HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-11, Page 13Your Centre of Choice
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. !,i; olid', June'. 11, 199;
Page 13
The Exeter United Church Congressional was "putting for a purpose •
eter Golf Club. About 37 people participated in the fundraiser for the char,.
istry. $333 of the $925 raised will go toward outreach programs.'
at the Ex
▪ .reach Min
No increase in nitrate contamination
of well water in 40 years
GUELPH Rural wells in Onta- Towable limit. in Ontario for drink-
rio are *more contaminated today ing water supplies) -- affected -13.8
than they were 40 years ago. hut per cern of the 484 well -water sam-
• not from nitrogen fertilizer. a •Unt- pies tested by U of G. By 1992, that
vcrslxy of Guelph study has found.-. figure was just 14 per cent. accord -
A ,;omparl on of well contamina- ing to analysis of water from 1,300"
tion in 1955 and 1992 shoyAfth 'in- -tv Jls tested as 'part•of the.Ontario
,:idencc of Est:herichia colt bacteria fain ground -water quality survey.
rose. significantly. hut the presence in contrast the incidence of E.
of nitrate -has basically stayed con-' coli rose from almost 15 percent
Stant of well -water samples in 1955 -to
Thi . is noteworthy because the 24.3 per cent in 1992. Current stud-
erage-Ontario farmer's use of ni- ies.at U. of G.are-examining the
-trogen fertilizer grew- from almost , transportation of bacteria. through
nil in 1955 to today's average of 50 -the-soil soil and the health implications
kilograms per hectare across all ag- of. drinking - E. coli -contaminated
ricultural land. Twenty-five times water.` '
more nitrogen- fertilizer is being The greatest single source of nir
sold in Ontario now compared with trate in the "soil -- about half -- is -
45 years ago. but it has not affected decaying organic • (plant). matter. -
well water composition. says -Mi-. which breaks down or " rnineraliz-
chael Gross Of U of G's Centre for es in the soil. Another major or -
Land and Water. Stewardship. ganic source is animal manure.
in 1955. nitrate contamination .-'- - Over the past 40 years. appreciably'
miire .than 14 milligrams of nitrate - more nitrogen from animal manure
nitrogen per litre of water (the al-. , has gone on to farmland than from
Have a sports tip?
Ca1C the Times -Advocate T215-1331
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application. '
Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resumer:
• J Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages • "
3 The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look •
Start with your name, address and phone number •
3 Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
J Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position.
▪ State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
.i The next section of your resume should come'under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, -followed by the
name of the institution at which.you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
▪ Under the sub -heading "filiations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
associations. •
3 Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will,be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make it as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
l o les >` vL�
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 235-1331
nitrogen fertiliser:
. ""If we 'want less -nitrate contami-
nation in Ontario wells. we need to
learn how to manage organic ' ourc-
es of nitrogen," says Goss. "hut it's
very "difficult to reach synchronicity
between the plants' needs•and the
natural production of nitrate "
Crops have high nitrogen needs
during rapid growing stages in the
spring and summer. But mineraliza-
tion -- caused hy the aictiori of mi-
crohes in the sod-- is not limited to
any partacular'.scason. As a result.
organic- nitrogen .remains in the
soil, and nitrate may end up in
ground water through !caching.
"We have rio way. of controlling
.the soil:microbes that are responsi-
ble .for .organic matter mineraliza-
. tion." says Goss.."But until we find"
ways of managing them. we'llkeep
researching precision farming tech-
` niques to make sae the' nitrogen
we do have control o'er is applied
properly. and where it can do the
most good:
Police targets worst offenders on our roads
TORONTO - fr.ln.pi;rtahttn
\ltnister Al Palladutr intioduced
legislation last Wedne.dathat tar-
gets this province s wort ollend-
• "We're going alter the had guys -
- the people who put others at risk"
sand P;afl ntinl 'These are people
who tuck •1 :hancc and gilt c.aught.
With this legislation. they're going
to pay the price " • .
In 1995. 'Ine-third of all fatalities
ut our r,,ads in%oked ,drinking
tither. And more than two-thirds
of drinking driven were repeat of-
renders. That's -a 15 per .enc in-
crease .Ince I9`13.
With this 'Bill. drinking dri ing
convictions •wrridll star on a driv-
er.s record for .t .nummuni of -10
years. up from live. First time
drinking drivRig offenders would
attend a niandatory education pro -
2r.1111 Rcpr. l attenders would un-
dergo an assessment and then edu=
canon or treatment.
"No time to take an education or`.
treatment program'. Too had -• no
license." said Palladini. 11 would
he up to these people to prove '10 us
that thay've got their problem un-
der control. The tab for these prl"o-
graitis would he picked up hy the
offenders. not the taxpayer."
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