HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 10• nip' 10 Time-Ailoocate, January 7, 1998 - L Ontario grain and oilseed support comparable to Quebec and the States Fora "benchmark" Ontario farm growing corn, soybeans and winter wheat, .the corresponding average per -acre `support amounts were $27.35 • GUELPH - A new study completed by Brian Doidge at. Ridgetown College. University of Guelph: shows the safety nci support available. tug Ontario :grain 'arid oilseed producers is ap- • proximately. cyui'.atent to 'that provided for competing -farmers in Quebec and the. -United Stales. but .far less than -that for producers in \\'extern Europe. • -The. study. co -funded_ by Ontario ` farm . groups and the Ontario. Min isu'y of Agriculture. Food and • Rawl -'Alleles. snri%ys that the Ontario •-sunt cel the support pro-vided" farmers can only by two proer"i., the ourreni Omani) Market Revenue; In- _ surance n- .rirancc .program ',Ind- the. Net • Inc in iv Stabilization Account j rograni %curld have provided about the a%erage' amount of • ruhaneial support. if. _applied' o'er the I•oe-yor period of 19`12-96:. compared ` to the - ":\SRA" program in Quchcc, . and the,. current • "farm • Bill" proerath in the United States. . and Market Revenue Insurance. are i'omhined.•• "Neither Market Revenue Pita NISA by itself • provides comparable support." concluded Doidge. Doidge also projects even with Market Rev- enue Insurance and NISA. "support under On- tario's package -will not keep pace through the year 20)0,"- with expected Market Revenue support likely to decline faster than the rate of dcclinc in U.S. per -hustle' sup _port payments. For a "benchmark" Ontario - farm, growing, corn, soybeans . ;ind winter wheal. the .eor- responding average per -acre: support amounts were- $27.35 lir Ontario: $25.25 for Quebec.. S23.70 for the .11.S. and $162:72 fur France: Thi 'Ontario$ support consisted --of an avcragc sot' S 13.74/acre from Markel - Rev- enue Insurance. and $13.61/acre loin NISA. _The results show that the rel- ative amounts of support _ differed arming years. -with • Market Revenue Insurance and ASRA support being higher_ in years :of'.1uw priccs,-NISA support being higher when crop dream of receiving public support like that provided in France and other European countries." • • Doidge has concluded in his report the On- -tam r> v enuc support package is comparable to progr;nn, uttered in Quchec and the United Slates. but only i1' thL two programs; -NISA Brussels livestock sales 11u: sales at Brussels Livestock forth: week endings Januarys 2. Two luno steers consigned Cun- . nini-*h un larrris. Lucan. averaging__ '., 13 3 lbs: sold lir •105.25 w uh their total offering sof. 43 steers, aver - ..aging. 1403 lbs, selling for.the aver- - age price of 93.43. . - Sixteen steer: consigned by K.ada ' 1.1 '11..,- Iluevale. averaging 1414 Ih sold for an average price of J5.72. with four limo steer, aver- aging 1401 Ihs selling for 103.00. `Thirteen- steers . consigned - hy. Schmidthrook Farms: Woodstock:. av:eraeing� 1-160 lbs. sold fix an av- er;,gr-i7t 92..77: with sales to 97.0).- Eighteen steers consigned -M• Jahn_ Gloushcr. -Wingham,.- aver- -aging.1371 lbs. -sold for an average - price of 91.94. ur the top of 96.75., A go I steer consigned hy:_ Greg MMcC arty. Dublin. weighing. 1405 Ihssold for :95.25 to Norwich. Packer:. . : - ' : . - A-hlondc. steer . consigned by Roby:- Htmchherger. - - Brussels, weighing 1405 Ihs. sold for 94.25 to Holly Meat Packers. . Seven stccrs "consigned by Terry McCarthy'. Dublin: averaging 1436 -Ib. sold torr an average price of 90.9 I. to the high: of 93.50. •. • Seven steers Consigned • by Bill 'Mainland.. Arthur. averaging 1431 -Ihs. 'sold for an average price. 01 •'19.:50.. with one red steer weighing 1430 lbs. selling for 91.75. JA blonde heifer consigned by Joe .Kaak. _Dashwood. weighing 1 325 lbs. sitki tOr 100:25. with' his total offering of six 'letters averaging 1312 Ihs. sold- lor. an avcragc price of 93.89. • - • Nineteen heifers :consigned hy Hugh .Love. •Atwood. averaging 11.85 lbs. sold tor an avcragc price of 94.07.. with one link_ heifer United States challenges Canada's milk pricing system Ainerican dairy farmers are lac- ing the lowest -milk prices in years. surpluses. are up. consumer prices - are still higher than Canada's and 'the U.S. is again looking north fir a scapegoat. according to the Dairy Farmers of Canada. The U.S. ,ittvernmcnt has agreed to challenge Canada's milk class pricing system before a World -I-rade Organization (WTO) trade panel aftcr• receiving - a petition from three U.S. dairy industry groups. The U.S. contends that re- turns from higher priced milk used in the domestic market unfairly subsidize farmers selling. milk into lower priced classes used for ex- ports. What Canadian farmers arc doing . with these price classes is consid- ered ".a normal commercial prac- tice." said DFC executive director Richard Doyle. adding similar pric- ing is used in several U.S. states. The Canadian government has stated strongly that the pricing ar- rangements are not subsidies, Cana- da's system complies with WTO obligations and it will successfully defend the system again. "The dispute is expected to con- clude by December 1998 at the ear - hest," said Doyle. weighing 1145 lbs. selling for 98:75.. • A Lim. heifer consigned by Wal- lace Lewis, Holstein. weighing 1 240 lbs. sold .fir 94:50: with his - total offering of twefvc heifers -av- eraging 1-131 lbs. selling for the overall price of 86.70: Three char. heifers consignedhy Woodhani Farms. Woodham. aver- aging -I 140 lbs. sold lir aii-ave price of 92.10. - .• - Eleven _ heifers ' consigned by Rohl-. F. Wallace, Shelburne. a rage '.'cr aging -I 195 lbs. -sold for the avcragc price of 88.56. with sales to 92:00. A red• heifer consigned by Lyle • Haney. Scaforth, weighing 1.1(x) Ihs. sold .for 90.75 to Dominion Meat Packers-.. - .A Rwf heifer, consigned by Ge- rald Lamb. Godcrich. weighing 1160 lbs. _sold for 88.50. A•blonde cow consigned by Han-' . aver Stcick Farms.. Puslinch. weigh- • ing 1250 lbs. sold for 68.0). • A siit cow consigned by Rill Robinson. Auburn. weighing 15 I lbs. sold tor 66.(1):' - . A - rivf cow consigned- by (ico Yunghlut.- Gowanstown, weighing - 1845 lbs. sold for.62.50. SAYE 7% Signs of a performance revolution are everywhere at Pioneer. New traits and technologies, elite crop genetics that perform, and ., a professional sales for(' that delivers the pro(110" services and tech support youneee 1. rt: iiperience the revolution and 11 SAVE riknoW V 41mari10,1 of PI *dais, also ilk) 04 Techriol Sales Representative JIM MORLOCK RR #2, CREDITON ONTARIO NOM IMO (519) 234-6297 www.pionser.com PIONEER. ru perhivi n Migett b lie terms d Miry ere pwdine 0ocurnerits ® TM Indere' • tgYMsd a /KW lorknee le hirer tb�ltl Utak Chiltern. OnWq N11151I 01997 Pelt prices are higher, and the U.S. ,uJ European support being a flat rate per acre. independent •01 crop price: Support levels were pro-, portionately higher- for.corn and wheat in all other jurisdictions compared .to Ontarici..Stip- port levels were. higher for soybeans -in On- tario compared to Quebec sand the United States: The U,S. calculation used by Doidge is ac • - tually 'an average of per -bushel "support levels. which will exist over a seven-year period, 1996 through 2002, with • support levels de- clining during this period. -. - A calculation based:on current years would show higher- per -acre support than; for a x-•. ample. the $23.70 amount computed for the .benchrnark farni. - •-- • "The-Doidge report tells unexactly how we compare, and -shows that it is important. to maintain both Market Revenue Insurance and NISA, if Ontario grain and oilseed producers are tit co iupete with farmers in the United ' State' and_ Quebec," said Bob Down, president of the Ontario Corn Producers' Association. "Ontario farmers can only dream. of re- ceiving. public support like that provided in France and other European countries." said • Down. - Denfield Livestock Sales - Market report for Tuesday. Deccmhct.3O. The market at Denfield traded actively with prices 552-53 higher. • - Fondview Farms: Kintore sold 60 steels, avg. wi. 1391.. avg. price 92.61 Ross-Dult •Croton.soldl0 steers. avg. wt. 1359. avg. price 9832 saleslu 104.25. - . . - - Norni Hodgins. Greenway sold 30 steers. avg. wt. 1349; avg: price 95.54 sales to 104.5( and 103:25. _ - - . Dennis Dietrich Dashwood sold steers. avg. wt. 1142. avg: price 95.89. Jim :Scott. Loran sold 20 heifers avg. wt. 1131, avg,'price 92.83. Cord Hardy. Lucan sola K steers avg. wt, 1281. avg. pnce.93.38.L Choice steer.: 95:104: Good steers: 90.00-95.00 • Choice heifers: 93.00-98:00: - . . . Gond heifer.. c11► 00.93.(11: Common and medium heifers: 80.00-90.(x):- Gcutd ciiw s. 5100-52.00: Canners and cutters: 40.00-45.00; • Shells., 20.(H1-3(1.110: Choice veal: 90:00-95.00: Gond veal.: 80.(10-90.00: Common veal: 70.00-811.(1(1:. Sow.: 35.01-42.01: Boars. 30.(0-40.0(1 uortzloriprits The Exeter Times -Advocate surveyed prominent • - members in our community asking for their forecast of 1998 Will it be a year of development, change or challenges? Or will it be a year of cutbacks, hard decisions or 'hard work? ORGANIZATION: Anita Riddell -. Stephen Township Councillor '98 WILL BE A YEAR OF: Change. uncertainty. hard deeisi ns. WHY? The provincial government has peen mak- ing too many changes too fast and too far reaching affecting local government with- out really knowing what impact it may have and without providing•firm finaneial figures municipalities can rely on. •- THE COMING YEAR'S CHALLENGES AND HOW TO MEET THEM: • As a result of Bill 26. "open season" has been declared on Stephen Township's borders. As well. the threat of amalgama- .tion being forced on municipalities by the province. makes --. restructuring. wanted or not. a Priority. -Stephen"should explore the option that will he best for the Township. Another challenge is the reconciliation of Lakes free of a -coli with farmers right to farm. Stephen must work closely with the'farm organizations on this and preferably the provincial government -should play the lead_ role in finding a solution. Controlling costs and seeking .efficiencies are major challenges for the Township: .finita Riddell Stephen 'Inn nship Councillor i IBEC PRESENTS A HARVEST MANAG1MENT SEMINAR Exeter Tues. Jan. 27 7 p.m. Old Town all --MTG Room IBEC HIGHLIGHT: Announcing; our Nev. Patent Pending; Turbo Series of Grain Driers OTHER TOPICS ,. �H • What's new in grain drying options (M2 & PLC) ..::.1 �, Updates for Vertic•Driers �; • Facts and fiction on grain driers and grain drying :4„,..e4 • Basics of harvest management Pre=registration would be appreciated. CaII 1-800.363-4232. - 1 Seminar is approx. 3 hours - - NOTE: 1. IBEC. is owned and operated by the Daugela Family_ founders of VERTEC 2. IBEC is expanding into the Ontario marketplace. IBEC - International Business & Engineering Corp. 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