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Times -Advocate, lune 11, 1997.
wrap up
could top
ST MARYS A stubborn fire
at Willodale Nutritional Services
in St. Marys completely de-
stroyed the mill. A report in the
St Marys 'Journal -Argus says
damages are expected to. he
greater than $300.000. •
Although the owners. Bill and •
Kathy .McPhail. cannot rebuild
in the present location because
rhe site is: landlocked. they _want
to remain in the St. Marys .ser-
vice area.
Morris Tract
open to the
GODERiCH - The/Signal! Star
reports the Morro _Tract' has
heen saved from togging tI nks
to fundraisin'g by the Friends of
the Morris Tract. /
The group' raised more than.
$300,40() to purchase the proper-
ty from the County ti/f Huron
which was planning to tog the
prtiperty_aa print of its
—Toaging program.. • •/
- • Dr), +Jane Bowls. a -University
f (;tlelph. , coiogitdtl consultant
told-. the Goderich Sigrai-Sia r
logging and destruction of teee.l
�anop,y would inexorably alter,
ttje diversity and i:haracter of ai't
proymcially'signihcant area.
The forest s on the /eolith
shore of the Maitland River. east.
Of/ Goderic)-t and is. .one. of the
fewlremainind hardwood forest,
in Hurnp Cluny. � g to
Bowles. the tract :contains» "ex-
traordinary" Arctic plant.species
which havearown _here 'since the.
ce age as well as rare/Carolm-
,.r and prairie species and: /Init-
sual hybrids -
The Ministry of 'Natural Re-
sources is expected;to name the
Morris Tract as -its flagship pro-
ject for the Ontario'Parks-Lega-•
2000 programi a four-year
partnership -between Ontario
Parks and the Nature Conservan-
cy of Canada. ,
The. property 'was o rfictally
given to.the public on Thursday
at a ceremony in Benmiller
County plan
needs minor
STRATFORD - According to
•the Mitchell • Advocate. Perth
County Council is sending tt5
proposal for amalgamation hack
to local municipalities for their
approval of ministry recommen-
dations. .
Although the amendments
were considered minor when
looked at alone, council decided
because of the quantity involved
to request local municipalities
approve the amendments.
votes to
BAYFIELD - The Clinton
News -Record reP9rts ' Baytield
Council ananim6usly passed a
motion on May 29' to continue
with the amalgamation study be-
tween the village and five other
neighboring municipalities.
Council would like the Munici-
pal Restructuring Committee to
prepare a restructuring proposal.
with Hensall and Zurich as well
as Stanley. Hay and Tucker -
smith townships.
The New$ -Record says al-
though the councillors gave dif=
ferent reasons for their support,
one general comment was that
the village, along with all the
other municipalities, was run-
ning out of options.
Council approves
sewer connections
,GRAND BEND - Grand Bend Council gave its .apprtwal fir the en-
gineer from Dillon Consultants to proceed with inviting tenders for san-
itary sewer connections at two commereial enterprises. •
Bluewater Motel and Aunt Gussie s restaurant have both requested con-
nection to the village's sanitary sewer system. Engineer David James
suggested with the Bluewater Motel's low elevation. a pressure sewer sys-
tem he installed. A gravity system may he used at the other location.
it is hoped that tenders will he invited and awarded by the end of this
week and the road will he opened and closed before summer traffic he -
comes heavy. . '
• Council members -discussed at length whether or not the v1t lagc w iltl
contribute to the hook-up as it recently did'in the vase of the Patio Motel
A 'contrihutinn of up to $5.O00 was made to this hooki-up because of The
'concern that sewage was entering the river and travell)injt to the beach.
• "I have a problem pilling them for the full charge," said councillor Shir
ley • Andraza said of the new case, adding if -a pump system is/installed the
property owner would have an additionalmaintenaece cost. -. •
- Councillor Bob Mann argued the decision to contribute to the Patio Mo-
tel hook-up was•made based on neett and solding a village problens. He
added it would he equitable to iharge the nropertyowners fir Eewer con-
nection as. was done in the Heaman and $outhcdtt devetopmeilts. Similar-
. ty. the village will offer tinanping for the crst of the hoick up which will
be'charged based en erontagd
in other.husiness. council apprc&ved the• applicatiop for infrAstructure
works project fundi(g. !Main• S reet eri,sii4n, River Road erasion and GUI
Road resurfacing are the three iiroject.4 the village wilt present as projects
-for infrastructure funding. / /. • / /
Cnuncil.gave•yts continuing supportItor Styphen Township'4 application
'to the provincefors se;tvage rant reallogation from'She/ahandnned grand
Bend / project ter Huron Park. -It w as previousy thought Grand Bend
• need to increase its capilcity,,hut /on•ection/ of a problem with ,in
CMtario Clean Waten',Azency maintained 11i & meter t vealed the capacity
was a4equate' in a related ,patter. Grand, Bend will 1sk pat OCW,A alpply
the village'3_ surplus against its dept. When ;he water system is trans -
'erred tr he municipality' n will ask that th? capacity study .cost nt
i.i - rttetti off flue to the OttVy. Clow meter pre len,.
idents pleased with
proposeld gals fume solution
By Kate Monk
• T -.a. Reporter , / ' l
offENSALL - .At its Monday nightf
regular meeting council/discussed a
May 22 leuer"from the \ltinisu-of
Transportation regarding/ .•
the !arch
basin at 30 ..London Road cl.Iigh-
way 11.
The letter stated :he Migtstry of
the quivhronmentt•.r1d/ Energy re-
viewed; the tetrpor/try measures
elhor pipe placed- by Mr. Erh in -
the catch basin 'and; feels it is.id-
equate to prevent easiiijne fumes'
from entering 'the ,storm sewer if
the- pipe 'Is .. pr#etty maintained.
The MTO _+nsiders the elbow pipe
and :'expandaheads" proposed hyf
11.1F,Ross that :associates Limited
as -stopgap" measures which re-
. quire a high degree oS Maintenance
by the owner to be. effective. •
I Acc i ding:'to the MTO- letter. if
the Jas fume- problems return the
MTO will 1 remove the. suhlect
,itch basin to present the problem
'from recurrinogj The 'ultimate solu-
tion • involves the -re-grading of the -
gas stauon..prooperty- wnh the in-
sial lation of _ .t proper System to .
catch runoff.
• ;The MTO's ttistrict office will he
Working with Mr. Erh`to'determine
a permanent suluucr to prevent
gasoline from entering the catch ha -
'There's definitely going :: he.
-, methmg done. That , makes us
very happy.:' said' Julie Ritchie
who lives on King -Street. adding
reidents•,will continue. to attend
.council meet_ ngs until the Issue. is
Municipal restructuring
• . Council passed a ,motion di-;
recung the Municipal Restructuring
Cimpnittee IQ proceed' tu prepare a.
restructuring proposal. The final re.
Structuring proposal is .to he pre=
•rented to -each council for approval
prior to its submission to the
County_ of Huron.
• Tenders awarded
Hensall .Council awarded two
-construction project• tenders Mon-
day night.
Laois Contracting -s tender was
accepted for - reconstruction work
on Richmond: Street South •and
some re -paving on Mill Street and .
Wellin.gtun .Street. Steve Burns of
B.M. Ross and Associates Limited
. reported Levis had the lowest price
and their tender was in order.
Birnam Excavating was awarded
the contract for the Hensall Co-op
Sewer. Their tender was the lowest
price • submitted and was. in order.
Although this will be a village
sewer. the Hensall Co-op will pay,
90 per cern. of the costs because the
sewer crosses and will improve
drainage on the Co-op property. •
Burns said -in his company's
opinion. the project :would be el-
igible fora grant under the Can-
ada -Ontario infrastructure Works
Prugrain which would cover the
villages portion of the costs.
•Council decided to undertake fur-
ther road repairs on Mill Street to
the remainder of the total
tunds available to Hensall through
the infrastructure program. Village
aind B.M. Ross staff will prepare an
application for these funds later this
week.- •
The Humin County Lthrar•. 3e,ard
re(;uMeet poptmema.:r suggestions
ccinct,rnieg he 1 partnership oe-
twcen .nwivapallties anal/the hoard./
Councillor. Jetf-Realuira said he
i/was/ satisfied • wits/ the services.
-However ht: was concerned the O-
nrary rent was set by •lhe hoard
lather than.• the • )/ illage :f Ht ns.dl •
which•owns the building. -He jvould
/ like to -C, gamic negotttion on the
rent.. 6iuncillor. Butch Hoffman
echoltd Re:thorn's conceres • saving
a wasn't a tote .Partnership if the/
hoard sets.the. rent. 1 • ••
/ Insurance_ costs increas4
/ Jeff Coleman a Frank• Coo'an
Company Lirliied ,inti Jon 'Geiser ,
'nt C$iser-Kne33e : Inst'znce pre: -
seined/ the/. Comtirehensive-'11it-
surance Proo`rani or 'the village..
The prcmturn wdl increase by,sev-
Jen percent i S2..3001. - •
• Coleman said the the biggest in-
crease Came in the Errors andOmissions , /Category. - Although
there was nu .i1aim.tn Hensall. loss=
es in other Ontario mumcipaliues
rculted in the increase. Property.-
. insurance
roperty-.Insurance also increased as a result
-ot a number of hreak-in . ,ind thefts
in the county- -
Coleman .also ,addressed the issue
.ot. cost—savings.. by amalozamating-
municipaliues. -He estimated tit
surancil savings of five per .:enc
- through straight aritalgantation
with a maximum saviirg of 15 per
cent:•if buildings; and equipment"
Were reduced' through amalgama-
tion. . . ;
Sewage service rates approved
Council approved an increase in
sewage service rates between July
1. 1997 and January 1. I9''). Res-
idenual rates will he 511 per month
starting July ''1. Small commercial.
commercial and industrial rates will
,also increase.
restructu ri r. •
W Continued from front page
said Cuun. Bruce Machan of Wing -
ham. • "
Two months ago eouncilltin vol-
ed to not discuss restructuring until
council had more informatum shout .
provincial • downloading. There's
little • more information- now. but
happenings in Kent County have
spurred.thcm to action,
A provincial commissioner re-
cently decided that the municipal-
ities in Kent County wouldhecome
one. or that the City of Chatham
and all munictpatities in ' Kent
would become one municipality.
That solution was -not.what any-
one in Kent County wanted, but the
commissioner's decision is final.
That has convinced other mu-
nicipalities to speed up amalgama-
non discussions and to pledge to
not bring in a cummissioner to
solve their problems. •
Sylvan Trust Fund donation
Bill ()Olney, President-of/the Exeter Optimist Club presents a cheque `or.. 1.50G`to' 46sa-
ble-Bayfield Conservation- Foundation Chairr'nan Bill Linfield for the, Sylvan Trust wand cr.
Tuesday morning at .Morrison Dam Conservation- :area. The Foundation established the,
ffund t� provide financial support for 'the Sylvan Conservation Programa Since 1964. !oval •
students have learned about the environment through the residenitial education) program
ooeratld by the 4usabie43ayfield Conservation 4uthority. ,Anyone wishing to donate to th,e
'Sylvan Trust Fund •can contact the Conservation, Foundation at 235 2610. ,
uron OSSTF members fed up
1. 1.. / .
- Ht:R(:)N COUNTY Ylureithan
`Fl) Httron County Secondary
School Teachers. metnhers lot the.
-metro . Set:Oralar.• School `reach-/
•ers' Federation. ''amcipaled in .i .
province wide sanction-:•ote' �m
. \-lav :/..-rjte vote -,.Solt was tallied
- prey :nc:ail.• .soh 4-.2 per, cot. of
,• t )SSTF :tempers -n Ontario uo oting
nt-seppnn of province -Wide -action.
rhe .Nott' •.vas•made acs the provnt-
,:ial Con.iiryative 'government pre-
pares to introduce- legistatiun .t
.early .is nest'.veck that could affect
teachers: rights .to -stoke ,tett; nego-
tiate -
'Eigghty-four per ,:enc t)' OSSTF
metnhers have endoi-sed a province
.vtyle .fiction iii detente :t educa- •
(ion. should a •hecc-incl 'tecessary:•'
..innounced Earl. Manner;. Provnl-
• .gal 4)SS'rF president- an a press
-conference on June 5. "Since the
ruches took office. we have -tried too
talk •.vnh them. We will continue to
:ry to talk `welt them. But the gtov=
,:rnmcnt has its own •educ uioteil
• :igenda. the, government does nut
. clic vote andarses a resolution
passed unanimously at t)SSTF';-
•,utnual meeting in .March.
.::eta OSSiF members: concern for
the chaos that the eovcrnipent is
creating :11 thic:iti on. ,\ -'i eutor poll
.n April ,huwetd ,hat OSSTF menu -
hers' .ire./ ,sone. rneit about "large
.;lass sizes. contracting. out nt !sup-
port and service Jbhs in educhtton.
.cod reductions in preparation same -
all of which .effects. the .nanny of
education for stfidents.
the/ High School teachers in Hu-
ron- County have worked hard for
tile. last five years to :naintarp an
excellent educational system for the
young people Sof the county..-/ le
spite of cuts to -funding, increased
etass sizes.iind reduced programs.
the teachers have been doing 'more
with less stated.OHSTF District u5
President Bill Huzar. -
'nhn Clarke. District Officer .4
District 45 added. .."Since. 1997,
more than 111 teaching positions
have heen I. eliminated to Huron
County Secondary Schools. vet the
student population, has 'remained
virtually 'constant. Provincial cut -
hacks al education -.by the provin-
cial government have .ttreadv+ af-
fected our -students• :n our
classrooms.'Me further 5! pillion
the—provincial government is plan-
ning -iii cut tit ,order to finance the
often puhliclicd 3q per cent, tax cut
will devastate public education in
Huron County."
• Huzar -announced. "There is,noth-
ing left 10. cut and the Secondary
School teachers of Huron' County
atrc•prcparcd to stand up for educa-
tion with - heir 'elloo lien „:unit
tea6hers`,In,:he provinLe."
'Mike' Harris recently, .;aimed
that OSSTF .s ,flit •it,'ouch with Its if
tnembership. flus. - rte proves that..
n:Am '.members .ire .apposed ,to the' ,
`government slash and burn .tgeilda '
.for -education. It is the/premier who r ,
is out •tf uiuch.". eoncludcd Man-
ners. "Nov dila she government
knows where OSSTF members/
.stand. hopefully. they will talk with '-
us hetorc the Annaba/lion •tt the
teacher egtslauon.•'
Clarke ...tooted. " t' hope that this _
gives -,i Jear message to Helen
Johns. John Snohelen. Mike Hams -
and thee. rest ` of . the Conservative -
goverriment. teachers . In Heron
C,ntnty .ire led ilp with the sduca-
non agenda ;ti the provincial r.;iu-
et. Ville have ittic`h ice `nit
:u stain' ip .rod :ieht :or he public
etducauun ,ystetn. <vili'ie It ;till ex-
ists." .
OSSTF..:nundeit at r ii'). las
50.00( members .turns. 1)ntano .
and more :Ilan 250.inemt,ers in Hu-
ron County .its inernbership in-
eludes public secondary ,chuol
teachers. ,iccasiunai :c.icners: in-
tinuing education teachers, .ccretar-
tes. psychologists. social ,vnrkcrs.
speech-language pathologists.
todians. attendance ,:ounsclors and
other educational workers.
River Road artists
Keys. fur the Gallery. Members of the River Road Artists Co-op display the freshly cut keys
that will open the door to- a newArt Gallery located beside Fisherman's Cove in Grand Bend.
Local artists worked together to secure a building where local artists can display their tal-
ent. A Grand Opening is planned for June 26 at 2 p.m. From left, Josy Brittan, Barry Rich-
man, Teresa Jeromkin, Lynda Crossman and Dave Bannister. centre. Missing from photo,
Klass Verboom, Denise Aldrich.