HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1998-01-07, Page 3�Country Bakery 367 Main St. S. - - Exeter 235-2525 Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. fan. 7,8,9,10 White Bread 2/$1.29Crusty buns 6/590 Lemon Meringue Pie $2.79 50 111a\ \t ant 10 t nqun-e about our. to encourage- all the women you 13reast Self -Examination classes: If .love-- mother.sist'ers. partners. etc d„u are pian."take• a tow minutes - to participate iil.hreast screening. • RRSP!R1F INFORMATION. NIGHT Please join us for an information seminar at two locations for your convenionc'e: Tues. January 13, 1998 Wed. January 14, 1998 , Lucan Arena , St. Marys Arena - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. , 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (519) 227-4446 (519) 284-2070 RSVP BY JANUARY 12, 1998 We're the TD Bank Financial Group and we know money Guest speakers from: • discount -brokerage services • full service brokerage services • trust services WE'RE HERE TO HELP MAKE IT EASIER QTD Bank, Lucan TD Bank, St. Mai • 227-4446 284-2070 1 . 1,/, :tlj*?e, limitary 7, 1998 Page 3 Exeter `Winter Olympics'. Area kids took ad- vantage of the brief winter last week. Ashley Sed- lak, 11, and Jenna Brand, 10, of Exeter were using their GT racers. Matthew Springall, 4, of Crediton was also mastering the slopes at Elliot Park in Ex- eter on Friday. Working committee to look at Exeter water supply issues Three out-of-town requests for water have been submitted. 1:XFT I R ,- The Exeter water departinent will he- setting . up a working committee 'lo look at Iwo water supply issties. . - At its Novcrnhcr meeting. the coin iltcc-held a Iengttq- scrr----- Sion on water corincitiuns Lrrr 'out-of-town requests for water.• Three requests have been- :uh• - rnittcd. for U:shornc businesses and .individuals: Suntastic Hot- house Inc.. Hufon Motor Prod .nits a. well a. Toni and Bc,y Prout. All three requests have- hcc.n presented to town council. which has dctcrrcd.a decision. ' The water rate charged icor small -cimmmercial businesses was also a topic 'of ellsscussron :irthc-mcrting:— Puhlic • Utilities ('ominision general manager. Sherman Roth, rv3ts' Instructed to euntact B.M. rRoss and :\ssociatcs for input: . • According to .Roth.- the comnut• - tee -.will' Iviok. 'at the entire rate structure which u- i- set up more than 10 years ago "It's time ti,t a review. Nothing niai change." Roth said. . The tyirkint committee i:. to he made up -cif representatives 1innl Exeter council: st:rfi'and the Exet er PIVC. . - Tlle water de.piruicnt ICitwn mended the committee begin Iook1n ' at Ihcsc .I,sues carly in - the veer. Stephen Township restructuring talks begin ' STEPHF;N Stcp)lcn Township haS written thc.County•of Huron. urging them to initiate restructur- ing/amalgamation discussions in- yulving the. participation of all , councils. as written in the nrinute. of the regular council r6eting Dec. - 16. Stephen Township r\dnlinistrai,er Larn•,Brown said thefrc have not been any•talks with the c,ninty in 1rc past -dealing with restructuring. Vere now going t1, he dealing at the county level instead of the lo- cal level.- he said. Correction • Burkhard Mcttger of Suntastic Hothouse Inc. was part of a delega- tion to l:xcter cutine I I on Dei. 15. He:was ince'-rectly identified as Gerhard Metier in the Dec. 23 edi- tion uI the Time -Advocate. The TA regrets any confusion this may have caused. Kippen Gun Club scores January Skeet 12 Gauge John Mogk Harold Cook Dennis Boyd Ernie Marshall Ed Miller BiII Stewart Paul Hoff Glen Jeffery Bill Campbell Dave Hayter Steve Graham Wayne Peachy, Glen Mogk Jon Gaiser 20 Gauge Jim Rean Russ Beaver Brad Mann Dennis Boyd Glen Jeffery Paul Webb . 28 Gauge Paul Wchh Russ Beaver John Mogk Glen Mogk Bill Stewart 410 Gauge Jamie Caldwell Bill Stewart - Brad Mann 24 24 24 �4 23 23 23 23 21 21 20 20 19 18 24 23 23 22 22 19 24 22 21 21 21 23 22 22 FINANCIAL FARMMUTUAL A L_ INC. WE OFFER: • Mutual Funds from industry leaders • GiCs from top interest -paying institutions • Life/health/disability insurance from innovative, leading companies WE OFFER: FINANCIAL PLANNING - to help makie today a little bolo- foi tomorrow LiFE PLANNING - to help ensure you provide for,tho.e vuu love. ESTATE PLANNING - to help ensure your family gets more from your estate than Revenue Canada • . RETIREMENT PLANNING = to help ensure you can live comfortably in your retirement year. FARM & TOWN FINANCIAL' SERVICES INC. 497 Main St., South Exeter, Ont.. NOM 1S1 519-235-4000 John Hanson, Exeter 519-235-4000 Norris Peever, Goderich 519-524-6105 Bob McNaughton, Seaforth 519-527-1571 Graeme Craig, Walton 519-887-9381 Ken Hutchison, Mitchell 519-348-9150 An easy New Year's resolution I 1)\.1)( )\ - Nct .u. -(i :f..nli'k-in, cessation:" dciillanel a 111 , l efli,ii- OIcier.: •tii'11 a. Vi ct!lit len.. Icike= tune. The .( intario Ri - t't ti. recnin, "I'r,'l l,rnr pi„pnsc. a res„IuiL,n that •- 42,111 sae -c1 \s_utilan''. Ills while.tak on, little ett�,rt and ante, 13reast came! i. ar Ic tdin«,c'ausc of cancer dc:ltli. fur W,+Iiten. Yet. cabby deice- ' -Ion Ihr,,u„hh1ifie_t1. iung_;otic Irratln(.ri1...)n.ICas ;?: the ihat)ecs.ii1 .1 full ce:u�rr� -1I %.11t1. ate a ve„ni.an o%ct 5.. nidi �ar at1 .1ppt_�Int 1 4111 for hrc(1a.i s.rceniti at.ihc On(.lt(1 Breast Scrccnln;1 Prcihrani. T•he atmos- i,here i. ,cla\etl, and dl.: riot. and '!ti.• setWC.. are free. \Yunien tender TWO BIG WEEKS Sporting Good J41 Everything is on ~ SAL Nike Skates 2 Price- (tvhitc models only) All Hockey & Figure Skates 25% off. . Hockey Equipment 20Y0 - % off Includes bags & sweaters Winter Outerwear , 11111', gIo" e•., i'lues, larkcts All Sports Clothing 13y Nike, Adidas, Umbro, Puma, everything! 30' off Broomball 20% O Brooms, ball, shoes, pants, �lovcs Selected Caps 29 9 While they last NFL, CFI,, NHi., NBA mac eans Hockey Helmets & Cages 15% off _Hockey Sticks 15% Of includes Nike Darts & Supplies 30%off Figure Skating Apparel 25% Off Curling Supplies 2O-4O°ff SOURCE s FOR SPORTS 110 MAIN ST. N. EXETER 235-0800/235-3150