HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-18, Page 7FAMILY
Tones -Advocate, lune 18, 1997 Page 7
Father's Day
The Classic Tappers, aged 63 to 78: performed for Father's Day on Thursday at Queensway
Nursing Home.. The group is based in London and performs throughout S.W. Ontario.
Elimville and Thames Road U.C.W.'s merge
The two groups held
their -first joint meeting
last Tuesday.
Rhoda Rohde •
i :u.mes Road ;:orrespindent
.v,7nhen gathered a Elimville 1Sn11-
. ed :chur Ai !m T lesday evening for
their first t: C \v .meeting. Joyce
- Fulton -gave the Call to Worship
Kathy Bray led in prayer and Sher
on L'nn'read scriptures.
Fulton. - Diane Jeffery. Lynn.
Anne Kernick. Shirley Kerslake
and Bray.pre.sentcd .t :kit: "Let Me
Spin You a Story,- •
Jeffery And. Fulton received :he
;tiering and Bray gate an -; fferror:
prayer •
Kernick ,:ave a reading. "louring
Together- with the. audience .tn-
swenne •'We Do' to the questions.
Presidents Beatrice 'Dawson and
Sharon Lvtln. each with a lighted
candle. lit •or -argc .:andlc. making
the. two- org;ttiizatiins ne
Kernick hied •hc wr,chip ser-
vice with a.poerrh.
Dawson ripened the business part
f she meeting with the 1: C.W
R •it za11, minutes and correspin-
lcnce were dealt .with. Lynn spike
shout correspondence. •
•Manfvn Pym gave the treasurer s
report.' It was Decided each L C.W
would .-,end 5 5 ro the treasurer -of
L. niton Cr'nterence over and .ibo.Yc
•,t`c,r. .diet:aucas.
rneenng Was closed with the
1: C: W . Pravcr.
The group •v,ll next meet in Sep -
Church service
Rev leek oimav was in charge
f ' the' regular • church service at
Ehmtiilc yinfhnm
dav orning
.there were about 'I) people in at-
Rev Tohnay.told the .children a
story and read from the Qld Testa-
ment. •
rhe choir sang '" Nlansuin Over
l7he Hilltop" ay.:oinpanied - by or-
ganist Marione Johns. •
The title of -Rev Tolmav'sser-
mon was "Old Growth and New
Shirley Kerslake and. Marilyn ii •
Pym were•greeters and receiyeti`the •-i
fhere .viii he :t ,:an•.ass ,it the.
'-.:onercgatibn .within. the next few
weeks.: Even_-though.there are nit
services an July. there are ongoing
expenses. •
The church service in June 2;
will' he/ held at Midamor . Road ,it
5 a.m..Tlhe Stindav Sihool is
asised.to hnng .i -tench' and stay -rix
-On June 29' the 'undav School
will he leading the congregation for
Sunday School Celebration Sunday
with she theme - w.elcomc to the
!, Famiiy" / i
Special zuests will :•ie -All Four
Christ' Youth :Ministry ` There will
he .t, potluck picric "downstairs till
._townie 'he service. Drinks will• he
provided. Atter lunch! there will fie
a -baseball game.and other games :u.
Dames Road Ball Park. Casual
dress and .t lawn ,:hair arc .suggest-
rhe August 3 church service.willt
he held at EJimville at +45 .ism.
The .August I() ser: roe .viii -he
held at Thames • Road .a '1•- 5 a.m.
Communion will '•e ;cr;ed and af-
ter the Service there wril be a con-
•_=regauenal- meeting to accept .the
needs assessment:.ind oh descrip-
tion tor'.:alling• a ininisier as pre-
pared by .the Ministry and Person-
nel Committee. and-.tpprovdd by
the Church Council.
Get well wishes. are extended to
Hayden Cann 'who injured his
hand: to June Stewart -.who 'broke
her arm and hruts.ed her ankle: and
to Michael Stewart who broke his
Several from this arca • attended
-the Woodham chicken barbecue at
the Kirkton-Woodham Community
Centre on Wednesday evening... •
Bill and Rhoda Rohde had lunch
with 'Marguerite Gibson of London
on Thursday.
Jackie Riehl. Stratford, Gerry and
•Elda•Riehl attended the graduation
of Tunya • Riehl from the Richard
Ivey School. of Busiihess at tic Ont-
versity ..of Western •Ontario on
.Wednesday.. After the graduation
Question: if 1 Choose cremation must I
purchase a casket? .
Answer: No! Although most families
choose to purchase a casket there are
other choices available to you including
purchasing. a low cost cremation
container. Renting a casket may be an
option, however it is not often financially
Yes! I would like a free copy of
"Understanding Cremation".
I 11 NI R\ I II si 't I
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Exeter, Ontario Off Street Parkin;
Yes! ► would hkc a free copy of '• talking ubuut rt - C'r
Bill Plaskett
Dan Houle
Postal Lode
they;went out for supper alone .villi
Ross and Kay Hodgert. lake .and
Dorothy :dark.-. Dan .tnd Donna
Overholt. .Alan and Michele 4-h i-
gcrt. they then all 'vent Mack ie.
ronya's .ipartinent ;n L.mttnn'.
Quite a nullifier +t / peonte called
at the'Hopper .Hoickr•.~ Funeral
Home. ljxeter !in Sunray- to Ray
their respect o the. .ate lack •Blair.
;Sympa thv s •xtchdea o his wife
Kay. famii' out retaIives.
Dorothy '•Iter is visiting her as-
er Margaret ewart •it Exeter.
Ratz family meets for annual reunion
• By Annie Morenz
-Shipka correspondent
SHIPKA - 'rite 15th annual•Ratz
-reunion' was held yin June '1 at Ship-
ka Community *Centre with rcla-
- tits coming front Courticc. Dash-
wood, Exeter. London. Parkhill.
Shipka area and iltedtitrd.
The sports coniMittee of Lorna
and Bruce South provided an excel-
lent program. Sports enjoyed were
.hoe toss. hall throw: clothes pin in
a bottle. water run. races. egg .in ,t
spoon. ,far ,guessing contest.
Roger Ratz ,and• Ruth deftery
were elected to • notify relatives
about the reunion. to rte neki ine
second Sunday in June 1998.
Tony. and Sandra Regier. Michi-
gan. Mike, Donna. Emily and Ryan
Yarrow. Guelph. visited'. Sunday
with Ken and Marg _ Baker. Ken
Baker Jr. of Godench visited Fri -
Community sympathy goes to
Velma. Russell. her %:mill, and
grandchildren in the arra. vith she
leash fit Cliff last weak. ie. :uner-
il 'service was held lune h .It Huth
493 MAIN
ST. S..
\lertiher ht 'he
311 MARK .ON€S
FAX 235-2589
. Ken and Marg Baker attended a ,
'gathering for the Lawson family
Father's Day. at the home of Elliott -
and Kay Clarke. of Grand Bend.
Guests attended from Mitchell. At-
wood. St. Marys. Brampton and
Doreen and Harold Finkheiner•
and Madeline Sweitzer, from this
-arca. were on the June 7 weekend
McNaughton bus tour to Mackinac
Island Michigan.
Pete. and Margaret Janzen., from
• Winnipeg, Manitoba. spent .a few
days in Ontario recently` visiting
rclatives..Pete's sisters. Annie Ziel-
man. Kaethe Freiter: Dashwood.
Helen Stadler. Susan Janzen and
his brother Bill and Ellen Janzen.
all • it Leamington.
.Sympathy is expressed to Made-
line Sweitzer and her family. in the
death fast week of Madeline's sis-
ter, Hilda Smith of Woodham.
Happy birthday • . wishes . this
month to Leota Snyder. June
Rader. Pat Schroeder, Steven Mill-
er and Don :\dams.
Happy anniversary to Earl and
Manon Miller for their.:36th and to.
Leota and Pennon Snyder rix their
Annie Zielman recently spent a
week; in Jarvis with her daughter
and son-in-law Angie and .Mark
Doustield and -her grandson. Dirk.
Angie had surgery. for appendicitis
while her mother habysat Dirk. •
Welcome hack to Shipka: Mari-
lyn and Justin Pickenng.
Thrift Store
June 20th and 21St, 1997
.Ne_ are pleased to announce .our Grand Opening., Come
ind vllsit with us as you browse through our.iadies and
,Flrls; mens .and" bovs..tniant- and 'household..i cods.
-iepartments. Special ,ale discounts will he offered during
•he ales -
;ur Samaritan Food -Bank will be on .site with sale or
hamburgers. hot dogs: sand :soft drinks. �1! prpceeds of fond
,ales 'will go to the Samaritan Food .Bank._ See you there!!
ETI -would like- to take this opport'uniiy.to thank all the
individuals that have helped this Ministht by volunteering
and donatin. We also Mane to thank .311 the churches ;fir
their prayers. anid'.finahcfal support ,is well as all the
.ffirgalnization.s.and merchants. n this community who have
i een ,tlpt)i)rtIt'F ind ',e!lerniis.
mg um u immi
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"ou snould know this: ',based on a 3L aonth :ease For 1917 Sunlire Sedan 1St
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deposit are ,equtred. Annual tiloeetre tie.t 20,000 xa. 10.06 oer excess
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insurance and taxes are not. ncluded. Dealer trade say be necessary. Dealer
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.edit only. Example +10.000 at 3.970 APR. the eonthly oayeent is 0225.33 'or
.8 minims. Cost of oorrowtng is ee1S.64. total obligation is 0104,15.60. Down
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