HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 11The skater's waltz By Chantal! Van Raay . Z -A Reporter, EXETER - They Dice their skates, stretch their muscles, listen to a few words of wis- dom from their coach ait ,anxiously tor their .turn on the ice.• .-This i t •-same.scenario tor hockey teams, _precision teams, ringette teams and figure skaters. •Blit perhaps one of the closest com- parisons is how all of these athletes• glide swiftly atop a frozen mass. ot water, practice hard and strive to be the best. Precision skating has been in Exeter for about 20 years. There have been a lot of changes in• the sport since then and like many -tither .sports it. has had" its ups and downsPresently precision -skating -is mak- ing a quick skate towards the olympics. "\laybe not -the next Olympics," said Precision Club chairmaii Janice Brick. "But maybe one year. It's becoming niore interna- -tional than it's ever been." ' • One of the most- recant changes to the sport has been the addition ot adult preci- sion skating. There are about 20 adults who are on the recreaticinal precision team. They range iron members of the junior precision tears \vho moved up to the adult . level because ot its elimination just this past year, to those who• just want the.ex& rcise and get together %vitt othcrskaters. • Brock said while the individuals on the adult team tend to•precision skate' for tun; "they need tc< have tigurt-skated before'. • -, "You. 're dealing with ice and speed," said Brock- adding -she has seen. her -share of -niinor cuts and bruises: "You work vet•v •close together so there's a lot of bumping and grinding" "One time 1 saw a skater fly tiff and slam -up against a wall," she said, adding,' "Ire `seen girls fall down and take two or three Nvith them." 11'hi1e recreational precision can be afford- able for almost anyone, precision, like most other sports, can be expensive When competitive. "It can dist up to S5,000 to $6,Ot)(1 tier, per- son a year," said Brock, adding the skater has to pay tor ice nine, costumes,•C,inada jackets it skating internationally, .is well as. theirown travel expenses. On top of the cost, there is the amount ot tine ' the skaters need to spend .on the ice. - "At least Live hours of practice a week, said Brock.. Juggling school, a ,job anis being a member of a,competitiye precision teatfi may be ditti- cult for some •skaters,butt it still is not as time-consuming .as for a• competitive figure . skater.. , "it can be tinie-consuming for. compefith skaters," said Exeter Figure Skating -Clu' president Juliannne Varley.- "Then can - the ice up to 10 hours a week. The"h►(.o.c'r level competitors would need., to give up some things, whether it he going to a friend's house or going to the mall. Some skaters c'\•en have to miss sonic line from -school;" she said, adding the skaters are normally *able to.make the time and work up. • . It you have a skater with some -talent andcompeting internationally, they need .to 'prac-' lice seven days a week, Varlet' said. She explained the popularity of figure nkat- ing continually inc rcases. -Aur registratil%i-i up ccrosiderably_thiL- Year.- it has been one tit the largest increases and 1 attribute that tit our Organization." Varley -said the Exeter figure skating organization is healthy and well -organized. One -of the reasons for•this is Exeter's ama-, teur coaches, Varley said. • "These are deciicaited ,:skaters.who try to, increase their 16.el- of expertise by helping other,skafers," •Varley said, adding it gives them an idea ot what itWs'ac;tt ally like to be a skating coach. - , Another' sport util;/ing'the South Huron Rec. Centre is Exeter minor hockey. In 'fact, Exeter minor hockey teams litie more ice time than Ant' other ice' sport, believes hockev 'Coach Jiihn Rascnbt,r-g. - .• ,-Exeter- minor-hcicker also =practices-a't-the Hensal;l Arena. • "We're able• t4,i gel reit' time out of ,l lensall. " • • Otherwise iye'd be vera strapped," he -said. This is the first year there has been a girl~ internieciia'te hockey =tram, ,adding to .the -imount of time hockey twirls require ice. IZingette teams also fight tor ice' time. Therrk -are a number. of :age,categoric9 in this spcir'r' including bunny, no\1ce- petite, tween, jun- •ior, belle , -deb, \Vo•nu•iis... %I:here are a number ot ways to'enjoy the i'cc;. iwhether' it be precision, .figure, hockey, ringette or,just for recreation. The South Huron_Rcc Cent� Centre is utilized so greatly Our-' 'ng.the \sinter months that many sports such ...as hockey and ringette use the Hensall Arena, simply. because there; is not enough time at.thc rec centre. . "We're hooked. every night and all day Saturday and Sunday," said program coordi- nator Jo -Anne Fields.. - . - . It new programs, such as the girls interme- diate hockey team are introduced; 'We try to accommodate there to the :iest of our ability," She explained,. adding -this is not «ilw ays i4�tiy. How is our recreation centre being utilized? Would you IikQ a colour or black and white copy of a photograph? NOW OFFERINGOUR COL LOSER PIES sheets onto 8- • zed o 1 /2)(11" 4 Cost $2.00 each $1.00 each (additional of same copy) additional 424 Main St. Exeter. (519) 235-1331 • • Keep that stance. Above, • Professional -coach Kathy Merner ,coaches a number. of fig- ure skaters at the rec. centre. Here she coaches competitive - figul'e skater Kristylee Varley, 11. Merner is also the head coach for Exeter Precision . Skating, both the Adult 'Exeter Classique and Juvenile Mini Classique. ,Practice makes perfect. At left, Sisters Kristylee Varley, 1;1 and Jenessa Varley, 5 practice some figure skating moves, at the South Huron`. Recreation Centre. Jerry White is -host of Money Talks, The National RRSP Report, Family Fortune, Personal Wealth and The Intelligent Investor. He is also the Chief Financial Advisor to the Canadian Snowbird Association. . Sponsored by: Brian Mercer, B.A. Senior Investment Advisor FORTUNE FINANCIAL raT GED ? VATE CaMPANIES Life Cycle Investing The Ultimate RRSP Seminar For People Of All Ages Some of the Topics Covered: • • Making Up Prior Year's RRSP Contributions • Sample RRSP Portfolio Strategies For Each Life Stage • The Best 1998 RRSP Investments • All RRSP Rule Changes For 199798 • RRSP's For children • How to Add $100,000 to RRSP Value • Borrowing For Your RRSP . , • Separating The Facts From Fiction FREE EVENING SEMINAR Wednesday, January 21, 7:00 p.m. Oakwood inn, carand Bend LIMITED SEATING - RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY! 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