HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-28, Page 7FA Mll.Y VON flag raising The Hensall branch of the ,Victorian Order of Nurses is commemorating the VON's 100th an- niversary' with year-long events. Registered Practical Nurse Jean Bennett and Exeter Mayor Ben Hoogenboom helped raise the VON. Canada flag Thursday morning at Mac Naughton Park in Exeter in an effort to raise awareness about the VON and its services. Many newmactivities planned for the Hensall Spring Fair By Liz Sangster Hensel!! correspondent • Carmel Presbyterian Church cele- brated their 149th anniversary •on Sunday. May 25. Bob Heywood was the guest speaker for this spe- cial service. Debbie Steinman of Kippcn was the• guest soloist with JoyFe- Pepper and: 'Dorothy -Tay'oo providing • the .accompaniment for the - n)inislry of song. Bob Bell brought -greetings from the session. A large crowd enjoyed/ the social hour at the end of"thc service: Next •Sunday Jim Redpath: will he the guest speaker.- As of -June 1 -Carmel Church is a i)ne-point charge. if you are in need of . pastoral service. please call Bob Bell at 263-6349. , Rev. Nicholas. Vandermey is the in - term moderator and can he reached at 527-1299_ On Friday evening, May 23. Hen- sa11 Legion and Ladies Auxiliary held their: installation . of :officers jointly with Blyth Brand► -420 and., their 'Ladies Auxiliaryat Branch •468 in Hensall. 'We werF pleased to have- as guests Zone Commander June Pyettc. her. husband Ed and Deputy Zone . Commander .- Eric Ross. Comrade • Pvette conducted the installation assisted by Pyctte and'Ross. Hensall' Legion's slate of. officers for 1997-98 are President Brian Fink, First Vice President - Dave.Smale. Second Vice President John . vicr�llister, , Secretary - Treasurer Bea Uyl, Executive Jerry . and Jane Glenn. Dayle Waring; Bet- ty Simmons and Lillian Beer.The Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary held their meeting Wednesday. Slay 7 in the Legion Hall. with president iva Reid in the .chair, Plans were nalized for the Annual Auxiliary Penny Sale'. to be held at.l 20 Queen Street from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.with the draw to be made June 3. Nomina- tions and -elections of officers for _1997-98 were held. -The officers are President Iva Reid. First Vice Presi- dent Joan•:Beierling, Second .Vice President Joyce Willett, Sports Offi- cer. Iva Reid. Secretary Donna Smale, Treasurer Lillian Beer. Sgt. - At -Arms Joyce Willert .and Execu- tive Cornmittee Bea ,and Martha Rooseboom. It has been 50 years. April 14. since the formation of the Hensall Legion. To celebrate this milestone, Branch _President -Bryan Fink ac- cepted. on behalf of the Legion; 'congratulatory, messages from Pre- •rnier Michael Harris and MPP Hel- en Johns. The presentation. was made by District Seniors Chairman Fd Pyctte. Ladies Auxiliary President Reid • presented Branch 'Service Officer 'and Poppy Chairman Larry Uyl a certificate of appreciation- and;, a small gift rnr the support he. has given the Auxiliary over the past 27 years. [;'yl also received the Meritof nous Service Medal last fall. Comrades extend sincere sympa- thy to Comrade Donna Smale and her family .on the 'loss of, her'broth- er, - . •At the regular • meeting of the Branch. donations- of S50.00. -each were made to the Flowers of Hope and Kids for -Camp. '' • ,The Hensall and District Horticul- tural Society- will begin planting the /flower beds this week. Extra work- ers are always'weletmie. Drop hy, tale Big Country and Parkette beds. tonight and tomorrow. • Planting 'may also he taking pike at the beds at the corner aif Hwys. ;4 and 84. Please bring your own tools. Dona- tions of perennials are also needed. irises. peonies. i.!rceping phlox and •shasta daisies are especially wel- come. The society is dleased to an- nounce the garden Walk now has a ,full complement of gardens. Some - of the area's best perennial and wa_ - ter gardens will be. -on display. If you would be intercstd in. working to make this event a success. please contact -Liz at 262-2715.. Hensall Fair; There's Jobs of new activities for the 129th Hensall Spnng Fair. The date is June 13-1407 and, the. theme is "The Farm Family". The Kinettes arc organizing the Ambassador Competition. We en- -courage the girls to take advantage of the opportunity. The Ambassa- dor will represent Hensall and the Agricultural Society at • various functions throughout the year and - attent the OAAS Convention:in To- ronto in Feb.'98. meeting approxi- mately 125 entrants from all over Ontario. The Ambassador will com- pete at the CNE -in Toronto in Au- gust +98. The girls attend seminars at the convention which we feel provides them with an edgewhen they enter the job market. This as ari experience of .a lifetime and a -real opportunity -to enhance . their .people skills Becoming the Am- _hassaddr is more than. just Queen of the - Fair and worth pursuing. Contact Barb Caldwell for more • details at 262-2339. Barb is also :the contact for the NEW Prince and Princess competition.ch_ eduled for, Friday evening. -. The popular .mini -tractor pedal puft for kids up to. 100 lbs will he held Friday • at 6:30 p.m. The, it fi- (Aal'-Opening is scheduled for 15 p.m. Friday, followed- by the Junior Talent -Show. Contact Carolyn . at 262-3444 or Deb at 263-5504. Horses shows are -on, Friday and Sat= urday.. The •sheep show .is. Friday. Friddy night will also see a "Pay One Price" on ;he new mjdway.' • . • Saturday. the pet show is return- - ,'n'g at 9;30, pre -register with San- dra at 262-314`1. ` Also -Saturday. Bob -Lawrence is organizing a new road hockey tourney. the parade, iled,hy•the Clinton Legion March- ing Pipe .Band. the Calf Club show and. sale at 1 p.m...and a new goat show. Goat breeders/club members are invited to exhihit Some of " the special events ' planned for Saturday at the hall di- amond include: porcelain pony rac-• • es )aka toilet races), big Hound hale rolling. youth .amateur -tug of -war for .all • ages. mutton husting:for ••' kids up to 6 yrs., and sheep undeco- rating for those 7 yrs. to Grade 8. Artisans of Huron County are in- vited to participate in "Art in the Park".. Arrangements can Ile made With Anne at 236-4558. The Fair -Board has -worked hard - to provide something. for everyone and encourage your participation/ attendance. Volunteers are -invited to assist with the gate and the food booth. There will be a work party Thursday. June 12 at 7 p.m. A vol- unteer appreciation night will be held tentatively Thursday. June 26. Fair Prize Lists are available -in var- ious' business locations: For mote details call Anne at 236-4558. Question: If I choose to have my body cremated, may 1 still have a funeral service? Answer: Yes! In fact, most families choose to have a service to commemorate the life that has 'been lived. Often families decide to have a day or period of visitation and a funeral service and following that service the body is transported to a crematorium. Others have a memorial service after cremation has taken place. HOPPER HOCKEY 1 I •„. 1 R\ 1 11 t' \1 1 81011141 Street,(519) 235-1220 fl �OJStreet Parkin] Bill llaskett Dan Monde Yeet l would like a int copy of "Talking about it - Cremation". • Name • Address Tbwn Postal Code Telephone Times -Advocate, May 28, 1997 Hensall's annual yard sale this Saturday Other events are also scheduled: apenny sale, pony rides, book sale; food booths, etc. By Liz Sangster Hensall correspondent .HENSALL - Nominations for the Volunteer Recognition Awards are to he submitted by lune 2 at 5 p.m. to the Hensall Municipal Office. Nomina- tion forms are available at the Municipal Office. 108 King, and the Hen- sall Arena. Recognition is encouraged for: Humanitarian Volunteer, Civic Service Volunteer. and Sports' Volunteer. • The Village of Hensall will have a special pickup of household waste on June 13. Hensall residents should watch for the flyer. which will outline acceptable and non -acceptable materials. Time, is running out for submissions for .the Annual Hensall Photo Con- test. Submissions of: "Farm -Folk", "Pets", and "Extraordinary Light". will be received at the Hensall Village Office until June 5. Entries will be on display at the Hensall Spring Fair. . • This Saturday is Hensall's Annual Village -wide Yard Sale. There are many special events scheduled, including the Legion Ladies' .Penny Sale. Tinker. Tots Co-op :Nursery School Pony Rides (at the railroad tracks). food booths. library book sale, bake sales and of course a -sale on .ever. street. - - Sports night planned for area youth • Pizza will be served afterward. By Mary Peterson Centralia -correspondent CENTRALiA - With .-the cool, - wet weather we've had again this prong: it's hard to believe that the end of May is quickly approaching. Please take note of, the upcoming activities this week and -in June. :- Centralia •Sunday School Anm- •versary service and potluck lunch- eon will -be held on -June 1 with guest speaker Judy Mills. Worship wall be held at the regular time of 11:30 a.m. Zion West is •invited to participate in this joint worship and luncheon:.. • • •i - ,Centralia.U.C,W. will hold' their ,next meeting'on June 5 at -6 p.m. Women are asked t0 bring a dish to shaft during the main course of the potluck dinner. bessert will be proms. vided. , On-June.7. volunteers arc invited . to assist with .the -Good• Sam' pro- . _ram *Centralia United`Church. The sacrament• of comtnunion will be celebrated at Zion West'and . Centralia United Churches On June 15. • i• • .Zion Wcyt Sutidav School Anni- versary -.and .Chtirch nni-versary-and.Church Picnic will he held June ' • 22. • Rev: • Roger :M .cCombe will he the guest speak- . er. Centralia is invited- to .partici- pate in thio joint worship and pic- nic potluck lunch. - Centralia. Faith Tabernacle - On -May 30. all youth are invited • to the Sports Night at 7 p'.m. at Ex: eter Public School. Everyone 'will enjoy pizza following the sports. A March for Jesus will be 'held.. May '31 at I'30 p.m. Please meet at Exeter Bethel Reformed Church by I p.m. so the March can proceed as scheduled. . A baby shower will be held June 2 -at 7 -p.m at the church for Grace ;Kennedy. • .Euchre results There were 10 tables of euchre players in Crediton recently. High Hand winners were Edith and Gord Eaton. while • Lone Hand winners were Ruby Beaver and Jim Davis. Janey •McDowell and Edith Boyle were Low Hand winners. Capsule Comments with Ernie Miatello 171 A research study involving 27,000 Seventh -day Atd- • ventists was published recently. The study def,ntd the number of years earlier that heart disease wou.d occur in people with the following rick factors: being overweight: 1.9 years; smoking: 3.1 years; high blood pressure: 4.9 years; no regular exercise: 5.7 years; diabetes:. 8.3,year s. Studies like these really reinforce the merits of a low-fat diet, no smok- ing or drinking of alcohol and adequate exercise. Palliative Care: By definition to "palliate' means to relieve -or lessen without cure. The goal of palliative. care is to keep the patient comforta- ble, not to cure the disease they have. It's an extremely important part of health care and we'd like to salute all -those caregivers and health professionals who. are involved in palliative care. If you have a hoarse voice for two weeks or more and you aren't sick, check with your doctor. The problem could be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, or abusing your voice by yelling or scream- ing. But it could be a sign of more serious health problems. Get it checked. Take charge of your own health. Be informed and talk with your doctor and pharmacist about your health and medication concerns. HURON APOTHECARY Lig. Phone 235-1982 440 Mein St., Exeter 'Your Health Care Phamuacy' Page 7 Have a news tip? (.'all theTimes-Advocate 235-1331 'Shall- In" a< et We offer 5 large bedrooms for our bed and breakfast guests. We also offer accommodations for your off-site training and meetings, private pool pat ties; private parties and'small receptions. - To make your arrangement;. please call R.R. 1 Centralia 228-9969 5&baf9lfagie Systems cou'oe Cot cI he (Power This year, your resolution can actually live to see summer! - Lose 2-7 lbs. per week with no pre-packaged 'foods • or powders, - Weight loss results are guaranteed ::_TAKE CONTROL - IF LOSING 45 LBS. BEFORE LABOUR DAY APPEALS TO YOU! Letthe magic work for you! - , For your personal free no obligation consultation, call Lori or Shauna 235-3088 CHILDREN'S "NEW" SHOE CLEARANCE N 1 i Sizes 2-13 Boys and -Girls Sizes 1-3 Girls Only ALL SHOES 1/2 PRICE Running Shoes % Dress Shoes 44. Snowboots Slippers ' - Thurs. May 29 - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri., May 30 - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat., May 31- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. LOCATION: IN THE SECOND CHANCE STORE formerly Frayne's Chev Olds CALL FOR INFO at 1-519-482-5371 The "Spring Season" has been Late Getting Started... THEREFORE, we've kept OUR PLANTS WARM and in PRIME CONDITION for planting! There's still an excellent seleciton of • ANNUALS, PLANTERS, BASKETS and PERENNIALS to choose from. Advantages you get when you buy direct from the grower! • GIANT BLITZ "By The Flat" Special if ull Flats of One Variety/One Colour) ALL ANNUALS $9 99 per Flat Due to.the weather, we're extending Spring Hours for one more "week! Mon. - Fri. 8-8 Saturday 8-5 Sunday 1:30-5 Steckle"s HURH:.. ACRES RID� Greenhouse Plant Growers ...Since 1973 VirstsetOmb— ses3Mtrtwrrs- iso Follow our signs - 1v2 rides west. then 31/2 miles north of Zunch a East oft Hwy. 21 South of Bayfield at Stanley Slderoird 15 then take 1st right. 4. 1� ite ei • ipat • itt r, %Fie .. 65-2122 •' RRI2 ZURICH 4 1 1