HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 6Page 6 Tunic's-AiitxX-ate, January 7, 1998. (C°7P1[ZiD(l'llxS The Exeter Times-Advocate,surveyed prominent 'members in our community asking for their forecast of 1998. Will it be year"of development, change or challenges? Or will it be a year of cutbacks.,hard decisions or hard work? ORGANIZATION: Ken Oke '.borne township '98%ILI.BEAYEAR OF: - '9R. wain. -tic a year of changes and ideas In '98 with provincial down -sizing. down- loading• and just plain freeloading. municl- palities will have to use some creative meas- ures to cc►pc with our new responsibilities. Some of these :hangs arc effective in January and we still have no idea what costs are involved of where the money will come from to fund them. 1 can't believe that our jSrovin45Ial govern- ment will allow rural Ontario to super needlessly. As Bleak as it •looks right now, 1 aro:certain with a few ideas rind a little negoti- ated (tinding. we will comm up with the necssal-y solutions. One of our. greatest a%%ets.i. some oI the partnerships we have with . our neighbors Loot: nl funding may even draw us closer w ith our ncighb'ors and we would all conic out to 14'48 lilt phi: bettci Ken Oke l'shorne Township CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 • Sloes over like a tea: .',a1,DD' 10 3,a,''^, -,a- : _as v„^• UV,K Sheet ;:arli'1E wti:. ;lader'stan: 6DE :tea:)E SIS^.e 4:.hieve^len• -hf Wai We ._IKE a 'Jl'1e'-J: -n� 7-Iin!sta''p: oft' • 41; Tnr 4- 3. 4r; n�•, 33. Stc. r Spar ' 34. 'Isian:ts Ir .nf 36. Tops, Diasr'1ate. 37. -'vytvnt'lsta'1dln;; -39 Exciarnator D`- s.ra•:SE 40 . �an'J spat' , 42 ret'ea• , 43 las: , 46 'IVY:: Dl .Thjn T5dlrlatrD- 47 mar 1DaSE. a• 48 '4^I'r Et, e' a, 49:'ca:'* -tiE attar. Sl .' O'w- 52. Pike:: v:Its rev'-'i::E 14. 15. 16 17 20 2' 22. 23 24. 26: 29 30. 53 :,a -flee: S'DJe' 55- uew•saape: notice. 1l• 56, S: M- 59. 65 : ea wit' 66 Bari••,•.. . 7.).71:- 68 .Ili68 '.1 •: DOWN 1 _JDaa?E 2. I•).S'rJ•-,E,1- 3 .]ii':le- , 4. NC'. 1 t ,E 5. Dr" -TD: ADieIDer: ' • 6! Me-•, aivent..re • 7: EtJI14Ir'1• a:cDlaae;..- B: Sia: ai; rndcat:r r 9,. :s-ae rela-ltia 10. '.' enr tar ;ink 11. Te'r'n war 12. Employe: 13. 18. r"•SrDw:-eie:tS. 19. ExDressiDnf 23 4-ieca- a 'r5i: ' 24 r''a-I: • 25. '',-E,e mat,- 2 :vas,, 26 Sari 27. ::.I: r-•, ; ' 'lpi'u^J 29. 30. 32 35 38 41 44. 45. 50. 51 52. 53. • 54 -id.-.:•:'alt:'"5 Se' : a wra ..J~ eaJ1i',, 55. £y S. rr e• 56 `!•rl'*, 57 _ mea• - 58.` S� at �D D lsts 59. ma -De• cake, a: 60. ' tit .erne"• 61. Sari* r:5:: - 62 ,KI.•.e _ : Beavers provide toys for women's shelter By Cantel Sweeney Zurich correspc ndent it'RKC'II lihere were several house patties on New t'ear's live with friends and relatives attending to ring in 1.998.•A good time was had by tbose ho spent the evening at the 1)441111110n Tavern. ' The nest lair hoard meeting of the Agit.ultutal Society will he held,at the 1'ownzhip • Hall on January••1 S at 8 p.m flans w ill he madefor the • upcoming convention in Toronto n► February Everyone is wielcomc to help plan the next lulu h Fait in July. All quittors are inv lied ft) help•woh the C \\ l.. quilt at St, Bootlace Church, for the _neat Ivan Icsii al draw. It will le set up for the morning of January .12. Bring a t own.hag lunch and tel will he provided. The Beavers met on Januars (, at Sit. Peter. 1 ulheran Church Hall lniin II . to 7.p.m. The boys each brought along a toy foi show and tell -as well as a -toy to be given away to the Women's Slteltrt in elodeiich, - • Meniher,s of the /midi and Area I:tgure Skating Club are practicing for the annual 11.0.N1 F. Skating Competition to Ili held in Woodstock on January 23 to'2S. ,They arc also preparing lor'thc skating carnival in Zurich on •March•S under the direction of coaches Kathy iiteiner and Pally Iinh. . . .' . the (;olden AgSrs will'he having .i potluck dinner .n the Town Hall on January 12 at• I2;0O noonl • the Women'institute held a needing at the Spruce Villa,Apartments on January y. 11e nest card: tatty for the Gilden Agers will be held at die Township Hall tut January 2(i at 7:30 p.m.. - 111c ca,.h calendar w innet-% troun=January-4 to 10 were• Roy (ithhsi ns. titratordytile (SltK)1: Don Campbell. Bay field. Choy! 1 ioidan. London. • Faye, Reichert: roster. \'s tlt'and Brenda \'crmuni../.urich, Len I)tcttich. 1 "341"od- I toric Hayter. l)aatwoo d t.$50 each) - ' - Personals - Happ•y hn't11.Iav "'sl -es go- to Tire agan 'Sweeney. ho is 14 . ears old on -January- 7. to Helene Duch:one; e;inn January' 7. and to the Gelinas Twin. • Annual meetings scheduled for Varna and Goshen churches By Joan Beierling Sunday Sih0101 tS most contc "reacher. and purSet� providers ate • needed ('all Tracy Crick or Joe - :•\ church .cry to: hcl,d ir( t arna .fin $111,14 ith_ihc -(':ill iii'\\'oashir by Rct Traci ('rick: 11ie nest set‘ ice will he -held, in Varna i,n :i.inu w\ 11 , Cjoshcn iv ill hi,ld their: annual church _meeting -oiv January 25 and 'Varna w ill.hold their annual meet- ing„itn 1`chril;tn l . A pt ttluck`tinger -focycl-lEtncit-► iIHtP- t welt i-Ihtw-tng- the church sereir'c. followed hy the nlceting. 1 -very one is Welcome and encouraget1 to attend. - Tlic annual repofiis should be completed by the middle of January,: All chair perso"ins.-and- conlnuttees should prat ids a Writ- ten, rcpoi•t to be Jincriided:in the. report "Any (Nie with anything sjx - cCal they would- like to,suhmii (nay.' gi'e a to Trace Crick as soon as possible. ' •Any one interested in ,icachinc 1'arna correspondent Have a news tip? Can the Times -Advocate 235-1331 Bakelaar Jewellers Christmas Draw Winner of a diamond bracelet Derek Bakelaar with Cathy Smith of Grand Bend STOREWIDE BOXING WEEK ULE CONTINUES UNTIL SAT. JAN. 10 AP 7I� ANCE CENTRE) 390 Main St S., Exeter 235-0705 . Laurie 3 - soon as possible. It does - ION e oes- h;hc to..he-on• a regular basis. iI. you ha'i a spare- Sunday. it woulol le greatly apprc.ialed. • .The Huion - Perth Youth -Council's Winter Retreat is to he held February 27 to Ntarch 1, at the 1_anrhton Retreat Centre. :\ lids will 11,e pro\!tied to the retreat centre. The Croktnoilc Club fceglns on ' Jatitlary . )3 at S p.m.. :Anyone w1111 news that would interest ihe.cotnnultnty, please sub- nlit it to -Joan Beierling hcforre Sunda evening. Justin and Jacqueline. The fancily of Therese Stark enjoyed dinner at her apartment at the Kau Manor on New Years Days Visitors over the holidays with !Ada Bender at the Rest Hoine apart- ments included her grandson Martin Bender from Sweden and her daugh- ter Arlene frim Kitchener. They all spent Boxing Day in London with family members. Martin is presently taking a music eotirse in Vancouver for a year.: . • Denis and Anne Bonin, and daughter. Alixe cif Dashwood, spent the - Christmas and New Years holidays visiting with their parents and relatives in Sturgeon falls and Sudbury. Mr Bonin is hack in time to teach French • at St. Boniface School, Zurich. - Diane and Heidi Klopp returned hone on Saturday after a week'of holi- days in Nev.' York City -They visited with friends and arrived in London in time to attend a family birthday party for Jennifer Earle on Saturday. She is the -daughter vt1 Linda and Bob-. - Herb and lh,nna, and -son Doug Klopp spent last week visiting with Martha Klopp in 'Iorrnito and Bill and Anne Schade at their cottage in Stokes Bay - Syntpathy -goes 10.thc relatives of the late Florence Denonnne (Masse) yylto passed away this past week. Her funeral' was. held at St. Boniface Church on Monday. • Capsule Comments ith Ernie Miatello. What is the Apgai Score" It's an assessment tool used on -newborn infants within GO seconds after birth. It assesses heart rale. •resprrahon. tone. reflex irritability and color. It was lust detrsed ('1 an Aniencan anesthetist. Dr. Virginia Apgar. in t grit. and ,s still Used worldwide. - The lop six ailments most likely treated with a non-prescription'medication are: head- ache- athiete's foot. yeast Infections: cough/cold. sinus congestion and menstrual cramps Check with your pharmacist for the right advice on the right products for these problems. - - - • - - verbal products can interact with prescription drugs. Feverfew. ginkgo, garlic and gin. ger can. conflict with presi ription bloodthinners. St. John's wort shouldn't be taken wth presi nPtu,n antidepressants: Hawthorn can increase the effects of some heart drugs Does 'icing sugar' water for a. cotrcky-baby really help? Sucrose- (table sugar) does seen to hate, an analgesic effect u► -infants, se, it's worth a try.. Make a 12% solution b► mnmg one levet teaspoon of sugar with one ounce (30m1) of water and administer wdh'an oral syringe. Don't uSe honey as the sweetener. ' I'd Tike 10 thank;all out loyal customers for using our,pharmacy- services during the oast tea'. We look fomard to looking after all pharmacy needs again (his year. If you aren't tet a customer, we look forward to serving you in 1998. HURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter "Your Health Care Pharmacy" • • • Women's Walking Shoes from $34.99 • Calico & Westies Pumps up to 1/2 priced from $39.99 v SAVE UP TO si 75% OFF BONUS ADDITIONAL FURTHER REDUCTIONS 10% OFF SALE PRICE • Childrens runners priced from $9.99 Ideal for Spring & summer • Samsonite & McBrine Luggage up to 50% off EXETER STORE ONLY 392 MAIN ST. EXETER • 235-1933 •II •