HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-18, Page 22Pat' 22 Times-Atlaocatt', dune 18, 1997 COMMUNITY Back in • Time... far/ Rocs Haugh from the • archives of the ;.• Exeter Torres Advocate Ill YEARS AGO June 17. It1X7 Beth Swee ney was named Queen of the 19X7 Flcns:dl Spring Fair Fri- day. night. .She -wy.i. crowned by •last year's. winner Leigh Sold,in. Runnerup was Marta Koch;.n. Charlene Townsend •showed the top animal in the annual calf .Iuh tudging. Reserve eh:unpton was. Rob Wareing. Shot\ m,u)ship vt inners were Jeff Gemmel.. Murray .Fown- send. NI:tu Townsend and Koh Passmore. Senior residents of "Huron County will he ainong the first in (int:irii sample the :ult,uuAgus of "otic -stop ac- 'cess io .111 the health•and sti- • • ct,tl ser\ k.c. they nerd to slay . in their ow n homes. - •21).YE:tR.S.%(OO • May-. 16. -4917 - Fire •de- strayed• die residence 01 Boh • Johns :ind Lundy. Friday. The 'house located four miles cast. Exeter brought -tail the Ex- eter lire brigade to Iridic the - blare • Lihcral incumbent Jack Rid- • dell rode to victory easily In the Huron-Midcltrscx riding Thursday.: despite a- lough •d:unpaien race with Progres- • sive Conservative - Anson • McKinley. Riddell defeated McKinley hy. 3.X71 vote,. 92 more than his majority -over .PC Jirrrllityter in 1975. • 35 YEARS AGO lune- 14. 1962 - The Grand isend .and area (h;i of ( ,'mmercc linali/ed p ;heir _ ::EIS -in watch i., planned for the C;r:iiid • airport Jiine 22. . .ill YEARS AGO June- 16:1967 - ";� hundred ycirs ,if practice and we. till ,mind the sante." Thi: was the wording on the placard on the 1.).ishwood hand's float in- . • Sunday's paradi to mark the village's Centennial obser- vances. bservinces. Harry Hoffman. Dashwiood's bandmaster for many year V. able to,round op -many" of the old faithful. Brian Wilson of •Kippen •tt„n the .listinction of having • the • It p calf at last -weeks •, fJensall Spring Fair. • 7 ' • 1) YEARS AGO June 15. 1957 - During the' .tin& and hail storm, in the Cromarty-Sr,itla district od luc,day ,1 secirt)n of the roof of .1 barn owned h' •Wilbur Giant the was destroyed. Meanwhile. area residents have heen sweltenng in op- preatye 90 degree tempera- tures :ind he.tyy humidity. - Eight. -area: twines were ran- • •sacked-tn brand d:nheht. Tues- day. N,ficc-are. Investigating the, possibility - that they were all ;arricd •• •ut by one person. Awards 1„r oulstandine -achievement were presented to students .it Si'uth Huron Dis- . 11-1,1.High School Thursday eveing. in the school auditori- util .\w,trds for top marks werc•'_rven..to Cornelius Ver - keit,. Jane Horton► Dick Chir- rd!te and Rol [Inline. . 45 EL%RS:tGO June 17. 1952.- Messrs. Hu-' hcrt Miller and Russell Hop- pact of -Dashwood have re- turned froni Penns\Rania W here they ,dtended a clinic on. poultry health and nutrition. . - June 16, 194- - Over 2.000 people took the ,opportunity on Saturday to attend the post-war display afforded the public -at the Centralia R CAF. station. • Hie Tow nship of Blanshard 1s preparing to .commemorate the 100hh year ot: the incorpo- ration. of the township ou June 25 Miss Irene Be:wpm v.. as in- 't,tlled ,is president of the new- ly organised chapter of Bela Vii, ni.t Phi.• \ona and Lois Pym won the • right to represent Huron County in Prow in ial cutnpeu non '•vyhen the annual Achieve meat Day of Junior Stales of the C'ounty uses held in Clinton" Saturday - yl,t,_istrate Jatnes Morley has resumed his duties onthe bench after an illness of 13 weeks. 75 YEARS .-tGO- - June 17. 1922 . :\ nuinhcr 'm town motored to Gode- n.-h Monday evening and took in. the moonlight excursion on the Steamier (trey hound. Dunn' the thunder storm Satuid,o es ening lightning struck the Exeter Main Street Methodist Church, but forte n,iiels damage was only slight. fhe lightning struck the top of the not near the front of the church. Cralgwiel Adult Day Programs participants. Kathryn Brock, Strathroy: Jim Sigsworth. Nairn and Laura Toohey. Biddulph not only enjoy showing off their own hats but seeing the variety worn by others. Craigwiel-Adult Day Programs draws clients from right across North Middlesex County. Huron County's 9-1-1 project update HURON COL NTY - The Huron • County 9-1-1 COL. Address- ing Project continues to move for- ' ward. All Township. County and Provincial Roads have now been named and private road name. are Currently 'being reviewed. Naming all roads with the county was a :time consuming process; however. our Emergency - Personnel tell us that this was well worth the effort. A. system of named roads/streets and numbered properties for BOTH our urban and. rural residents „will he more Consistent. and will get Emergency. -Personnel to the dis- tress call as fast as possible. . intersection signs have now been made for all township. county -and provincial • roads. Residents will start to see these signs 20 up this summer and into the. fall: It. is im= portant to remember that the instal-• lation of these stens does not mean the 9- 1 - 1' System is operational. This is just one of the many steps leading up to the implementation of the 9-1- I. System by Bell -Canada. These signs will he blue with white lettering. This color has heen'eho- sen because our -emergency person- nel have advised us that is shows up the hest against a green hack= drop -of trees. grass. corn. etc. Blue and white -signs are also niuch•easi- er to see at night. Resident should he aware that the theft Or vandalism of intersection_ signs is a criminal „tfence. For the most part. the t\ i 11 • he \cry Kittle_ change - in the pr party numbering -systems within •.towns and villages: however. rural proper- ties will he assigned a neve five dig- it address that will he affixed, on a post at the end of each laneway.. The county is. currently in the pro- cess 61 assigning these new five digit numhers and will he complct- ingthis task by the end of the sum- mer. Both urban and. rural residents will he" required to keep their prop- erty addresses Well maintained and clearly 'visible from their road. or . street.. The new address blades for rural properties will be distributed . to :each -township as they are coniplei- •ed. These new ants will .start to Ct up later this summer and into the fall. As with the intersection signs, these blades will he hlue with white iettering to ensure optimal xi ihili- ty. . Local municipalities w ll he noti- fying thein ratepayers by letter ei- thei before or' after the new address signs are being installed. Bell Cana- da will- then verify each property owners address before implement- ing the 9-1- I Service in • Huron County.; you have any further questions. please contact: County• o( Huron. Administration • Department, .Court. House. • Goderich. Ontario. ,N7.\ IM2. Phone: (5191.52_4-8394 Fax (51 9 1 524-2044. Villa kicks off Seniors Month EXETER - The -Exeter Villa cele- brates Senors-Month-wvith-a kick 611 -party and . marshmallow ,roast. The residents had a blast. The countdown began with music by the, Northern City Limits. A <.toe - tapping ' and handlclapping' good time. was had by everyone. Other entertainment featured in the first J0 days of June were the Woodham Quartet) • the Lloyd Thompson Band. Marjorie Johns and Doug Lewis. •. Many of the women from the Ex- eter Villa enjoyed the Friendship: Tea put on . by •the Exeter United Church. - What would June he without the big birthdaybash. The residents en toyed cake and music by Doug in= slew and friends. and line dancing by the Riverview. Rabblers before the party_ •. An afternoon tea was hosted by M:P.P.- Helen Johns..enjoyed by many of the residents. To top off the blast off to Seniors, month was the primary choir from the Exeter Public Schaaf who came - ; nd-sang-torthe�-eniors:— Day Centre supplies fun AiLSA CRAIG. - At the Cratg- wiel Day Centre. the group had Memory Lane where the. focus is 'on some happenings from earlier lives. The subject of Discipline then brought sodic interesting ideas - and methods. Memory Lane - doesn't even have to he on the cat= endar for reminiscing to happen We have discovered that most of the time. a trip -down Memiiry Lane leaves everyone with warm and pleasant feelings. Wilb and Rodi Langcnecker from Moron, northwestern Ontario, stuck some chords from long ago as they sang some of the. old hymns. Janice Karr and her faithful pianists. continue in that vein each second Thursday of the Month, and in March. David and Elda Malden and Sharon DeVree once again delight- ed with their music. Peter Twynstra came hack to -show more of his travels: and Eve-. . lyn 'McNaughton continues to -take • us to exotic places. with some quite exotic looking tour guides. All winter "Soup and Sandwich" days have heen•anticipated and en- joyed. With. the warmer weather 'picnic fare and salad plates arc he• ing served...While on the subject of food we ttiund Kate's Station-. at • Vanastra served a wonderful meal and service to annpliment, on the Mystery Trip in May. Hensall Fair Raffle Winners Lx-. 434)0845 Prizes and donors•and Winners Handmade quilt, Hensall Fair Board: Connie Townsend* Fully processed loin of beef: Veal's Meat Market. •Exeter: Cindy Flanagan* - - Collectors Plate (Pr. Framed). Brussels Livestock: Betty Brand. RR1-Hensall Collectors Toy Tractor. Hyde Bros. Farm Equip:. Hensall: Marlene Harriett. Exeter -Side of Pork. Metzger Meats. Hensall: Ken Clarke. Hensall 6-9 Hole Green Fee Passes. Exeter Golf Club: Ann $panton Dinner for Two. Three Boys Restaurant. Hensall: Karen Kinsman. Dashwood Ellison Tiavel, Sponsored a Free Draw for Two Movie Theatre Passes including poptgqrn and drinks for tviid. Won by'Noanhe Robinson: Hensall. McShygar Foods Ltd., Hensall with Sun and Sky Foods. London • donated a basket of .Ontario All Natural Food Products. Approx. value: $50 draw winner Dare'. Noris. RNARD COMPUTER training centre 93 Victoria St. E. 235-4890 Beside Exeter Public Sclidol NEW COURSES • Introduction to Excel • • Introduction to Word - • Introduction to Windows 95 • The above courses are available in classroom style or 1 on 1 for the same cost. Call for more information. Get your customized computer training started today! Book early for August Kids Camp - we're filling up fast Art Gingrich came again to share poetry with the residents. It was special this time because his 'older brother Lorne, one of our regular clients was here. ti) help entertain Art., Another special guesi was Ger- tie Dielman who came with Little Jack and his feline friend. Although lingers aren't quite ,t, nimble as they were. crafts are still enjoyed. We'Ve Rack! PENCIL TINS Watercolour pastels and graphic from $15.95 Also again stocking sketch pads $6.95 8nd u0 424 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-1331 Office Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. -• ENSALL EXETER STORE (STRICT 0 -OPERATIVE DEMONSTRATION DAY CHAIN LINK FENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 21 9a.m.-2p.m. ) 1 John Mcisaac of SPS Fencing will . be here to answer any questions you may have and tooffer some t - - tips on layout and installation of chain link fencing. As an added bonus, we are offering an extra 5% OFF our already competitive prices for any orders or purchases Made on Saturday only. EXETER 235-2081 7:: ejvtnaeatVI‘kk • • diVttatsatelliteStatwatch sound aliv5ochannelsoSthe best Sports, News, Documentaries, and Movies Phis 30 Music cha - . fares eery noels -All Classical, All tan For dealer inquiries, please call i 388 STAR 103.