HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 5"()L! R World's largest dance -fitness program arrives in Huron Coun F.xi ii R. - The scene Is repeat- ' cd over 1t),(11 O limes each week in gynlnasiunis, t -I irche s.• fitness 'centers and recreational centers all over the world \lode ILLI' Ilii. :l[ with an 111Ic iittls.heat as the stu- dents hegln to exercise thin way through each sng. thcu smites grow bigger and the iI mosenicnts becomconttre inlhilsiasti a ith each pass[r_•.note., what is happening Is nit tusl a dense class. a is it lanes: :.I: hta-. Iron. (ser -1-7110 ![ani hI .cd instructors lead. these times. lass- es 111 i8 countries t•s.'n Jas... The hip son It, appeal on \lag(: 111 I's.lir_iwnmir,.11s-1s.ltk'aI httlis� • • In uitc,i \fat is Richards -. Richards slates." Jaiicrcise pro- vides inc with increased energy and stamina." Mario -has been jaiicrc icing kir five years and has taught over 250. Jaizercisc cla4scs in southern Ontario. This dynastic evcrcise Program founded -in 1969 by Judi Sheppard-Mis%ct has- con- stantly expanded and evolved t0 remain ;it the forefritnt of the li1• - nes. industry. Richards states that "It I. \ nal to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle." Exercise assists in lighting obesity. high cholesterol. high blood pressure and -stress, It also- boost sclf- csicem and self image..laircrcise Provides a relaxed and tun -tilled structured actiyit\ synth which to achieve these goals " 13y moving into Precious Blood School. in Exeter on Monday and N'ctlnesdaw exenrrlgs from 7 10 7i ow and McCurdy Public School in Huron Park on Saturday' morn- ings from 10 a.m. to 1•1 ant.. :Richards is- promoting .the Jaiiercise vision 2000. where instructors prig Jaircrclse into as )many, communities as possible. everyday. She would like to snake it as practical. accessible antl-con- vcnicnt for all.. Richards is offer-. ing. an Open House 'and New Student "Workshop at McC'llydy Pohl c'tic Imo l iii Homos Park. Ontario on Jaliu:uy 1(1 at 1(1 a.m. • Blyth Festival budget goals achieved Y1.11 I hi:- loo` season �s.0 -an mush: 111(1101,h. repelied the . - J31s.Ih C'cntrc lar the ts bOarif ot. ihreaitr. to ihr ii\Inb: fshijr .11 Its annual general Itl:cttl►r' on '1)e:euhel 11 - -1. 1st')rlsiu.us. incl eJid4+tsnar� the:'t':Ison .Js pi'.•p,,s et) INS .11111!ii . drrcctt.i Janet \.mlu;. Itis 13 t\tln Festlt.tl resTi\ed nes%. 01 a Iiiore 'se% t:I t, cur than. i'xhe:lett 11.0111 ihc' O111x1I.• ‘11,.( ‘1111,111 .111.1. t'i'me' tine I,Ite to , ti•u1e`r Its 1 Iis% ce board .'1 ttiri•: t.,1... t.•i'k-thc 1Il1ti-llal s(ci l,l '111`1-0'tit?' 1` ht'.,! I. saes ti n,' -a• 4`9.9I _' dt I1. it \ llrntl11.:' stn rtl; 1110- se.rstt11 \y .Ys•�\,� \ ;.5s •'r.' well!• '\• it'ul 01 Mil-g4h0,, t 1 ;t'(' tu' 1ht lhui n1. -in Scot. I'ih. i sr.l.i -a per rat ,Ind established a.ssondcrful 11 it 1(1.11ionship. The actual oper- ;uln, deficit on the.: 1997 season was x'9.'11.2. which is $800 -less than tt .Is (Nudge led. 1 hos; al the sleeting heard that Irom this .y eat, rellltauntgot Quiet in the laurel- - vs hieh w as one of Antos first commission. - 10.her Deborah kiinntet(s O'.et/ward! revealed the tcrri.Iic potential Iol the Garage thcairc space lir. ;loth ences lose sontethiing-dlllcrcnt In a more intimate setting, • '.Janet's last season \\ as. a ss.ui thx culmination of the lour mind -bend- ing years she's spent .restoring t3teth r: Cihrtnt •:md viahlc-thc- young ('on pan\'s Pieces._ of atrc said new artistic director :111i•�cilc'r. Pit . the standards of Ann' Chislelt in her report. --She directing. acting and production set the par a1. an all -tone high: in 1997. Spec•1al kudos went to Paul ThompsonThompsonfor Booze. I)cr\r.m a I)1).11.' ( ',,itv as wcll'a. Burintanic Lire' and t.' i)a\c tient: the mewls clect- ett nma\sti 01 tiettslitlt:. tot his • icnl.aikablc vrtling dihut with Ill the Pape r. IO)tt7LE'/I R„�Sa The Exeter T,n1's-Advocate surveyed-promineht members '^-our com,isursllt'.asking for their forecast of 1998. W,i: ': be a near "bf development. change or ahalle,iet�s' t_)• tv:. •t tit' 3 ►ear of cutbacks. hard;decisions or harp. tyy,lrit ORGANIZATION: -.tun 1 us -r. Rcesi•: low-nslnp ill Has •98-N iL.I, BE :\ \EAR OF: ( h4`nc�.'1: c'..i•�c1 ltrl4 i riwor\ •- Be„tttsi : I the downloading we don t km•a whrir y.i.11t•-r'tvne tilt:in,talk The 1)i:inihcr .i-cni'uncL'meni Jid not make the mess any ..�eatei It appears we w11f hal,' to collect 5 t► pec•sent More in taxes in- t.np than •we dill in 1-.497.(0.be revenue neutral, We a 111 not hat. the new assi'snit•nt lir*ores until April I. 1998 It is Inlj,i,s- slhli I,• set Fl.hudee.. until alter that (laic THE. Cl/MING PEAR'S CHA1.E-E:NGES AND HON TO .11EET THEM: • . The : oltnne y cat ; hallcni`ca'. ill hi tet trm y and aintain the same lei cl.rt seri ices that the people• base eomc to expect with less dollars - - - - - - The last le» .s car s.: tun, Il hats appy -used. hudgcts,.with ruts to (1lticrentna .Is 111 ;.rtict .I.1• keep the from taxes froIncreasing in light Of reduced tuntlillt` Isom ththepro\ Ince Council will spend a great dial .0. inn• Ii•'. Ica in the 194)1 huaget and very ice dela cn to -see it•Rurthrr ettt,-tencits ,:in he found Restructuring falls Brill resume t,• Jrtermi is tl there is .sulficlent crest, x114. logs to lus- tul .anrtr_•antau� •n vs Intl surruuncling munr.lpahurs AItDT1O ION- L (•\IS-1ENTS. lite I .:ail lcs:l • it e••yet-whew that has hecn the most elleolve :ind• c! t 1, temtemii‘ c, ihthepast 15f 1 v cars is at the htcal municrpa) - -Icsel• I hr pl,ry,h I.n.,\s the\ tan Lail and talk' to someone and gel sonic an.''.et, Hits is the- Icy el that the provincial gnvern- merit %%Mils to get Ptd ,'1. WhoWhokno(I what a -ill he corning In the nett 1\a •' ,r thicc \,Lai:' ` 199); n.111 he ,1 \.,i.1 hard xi tough decisions at both the 1iiyl [ship acid County 11MIK d%. Jim 1.o%e Reeve TON•nship of Ha} Scholarships available for 4-H members f.\ l l l k i 1,,„ : i t members ‘‘.11,-..,int:n he hch,`Ihlt V'. 'iitcn Ins -mute st 11( 'kg 11114 li is that lemic `,•1 -y -::u <.irLc.I4•a1111 t. I\ C. 0..1lshJcr:ti<+n to apply tnf• tea 'scholar shipstui •i 111►k • Ihele ,tie lour as atlahlc tut pluton (:iiunl% 4-11 members • .11 uron \\ h 1 scolar•shlp:.Maryn 1'• a, r d s.. 1) r o 1 1, 1-ulcher. ai l 111e Noodle Lee An applit:a- (11►11 form is avail all 1c burn the OMAFRA office. 4-11 county secri;lary. 522'-0897 or Huron County rally secretary Margaret L.. McMahon. RR 2. Blucvalc. NOG 100 or 887-9250. .1'he application. accompanied by a 251) word essay entitled, "The Pros•and Cons u) the Internet on Society" should he sent' by Monday. Fehruary: 2 to the rally secretary. J Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for Farm Properties New Applications are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Joe Chafte. 005 Mitchell 348-9705 Hon Feeney, RR 2 Dublin . • 345-2360 tarry Gardiner. RR2, Staffa ..345-2678 Jack Hodgerl..RR1, Kirkton 229-6152 Michael O'Shea 003 Granton 225-2600 Morns Willows RR2 St. Pauls 393-6548 AGENTS Wayne Maver Exeter John Moore. Dublin Joseph Untac. Matic Head Office. Exeter 235.1915 345-2512 348-9012 235-0350 A refund from surplus was de- clared for all policy holders who qualify, are on record and in good standing as at Decem- ber 31, 1997. has Icti us -immensely. proud of the work we do here. and her .exaniple will, inspire all of us to [nose confi- dentlyforward to new anisic.. adventure::• ' • General ntanagcr'Ralen _Stewart summedup the past year. ••\\'c" ha\e done a remarkable :amount of a: to ily 0n an extremely. tight budue get. d t0 extremely careful plan .ning: a superbproduction [tanager and technical stint. and ;a continilal - I hard-working hoard and stat!.- Stcw'ar-t said. :This .positive out- come was:onlypossihlc with excel- lent support_fronm. the whole te.un'.. - • .Submitierfby the BA.r1r hi37irul au 1 BLJSlLSS Two insurance companies merge Times -Advocate, January -7, 1998' = Page 5 11.1)1- R I.ON - On January 1, 1998 the London Township Mutual Insurance ('ontpany in !Wilton and the A1cGillivray Mutual Insurance C'onipany in Ailsa Craig antalga- Mated to torsi the Middlesex Mutual Insurance Co., Both ti( the original companies have .served polio' holders in their respective • jurisdictions lir well osci a centu- ry. The merger is -in response to the changing nature •Irl the Insurance business in Canada and denion- slrates the commitment to provitt- ing quality ser\ welt. new clients as well :Is those of lung standing. President I d l'ox of McGillivray Mutual believes that the time has come for some mutuals to work together to otter grcatcr depth of sere ice. and a hroadcr range of cov- erage in s:Mous insurance fields. Albert Bannister. President of London Township Mutual. adds. That the increased sire of the amal- gamated Mutual will hells it com- pile with larger tinancial instiitu- nuns that are -entering the insttrance business and will provide for greater exposure of the company's ninsurance products While maintain- ing the personal contact which has meant:so iituch to clients on the farms and smaller communities in the arca. .. The amalgamation is merely the most recent change that has occurred in the histories of the two companies as they have adjusted 10 new technologies and more com- plex requirements from their policy holders. -The first policies' \vete handwritten and it was not uncom- mon for the company offices to he located in the manager's house. In order to meet the needs of .hems more efficiently. mutual companies have had to introduce• up-to-date mechanical and elec- I onic devices and such services as automatic monthly payment with- . drawals. "these changes have necessitated the hiring of more 1►er- .siulct :and the expansion'of office space. London Township Mutual • ol►enet its present office in ilditton c ! uin 1995 and this 'will serve as the • Business Directory AUCTIONEERS MOUSSEAU AUCTION SERVICES a� Hensall Ont. All types of auctions. Complete service. Will purchase partial or complete estates. Brad Mousseau Auctioneer (519) 236-4558 ****************** « Filson & Robson * FULLY LICENSED & BONDED. CALL OR FAX (519) 666-0833 3 Auctioneers for the Price of 1 With modern equipment * Pickup and sell complete or partial estates * Specializing in Farm, Real * Estate and General Sales REPAIRS Sewing Machine Repairs to all makes . Free' estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 WEIGHT CONTROL i can help you to lose weight, gain energy and feel great! Pro- gram is Dr. recom- mended and fully guaranteed. Call now (519) 430-3245 headquarters for the new company. Marg McAlpine. Aisling Manager of McGillivray Mutual says that their cuntpany has outgrown its current facilities 0l) account of these innovations and their 'staff arc looking forward to working in the new surroundings. The mutual insurance movement dates hack to 1836 when farnicls developed a co-operative system of protection against fire by pooling their premiums to offset individual losses. The system reflect% the farmers' interest in establishing their own commercial institutions in competition with urhan-hased companies. Mutual companies were also a' -response to the reluctance of - urhan companies w provide cover- age in rural areas which they per- ceived to he poor risks because of their distance from fire protection. Today there are 51) mutual insur- ance companies still in existence in Ontario operating under the- uiuhrella of the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association which is .located in Cambridge. These coni- pante% own their -own reinsurance company. the Farts Mutual Reinsurance Ilan Inc.. which exists to help level out heavy losses which might occur in a particular• area or time. •Although hased mainly in rural. Ontario, more business is now being conducted in urhan areas. The new company. will he provid- ing many types of insurance, including: residential. auttl; and , Commercial. . - 'An traditional co-operative .rash- - ion mutual companies -are con trolled by a Board of Directors - elected from policy holders:- Agents or brokers are the direct link with the insured. Jinn Dickenson. Manager of Condon •rows p Mutual. sees personal serv' one of the major strengths of mutual system since a .real person. often a neighbour. is always avail- able to come to the house to revieW .I policy it answer questions. Many policies are written and claims set- .. tled at the kitchen table. The amalgamation has presented the companies .with many chal- lenges. Nevertheless. extens ve * consultation and rimtpruntisc Cut - initiated in the unanimous approval of both Boards of Directors along, with the support .4 policy holders. It is with a spirit of co-operation and optimism that-Middle.icx Mutual -Co. moves forward Into the next Millenium. 18" GREY MARKT UPGRADE PROGRAM Trade Your 18" U.S. System In for the Equivalent Amount of Programming THE BEST CANADIAN & US PROGRAMMING STAR( �OICE ASK THE EXPERTS ((en StubLu, ...Rut tit (it EicteAtaiiutati THEDFORD Your Authorized Sales, Installation & Service Depot Phone Orders Accepted 1-800-263-0626 sout.1 1 �e Fax 519-296-5566 www.allenstubbs.com .. �... - ,:..nt1111..+ 370 MAIN STREET, S. EXETER, ONT. 519-235-0996 (John Norris Building) LONDON: 106-30 Adelaide St. N. 667-0897 COMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR HOME AND OFFICE ...More than computer systems! We have: Technicians on staff for your upgrading & networking nee e 'S brother LEXMOK Microsoft - SPEAKERS: Nec, JBL [hp] oAo PRINTERS: from $185. Lexmark, Epson, Hewlett Packard, Okidata, brother Hard drives, floppy drives, sound cards, mice, memory JOYSTICKS: Microsoft, Sidewinder, Logitech Wingman MODEMS: US Robitics, Motorola, Acer DIGITAL CAMERAS: Agfa, Minolta ASSORTED CABLES AND ACCESSORIES MOUSE: Logictech, Microsoft, Mitsumi SCANNERS: Plus Tech, Microtek SOFTWARE: Microsoft, Norton, Corel, Symantic, SURGE ARRESTORS, POWER BARS