HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-14, Page 59Page 32 Tintes-Advocate, May 21, 1997
Six teachers were recognized fol` 10 years of service to the
Church School during last Wednesday night's Appreciation
Dinner held at Exeter United Churdh. Pictured from left are
Dianne Shapton, Karen Zeeifuisen, Christian Development
Chair, and Ann DeVries. Also recognized were Bev Prout,
Irene Schwartzentruber, Lori•Baker and Lois Webster.
Crimes of '
the week
Effective August I. 4yp3• -the Government of Canada passed`a -law
making if a criminal offences for persons to import and/or possess child
'pornography. The new law allows enforcement agencies u►'. prosecutc-
persons who attcrittit to import child pornography material int() Canada.
as- well as•prosccute persons who are in possession of , stkh. Material in
Canada.. The law states that every person who possesses any child por-
nography.-or.Who makes. prints, publi�hcs or possesses )or the purpose
of distribution .or sale. 'any child pornography' -is' guilty of an offense.,
This law covers photographic, film. video or other visual representation'
as well as any written rpaterial that deals with sexual 'activity ivith a per-•
son under the age ofd 8,years, ,
If you have any information abouv anyone fnaking. importing, selling.
diOrihuting or (osscssing any type of. child pornography call Crime
Stoppers. You could receive up to a $1,000. reward if your information
• leads to an arrest. You do not have jo.reveal your, identity or appear ih
uiurt. Crime Stoppers does not use "Call Display or "Call Trace.'
Crime Stoppers can be reached at 332 -TIPS, that is 332-84'17. or
toll free at 1-860-222-8477. , •
Monday. June 2. 1907 wlfl be your only
opportunity to select a representative for
Canada's impending unity crisis. •
Without fail, your representative must negotiate a
solution that will meet the needs of every province and
will return Canada, once and for all, to a strong federation
that respects and has the respect of, all its citizens.
The Reform Party of Canada, with the assistance and
endorsement of members from every. province and
territory, has carefully built a plan and offers it to all
Canadians - regardless of home province, place of birth or
Equality of all provinces and equality of all
citizens forms the foundation of the plan.
Withdrawing the Federal Government from intrusion
into the provincial jurisdictions of language, culture,
employment training, social services, municipal
affairs, sports, recreation{ housing and tourism will
allow all province to express their individual
diversities and keep Canada the unique nation that it
is. Our fathers of confederation envisioned this split of
• powers.
Reform's plan needs one endorsement - yours - on Monday
June 2, 1997. to make tt the roadmap for Canada's great
future. Please assist us, -
YOU BE pair OF
111 1;i,\ 1.1;1 i 1 'I 1 II
• 1 ;..,
United Church collecting funds
GRAND BEND - United Church
Women metThursday afternoon,
May 8, with 25 in attendance.
Guest speaker was Jean Clapper-
ton, the representative to Huron.
Penh Presbytery. Her topic was ste-
• wardship, which she defines as
"Eveiything I do after- 1 say I be-
• lieve."
The roll call was to name a favor-
ite hymn from the red hymn book.
As each person answered, one
verse was sung accompanied by
Irene Kennedy at the piano.
President Evelyn Johnson chaired
• the business. Plans were discussed
for the annual U.C.W. Thankoffer-
' ing service on June 1.
Upcoming events are the West-
minster weekend in London, May
30 to June 1.
It was Christian Family Sunday
at Grand Bend United Church on
May 11. Rev.. R. Putman's sermon
topic was "Our .True Christian
Family." The scriptures were read
-by Lynne Desjardine. In the chil-
dren's time, the minister told them
a 'mother and child' story. The
choir anthem was "King All Glori-
On May 22, at 7:30 p.m. at Grand
Bend, there will he an' open meet-
ing of the pastoral charge to discuss
stewardship. All members and ad
herents are invited to attend to par-
ticipate in the discussion.
The United Church of Canada
has established a Manitoba Flood,
Relief Fund. If you wish to make a
contribution. it can he sent ,to: The
Division of Mission in Canada,
3250 Bloor St. W., Etohicoke,.0»
tario. M8X 2Y4.
Prelude music at Grand Bend
United Church on Pentecost Sun=
day. May 18. was a solo by Joan
Spencer, of Burlington. accompa-
nied by Norman Abbott at piano. In
the children' time, they collected •
sleeping bags and sunscreen for the
Huron County Children's Aid and
brought them to the front.
As part of the anniversary cele-
brations, each individual received a
label to fill in with name, address
and when you first attended Grand
Bend United Church. Thcsc were
then placed on a Time Line.
Grand Bend Golden Agers held
their euchre May 14 at the Legion
hall with 10 tables in play. Winners
were: Ladies high - Irene Dixon.
82; Ladies most Ione hands = Al-
dene Wolfe. 5; Ladies low score -
•Elena Black, 40; Men high - Made-
line Sweitter playing a man's card,
84; Men lone hands - a tic hetween •
Jim Love and Harold Finkbeiner
with four each; Men low score
Doreen Finkhciner'and Shirley Ea-
gleson eac♦1 playing a man's card,
43. The next euchre will he held
May 28 at the Legion at 7:30 p.m.
4 Plants
peg' box
12 boxes
per tray
a.m. - 5 p.m. on May
tat; /
( formerly Frayne Chev-Olds)
Weekdays... 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturdays... 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.I
Sundays... 12 noon - 5 p.m. me '�A