HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 71 II *Times-Adyocatie, lanuary..7, 1998 •('arc' 7 70 -year pin Georgina Dobbs, Lente, fro -,t. received the Order of the Eastern Star 7 O-vear plr re( -i'' ' at the Freter Villa- Wor-_ the Patron Bili Gibson. left any l4ro:7ht Matron Charlen Cd - wards presented Dohbs • with the pin. -Orn:.hand Or the presentation .were. hack ,ort frons left. George Dobbs. - Mary Jane Dougall.. Flea Dobbs a'v Past District Deputy Grand Matron" Maida Gaise,- i(0)/flT1Zfl)fI C The Exeter. Times -Advocate sot-vevec, prominent members'in our comrnunitt•askl.n/ icy tiler, forecast of 1998. Wit.' i' be a rear or, detreloorne'it. change o• challenges" O(, wit: it he a vea; 4-atback;s: hart^.' declsrOns hard wore. 0; ORGANIZATION: Drew h.,he•rt..'r: C',ouncillor. 1.' wrietur sot•Steriber. '98 WILL BL A YEAR OF:- 7•-1rncifrnn and nrv;rturlrnrt• • WHY I •(,; al }'(; •crnrnent. willhave to tr.% i(•• rnatnatn rhe• high level :rl services withciut raising Latae ;s and. the will ha' -c to ,allot: t tunas and budget without a trrni grasp ot. the pr t Inclai g:•vern mint. contrihuttons.•--- THE COMING YEAR'S CHALLENGES AND HON TO MEET THEM: - Wc nula tear,. 1 do as rnu.•l. al Visor- with less ADDITIONAL COMMENTS •- It I. hoped that the arca : cttittnuc.-io grow and prosper • Huron Stewardship Council seeks your participation ('I I\ I"O\ - Since its inception one -teal ago.• the • Huron -Stewardship Council ha, worked with .-a %•amen • of -partner. too promote resp.ln'{hlc ,teward.h,p Atalvltte. have included providing etiuc auonalopportiinities etc h ae Workshops on niuucni management . and l'ootilot management: proalucui,n of a stewardship , related •ncuacttei. sponsoring . a • Ss rcnc: Iglu "award. promoting tree planting and paructpating In man% . other important •event. relating to stewardship. ahs.% inaugural' veal' in .1t)t)h. a Bounding committee had established a term. of reference- tin the Count 11 and organvcd a 'I-tcld . of Opporuinitie." • . .1'hc nine appointed' oounc tt member.. all laindowncr' and resident. • • to Huron C'ount%. represent a 'anon 41.1 stewardship Intsreq.- rntatiding agrlcut ire. ' education. OtutloOr recreation and. • nature appreciation All arc keenly- . eentr- interested ,n environmental issue. The ('oun.il has even had ,ntcrnauoin:lfe.po.urc. hating been protrlcti a. a viably approach to communitt•-hazed env lronmental • management in booth a unn•cr'ut 'course in South Africa and an intcrnat tonal -c on terenc e -o.n soiranti water comcrt anon . As we Moose jot.. .ird. the 2 I •t rcnturt. we arc becoming more and more aware tot the -need too hcetome palet - steward.: ,of Dour natural rc.ttur..e• sty -that w'c-don't de.,ro% the cc tosystcm that -support.- said support.-'a; 1 Steve. Rowers Dot the -Research in social psychologt •shows that initiatives to promote behavioral change are nlo.t yIlecilye when tht'v are.c•anled out at the.iominuntn level':and •irnoKr direct , contact and input from people in -thy • to,mmunitt the Hurn -Stewardship ("oouncil is a ttomtluimh -ha.cd organrrau -n that l• seeking to promote re.p,on•lhle resource t " ard, hip The Mi. -ion -Statement is -To advocate . and • implement re\ t nsiblc liianagement soot ann ,oil• water and other nani"ral resources through cooperative. cl'l its of the Huron ('Dunn commune) - 111e ,u • • es. (NI the Huron Stett;trd,hip (.'ounclt and oihet .tcward.hip council. like it -across southern Ontario. -are based en the espanding network of 'nth%'duals and organiiauttns working. r gcthcl toward. . rc,rc,n'ibtc rc.tturcc stew ard.hlp • The Huron Steward.lill• ('ot:n411 1. ellnlntl% , recruiting a new inemhcr. • Councillor.. must lo. rntcrc•ted in working cotti>erautrlt to prlmote responsible stewardship of natural resource. and • be landow nee. oar ,client. in Huron C tountt• count '1 1, a11-rntert,tcti In hearing from mdtt!dual. organization. Who have idea, protect. _that promote re.l•otl>Ibie \tcward.hip 11 v oou have an interest in being part of the Council or have idea.- tor profit. 1.. please t ,)iotas 1 Stct•c Rower. ai 151t)) 4sf sol 1 -MO -265 51711 - Centralia Variety 239 Victoria St. 228-6300 Cigarettes - everyday low price $2.95 + tax = $3.40 Neilsens Milk Products NOW OPEN Meat Deli . Specials Jan. 7- 13 Black Forest Ham $2.99/lb. Polish Coil $2.39 Ib. Chicken Breast $4.49/Ib. Roast Beef $3.99/Ib. Mon. • Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p. m. Sat. 9 - 9., Sun. 10 a.m. • 8 p.m. Grand Cove Singers perform for Exeter senior diners 1,.\111i12 1(e%hoard lila}el, t111 the mouth at the Dining hit Seniors program were Jean Hodgeri. Matinc• Sereda ;old Josie Rvcknl:t On Ihcembei 2 about 20 pupil. Irons the Piecio,% 1111,4x1 school tiro tided entertainment . the pupils enioved a trim alicruard,. bate Skinny, gate mil read nibs.• On. December t). the seniors 11i177Icd mer :i ('h,►sun:h tin tt,nte,t toll,,wed ht Bingo games led hs Skinner. - - 1 he u nlncrs acre I .cn Mc \ aughton..l11o.McI :, lane. Mal ion Helen Hindle and Ikon Jnllj 1"tett .. mtht card. tt ere .ague,' It+, Ida 1)lnnet and (lona Chamber... . • On nc,.emhei 16. Alma 1-angtiird gate a ('hiisttlta� rrad;ne '"Angel• ‘‘c It.rte Heard on High.- the (;,anti ('t e_Singers. unit then Santa ap•. entertained ith ('h, lstinas.oitg. and ,010, hraw iln1c.v,Inner: tor the month were Ruth Block. Note Smith. Rem 1'a�e.•I rima Kellet • 11e:mice Munn. Humphre A,thur..Ri,N, .Skinner. ('hc,tcr t)unn and a t isnot: n 11 J, J' JI l"i Register Now Limited Spaces Available for Winter Session Kodaly Music Classes Session begins Jan. 12 in Hensall 3 vr. olds - Nion 5:30 - 0:00 p.1)1. 5 vr. olds - Mon (05 - 0:35 p.m. 3 t 4 vr. olds - Tion (-:4(1 - 7:l() p.1)). t, & 7 vr. olds - Mon. 7:15 - 7:45 p.m. 8 vr. olds - ;Lion 7'.50 - 8:20 p.m. For more info. call Aimee Rau Shelly Hoffman 236-4555 236-4986 fi J7 n 11 fl J, 'S valu-mart $5000.00 DREAM KITCHEN Michel & Georgette Kints of Exeter (seated) were the lucky winners of the Dream Kitchen from Tom and Cathy Seip of Seip's valu-mart and these local businesses. The lucky winners' names were drawn from the thousands of tapes deposited in the draw box. Thanks to all the entrants for your patronage and thanks to the organizations that entered the draw for the Save -a -tape donation. The lucky organizations to receive a dona- tion • Lisbon* Central School • Alzheimer Society of Huron County • Emmanuel Baptist Church • Exeter & Oistiict Ringette • Camp Menssetung • Cabinet • D�ft KltcheCealter Certificate :•F•PC-tar: ,5191235-21).11 tanPoiQf 'IRE Counter Top Appliances Exeter 15191235-0160 • Every Day Low Prices 10 1( (/l(MS Nina. Silverware J•r ,, 1i 1.' & Placemats C ilu l It l -t Tr'endithuts Canister ra+4+. • - -- Set E.ete. ON -r;/ 235-4138 ';._,f Flooring • Kitchen i111rfvU1'r FLOORING 510 235-4101 4 '44 ELECTRIC LTD. r'✓ 0pp0ances 6 Microwave Stereos Oven U2 two SI E•Mw - 15101 t35 -0S% ✓ 11, Ma, .01.• a.; ., 23s-010(- Ci 0''iR'!!a-cw • Bakers dab ' .........G Wa,,..-.. trif�.V Rack I• u .:',•-.)', Paint & Wallpaper oahnrp... •.•sur. .l , .dr...it. ie• a r i,. Bales. . 14111' 010.111.m. St r"t!r--. (1400400 M191236-2811 Cookware Stedmans l:;..;...s:.;,..-. 1' ( Exer..el Table 9Leagoe7? Floral Arrangement `I•' tot.1.. Si 1. Lehr' 0111.1140 15194 235-0111 tij I'..•1 l ,� 1 UPI/ '/•l ph/ Candles & "'Wilma Caryl, Goodie & .SMS..it.,r-. Holders 1401 Slain .I etch... 131e, 23S-IOI4 'S valu-mart $5000.00 DREAM KITCHEN Michel & Georgette Kints of Exeter (seated) were the lucky winners of the Dream Kitchen from Tom and Cathy Seip of Seip's valu-mart and these local businesses. The lucky winners' names were drawn from the thousands of tapes deposited in the draw box. Thanks to all the entrants for your patronage and thanks to the organizations that entered the draw for the Save -a -tape donation. The lucky organizations to receive a dona- tion • Lisbon* Central School • Alzheimer Society of Huron County • Emmanuel Baptist Church • Exeter & Oistiict Ringette • Camp Menssetung • Cabinet • D�ft KltcheCealter Certificate :•F•PC-tar: ,5191235-21).11 tanPoiQf 'IRE Counter Top Appliances Exeter 15191235-0160 • Every Day Low Prices 10 1( (/l(MS Nina. Silverware J•r ,, 1i 1.' & Placemats C ilu l It l -t Tr'endithuts Canister ra+4+. • - -- Set E.ete. ON -r;/ 235-4138 ';._,f u u s s Q L L ELECTRIC LTD. r'✓ 0pp0ances 6 Microwave Stereos Oven U2 two SI E•Mw - 15101 t35 -0S% ✓ -0nterttor oleos o CO/Wept-1 Decor nti•.... Consulting . sir a.ly-.y.. 1 ' 4e.'e ' 0 •4 e.... .. '.•t .t i0,4, rir I tat SEIP'S valu-mart 11.1 as 1 0 • 1 µ.ver. 41nl.n,, 23S-0262 Ha0Lasrls 110 Man Si Emil*, 235-0100 RusmNM Elseeic 432 Man S1 ELN.. 236-9,5