HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-11, Page 16I Times -Advocate, lune 11, 1997 CQMMLJNITY. Big helping Fireman's breakfast. Two-year-old Trevor Skochin§ki and his dad Michael couldn't keep their plate upright after volunteer firefighter Mike Rader dished out an order of sausages.. The Exeter and Area .Fire Department hosted its annual. Fireman's Breakfast on Saturday and it was attended by more than 600 people from 7 to 1 1 a.m. Funds will go toward up- grading and maintaining equipment. Women preparing Father's Day service The women of St. Patrick's will present the church service next Saturday night. By H. Davis Saintsbury correspondent, SAiNTSBURY - St. Patrick's Morning Prayer Service was held at 1-0:30 a.m. with HeatherMacGilliv- ray leading the service and Marga- ret Carroll assisting with the scrip- •ture readings. The children'; focus was the stn • - ry .:1 f) t. ni in Saul s Court fol- lowed r:. the children's hymn -*What a -Friend We Have in Jesus" Courtney MacGillivray 1cd the Sunday School children in their lessons and craft. • Hazel Davis gave the _report on the 150th session of Synod of the -• Diocese of Huron. .. Evening Prayer service .Nxt Saturday the. Service of - Evening Prayer will beheld at St. Patr,ck's.with the women and earls. of the congregation taking the -Fa- . ther's Day service at 6:30 p.m. . Personals `On Saturday evening. June 7. Fred Jr: and Patricia Dohhs enter - tamed family and friendsto an en- • • • • gagentent dinner honoring their ::ii Frei' .11 l and l iancee Traci McKean at Trivitt Memorial Church in Ex- eter. • Special guests 'included Fred': grandmother Georrin•t Dohhs and Godparents and Traci s grandpar- ants. Trade show • -.Bill and Betty Johnson of Owen. Sound and Hugh and .Hazel Davis attended the Road Superintendents Equipment and Trade Show at Sea - forth• Wednesday and Thursday of last week. - The Davis's were also meas of the Dohh' :.)n Saturday cv •,!;iimi. Local entertainers perform at "Light 'n' Lively" variety fair The collection taken up was donated to church camps. By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA - Five Alive--; ,tight Lively Variety Fair" was v`:.• fill despite the • rain tha: . rt :erything had to he. taken to Eiron Centennial School in a y. The auditorium was full. and the entertainment was .wonderful. Blaine Stephenson was the Mas- ter of - ceremonies and 'Floyd. McAsh was the music director. A Praise and Worship Band Ied by Mike Jones. entertained with many numbers as well as the Seaford) Girls .Marching. Band'led by Char- Uie-Kalhtleisch. The Trends Youth Gr9up.did a-nunther as well as -the Bayfield Youth Group. The Varna Singers sang. again as well as the Senior Choir and -the Youth Choir. Trish -.MacGregor • aitd .\ngclm South did a' number as well as the clowns "Knobby and Cactus Cara Stephenson sang..The Laurie !anti-: ly did some Hiehllnd Fling num- hers...The Youth Group' barbecued during the performances and coffee and squares were. iirovided. The proceeds from" the food hnoth went to the • onth _Groups:' rho offering received was going to the Church Camps and Barb Hicks Spoon\ i was there tip present tt til. Tickets -for the Varna Pork Barhe- cuc are now available from any Steward.- The' barbecue- • will he towel racks. Please „ontact Carol Simons i1• you have any of these items to donate...'• Twenty-nine;. members of the Stan Lee Club' met on June 4 at Millington's for a roast heel -din- . ner. After' dinner, President Char't's Reid conducted' a 11 o rr •eting. The Stan Lee Clio • oc -repre- sented 'in five. gables at the Tri - ,4. uunty Senior ;antes to he held on June I6 and 17 in.Lucan and area. Anyone - wishing to attend the U.S,C.O. Convention in,Brampton - on August -11 12 .Ind 13 are. to .;all - Louise at 236.-7319 hetore.July J . . They then went-to.:the Stanley Complex where euchre was yn- joyed. High winners were Marj Stirling and Bili McAsh and Low winners were Eleanor McAsh and Gladys Peck. .The next meeting • will: he held Septemher.3.at 6 p.m. with a'pot- luck supper in, the- pavilion at the complex. • ;Goshen I;.0 �1'.. sill meet June - 19 at'Lvelvn•McKinlev•; home at 3 • p.m. Guest speaker will -he "Doris McClean: speaking cm "Laughter is • the Best Mctticme. 2. Next Sunday.- June • 1 S. church will he held in Varna and the cele• - hration ot` ..ontirntatitin and holy cortlntunion will take place. Everyone is invited to a farewell/ ' served from 4.30- to 7:30 pant. on June Camp Menesetung have a.•.vish 'list consisting of balloons. ice cream pails,-cpnsirue ion paper, .silk or dried tlowcrs..glue ;uckz, door stats, night lights: umbrellas. blankets: sticky fly papers.-spong-. es, embroidery'tlass. rubber aliives. lace. nhhon. flannelette sheets .inc1 • retirement for $cr, Jack .Patitlrson • on June 29 and following the ser- vice of worsltip.a barbecue Iun eh- "crin..wll he provided. The Trends: will ..he having a slecpnver at the Brucelield Church' on, June 13 at 7 pan. . - The "Teens will meet •at the Bruceticld Church. June 15, at 2 p.m.. • Vacation Bible Schonl'for Varna:. Goshen: Bruceticld .ind Kippen will he held -August's iii Y' Valerie Laurie and Cara :Stephen- s iii wdre goustspeakers 'at the Var-, ria t C.W. meeting- on Thursday evening. They spoke on their trip to Toronto with the SLAB program (Street Life Awareness Program). • They arrived at the Metropolitan United Church in Toronto where • they met their guide. These guides ` we r •wo ,bung men whom had been street guys for a number of years. They had a discussion on the ' homeless and how they felt. then split into -groups and toured Toron- to. The guides showed the . spots you would find street people. • The participants were given- SI for lunch and they had fun trying to buy cometh ng to eat. They came- hack amehack appreciative of living in this rural. area. Ruby Hill and Ruth Johnson- thanked the girls for their talk. - President Deb Rathwell opened' the 'business meeting with a.pnem entitled "Fathers are Wonderful People". A thank you was read from the Youth Group for the do- nation of squares for the ;spaghetti supper. The women cleaned the cabin at Camp Menesetung on cleaning day. Camp day at Camp Bimini is.celebrating a triple cele •hration - the .50th anniversary of the Huron .Perth Presbytery. the 3 -5th anniversary'of the U.C.W. and the 30th- anniversary of the Huron • Perth Presbytery. U.C.V.. The speakers .were Heather McClean. Elly . Van Bergen,. and Barbara -Plante. ' - The Summer Event is on July. 19 - in- the Siloam United Church, in • London: A donation was made to ; Five Oaks. Six women offered to make squal-es for .the Five Alive. There will be a Community Wel- come Shower for • Monica Meades to July 9. - Sign up to sec "Brigadgon" at the Grand Bend Playhouse on August 27" by calling Shirley., Hill by. July - - .27. There will he a dinner at Mill- ington's • before going to Grand Bend. Rathwell ended -the meeting With prayer. 4 �l. SPECivaL \V/AJLJIJIE /AJDD 'iwo ID/AV S/ALE -n>M...r . C 3 L L W E L L BANKER AINTS REALTY SERVICES OPEN HOUSE Here's the deal... 1. -Come ar:d loots at the house and property. If you put n an offer during the special two-day sale and if tt•tat Offer is accepted and closes. you will receive the value-added package. • . 2. Offers made after 4:00 p.m. Sunday. June 15. 1997 are noteligible for the value added package. 3. The value added package is available only to the purchaser, is not transferable and applies only to the property being sold. Transaction to -be handled exclusively by Sales Pep Pat 0'Rourke. Coldwell Banker AIL -Points Realty Services • Seip's va'ilUMart -52 MOVIES FOR ONE (1) YEAR • .4 ' (Offer t,aiid 1. Year from Close Date ('P, PIZZA DELIGHT r) AA -I %ili,,,v //w :P.. �'. EXETER• Two (2)12" THREE TOPPINGS PIZZAS EACH MONTH FOR ONE (1) YEAR South Huron ii WINDOW&DOORCENTRE Sales • Service Irstallaaon GIFT CERTIFICATE WITH S% REDUCTION TOWARDS REPLACEMENT OF 7 MAIN FLOOR WINDOWS Valid upon placement of order ! Coholloor 11,9,911 -.*ea C•rea,1••c. EXETER SAT., JUNE 14 from 2.:00 to 4:00 p.m. & SUN.., JUNE 15 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 81. HURON ST. 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