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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Coming soon
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Film Developing
24 roll
Grassroots for
a Greater
Grand Bend
See page 2
Ice time
at the
Rec Centre
See Crossroads
Second front
Jr. D Hawks
and Irish'
dead even
See page 12
Rates from Lake,
Huron Water
Supply increase
STEPHEN - -The rate for water
from the Lake Huron Water plant
in Stephen' has increased two per
cent bringing the cost from 1.115
cents per 1000 gallons to I . I4 cents
-per 1000 gallons. ,
"The trial period for this ,will he
six months. commerlcing,on lap. I.
Stephen Township Adrninistrauir
Larry Brown said the most signifi-
cant rate increase is in the' water
supplied by, Lake Huron Water
Supply. He said even then. the two
per tent increase is minimal and
witinoteffect many people. . .
, "It will have very little effect on
anyone." he said. adding ;the,,,jp-;
crease was due mainly because of
ctn racrcasc in operating costs, such
as. maintenance.
The rate for removal of sludge by
the Ontario Clean Water Agency
has also increased. to $250 per toad:
• stated the minutes.
• The increase went into effect Jan.
Cleaning up
Grand Bend
GRAND BEND-- The Village of
Grand Bend docs not want. people
. to get the idea they are a dirty place
to visit. But how do they handle
garbage in front of fast food cstah=
Iishments where a lot of garbage, is
• "Many barrels may suggest that
we're volutne garbage users," said
Mayor Cam Ivey. _
One concern is whether the few
garbage cans at fast food restau-
. rants ,arc being utilized. and i1' so.
are they being emptied regularly?
- "Ila ' there on - weekends and
they're just packed," said Ivey. re-
ferring to the cans besides (hese'es-
tahlishments. •.
C.iuncitlor Shirley Andraza asked
if the village should supply and
empty the cans.; or should that he
the responsibility of thc businesses?
She added supplying the service .
wouldn't he fair to other businesses
who are paying: the sarnc property
taxes. -
it was moved that council would
address the Chamber of Commerce
and Public Works on the matter.
Council also suggested fast food
restaurants use some type of recep-
tacle to put the garhagc into and
that garhagc be emptied from cans
regularly. Businesses can voice
their opinions on the -matter as well
as receive more intimation at the
next committee of the whole meet-
Wednesday, January 7, 1998
Hensall fire under investigation
Hensel! and Area Fire Department firefighters gathered outside .Stratford Memorials after
a fire on Friday night on the Hensall .'S Main Street.,
HENS -ALL' - The cause of a Friday night, fire
above Stratford"Me,norials on Main Street in Hen-
sall is under investigation. according to Hensall and
Arca Fire Department chief Ken Bruxer.
,''Wc haven't pinpointed anything yet. It's still un-
der investigation," he said Monday afternoon. .
The lire started at 7'45 p.m. in the apartments,
which were under renovation. --
Six apartments arc in the upstairs arga but,no one
was living there at • the time. The building was
owned by Mike O'Connor. according to Bruxer.
. Damage estimates were not complete at t press
time but the building was insured: McBeath Funeral
Horne, .located beside Stratford Memorials. re-
ceived some tight smoke 'damage ,according to
Firc trucks were at thc scene until nearly midnight
and a tire check was done throughout the night. No,
one was injured during the fire.
Gas price committee in Goderich
Exeter has the lowest gas prices while
Hensall has the highest -prices in Huron County
By Kate Monk
T -A Reporter
- EXETER - Two local members
of parliament want to know why
there is a difference in gas prices in
southern 'Ontario and why . prices
rise during holiday weekends. Hu-
ron -Bruce MP Paul Steckle 'and
Lamh(o►n-Kent-Middlesex • MP
Rose -Marie Ur arc members of a
committee currently seeking the
.views of the public on gas prices,
The committee will host a 'town
hall' style meeting on Thursday at
2 p.m:: at the Hurtin County Mu-
seum in Goderich and today at the
Pctrolia'Council Chambers of Vic-
toria Hall ,from 1-3 p.tn,
Dan` McTeaguc, MP for Pick-
ering -Ajax -Uxbridge , chairs the
committee and Cambridge MP Jan-
ko Pcric rounds out the committee.
According' to Steckle, the MPs on
the committee are "volunteers" and
the Liberal party has not initiated
the committee. They started work
in early Novemhcr and arc hosting
meetings through January. Steckle
hopes a report will he
completed in February. cc
• "We • want to get to the "It's in
bottom of this whole no- everyone's best
tion that on long holiday interest that
weekends or on special oc- we Continue to
Best price around. Exeter gas stations were busy throughout
the Christmas season with the lowest gasoline prices in the
area last week.
and among many people in the pub=
fie who know this committee is
working right now, it serves to in-
dicate these people knowsomeone
is on their case," he said.
The differences' in gas prices be-
tween, communities is also under
"Why is gas selling for about
57.5 cents in Sarnia; Pctrolia, Wal-
lacehurg and Chatham, while in
London and Strath.
roy it's only, 51 to
53 cents a litre'?" Ur"
asked. "The big oil
companies suggest
it's due to 'local
market conditions.;
Then why is bread,
meat or milk about
the same price in
Grand Bend and
rasions gasoline prices
tend to rise- and following
the occasion they tend to
fall. This leads me to he- level '�
Iicvc it's not market lorces
employed but rather some Forest as it is in
other factors that arc playing into Bothwell and Glencoe?"
the issue. That's' something the Within Stecklc's riding, a gas
public has been seeking answers to Price survey last Wednesday be -
for a long time," Stccklc said. twecn Exeter and Walkerton
• Hc believes the activities of the showed Exeter had the lowest pric-
committee kept market forces at es per like and Hensall was tied for
work during this holiday season. the highest. Prices were as follows:
"When you look at what hap- Exeter - 50.3, Hensall - 56.9, Sca-
pened over the most recent holiday forth - 54.9 and 55.9, Brussels -
season and the fact that gas prices 54.9 and Walkerton - 56.9.
did not rise, in my opinion at least According to Steckle; there's a
get service at
the local
variance - of - approximately seven
cents per liter between north Lon-
, don and Hensall.
Steckle .is "also concerned about
the loss of small independent gas-
oline stations.
"Down the road. it's (selling gas)
going to he in fewer places and in
the hands of fewer people and
we're going to drive greater dis-
tances to get our gasoline," he said.
"We basically know what gas-
oline could he sold ,for at -rea-
sonable profit margins so small in-
dependents can he there for. us. It's
in everyone's best interest ilia( we
continue to get service at the local
level," he explained.
Ur said the committee has al-
ready met with representatives
from the oil companies.
'Now it's lime to hear from the
grassroots locally, those -most af-
fected by gas prices," Ur said. .
"Our committee wants to .hear
from anyone with an idea, opinion
or concern whether you own an in-
dependent station, one connected
with' the majors, or an individual
citizen," Ur said. "It can be either
an oral or written presentation, or
both, with an informal, comfortable
Province approves
dissolving Public..
Utilities Commission
By Kate Monk
T -A Reporter
EXETER - Al Leach, Ontario
Minister"of Municipal Affairs, has
approved Exeter's, restructuring
proposal to annex part of 1 -fay
Township and dissolve- -the Public
Utilities Commission. The signed
Order will he published in the On=
tariff► Gazette. "
The annexation of land was cf-
feCtive Jan. 1 and included -Leet 1,
Concession 1. Hay Township not
subdivided by Registered Plan' 376.
all of Walper Street and LciI 910.
Registered Plan 376, Hay Town-
---ship. .
January 1, 1999 is 'the date spec-
ified in the minister's order fin- dis
solving the Exeter PUC and ef-
tablishing the Hydro -Electric
Commission for the Town .of Exet-
The order also states the new-
commission' will include the head
of council and two other members
who shall' be qualified electors un-
der the Municipal Elections Act ap-
pointed by the Exeter council.
It -will be responsible for pro-
duction, u,,�1 uent. distribution and
supply of water as well as the dis-
trihutiorr and" supply of electrical
Employees uI' the PUC shall he-
come- employees of the* Town of
.Exeter or of the hydro -electric com-
'niission. All assets and liabilities,
-rights and obligations of the public
utilities commission of the Town of
Exeter that relate to water and .elec-
tricity ,shall become the assets and
liabilities, rights and ohligations of
the "Town ol.Exeter.
While the minister's order makes
the distiolving of the PUC and the
fornration of the Hydro -Electric
°Commission -official_ __many_re-
structuring details will he worked
out -through the year. ,
"There's still lots to be looked
at."- 'Reeve - Roy Triebner said at
Monday night's council meeting.
Council will meet in -camera with
the PUC on Monday night to dis-
cuss restructuring.details.
Discussions are ongoing re-
-trading a possible merger of hydro
utilities in Huron and Perth
Council plans strategy for
police services contract
EXETER - On .Monday nig'lit.
Exeter Council discussed more de
tails of,the proposed Ontario,Pro-
vincial Police contract for the
Town of Exeter. .
Exeter could be facing a 25 per
cent increase in the cost of po-
licing. With a price tag of
$549,470, council is taking -the mat-
ter seriously.
';Before the meeting (with the
OPP), we need to plan some kind
.of attack on this. 1 don't know
'where we stand budget -wise. 1
don't think we have a lot to nego-
tiate. We need to have a strategy,"
Councillor George Robertson said.
adding, "lt's not like we're paying
a $200 bill." ,
"It's a half -million dollar hill We
need to look at this seriously." add-
ed.Mayor Ben Hoogenhootn. ,
Council Bloused 'discussion on
items that ,may change before the
contract is signed. •
Chief Administrative Officer
Rick Hundcy said he received a tel-
ephone call from the OPP about the
re -location of the Goderich de-
tachment office to Lucan which
would change the contract costs.
More accurate figures will be pro-
vided by Jan. 26. -
According to Hoogenhoorn, po-
lice officers at the police services
hoard meeting said council should
encourage. Huron County to nego-
tiate a county -wide OPP contract.
Reeve Roy Triehncr said it's an- -
ticipated • a county -wide' Contract '
would he cheaper.
'Deputy -Reeve Dave Urlin noted
overtime may, he one item that will
come in under budget. In 1997. the
actual figure for overtime costs per
officer was $10.00( but the 1998
contract includes the provincial av-
erage of $22,5(0;
"We should pay only the actual."
said Urlin who asked 'Hundcy tc►
• clarify the fact with the OPP.
Triehncr said people are asking.
"Are we getting' $50008) worth oI- •
He said people arc concerne.'
they are not seeing the "presence"
of police officers in the town.
"The OPP will have to address
that as an issue." Triehncr said.
Hoogenhootn countered Tri
ehner's point with: statistics from ,
the police contract. •
"Tire numbers show we: rc get
ting 200 hours,(of police services)
• more than we're paying for." he
, Council discussed the contract
further in -camera.
et the flags fly
Grand Bend will
buy 100 village
flags to be for
sale at the village
• GRAND BEND - One ' way to
promote an arca is by displaying
the area's togo on a flag. and that's
just what Grand .Bend council has
in mind.
The village will be selling 3 -by -
6 -foot flags with a logo symbolic of
the village to further enhance the
Grand Bend's The House of
Flags has designed the logo which
could he erected at such areas as
the harbor front, the beach or upon
entry into,the village.
"With 'the 2(8)1 Canada Summer
Games corning 'we geed to ad-
' vertisc for Grand Bendr said
Councillor Phil Maguire. insisting
the project he initiated.
"We have to show people there is
a place called Grand Bend," he
added. '
The village ordered .100 •flags at
$75.90 each, which will Abe avail-
able at the village office.
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