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The Wizard of Oz at Huron Country Playhouse
GRAND BEND - On Wednesday
June I I. Huron Country Playhouse
opend its 26th season with L. Frank
Baum's magical adventure The
Wizard of Oz: music and lyrics of
the MGM motion picture score hy.
Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harhurg;
hackground music by Herbert'Sto-
hart: dance and yocal arrangements
by Peter Howard: Orchestration by
I.arry Wilcox: and adapted by John
Kane from • the motion picture
,crcenplay for the Royal Shake-
speare Company. The Wizard of
t)z runslrom June 10 to June 2R.
This production of The Wizard of
Oz is directed by Brian McKay.
Huron Country Playhouse is
pleased to welcome Shoppers Drug
Marton as production -sponsor and
CJBKJBX93 returns in the role 01
Season Media Sponsor for 1997.
In -.1900. L. 'Frank Baum wrote
"the Wonderful- Wizard of O,1 a
work which as influenced the:popu-
lar ,vulture and imagination of
"North America through hooks,
tilm. song and its philosophy of in-
nocence and optimism. It is an un-
• disputed tact that The Wizard of Oz
is. and will always he one of the
_reatest`rnusicals. The story was in-
.pircd to part by Baum'. childhood
--1u‘ c of Grimm'. Fairy Tales..idong
with .his: desire to, pit>v1de his tour
young suns, with something a little
more exciting tu.rcad than the 'pon-
-derous fiction' available at the turn
• of Me centum".
In" this -original preface 10 -.the
hook. • Baum describes what he set
out to create "Folklore. legend.
myths and (airy tales. have li)llowed
childhoixt through the ages: tier.
every youngster has a wholesome
and instinctive love for stories fan-
tastic. marvelous and manifestly
• uriteal. The winged fairies of
Grimm and Anderson have brought
more happiness to childish hearts
than all other human creations •'
Having this though in mind, the
story of 'The. Wonderful Wizard of
Oz' Jas written- at the turn of the -
century .
hecentury. solely In enchant children
of all ages. Almost a century later
the- same simple theory holds true
with the -Huron Country Playhouse
production.. . •
In the title role and making. her
Huron Country Playhouse, debut as.
the beloved Dorothy. is Sharmame
Ryan. Ryan has spent.the past two
summers playing Charlottetown's
beloved Anne in. Anne :of Green
Gables. Also snaking their Huron
Country Playhouse debuts .ire Da-
vid' Van Der Linden. Geiiffrev . Oyl-
er• Kelly Staughan. Matt Murray.
Cyrus Lane. • Megan . Hill. "Sherry
Garner. Jay. Darin, Samantha
"lard -and Kyle Blair. Returning us
the.: Playhouse stage are Shane
McPherson as. Scarecrow. A. Frank
Ruffs . as "Me. "Tin Man. Gordon
Masten as the Cowardly Lion, Paul
Brown a's Prote.sur-Marvel. Dcho-
ra to rs Auntie Em. Bernadette
Task. as Miss t ;ukch. Sheldon Da-`
vis as Uncle Henry, Kevin Ether-
ington. Alastair Love. • Bonnie
McDougall. Eric McFadden. . and
Sherry Steele. The cast is.cnmplet-
ed with 19 Munchkins from the
area - London. Exeter. Grand Bend.
Bright's Grove. Go derich. Carola-
chic. Komoka. Crediton. Mitchell.
and Dashwood - and one Cairn Ter-
rier named Meggic as Toto. who is
•)wned and trained by the Cochrane
tainily. from Sarnia.
Returning to the directors chair
for The Wizard.of Oz is autistic di-
rector. Brian McKay. The Wizard
of oz is the Second main stage inu"-
sisal that Brian has directed for the
•playhouse. Choreography for The
Wizard of Oz war "Developed by
Glen. Kotyk and, returning for his
sixth•, season at Huron Country
Playhouse as musical director its
John M. Karr. In. charge of show
production and :design are Gloria
Day (Production Stage Manager.
Krista Burgess Assistant - Stage
Manager. Robert J..IVey- iSet ).
Astrid Jansen. Taras Korai and Ju-
lie McGill iCustumesl. Simon Day
(Lightingt.. Angela -DaRocha
tSound1. and Flying by Foy... "
The Wizard 1>i Oz is a magical
adventure • for the entire family.
Take your place today; .hv _calling
the Huron Country. Playhouse Boz
Office at 1-801)-706-6665 i till tree
within the 519 ;irea .:ode t urs 5191
238-6000. Don't delay. the ramhow
will disappear June _R..,
plus freight and taxes.
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Tiines-Advocate, June 18, 1997
Page 9
Jamboree bound
Local service clubs, business owners,. and other groups • helped the First Lucan Scouts
raise enough money to attend the International Jamboree in Thunder -Bay from July 12 to
19. Held only once every three years, 11 scouts and 3 leaders are taking advantage of its
close proximity thanks . to •the Lucan community. From back- row left, • Marg Park, Kit Hearn,
Peter Martens. Investment Centre' London. Sandy Thompson, parent, Dennis Daubs,B and
B Auto Supply Lucan. John Riddell, chief of the Lucan-Biddulph Fire. Department, John
Toonders, New Life Mills,hafilk Popat. Lucan Drugmart. Middle row. ' Rushida Popat, Vicki
Daubs. Leonard Master. Knights of 'Columbus St. Patricks --Council 7754. Jean Bennett.
president of the ;Lucan Optimist Club. Jo Anne Clarke. Clarke 's Food Mart. Scouts. Brandon
Thompson. Leslie Thompson. Eric •Griffith: Jason .Toonders, Mark Cannom; Nick Raymond:
Jon Thompson, Bryan Godbolt,. Tom Griffith, Neel Misra. Missing is -Alex Michaelis: •
Need help
finding a job?
G;RAND:131:NCS - Need help raid-
ing ,t iib' Having problems writing
yiiur resume' interested in learning
current word processing programs '
Your local library has the solution!
The Grand Bend Library;is ottering
the services Dila Computer. Tunisia
Fridays, beginning June 20. from 9
a.m. to 12 p.m. and again from I
p.m. to dp:in. in afternoon. T'utur-
ing sessions will.covcr a variety of
progranrs.including the Joh lllf.ir-
imatiiin and Training_Program..Win-
wav Resume. Microsoft Word (.1.
- WordPerfect 6.0 and the Public Li-
. hrary On-line Catalogue. For inure
inti>rmatiun or to .register. please
call 234-2Q67.
by H. Davis
S.XINTSBl:RY. St. rifirrckii
cclehratnd the service ,t ..vening
Pray er .0 b: O .p.m. Saturday, with
the •.)omen and girls of tits eunere-
gang n taking_ the. -cry ice honoring
the ':nhert<. Ruse Cunninghain .Jed
the ,cryice trolrn the Book ,it.Alter-
name Services. Suzanne Davis .is-
. sister! with the scripture readings.
Chet hildren"s tocus was the Par-
able of "The Mustaril Seed
%largareI Carroll save a Message
phased otithe collect. Katie: -Scarlett
and Starr Davis presented the offer-
ing .It ke:L>rd's Table. . '
F,>Itou mg prayers. :he service
,:loSed with the hyinn "llic l)av
Chiu (Lives' Lord is Furled."'
'1n June 2-2 St. Patrick will:,:cl-
• chruc the Holy Eucharist service
• with Che !(ev. Statile\ Jay efficient
tlarshc 111`:30 .i.tn. service.
C.i wcll'wishes en to Harlev•Da-
y I. fink's ing a second operation to
:t'rrect his Icg fractures this week.
Best w she. to Mary Davis who
eiebiatcd her `list hirthd.av on Fri-
day tihe'.was.dinncr guest with the
'Bas kers. Greenlees. Tindal Is. and
I)ay is s over the-veekend. Marty
trends and re(atiy es also :alled on
her. .
Courtney Slat:(Ji1fo.ra w,is cele-
brating -her birthday. .is will this
past.weck.'Scveral friends visaed
fora slecpoyer.
Many families in the community
celebrated on the weekend honor-
ing their fathers with get-togethers.
1 sincerely
all Re%rgt workers and
voters who
support(.)d my
.4nuo►re with agog to
return please call
1-800-328-9004 or 524-1817
for pickup.
Yours in Reform,
Doo !-Mites
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