HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-06-11, Page 4Pas' 4 • 1'inr,'- Advoc,it•' lune 1)
Publisher & Editor: Jim Beckett
Business Manager: Don Smith
Production Manager: Deb Lord
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ty5: Heather Mir, Chris Skalkos,
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. Ruthanne Negriin. Anita McDonald. Cassie Dalrymple
The Exeter Times -Advocate is a member of a family of community newspapers
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fobs- brew
Breaking the habit of spraying
C.: hard to believe that a
\�.1,'tt-rice green lawn can cause such
serious syniptilnls as c.anccr.and"Ietike.-
t))la. However. increasing medical -and
scientific research conclude~ that the
ttsie of pesticides on -residential lawns is
,I health hazard -to the homeowner and •
Immunity at lar'!e. -
Research conducted by the United _
Environment .Pr ()tee .\ ten, \y,.
. , includes that 95 per'cenl of the pesti-
esti-yides used On residcntiail lawn`, are
probable c:arcinog.ens. The National
Cancer institute have reportectthat chit:
fern develop leukemia six tittles iuore
Olien v hen pesticides arc iisect around
their hi)n eSi Cases have also I -teen dt)c-
itnlented in the U.S. where. human.
to lawn chemicals have resulted -
?u hearing and Illeill(iry loss. illlilltine
systt'rni di! )rdei•j. skin rashes. nausea.. •
Lath*tic Anti other medical. symptoms.
And )his -doesn't include the effect ill'
pesticides 0,1 food and agrieintural
products.' \k i Idlife; groundwater and the •
ell\ ir't)tllilellt. PCSticideS conli1Aile tore -
lease invisible toxic vapors atter usage
and ;Oahe are .known lU I'etllain, alitl\.e
sifterVears.1)f apl)ill a)tlt)Il.
`•T1iere air e\ er,il alternati\'e meth_
)ds tui cheinical.pest control that
even more e.ffe!ctive than. present em-
ical practises, iioweyer: sltic,e routine
chemical treatments fore highlv1prol'ita-
,hle. thereis currellitly no -incentive for •
pest control e1impanies to stop 2urrcni
p1ILticc." concludes Dr..Wt' ale Sin-
clatr. if specialist in asthmai allergies
and tmmti'nolo x, based in Vero Beach.
Florida. ''Only after the public is made
'aware of the health risks will the indus-
try he motivated to change.- -
:\ movement to `top the, use of pesti-
cides on residential lawns. k taking root
next door to Wellington County. Citi -
tens .of various coniniuiIies in the- Re-
gion of Waterloo are organizing Pesti-
cide :cion Groups to lobby their local
- *overnments to ban the use of chemical
:prays on private lawns.:Bylaws report-
. edly-already exist in Quebec communi-
ties that have banned chemical spraying.
.A recent letter to the News Express also
shows That this issue_ is of concern to res-
idents ofFergus and Elora. How much
action local iioyernnlent.can take to re- -
dIice. chemical sprayin is another ex-
haustive dehaV but encouraging' private
' property :owners to stop using.chemicals
and use organic and natural -lertilizcrs
and pest control methods is' the.hest way
to break the habit of spraying.
Whatever side of the issue you jtand
' on: the medical and scientific evidence
against chemical spraying is insur-
mountable. More and more Yorth
America/1k are participating in the
growth Of backyard wil(11ifc' habitats That
.-,ire..tri aesthetic rival -of any weld-.
manicured lawn. Pcoplc .cap proteyt
themselves.and their familia s_hv usiiliz
organic and r(aturat products tors:their • ' •
lawns and gardelis.:\'Iter'nati"es to Pesti-
cides t ie. naatural.Icttilizcrs /and microbes
•that:kill-pests► eaist'and arc -sager, cheap -
et` ,and often work Netter than chemicals.'
Frnits-El.',• t .Vru , list/,rest
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Yoiir View,
Letters to the editor
Thanks to commun•
It is privilege, to work for such a
. caring community...
Deal I-. tilt.1 . •
pian\ th.rnk:, TO .III .th(, ,int .0 're ly m Elle Fire
Mien'. I -,till t)irtc. Y. .111a •.u1ety ill
;h(ticc nt mull .\as`.1 Ir12.11 alt •.m ,Inti cntuurktaLg-
ilii nt. fhairt ' . lirernen. tor your hard* work
beery LL:oras. thanks to those who helped
loud. It 1'- .t priVil4gc.(11.work tor ;uch :a caring
s( ret
Food Bank Vulutuecrs
�► A View From Queen's Park
qy Era Dowd
1 (.)I(( 1N Lt) =- \, bluing Thom)? the vote
will hr ,t prune target rn the ne\1 ( )niarro circ-
tout tyr h(,tlt the rti!ht and 'left •
Pr(:+gre''rie-( 3I1srr•..ern\e Prelntct dike Har
i'is hats:quickly: urged vote right. tri . '
cenlre to unit, 111 One 11.0t\ ;dict .t second sue:-
cc.si e federal election in which -they lost heay-
Ely heti Ilse they divided, their votes between
Tories and - Reform. •
Tories and Reform statisticalIv would have
W011 17 Inure •e,ts 111 )ntario it' their votes had
been combined. but realistically many mole be-
..fuse they would have ,I\oidcd nate attacks -on•
each other which turned off many voters.
Harris hard said when the federal campaign,
%tailed that it would he in the two parties' inter-
ests to unite and that the federal Liberals would
keep winning indefinitely if the votes against
Mein eontinued•to be divided.
The premier is no• philanthropist and his
prime concern is not for the federal parties, but
for his own 'skin. -
Harris avoided splitting the rignt-wing vote in
the'I993 election he won by dissuading Re-
•'tornrers•froinrunning .agantst hum because he
had far -right policies which appealed to them
aitd promised to stay neutral, and not support -
the Torres in the 1997 federal election.
Harris ideally -would Iike'the federal Tories •
avid Retornt to merge before hi§ next election
due about 1099, hut this is the longest of long
• shots.
. Relurrn leader Preston Manning spent much
• Of the campaign charging' federal Tory leader,
Jean Charest helped separatists and his party
was a walking- corpse; exhumed. warnied.up
and dragged out for the election. • •
Charest called Manning an.intolerant bigot
who took the lowest road ever in Canadiutt poi -
Ines and both said.they had no interest in -
merging. •• - '
Since the election, Charest still insists -a tiler -
ger is out (tf.the question, but Manning' has mel-
lowed to say he will explore options to vote -
The two parties have some differing philoso-
phies. Their leaders are so antagonistic to each
other uniting seems impossible unless one steps
Student Employment.
By Carrie McCone
The , link to employment: a resume
resume is /your .link to em-.
ptoyMent 'This document
lows you to market • vourself-to
'. mpIovers and Is what ,setting
- .a fob is•,aII about.. Your resume
serves a's your personal adver-
tisement. ,tt: helps to sell your
educationi your experience .and
your .kills:' Most:ot the time.
stn employer_ will ask kou for a
csume ',vhen you .bre applying
toric! job.
I can help students tvhii,,tre in
-teed of •assistance in Designing
a resume. You, May contact me
.t -I,11 to arrange ;til sap-
purntinent to create your. re-
. Aline. Foi..the students .vho are•
lust entering the • worktorce. a
•resuihe which focuses • n.:•our
:kills and abilities. rather •.han
getting into great detail .Ibout
past .work experietice would be
your hest choice. unless it will
he beneficial to the job that you
-,ire applying for. If you do not
have any' relevant. work experi-
.ence• you can list personal char-
actenstics that relate 10 the job
that you .tre applying for...
The following is a list of wide
should he included in your. re.'
-sunie and the . order: that they
belong: •
• •111e - NAME. 1/201)RESS
should he':at the beginning of
•.-our resume and they should all
he centred.
•Orf the tar left hand side. it.
should begin with the
FIVE of the • position that . ou
:bre seeking.
•Below obiecnve.' ,1)ouid he
should have Work Dates •han
next' to work 'dates. ,t -huuhi
.\iter each lob placement. u(i-
must also Describe t o(ir tulles
and sour level of re.sponsibriitS,
••\Iter the work section 'rt he
resume, you then ,et. into You
past EDI;c.vrioN-. Phis
A101110. include- .. SCHOOL.
*After education comes
SKILLS. You .should emptia
size anything that makes. you'
'sound responsible-. reliable. a-
pable of working hard. basica)
• Ev-. !;":out,- i.vant to make' Yourself
sound that you are the one that
• they should hire.
•Next will be \WARDS...\nv
awards.. Ike. Jt)In1pUiltty,
leader-shIplacadcmrc• athletic
• Follow mg .awards. sitouIJ'he
\cTiVITIES. these ;Mould be
Torts/ hohhiesigeneral interests.'
• • file tri last; thing that
.houid ippear .Ire REFERENK'i-
tS. l;0r limo;' :•\'er\• restirfle.
tau .nouid .write that -they .will
I)e as'alrl.thie upon request. . '
l..•:rr\:thint, that has tieen,high-
i<_htetl .inli'.v' ieriined is how
t •bomb Appear -:. , :r res(nlle •
aid 1hc', ,houid I n; ,•ar in.
:his direct order:
nc.ltp� that
uu-.ni,uid 10ilow include:
Kcel) ;t 'teat. 'v re •:written aHft
lie Ullallt\ !taper .
Kee;, t short - • rife or t (vii
. it :se .lvnatnic erhs 'o tle-
'cribe Your skills • and expert •
•rnc,c ' ,
. lair others ,:heck 11 for
<petline (r ,rammatical error. .' ;Atli
(;cod luck • with _ tiur resutrt`e .
and If have.any questions or
,onc:erns•.tbout resume .wrtung;
please' do not hesitate to contact
Inc .tt the rbovr number, 'Next
week i tviil bt.� ';liking about
over knee 'tubing. 1'rittl then.
good luck :01 . our soh •earth:
Splitting the vote.
;town and Manning Will not be prepared to go
now he has risen to 4 )facial opposition lead&
and Charest is talking as if he wants to stay.
The two parties will be under pressure. to •
merge trom,rnany Supporters eager tor electoral'
victory acid willing to live with policy differ-
ences, but much progress toward marriage is
unlikely before Harris goes to the polls.
This could mean some Reformers will want
to run against Harris because, while claiming to
he neutral, he allowed many key party mein-
: • hers to work for the federal Tories and did not
do all he could -t� keep his part of the bargain.
• The -odd whisper also is heard around the leg-
islature that the opposition Liberals and New
Democrats should unite in some way because
.vote-splittuig on the left enables Harris to
TheTories have been in government 44 of
the last 54 years and never once, and this in-
cludes when Harris won, had a majority of
votes cast. The last to win a majority of votes
were the Liberals in 1937.
• The Liberals and NDP normally have gone
their own setr,ii;u.. ta\ there was .an ex-
ceptlolt when the.', orrihrned its the legislature
in µ)85 to vote :1 1/ n v _z verninent out of o1 Tice
atter it. was reduced to .i minority by an -elec-
tion: . •
Suggestions the Ltlierals .and New Democrats
work together havc.been made ,ryet the -years' .
when they reit parucuiail\ frustrated and be=•.
cattle an annual cry u1 the later years o)' the-• ,
long Tory .!o\eininent front. I04; t0 1085 when
this was•sccn :ts -heir only -hope of -:cuing rid
of the Tories.
'l'fte opposition parties now feel'specially.mo-
tivated to turf out Harris because of his radical .
cuts in services and at times call v'aguelyTor all
those against the'l'ory premier to rise-tokelher
to defeat-ltim.
But the Liberals are leading in polls surd the
NDP buoyed by federal gains and they have •
never colnbined in ;in election before and each
in the end will more likely •iroue that opponents
to Harris should rally behind itself.