 baths. - AILSA CRAIG - 4 level backsplit, 2 baths; fireplace, garage, done up nice. - Member - of Re/Max Platinum Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker 439-1400 IDLE'LIS'l1eL'L LAEIXI�'LL0'Ivlael'cIt31' c • L L L , L LLE 4,14 G.K. Realty 'Ls and Insurance Inc T • 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario ▪ (519) 235-2420 DASHWOOD • Immaculate 3 bedroom 1.5 bungalow. 2 baths. main floor laundry. t le den. Finished rec room w/woodstove. 18' Ex 38' shop. Asking $119.000.00. Call e LDwayne Turney • i< ▪ GREAT FAMILY HOME - In Exeter, 4 tC bedrooms. lots of space, large fenced ryard. Family room w/woodstove. Gas i heat. central vac. Attached garage. Asking $149,900. Call Dwayne Turney.' i DASHWOOD - . - Attractive 3 bedroom i. bungalow on targe lot w/mature i landscaping. Well cared for. Hardwood f• loors_ Asking only 589,900.00. Call Dwayne L. NEAR - 1 '1/2 storey, 3 gg, bedroom brick in "move -in" condition. i 4 Newer oak kitchen and replacement 1 windows. Gas heat. Attached garage and workshop. Asking $139.900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney'. GOOD RETIREMENT HOME -in Exeter. a Close to downtown. 2 bedrooms, bucked in sunporch, deck, lull basement. in good condition. $114:900.00. Call Dwayne Tinney.' - VAN DONGEN SUBDIVISION - Newer. 3 bedroom. side split. In great family area. Sunken living room. separate dining room, Targe kitchen, main floor laundry, family room w/gas fireplace; $156,000. Call Dwayne Tinney'. • • . GRAND BEND-Large•family year-round cottage on 3 lots, 1 block from beach, newer gas ilirnace,. security system, fireplace, 2 1/2 baths, 6 bedrooms. Cali Dwayne Tinney'. - GRAND BEND Well maintained 2 storey, 3 bedroom home in a commercial zone: Upgrades include gas fireplace and replacement windows. Call Dwayne Tinney.' Sales Representative Dwayne Tinny 235.3889