HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-18, Page 6Page 6 Tintes-Advocate, /ttne.•18, 1997 • II. Champion wear The Exeter. Lions Club presented the members of the Exeter Midget A.E..Lions hockey Club their championship jackets on Wednesday- The Lions Club sponsored the team last season ,and the »players and coaching staff thanked them by winning an All -Ontario title. From back row left. Lion member Larry Eveland and president Tom Hartai. Front row from left, players 'Jim Seaton. 'Ben Cottrell. coaches. Darryl MacKay and Randy Gilfillan.. - tHEME CROSS WORD `ENDS AND ODDS' For answers please turn to the Announcements By Robert Zimmerman ACROSS, 30.0 in C , - 66 Throng - corruption - 33 Arr1•r�oxtmateiy- 67 Poker tactic . • 93 Sacred bull ' -- Brava 3 was 68 Ah — 97 _Enterprise _.ice the ;tars 38 Arab garment 72' Actor Broderick 100 Irresponsible 12 Fabled sailor41 ,h/WI song - - 74 T or polo — . 3 wds - . 18Oflhe mail • 43 in the sack 75 Soak up 103 Freeway 19 Phrase anew 44 Equai. prefix 77 Plumed 'waders misfortunes 20 Farmland 15 Actor Carney 78 Intelligence' 104 Think logically 21 Deiacroix. e g 46 Plashes of sight - 80 Weather • 105 Voice at Delphi 22 Chocolate 1':Toed hard . forecast: abbr t06 "1966 ' - choices 49 Upnsinq 81 Snout Broadway hit - 23 Mississippi 51 Honkers 82 Just around the 107 Surfing the tube • 52 Dampens. '-corner- - - _ Internet . • 24 Flipper's quer •53 Sketchers93'Narm 108 Soup server 3 wds 54 City on the 84 T beton retreat 109 Roof pieces -. 26 Bar patron Rhone 86 Beached:110 Most ignoble 27 Narrow board, ••• 55 — 01119 3.wds. 111 Discharge._ 28 Patter from the 57 %'yerhead' Ines 89 Desert per '38 Ultimatum: disappointment 29 Order r,•, = 5 Nils . 40 Emanate ' Across i3 Pacino and Hirt 91 Poirtical - DOWN 1 Stade • 2 Port for- Caesar or Ca s esar galleys 3 English cheese - 4 Soviet'rlews agency 5 Singing -part 6 Place for docdmerts 7 Unclouded 8 Joggle 9 Hampton — 10 At — ength 11 Mormon• church abbr 12 Split: prefi)i 13 Laundry worker 14 Smooch 15 Restrain 16 Thickener . 17 Small drops 18 Butter servings 20 Not this direction 25 Butcher's offering 26 Rx instructions 29 Corn or Bible — 31 Colliery product 32 Lawsuit subject 31 Scrimmage or railroad 34 God of war .35 Former Uganda leader • 36 Make merry 37 Utopias 38 Johnson 3 !adv 39 Consumer 10 Wender - -' 41. Winier sting 42 Without a systems 3 wds 16 Icy 47 eeyed 48 South Pacific carving 50 A fly-oy-night 51 Developed 52 Chrysler for - instance - '54 Acknowledge 55 Follows a .. recipe 56 -Former 59 Genuine: Ger 60 See 34 Down 61 Wet. as weather 52 Cable channel 63 Change 64 Brewery output 65 Homeless one 69 -Topnotch . 2 wds 70 — Rabbit -- 71 Actress Dalton . 73 Trillion: prefix 74 Waistband - 'S — mater 76B1ow one's own horn 78 Rockies capital 79 Storm 80 Magna — 6 iI1 t 1 •13 20 1 $ 23 26 34 43 35 5 37 4- 48 ••t 55 61 6 0 69 -4 5 '6 1 80 I3: 83 Lal; , � 138 e4 89 r 85 9e 94 92 • 91 94 95 96 17 99 101 104 105 107 110 108 Confirmation at Varna -Goshen By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent • V.ARN-A - Rev:_ Tracy Crick led the Varna -Goshen church service on Sunday ).ynth the Cali to Worship and Prayer of Approach. The act of-con- firmation fcon-(irmation Was celebrated. Daniel Keys. introduced by his brother Greg: Andrew Laurie. introduced by his sister Valerie: Graham Laune. intro- duced by his sister Heather Daniel Rathwell. introduced by his brother .Dayld: and Brian Webster. introduced by his sister Mary Ellen were all cont. -united on Sunday by Rev. Crick. ,Leanne Keys read the scripture readings: Ralph.and Mona.Stephenson. their daughter L)eh Rathyvell and granddaughter Cara Stephenson sang "He is Precious" accompanied by Shirley Hill on the piano.' Valerie Laurie played the flute accompanied by her sister Heather un the piano while the offering was being received. Willi Laurie also sang an appropriate song for Father's Day entitled "Father'. Eyes". . • . :'Voices United" hymn Woks for the choirwere dedicated in memory of Brian Hill and a clock and new greeting table were dedicated in memory of Mark Webster. Bi11 Dowson on behalf of the session accepted the gifts With gratitude. • Communion was also received. Next Sunday. June 22. Church will be held at Goshen.. Sunday School awards and recognition will be presented to the children. • Goshen U C.W. will meet June 19 at Evelyn McKinley's at g p.m. Guest speaker will be Doris McClean si .king on "Laughter is the Best Medicine." :\ farewell/retirement is planned for Rev. Jack Patterson on June 29 and following the service of worship a barbecue luncheon will be provided. Vacation Bible School for Varna, Goshen, Brucefield and Kippen will he held August 5 to K. 83 Need fora dnnk 84 Soft landing for jumper 85 Food from - ship's galley/ - 8 7 Back to 88 Peaches and . - plums 89 Fraternal. Order 91 Hockey scores 92 WWII riveter 94. Walks back - and forth 95 Atoll • 96 Tommy's gun 97. Medicine • container 98 Tuscan island 99 Tidy • 100 Singer Hoine 101 Treasu o enng or . paper 102 LSb. e.g.. 103 Laptops 104 Director Reiner U.C.W. hold picnic GRAND BEND - United Church Women met Thursday at" 12:30 p.m. • at Old Orchard Park in the • Club• House for their June picnic meeting. President Evelyn Johnson opened with two poems from the Friendship hook. . The worship was given hy Mary Wilson.• defining the meaning of the Lord's Prayer. Hazel Broad gave a program talk on World Out- reach "in Solidarity- with Uprooted People". She cited- three countries, Zaire. a rich country in mineral wealth with gold, copper and dia- monds, forests and hydro _electric power. where 40 million are among the poorest after three decades of ,:orrupt dictatorship. in Brazil. most (11.150 million people live in pover- ty. India has 940'mitlion people ex- periencing rapid economic change . and increased power. Churches are pulling together for *Odd peace. -.Bertie Keyes. read .the minutes_. Twenty -One women -answered- the roll call by naming a friend who . needs a: prayer. • - Volunteers for work .jobs 'at the hake and crafts sale to he held Au- gust 6 at 11 a.m. were listed. Happy Birthday was sung, for Hal•- • tel Broad= and Bente Keyes' June -hirthdays. _ - - The meeting close d by all Brining _- hands -with prayer hy Laura Fle- welling: •• - - Hostesses were Joan Eagleson. Lola Jackson and Norma Walper. On -June 3 it was the United Churchy, f Canada's 72nd anniver- sary: At Grand Bend United. Holy - Communtan was celebrated follow- ing the order -of Communion used .. at the Inaugural Service of the Unit- ed Church of Canada. held in the Mutual Street Arena,_ -Toronto, tin June lb. 1925.- Please note the me change for the uchurch - worship services -• on June 22: Grand •Bend.: away• l [ a. riot -the opening Gree m. of two cornerstones 100' years lat= .e5-), Flowers placed. in the church were in mernory of Brenda Mathers by her 14. • it was Sunday Scflix)I 'Awards Sunday_ at Grand' Bend United Church on June 15. Prelude music was piano •riumhers by •Morgan Bland and Ryan Murdock. The'call to worship was by Ben Morgan with prayer led by Ryan Murdock. Several action cones were sung by beginners and pnmary classes ac- .:umpantcd by Irene Kennedy at the Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 piano.' The award presentations . • were given Out by Kim Case, •Dale Brand and Trish•Murdock. Rev R. rimazrzrz7xxx179,4 N 34 44 34 0C41TIOA NN. • Putman:s children story was "As a OGTN Grain of.Mustard Seed." � / TN sPrr lL Ir Scriptures were read by Jenna McIntyre and Sarah Tremain. The . choir's anthem..was "Christ Hath a'ti Garden." Duing collection of the (iffering piano -solos were given by Amy Jennison. Kaley Jennison. Matthew and Sarah Tremain. The closing prayer was given by Jude Morgan. The congregation was' invited .to share lunch with the children fol.- . lowing the service. r (�/r N V N H The Board of Governors N q South'Huron Hospital invite N 14 . you to attend " N N SDI T111111111 IIIISPIT II, 4 N ISSIIII.1t11I111 N 1. • For the third successive year. op- w l L 1 eratic singers . Adnane Stewart. N I I f 1l I11I iI, 111,1`1 11�II H originally of Farmington. Connecti- cut. and Silvia Buchanan of Bran- don. Manitoba. will . Join forces with Grated Bend vocal resources Edward Avey. Don McLean and •music director Norman'. Ahhatt at the 11. a.m. July 27 "Opera-ln- Hymnndy•' outdoor summer service at Grand Bend United Church. ' The guest artists .will render two. H 44 44 H Mon., June 23, 1997 M . el 7:00 p.m. 14 H Siluth Huron Hospital H 14 Boardroom 64 NMatters to be brought before 14 Membership ' H - Receive the Auditor's Repor- N - Receive the Nominating solo arias. one from Handel's "Ata- N Committee: s Report Tanta" set to Psalm 23 the other _ N - Receive Board Committee tram Weber's -"Der Frcischuetz" r. Repor's The Marksman). They will also - 144- Huron Perth Hospital :s pertorm a duet -of Sankey'hymn H Restructuring•• "Hidroa in Thee" :1;zzzzzzzzzzzszzzzzzzzzzzzz2: Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello if you are pregnant. 100'1 T. any -rledications In't. you ;heck with your -doctor or oharmacist. Some. medications can be harmful to the baby. Two cheml- • :als that you certainly shouldn't take are • nicotine and alcohol. ' • - In an attempt to reduce drug :osts. many drug plans are paying only for certain brands and groups of drugs. This can result In your medica- tion 'oolong different than before. We will -tell -you when these changes are made. but if your. prescription is different -looking and you- •aren told. call your pharmacist to check. •- • f you are allergic to pollens. -try to avoid going'outside when pollen ;punts are high: on dry, windy days. late evenings or early mornings. You should -also _keep your windows Closed when ;ou are sleeping. air conditioning 's helpful provided it recirculates odoor air nstead of drawing :t in from the outside. - Other allergies are :aused by lust mites that 'ive off the lead skin we shed usually onto our mattresses. If you sniffle or sneeze mien you 'ie -on your bed. you might look into getting special -mattress and. oti)ow covers to help thus problem. ItHURON APOTHECARY Ltd. Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter 'Your Health Care Pharmacy' STANLAKE Ar;) CEMENT CEMENT J•. CONTRACTOR • Conc:ete Forming • Founaations and Roots • Impressed Concrete • Driveways and Sidewalks . R.R. 2 Grand Bend. Dan (519) 243-3261. Bruce (519) 238-2522 TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT ' Freptaces, Gas & Prooa High Effictency.Fvmaces. Oil • Gas • Propane Air Conditiorttng Hot Water Heater Rentals • Oil • Gas 4 Har ROOM the Clod Service 359 Main St War (519) 235-2032 81 • GLAVIN EAVESTROUGHING 9 9. e1, :anima. a. JM. 408 'KO 4AN05,NCH • Seamless Manilas •Alstal Leaf Screen ndig Soffit -Fascia vino 3xxe AAn1rn siwtbrs MOW - SW Poling 40' Boan'he" Free Enemies Gerry (519) 228-6295 Clinton Community Credit Union War 011e 111 MoinSt. 1.519.23$0040 Fla: 1419-2354211 Mon Only Y Oats% 5L . 141S4123417 Fax 1.5194123743 Sayiag Building or Renovating? Finance with us! • GORDON DANN Punv Wes Si Service ! td• RR 2 Denfleid, Ont. 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