HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-11, Page 15Times -Advocate, June 11, 1997 Zurich boy presented with Chief Scout Award Peter MacLeod was awarded 'the - Chief Scouts Award recently. By Cannel Sweeney Zurich correspondent ZURICH - The Ladies Auxiliary of the Blue Water -Rest Ffome held • their June meeting in the afternoon last Tuesday•in the form of a musi- cal program and picnic style supper v • for the residents prepared by the members. • • Gladys Gingerich • chaired the meeting in the absence of president Martha Risi, , 'Mary -Lou Denotnnie .read -the minutes of the Iasi meeting' and Mary Ducharme gave the treasur- er's report with the profit from the recent May tea being S553.00.- Verda Bacchler sent -out "eight birthday cards last month to the res: idents. Volunteers were asked to serve , lunch and make sandwiches for the annual meeting at the home.onJunc 10. - Help is also needed to make pota- -toes and make tca and coffee for the residents family dinner on June 22 beginning at. 3:30 p.m. • • Welcome -to a member of the Auxiliary. Fileen;'who is a sister to Irene Clausius The group will be having a hot Clog booth at the Kean 'festival on August 23. Donna Klupp will, he contacting the group leaders for helpers: • •, The 'birthday party will her held on Juni: 23 at 7 p.m. hosted hy. the Zion United Church in Crediton. Two ladies trf,m the committee that month 'will help- in kitchen. as well as on •June 26. when another grdiufr will entertain at•ihc Home. • d'hamt• r of Commerce will he l ..,, ' 'r,. eking June 22,in the. form pf a bathecuc at'Hesscnland. ' St. Boniface pari' h is collecting pop and Neer cans to cash in for the Building Fulnd. You.cantcavc them at the homes of, K. of C. members 'Doug Debus or Ralph Smith. • - The Golden Agcrs held p meev iris -on 'lime 16 with a potluck sup- per and program at the Township' Hall with president 'Phyllis Deichert. Knights of Columbus. The Agricultural Fair Board will meet at the Town Hall on June 19 .at 8:15 p.m. The president is John Becker. They will he planning/for the upcoming fair. July 25 to 27..• They are trying to get a Junior • Ambassador Contest started for ages '13 to 15 year olds. Congratulations to- Peter Macle-- od of Hills Green who was award- ed the Chief Scouts Award on June' 8 in Owen Sound. This is the high-. est award in Scouting. MacLeod belongs td> the Zurich Scout pack, . led by Hub Thiel. -The boys are going on a canoe trip from June 20 to 22 at Sauhle Falls: This will he their end -of -the= .season outing. Leaders • will • he needed for the group in September. A piano: recital was held at St. Boniface School on Sunday to hear pupils of Aimee Rau. Shelly Hoff- man and Sandra kegler. Award. were handed out to the children of tcrwards. •r The St. Boniface Youth Group had their •end of • the term get- together on Saturday evening at the home of •leaders Karen and Steve Grainger, The .othcr.leaders were Denise Mcidinger.and. Diane 1MuIl- et. They enjoyed game.. mitis and a bonfire. The Hcnsall Spring Fair is sched- uled for this weekend. June 13 and 14. The Elates- open on Friday at p.m. and•on Saturday ati9• a m. • Personals • - Sympa,thy goes to the family and relatives of the late 'Annie Fink 'homer.' who passed away on June, 4. - Congratulations dr'('rord and •Dc- lores• Bleck on the occasion of their • 40th wedding annit;cr;ary on •Juni 7.; A reception was held at the Dashwood Communitc Centre. Dennis `Denomn a+from Kelow • ria. B.C,. is• presently visiting with, his .parent, Jerome and Marie De- nomme. r . , " Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr' and- Alice and •Rene .B'tochure of Clinton spent -Friday_ and ;Saturday in Wjnd.or and atltended a retire- ment party for Don Strong who is a former master (4th degree) of the,, • Manure Manageme CLINTQN - "Manure •Manage- ment" is a topic that has literally "raised quite a stink" lately. receiv= ing lots of publicity in Huron County. as.well as elsewhere in ru- ral Ontario. The interest originates with recent trends -towards rapid eit- pansion and' intensification of some types of livestock operations. Re- sulting concern over manure man agetnent has led a number of mti- nicipalities in .Huron ,County to adopt. bylaws which require the completion of nutrient management plans for some forms of intensive livestock operation. As with any change. those who are affected need to be as fully informed as pos- sible, so :they understand the pro- cesses that are taking place and can make appropriate decisions or un- dertake suitable measures to re- - spond to the situation. Recognizing the need for information on this subject. • the Huron Stewardship Council and the Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture is hosting an information session entitled • Ma- -. nure Management - The Law and You". The event will take place at 8 p.m. 'on Tuesday June 10, at the Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville. Speakers and their topics are as follows: • Dr. Gordon Surgeoner. Universi- ty of Guelph - evolving manure management ,and other environmental issues for the increasingly diverse population in rural Ontario. • Wayne Caldwell. Huron County Planning Department • - Huron County's approach to nu- trient management bylaws. Kevin McKague and Paula Neice. Ecologistics Limited - key components of a nutrient management plan, i.e. production. environment and -community. Paul Vogel, a .London lawyer practicing in the area of environ- mental law - legislation that applies to ma- nure management, how and to what extent it applies. ' Conte 11i and check oUt our BEST SEI.JLER NOVELS 424 Main St. Exeter nt - the law and you Participants: will be asked to com- plete -a short questionnaire identify ing their information needs relating to manure management. ft is hoped , that their input can be .used' to -de- velop additional educational oppor 'tunities .to deal with the -specific needs that are identified. • • 'There is no admission cost _and everyone is welcome. For more in- formation, please feel free to con- tact Steve, Bowers at 482-342'8. Kevin Sweeney. London, spent -Sunday visiting with is grandpar- ents Mil/art and Marie Gelinas Sr. and Sweeney and Schroeder rela- tives in Zurich. He stayed the weekend at Pine Lake with his par- .. eats Butch and Marion Sweeney. Gord and Jeanne Ffay spent thel weekend at • their trailer home at Family • Paradise Campgrounds near Walton. Beth 'Sweeney. of Grand Bend spent the weekend in Toronto to at - vis siS tend .her five-year nurses reunion on Saturday. • A bridal shower was held for. Joan Hern of Kirkton on 'June 8 at St. Boniface Parish Hall. Zurich as she is ..the fiancee of Ken De- nomme, Dashwood. He is the son 1997 Sable GS kr of Jerome and Marie Denomme. The couple are planning to he mar- ried in July: Joe and Martha Rust returned home on the weekend after a two- week trip to Switzerland visiting. his relatives and sight-seeing. • Better take a pictatte. �1 kxeute Lj dm late iA coot C;.UliN9 flack.. 1997 Taurus GL! '-' r9- f�atluf?t 417 7.14.4 PEI »,-S.w 6l 1,19 41001. • En,m. - 1.9"n ,s. 8 65'., aAuu 1114,1,1(111 6 - 48 •,11;1/,11•.•• lit VI alt tt 4nr,nwmg +1 337 11 lnrrnwwq .3 P. avnt'18 nnnths A. ,S'' wee 4 months -I 74 ill.. • 4 .-.,. .....y�rr 52.206,96 - s78o sa .:'o. is . IIS.J00 ...ugnM n•r4..nw 53.661.12 I. , 3 4 .- - ., 3 .. MULTI -DRIVER SCREWDRIVER •• ' .. . ;�'...� -- •' ;' .-. 14444 ry. ,V' jr• , Sn "an,.n. 1 • wa - it 1. 7 :rit cu .. • Soo.e c..,a.n. bo....q' _,,,..�•• • a • so �% irs r 3 .. ... .,- . r • 44,41. ....re 3.1..42.,- r pivoting • 2"ppcsnwn hanging hook Self folding prul tray Slip pr6of steps 3 11111and feet with fully braced legs. CSA appnved: 88 .. .. «.,. -....t - . ..' ., _. f•,.-' e;eaw w `X n, „ - .,,.r DISTRICT Parkhill • w..nn •.r 4..4. I ♦ SKIL DRILL/DRIVER 570 with Rex Charge Interchangeable Power System Zurich 236-4393 • 7.? Volt Powe, C 0 -OPERATIVE • 5 Position Clutch • 2 Speeds - Exeter 235-2081 • Precision 'Keyless Chuck -874-4435 888 Includes 2 batteries, twin pack battery charger. double ended bit • • drill bit not included 84.49 • -;,A !more • . ..r» 4.4...a...4,k, FORD MASE 9L'EPS OEAO "'E . E A.. :r. P'• - _. 1 `jl1,0 r.." . _ . :. Starting at $20 2O,995 or $259' 24 Month Lease 'ilii ... - Gtt�. C;,MPAgf 1.9"n ,s. 8 65'., aAuu 1114,1,1(111 6 - 48 •,11;1/,11•.•• Amount F'nan[M alt tt 4nr,nwmg +1 337 11 lnrrnwwq .3 P. avnt'18 nnnths A. ,S'' wee 4 months IOUII SAVINGS S'5.J00 SS88?4 .:.:47?2 52.206,96 co.boo s78o sa .:'o. is S2 -964.a0 IIS.J00 • 5961.92 ,.. u _ 53.661.12 See Your Ontario Ford&Mercury Dealers -• 4.1 anpn 14CWG 4e.gn, tstl In.r,w r,.o lor4 .rn now. ,ort ...1'n. .,v. 3.. 1ea.w. ' n. t.,a.lt. MERCURY FATHER'SDAY 1 HWI ' 1:-1_.- +o-• '.- j • i 41/2" KING ANGLE DISC GRINDER FULLER TOOLS ETC. _ Jm • Gmi Dial -a -bit ;crewlln�er p • 100 wood screws • • 1 ! p. RPM ic. DC Motor MULTI -DRIVER SCREWDRIVER •• ' .. . ;�'...� -- •' ;' • 50 wall plugs • Double insulatedreg. 89'" • Reusable Storage bot 8111404x) • Spindle lock • Reverse position handle ry. ,V' • Die Cast .iluminurn Gear Housing 588 w 688• Locking switch KODIAK POWER WASHER 2000 For • • For quick easy cleaning of siding, buck. 72 _,,,..�•• decks. machinery. vehicles plus much more. 1300 PSI peak pump pressure. =9- 10 metre high pressure hose. goo -8588 �~ r„� L --..---...41/4 a • so �% irs r 3 it MILWAUKEE WORK UGHT _ - 't `. • Uses 9 6 & 12 volt batteries _ "' %, • Kyypton bulb & Faceted Parabolic S't Reflector • tip to 3 hours of light per charge 1'4 ` 6 ft. ALUMINUM • 120' head �--a,, STEP LADDER ' '.'"e'i . pivoting • 2"ppcsnwn hanging hook Self folding prul tray Slip pr6of steps 3 11111and feet with fully braced legs. CSA appnved: 88 - . ..' ., _. f•,.-' e;eaw w `X n, reg. 45 " r. 1011511 MILWAUKEE RANDOM ORBIT SANDER 32" • 12,000-orbitsfmin. • S" hook & loop pad with dust collection bog • Contoured tap housing : • 120 volts • 8' rubber cord 7999 HENSALL Ailsa Craig 293-3282 reg. 11000 Forest 786-2312 .01271.3 Ilderton 666-1300 DISTRICT Parkhill iAf.'t (-it c<..1. 1,, •••• vowt , 660 •7r►1An,a.• : :100reg. SKIL DRILL/DRIVER 570 with Rex Charge Interchangeable Power System Zurich 236-4393 • 7.? Volt Powe, C 0 -OPERATIVE • 5 Position Clutch • 2 Speeds - Exeter 235-2081 • Precision 'Keyless Chuck -874-4435 888 Includes 2 batteries, twin pack battery charger. double ended bit • • drill bit not included 84.49 • -;,A !more 2tr 01512126 �, VISA • e ; approval.y . Ir Dc .apply thy. -it