HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-18, Page 24r 4 ACCOUNTANT Capable of monthly processing, payroll and working paper , file preparation. Required July 2, 1997 for Chartered Accountant's office. Reply by mail: Stu Homuth C.A. 71 Main St. North Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 Page 24 Times-Advucate, June 18, 1997 CIA S SIFLE Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our 51.1 Super Ad• Or Well Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY ONE ITEM PER AD ' Prhat nen-commercle/ ads only • Aa Suer Ad: must be oreog 4 pFFlce HOURS• MONDAY TO FRIDAY ' 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1'121':-I''I7:S WORDADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional 13e charge for each word over maaucwm • NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Blahs. Deaths, Announcements. Corning Evrnu. Mcmoriams. Cards of T1uMs1 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge Addtuonas 15e charge for cath word over maximum • BASED ON 62.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bordered & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with identification). lip Money Order, Visa and Mastercard are accepted • PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT IS CORRECT 235=1310 C 1 , SSII-II•:I) ()RI FIR 1:OI(M Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL!. NAME ADDRESS - PHONE: DATES TO RUN' METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa - MasterCard - Cheque CREDIT CARD NO Expiry SIGNATURE r+ 5 H`yskd ars w 6 Sankt. DPPorta020, 9 'Para Af• dam • p S 12!°e°R'Veh Peg Ay," IS pen - i ons/Opt via on 16 For $„ye •;h!•,- 1e 19 yp_,,_'_•d by 20 p --'•"FY rei"sec 21 •F Ear Rent 1 22 For itee .4 ted fo Rent . 23 Ne W!nsq 27 1f--6- J Noh I 28 29 2. -4111s •d y. . YI'+d arW Ca, Sa)gt 3 Situations Wanted ('HI1.1) ('ARE SERVICES AVAII.ABLE IMMEDIATELY - Crafts, games and fun educational activities. Lunch and snacks - provided. Plese call Tracy at 235-4619. (Certit!e" Teacher). (25•) 4 Help Wanted r NEED HELP? Do your children need minding? Does your lawn need cutting? Does your car need washing? Does your garage need cleaning? Does your dog need walking? Does your house need painting? Do your windows need cleaning? Does your fence need mending? ODD JOBS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! Call 235-1711 or visit 281 Main St. Exeter and HIRE a student TodaylJ The Times -Advocate urges our. readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Re- member... if any advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, itis. 4 Help Wanted . STRAWBERRY PICKERS required to work mornings 7:30 - 11:30, Monday - Saturday, during the 'berry. season. Need your own transportation. Phone Dougall's 235-1491 for more Information. (24,25c) SHOPPER'S DRUG MART - Seeking full time cosmetician. Previous experience an asset. Apply by resume - Attention: Leo by June 27, 1997. (25c) FARMERS MARKET VENDORS - Especially home bakers to make and sell general baked goods and homemade bread. Also other local produce, flowers, etc. St. Marys Farmers Market. ('all 349-2448 a 284-2568. (25:27c) SHOE. STORE REQUIRES sales clerk: Permanent/Part-time. Sales experience is beneficial. Apply in person with resume. Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd., Main St. Exeter. Deadlinelune 25,1997. (25c) RIDING INSTRUCTOR NEEDED for stable in Exeter. Evening and weekend work. Flexible hours. Call 235-4527. (25c) FULL AND PART )1ME construction labourer. To handle tasks sucha s framing, plumbing, electrical, etc. Wage to be negotiated. Own transporation preferred but not necessary. Mail resume to: he Handyman, 710 Main SI. S. Exeter, Ontario NOM IS I . (25:26c) FINANCIAL PLANNER/ COMPANY MANAGER Progressive and growing local financial institution is seeking a financial planner/company man- ager with demonstrated skills in developing market and motiv5t- ing a small brokerage force. The Planner will demonstrate a com- mittment to providing excellent customer service and advice,.to adminstrative detail and enjoy working tri a mutually oriented environment A Planner with his own book of accounts will also be considered. The office is located in Exeter. Ontario. Join this exciting firm with great opportunity for GROWTH. You will have a- minimum of 5 years experience in financial planning or hold CLU. CH.F.C. or CFP. ' Resumes accepted until July 10. Send your resume in confidence to: Mr. N. Peever P.O. Box 130 Dungannon, Ontario NOM iRO FARM MUTU f \\ Financial Services AL Inc. 5 Business Opp. ARE YOU LOOKING for a business working out of your home? Serious income in health field for those with drive and desire. Evenings 519-227-4274. (22:25•) $200.41500. weeldy Assemble products at home, easy. No Selling! You are paid direct, fully guaranteed. No experience necessary. CALLM-F 8a - 10p CENTRAL TIME 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 0198H22 4 6 Services TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS , Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 LAWN & GARDEN CARE • GRASS CUTTING • HEDGE TRIMMING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Custom Round Baling 4' to 6' Variable chamber, Reasonable rates. Call Ivan Hern at 229-6712 (No answer, leave a message) • •. SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL, EXETER Requires a permanent part-time Executive Secretary. Must be proficient in WP6.0 for windows; good typing, and communication skills; self-starter with experience working at board and corporate management level. - Please forward resume by June 27, 1997 to: Mr. Donald S. Durrell, Administrator South Huron Hospital 24 Huron Street West, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2 Smith -Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. 111114F5 an w Frl1FP 0.41 Mi/ 1'.1 1111 f1.nvt t‘mi To, )we 1n. 40 1•'01 rK. 141 Celebrating 25 Years 1972-1997 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Require experienced roofers and non -experienced roofing assistants Apply in person to: 152 Thames Rd.W, Exeter Ontario Attention: Robert Watson 6 Services 6 Services Carole's CLEANING SERVICE Do you need a little help with your cleaning? PLEASE CALL 235-4729 6 Services QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom franung and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3t(n) THE AN"i1QEJE WAT('1( and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for(2 sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. &fn) Summer Programme for Early Years and Primary Aged Children Some spaces available for Morning/Afternoon Full day Programmes • indoor & outdoor activities • crafts • learning centres QUALIFIED EARLY YEARS TEACHER CALL JODIE McGEE 235-0307 r 4 4 0 x 4 THE HANDYMAN Additions Decks - Fences Complete Renovations - Residential & Commercial "Anything fixed, renovated or built i'll do it:" Quality work at a reasonable price AI CP GST OR PST - Mo Job too smar // Tim McQuiggan Bus. 519-235-1098 Res. (519) 235-4328 , KELLER Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. FOR ALL YOUR ROOFING NEEDS FLAT AND SHINGLE ROOF EXPERTS (FULL COLOUR SELECTION) (519) 235-3645 Fax (519) 235-0053 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil Excavating- Dozing - Trucking Driveways.- Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235.0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' COMING EVENTS LORETTA LYNN. PRAIRIE OYSTER. GEORGE FOX, Hank Williams III Blue Rodeo. Camping. Aug. 14th. 1584, 16th, 1701. Havebdt Coultry Jamboree. Havelock 1-800- 539.3353: Tickets. NOSTALGIA-RAMA SUMMER SHOW JUNE 22; 1997 10-4, 85 Dealers, baying and selling small antiques, glassware, cons, old 08o01 sag posters, Ins, calendars, postcards, StarWars, toys. dolls, Coke, books, docu- ments, malaria, sports cards, loots, bones, brewerwva, eutomobilia, railroadania, Victorian beadwork, pho- tographs, ephemera. Fairgrounds Auditorium, Wood- stock, Ontario. Dealer Nunes 1.905-278.7363 AUCTIONS GREAT BOAT/RV AUCTION' UNRESERVED' Repos! New and Used! Over 350 Units to be SOLD! Saturday June 21. IOam, Barrie, HWY 400 exit 85. Aero Marne Auction Sales 705.734.4777. . BUSINESS.OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of be goverment grants and bans. Cal 1.800.915.3615. • SEX IS UNIMPORTANT, Bore Men and lades can make tots oI cash from the NEW TOONEY VENDING machine. First lane offered. 1-800-526-7414, 24 til. CHOICE GROWER DIRECT FRESH CUT FLOWER store franchises are now evadable In Ontario'. Canada's lavolxile way to buy Rowers! Cal Don Holaway el 1-000- 567.7258 today. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERINO. Classes held Aug. 18-22 and Nov. 15-21/97. For information Contact: Southwest- ern Ontario School of Aucbcoaerng. R.R. 05, Woodstock, Organo N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on - campus nil correspondence courses toward a Wane h Canning Prams. to begin 9wa monk Free cats - logo, cal 24hn. 1-000665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS, TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carder N wowing appkabro ler our Graduates. No evidence required • excelent lad OntwbTnKA vl'q Sdcol (London)11--A 263- 4777. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange - Ages 18 • 30 Mei agricultural merlins, to FWwak lien family In Austral', New Zealand, Europe, Japan. CoeWd0ab • 1- 800-263.1827. Calgary, Abode. ! FOR' SALE . SAWNIU. 54895 SAW LOOS INTO BOARDS, plana, biome Large cape *y. Best moll rales nyt4n. Free Monnatbn 1.500-566-899. Norwood Snmltas, R R 2. KM'oAty, 019110 POE 300. • HELP WANTED WORK AT HOME pan tune. lull time. Health industry. ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME. Ask lx FREE BOOKLET. 416631.4152. SALES HELP WANTED SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lel of money seang dwtolate bars. New products available Nothing to pay n advance. Fast delivery 1-800.3833589. MEDICAL - SNORING PROBLEMS?? Unique. effective. 'NEVER SNORE' provdes quiet sleep'!! New to Canada • Doctor tested herbal formulation • safe, natural - complete Money Bads Guarantee. Cell anytme 1-888-414.4224. PERSONALS • MALE IMPOTENCE prevented and corrected at any age, even with medical problems tike medications, surgery, diabetes and injury. Free informatiorVadvice Perfor- mance Medical Lid., Box 418. Vabmount. BC. VOE 220. 1.800.663-0121. ADOPTION • PREGNANT? ADOPTION? 00 YOU IMAGINE bedtime stories, teddy bears and lamely ludo Please consider a warm, losing couple to ruse your baby. Cal lym and Steve 1-800.550-4892 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE Ends nckided 16 x 24 52988 00 21 x 3053.760.00. 25 x 40 55.624 00 32x44 56.83500.34x56 $8,36000 40160 59,988 00 46 s 70 513,044 00. 56x90 522.88800 Others Pioneer 1.800. 668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS • FOR AGRICULTURAL, INDUS- TRIAL, recreation, and commercial was. 20 years expel nonce, Canadian made. CSA -A660 certified. Engineer stamped. Factory direct prices. Sleehvay Budding Sys- tems 1600.265.1140. VACATION/TRAVEL CAMPING. KOA NIAGARA 8625 lax dys Lane, Niagara Feb. Award wMtq campground. 3 Mated pools, Indoor irot tubs, sauna, children's activities, playground, wagon rides. mWy31. 3 mass from Fab, Casio, Reserve/ons 1-800-K0A-MIST, I.905 -356 -CAMP. WANTED CASH Payhg 5100 b 510,000# for cameras and limes by Nikon, Canon, lilies, Minolta, Pontos, Hasselbled, Olympus, Iles,, o1Mr phobgaphic equbrrwl 400 York INTERNATIONAL 1600663.3332. USED 1110008 AND OUTDOOR wafer side,. For kafwr information. can Daym n at 1.204.773.2156 or 1-000- 665-0675. • Its Affordable • H'. Fast • M'. Easy • On. BIII Doe. N All • Northam Ontario 578 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario 5130 • Central Ontario 5134 • Al Ontario 5390 • Maul Packages Available • Cell6l. paper lot details! FISHING CHARTERS by Fish Tales. Evening and weekend charters available. Excellent rates. Phone 235-3667. (25tfn) FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material Material & Welding Steel Wanted: Old Brick Houses and Buildings, Antiques, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! TOP SOIL Think 4mCaII office 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna, Ontario 565-2728 or 233-9297 Sales Rep. for :M Mycogen Seeds Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa 8 Farm Machinery. MASSEY FERGUSON No. 9 PTO hay baler real good 5400.00: Oliver T60 PTO Show Ilay • Baler 54(0.00: New Idea Trailing Hay Mower has extra knife good. Case 32 plate power controlled double disk. 'Maxwell root pulper. 1 furrow walking plow, set of new plow handles. Set of cultivator handles I orris Martin. St. Marys 284-1275. - 107(1 ('ASE 'IRA( 'FOR, low hours. 14 ft. Brillion Cultipackcr, int. seed drill. 16 S.D. 25(1 hu. manure spreader. 40 ft hay and grain elevator; 24 ft. round hale hay wagon. Gravity wagon with auger. Int. side rake; 24 ft. Geo. White sprayer; 4 row corn scutfler John McMurray I-519-283-6208. i 9 Sports Equip, Veh. VAN ANI) BOAT - 1997 Safari A.W.U. olive green. 16.000 kilometres, loaded with extended warranty. 527,700 certified. 1990 Maxum 18 i/d 130 mere 127 hours, like new with depth finder, G.P.S., V.H.F. and trailer. Many extras. 511.500. Phone (519) 229-6548 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars. trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thames Rd W. Exeter. 235-3922. (160-n) 1986 NISSAN `tl'I:n - 4 cyl., auto; 4 door, air, guise, small car with van features. High km. but runs well. Mechanically sound and well maintained. Needs body work. As is. 51,500.00 obo. Call (519) 799-5654. (2311n) • 1986 iX)DGE 600 CONVERTIBLE. - 4 cyl. auto, pa,ph, am -fm cassette, good condition certified 53,500.00. Phone 284-3315 after 5 p.m. 1978 ('HEV IMPAI.A 55.000 kms axe. 5700. or hest offer; 1984 Pontiac 6000 250,000 kms. 5400. or best offer; Both sell as is. Phone 229-6487. • 1981 CAMARO Z28 - 400 big block, good rubber. Needs TI.(' 235-4296 anytime. (25c) 1980 I)ATSUN 280 7.X 6 cyl. 5 speed, T -fops, summer car, interior needs work, 53500.00 as is. ('all 284-3593. (SA.25) 1987 PONTiAC 6000 STE • Loaded, 2.8 multi -port 5 spd., 4 wheel ABS, burgundy, with grey interior, new tires, exhaust and brakes, digital dash, 130,000 km. good condition. 51,695.00 or beat offer (as is). Phone 235.3059 evenings.'(SA25) CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 150 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words.$6.00. 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words 511.00 each additional word 150. . IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 250 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00. each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 511.00, additional words 100 each: $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 PHOTO REPRINTS • 5x7 $8.00 8x10 , $9.00 - SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising n the Tvnes•Advocale is a: cepted on condition that, tithe event of a typographical error. that portion of the advemsng space occu- pied by the erroneous dem, together with reason- able allowance for signature. will be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make goal at 1)0 charge. while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applicable rate. In the event of e typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price. goods or services may not be sold Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time Any errors must be ac- knowledged within seven days of publication The TunesiAOvocate reserves the prwdege of re- vbn9 or :electing advertisements that d consid- ers objectionable and to charge the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to con- form to the policy 01 this newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the permission of the publisher is forbidden Advertisers purchase space and Circulation only. At rights to any advertisements produced by the T roes •Advocate. using artwork, typography or Photographs arranged for by the newspaper Mall be me property of the Times -Advocate . No such ed or any pal thereof may be reproduced or as- signed without written consent of the Times - Advocate - STATEMENT OF POLICY The Tomes -Advocate is not responsible for errors in Wvelnemenls nOt submitted in legitM form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement NC•'.. Phone L _; 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.00 4 Help Wanted . STRAWBERRY PICKERS required to work mornings 7:30 - 11:30, Monday - Saturday, during the 'berry. season. Need your own transportation. Phone Dougall's 235-1491 for more Information. (24,25c) SHOPPER'S DRUG MART - Seeking full time cosmetician. Previous experience an asset. Apply by resume - Attention: Leo by June 27, 1997. (25c) FARMERS MARKET VENDORS - Especially home bakers to make and sell general baked goods and homemade bread. Also other local produce, flowers, etc. St. Marys Farmers Market. ('all 349-2448 a 284-2568. (25:27c) SHOE. STORE REQUIRES sales clerk: Permanent/Part-time. Sales experience is beneficial. Apply in person with resume. Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd., Main St. Exeter. Deadlinelune 25,1997. (25c) RIDING INSTRUCTOR NEEDED for stable in Exeter. Evening and weekend work. Flexible hours. Call 235-4527. (25c) FULL AND PART )1ME construction labourer. To handle tasks sucha s framing, plumbing, electrical, etc. Wage to be negotiated. Own transporation preferred but not necessary. Mail resume to: he Handyman, 710 Main SI. S. Exeter, Ontario NOM IS I . (25:26c) FINANCIAL PLANNER/ COMPANY MANAGER Progressive and growing local financial institution is seeking a financial planner/company man- ager with demonstrated skills in developing market and motiv5t- ing a small brokerage force. The Planner will demonstrate a com- mittment to providing excellent customer service and advice,.to adminstrative detail and enjoy working tri a mutually oriented environment A Planner with his own book of accounts will also be considered. The office is located in Exeter. Ontario. Join this exciting firm with great opportunity for GROWTH. You will have a- minimum of 5 years experience in financial planning or hold CLU. CH.F.C. or CFP. ' Resumes accepted until July 10. Send your resume in confidence to: Mr. N. Peever P.O. Box 130 Dungannon, Ontario NOM iRO FARM MUTU f \\ Financial Services AL Inc. 5 Business Opp. ARE YOU LOOKING for a business working out of your home? Serious income in health field for those with drive and desire. Evenings 519-227-4274. (22:25•) $200.41500. weeldy Assemble products at home, easy. No Selling! You are paid direct, fully guaranteed. No experience necessary. CALLM-F 8a - 10p CENTRAL TIME 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 0198H22 4 6 Services TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS , Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 LAWN & GARDEN CARE • GRASS CUTTING • HEDGE TRIMMING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Custom Round Baling 4' to 6' Variable chamber, Reasonable rates. Call Ivan Hern at 229-6712 (No answer, leave a message) • •. SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL, EXETER Requires a permanent part-time Executive Secretary. Must be proficient in WP6.0 for windows; good typing, and communication skills; self-starter with experience working at board and corporate management level. - Please forward resume by June 27, 1997 to: Mr. Donald S. Durrell, Administrator South Huron Hospital 24 Huron Street West, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2 Smith -Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. 111114F5 an w Frl1FP 0.41 Mi/ 1'.1 1111 f1.nvt t‘mi To, )we 1n. 40 1•'01 rK. 141 Celebrating 25 Years 1972-1997 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Require experienced roofers and non -experienced roofing assistants Apply in person to: 152 Thames Rd.W, Exeter Ontario Attention: Robert Watson 6 Services 6 Services Carole's CLEANING SERVICE Do you need a little help with your cleaning? PLEASE CALL 235-4729 6 Services QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom franung and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3t(n) THE AN"i1QEJE WAT('1( and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for(2 sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. &fn) Summer Programme for Early Years and Primary Aged Children Some spaces available for Morning/Afternoon Full day Programmes • indoor & outdoor activities • crafts • learning centres QUALIFIED EARLY YEARS TEACHER CALL JODIE McGEE 235-0307 r 4 4 0 x 4 THE HANDYMAN Additions Decks - Fences Complete Renovations - Residential & Commercial "Anything fixed, renovated or built i'll do it:" Quality work at a reasonable price AI CP GST OR PST - Mo Job too smar // Tim McQuiggan Bus. 519-235-1098 Res. (519) 235-4328 , KELLER Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. FOR ALL YOUR ROOFING NEEDS FLAT AND SHINGLE ROOF EXPERTS (FULL COLOUR SELECTION) (519) 235-3645 Fax (519) 235-0053 N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil Excavating- Dozing - Trucking Driveways.- Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235.0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country' COMING EVENTS LORETTA LYNN. PRAIRIE OYSTER. GEORGE FOX, Hank Williams III Blue Rodeo. Camping. Aug. 14th. 1584, 16th, 1701. Havebdt Coultry Jamboree. Havelock 1-800- 539.3353: Tickets. NOSTALGIA-RAMA SUMMER SHOW JUNE 22; 1997 10-4, 85 Dealers, baying and selling small antiques, glassware, cons, old 08o01 sag posters, Ins, calendars, postcards, StarWars, toys. dolls, Coke, books, docu- ments, malaria, sports cards, loots, bones, brewerwva, eutomobilia, railroadania, Victorian beadwork, pho- tographs, ephemera. Fairgrounds Auditorium, Wood- stock, Ontario. Dealer Nunes 1.905-278.7363 AUCTIONS GREAT BOAT/RV AUCTION' UNRESERVED' Repos! New and Used! Over 350 Units to be SOLD! Saturday June 21. IOam, Barrie, HWY 400 exit 85. Aero Marne Auction Sales 705.734.4777. . BUSINESS.OPPS. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of be goverment grants and bans. Cal 1.800.915.3615. • SEX IS UNIMPORTANT, Bore Men and lades can make tots oI cash from the NEW TOONEY VENDING machine. First lane offered. 1-800-526-7414, 24 til. CHOICE GROWER DIRECT FRESH CUT FLOWER store franchises are now evadable In Ontario'. Canada's lavolxile way to buy Rowers! Cal Don Holaway el 1-000- 567.7258 today. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERINO. Classes held Aug. 18-22 and Nov. 15-21/97. For information Contact: Southwest- ern Ontario School of Aucbcoaerng. R.R. 05, Woodstock, Organo N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on - campus nil correspondence courses toward a Wane h Canning Prams. to begin 9wa monk Free cats - logo, cal 24hn. 1-000665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS, TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. A major carder N wowing appkabro ler our Graduates. No evidence required • excelent lad OntwbTnKA vl'q Sdcol (London)11--A 263- 4777. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange - Ages 18 • 30 Mei agricultural merlins, to FWwak lien family In Austral', New Zealand, Europe, Japan. CoeWd0ab • 1- 800-263.1827. Calgary, Abode. ! FOR' SALE . SAWNIU. 54895 SAW LOOS INTO BOARDS, plana, biome Large cape *y. Best moll rales nyt4n. Free Monnatbn 1.500-566-899. Norwood Snmltas, R R 2. KM'oAty, 019110 POE 300. • HELP WANTED WORK AT HOME pan tune. lull time. Health industry. ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME. Ask lx FREE BOOKLET. 416631.4152. SALES HELP WANTED SATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lel of money seang dwtolate bars. New products available Nothing to pay n advance. Fast delivery 1-800.3833589. MEDICAL - SNORING PROBLEMS?? Unique. effective. 'NEVER SNORE' provdes quiet sleep'!! New to Canada • Doctor tested herbal formulation • safe, natural - complete Money Bads Guarantee. Cell anytme 1-888-414.4224. PERSONALS • MALE IMPOTENCE prevented and corrected at any age, even with medical problems tike medications, surgery, diabetes and injury. Free informatiorVadvice Perfor- mance Medical Lid., Box 418. Vabmount. BC. VOE 220. 1.800.663-0121. ADOPTION • PREGNANT? ADOPTION? 00 YOU IMAGINE bedtime stories, teddy bears and lamely ludo Please consider a warm, losing couple to ruse your baby. Cal lym and Steve 1-800.550-4892 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE Ends nckided 16 x 24 52988 00 21 x 3053.760.00. 25 x 40 55.624 00 32x44 56.83500.34x56 $8,36000 40160 59,988 00 46 s 70 513,044 00. 56x90 522.88800 Others Pioneer 1.800. 668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS • FOR AGRICULTURAL, INDUS- TRIAL, recreation, and commercial was. 20 years expel nonce, Canadian made. CSA -A660 certified. Engineer stamped. Factory direct prices. Sleehvay Budding Sys- tems 1600.265.1140. VACATION/TRAVEL CAMPING. KOA NIAGARA 8625 lax dys Lane, Niagara Feb. Award wMtq campground. 3 Mated pools, Indoor irot tubs, sauna, children's activities, playground, wagon rides. mWy31. 3 mass from Fab, Casio, Reserve/ons 1-800-K0A-MIST, I.905 -356 -CAMP. WANTED CASH Payhg 5100 b 510,000# for cameras and limes by Nikon, Canon, lilies, Minolta, Pontos, Hasselbled, Olympus, Iles,, o1Mr phobgaphic equbrrwl 400 York INTERNATIONAL 1600663.3332. USED 1110008 AND OUTDOOR wafer side,. For kafwr information. can Daym n at 1.204.773.2156 or 1-000- 665-0675. • Its Affordable • H'. Fast • M'. Easy • On. BIII Doe. N All • Northam Ontario 578 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Western Ontario 5130 • Central Ontario 5134 • Al Ontario 5390 • Maul Packages Available • Cell6l. paper lot details! FISHING CHARTERS by Fish Tales. Evening and weekend charters available. Excellent rates. Phone 235-3667. (25tfn) FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396.(30tfn) SCRAPPER JOHN RECYCLING AND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material Material & Welding Steel Wanted: Old Brick Houses and Buildings, Antiques, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! TOP SOIL Think 4mCaII office 235-4614 Res. 235-1662 Custom Round Baling 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high Scott Consitt Varna, Ontario 565-2728 or 233-9297 Sales Rep. for :M Mycogen Seeds Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa 8 Farm Machinery. MASSEY FERGUSON No. 9 PTO hay baler real good 5400.00: Oliver T60 PTO Show Ilay • Baler 54(0.00: New Idea Trailing Hay Mower has extra knife good. Case 32 plate power controlled double disk. 'Maxwell root pulper. 1 furrow walking plow, set of new plow handles. Set of cultivator handles I orris Martin. St. Marys 284-1275. - 107(1 ('ASE 'IRA( 'FOR, low hours. 14 ft. Brillion Cultipackcr, int. seed drill. 16 S.D. 25(1 hu. manure spreader. 40 ft hay and grain elevator; 24 ft. round hale hay wagon. Gravity wagon with auger. Int. side rake; 24 ft. Geo. White sprayer; 4 row corn scutfler John McMurray I-519-283-6208. i 9 Sports Equip, Veh. VAN ANI) BOAT - 1997 Safari A.W.U. olive green. 16.000 kilometres, loaded with extended warranty. 527,700 certified. 1990 Maxum 18 i/d 130 mere 127 hours, like new with depth finder, G.P.S., V.H.F. and trailer. Many extras. 511.500. Phone (519) 229-6548 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars. trucks and scrap for wrecking. Any condition. Ask for Paul Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thames Rd W. Exeter. 235-3922. (160-n) 1986 NISSAN `tl'I:n - 4 cyl., auto; 4 door, air, guise, small car with van features. High km. but runs well. Mechanically sound and well maintained. Needs body work. As is. 51,500.00 obo. Call (519) 799-5654. (2311n) • 1986 iX)DGE 600 CONVERTIBLE. - 4 cyl. auto, pa,ph, am -fm cassette, good condition certified 53,500.00. Phone 284-3315 after 5 p.m. 1978 ('HEV IMPAI.A 55.000 kms axe. 5700. or hest offer; 1984 Pontiac 6000 250,000 kms. 5400. or best offer; Both sell as is. Phone 229-6487. • 1981 CAMARO Z28 - 400 big block, good rubber. Needs TI.(' 235-4296 anytime. (25c) 1980 I)ATSUN 280 7.X 6 cyl. 5 speed, T -fops, summer car, interior needs work, 53500.00 as is. ('all 284-3593. (SA.25) 1987 PONTiAC 6000 STE • Loaded, 2.8 multi -port 5 spd., 4 wheel ABS, burgundy, with grey interior, new tires, exhaust and brakes, digital dash, 130,000 km. good condition. 51,695.00 or beat offer (as is). Phone 235.3059 evenings.'(SA25)