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Times -Advocate, lune 18, 1997
Page 11
The Exeter Elites held. their annual banquet June 11 at Exeter Public School. Shown back. row,
left to right, Jennifer Wigle,- Amy Weido,Kallie-Jo-Morneau, • Brittney Foster; Stacey Bartlett and
Kelly Patterson. Front, left to right, Meghan Stualt, Miranda Mattucci, Justine Johnston, Jolene
Unwin,' Michelle Johnston.•
- -
Queensway residents take in the fair
HENSALL - Women of the Sixteen -diners aascd Thursdas
Christian Reformed ¶hurch df Ex- evening io partiopatr in the Fa-
eter visited residents at Queensway 'iher's Day program with, tie ('las-
- Nursing Home on . Monday and 1, sit. Tappers of London. • fhe cncr-
took several of them out for walks getic women Aged 62 to 77' gave a
and wheelchair 'ride§. They will wonderful'perl,itmancc. . -
help 'at Queensway each Monday , . Friday, thrcc ca loads of ccsi-
afternooln in June-. ' dents travelled to the Hcnsall Arena
Rev. Sherri Di Novo of the to view? ;the Hcnsall Fair exhibits.
Brucefield United Church led:yvor- The quilts and' crafts tented to re-
ship - service Tuesday afternoon ceivc the most attention as the
with. Phyllis De$jardine as pianist.. women. lingered . to admire the
Following the service Hilda Payne handiwork:
spoke about her experiences in The help of volunteers -and s1..tft
Winnipeg during the recent flood. 'enabled the majority of residents t1i
Wednesday at noon, over 20 resi- he outdtiors Saturday to enjoy a
rdents benefitted from the beautiful 'picnic lunch while watching' the pa -
weather when a barbecued. meal
was served outdoors.'They also vot-
ed to remain outdoors while others
joined them for a program' with Pe-
tdr- Snell ands his Hensall Public
School students.: ' -
j ) 1'
_radc.go hy. Many, in years gone h‘.
had participated in the parade.
Father's• Day on. Sunday fi,und
many residents benefitting from
family visits.
Coming events
June 20.. 7:30 p.m... Friendship
Friday Card Party:
June 11. 2-p.tn. to .4-p.n1.. Straw-
hcrry Social s+ith entertainment by
(iary Boyle. I eryone is welcome.
Tickets can he reserved by calling
262-2S In `Cost is $ 3 t% ith proceeds
going to the Huron County Alzhci=
niers Society:
Jun 26. 7 p.m., -Bythday party
with entertainment liy Marie Flynn
and The Huron Strings.
St. Paul's holds annual picnic
They -enjoyed a barbe-
cue supper, games
.and sports.
By Muriel Lewis
Granton correspondent
GRANTMN - Congratulations 'to
Robert Parkinson; formerly ,. of
Granton who graduated from the
Faculty of Education, UWO when
the convocation was held at Alum-
ni Hall on June 11.. • -
Congratulations also to Jennifer
Jeffrey, daughter of Dwain :and
Catherine Jeffrey .of Lucan and
granddaughter, of Bill Powell of
Granton .who graduated from Bres-
cia College, UWO with a BA De-
gree in Sociology. The convocation
took place at Alumni Hall on June
Becky Kindree and Cathie West -
Man hosted. the luncheon and eu:
chrc at the Lion's Hall in the park
pavilion on June 13. Elsie Dann
had the high score and Jim Bakker
the most lone 'hands and everybody
received consolation prizes. The
next luncheon will be held in Sep-
Nora) .Wisel and Muriel Lewis.
enjoyed a bus trip with McNaugh-
ton tours to sec Ragtime at the
Apotex Theatre, Ford- Centre- for
the Performing. Arts in North.York
City on Wednesday June 1 I.
At'the Granton United church on
Father's. Day, June .15 Pastor Nor-
ma -lie Voakes entitled her sermen
i Communion meditations based on.
the -lessons from 1st Samuel 15,
end Corinthians 5 and Mark 4.
)'At Si Pauls Anglican church in
Kirkton on Sunday. June 15 Rev.
Glenda_ Meakin celebrated the Eu-
charist and her message. was about
the parableof the sower. The chil-
dren's focus was about fathers and
the less<ms were: read by Kathy
Blacklcr and the minister, both of
John Richardson, M.P.
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Open 9:00 to 4:30
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whom presented the children with
their attendance certificates.
The annual St. Paul's picnic was
held at the Community Centre on
Friday evening when St. Pauls con-
gregation entertained•the congrega-
tion of St. James Anglican Church.
St. Marys at a barbecue' supper.
Games and sports were enjoyed
outdoors later.
Unit 2 met at the home of Pam
Hayes on. Thursday evening,. June
President Hayes chaired the
meeting when discussion included
catering for. the school graduation
the beef barbecue and fundraising
ideas ,for fun day and the bazaar:
The next meeting will be held in
Unyt 3 met on Tuesday •evening,
June, '. It'. Marguerite Garrett's
plat when Margaret • Bryan and
Marguerite presented_ the 'program
on Fathers day when the latter read
'A man needs a tool chest'. The
hymn 'This is my Father's world'
was read and pictures of fathers
were circulated. Margaret read a
.poem 'These Hands' and -also read
about things 'fathers may or may
not say or do, concluding with a'
.contest 'when the answers were
words ending in 'ties'. . -
_Elizabeth Garrett chaired the
meeting when plans -were made for
a summer outing and the beef bar-
becue 'and other upcoming events
were discussed.
• General UCW
The general UCW met - at the
United Church on Tuesday eve-
ning; June 10 commencing with re-
freshments Of cookies•and beverag-
es served by Unit one.- President -
Doreen McRobert then demonstrat-
ed decorating eggs and led the
group as they worked on this craft
project. She- also led' the worship
service opening with a reading on
Father's' Day, followed by the
Lord's Prayer in unison. It was •re-
ported that Carlene Goos has do-
nated a rocking chair for the church
to be used by mothers with little
ones. The beef barbecue was dis-
cussed and the banquet for the
graduating class on June 20 when
all the units will be participating. A
donation was made to the Manito-
ba.Flood Relief and the UCW will
sponsor the Vacation Bible School
July 28 to August 1 for all taking
pan. ponations were also made .to
the Board of Stewards. and. Camp
Kee-mo-kee. It was also announced
that there' will 'be a ball game be-
tween the BX 93 Bullets and the
United Church disciples on July
. ' Granton WI
Granton Womens Institute mem-
bers and friends enjoyed a picnic at
the park pavilion on Tuesday -June
' l0 at noon: Following a hearty pic-
nic dinner, the meeting was held_
when the topic was Agriculture and
the motto 'In every rank both great
and small, industries. and -farms-
support them a11'. The roll call was
answered by naming a favourite
perennial. -
Muri,:l Lewis chaired the meet-
ing and opened with a reading enti-
tled 'Worth',- and also read- 'The
First Tea', 'Fish on- Friday 'or any
other day of the week' and "Things
that dads day'. Elsie. Dann. read
'Change About', Cathie Westman•
had a reading 'Old Bridgette's
Tale,' Florence- McRobert :had a
story about 'Growing old graceful-
ly' and Becky J(indree had a story
of Middlesex County by Orlo Mil-
er. -
During the business -a donation.
was made to the Granton Cemetery
a report. of plants at the cenotaph
and other upcoming summer events
were discussed. The next _regular
mee(ing will be September 16.
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