HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-14, Page 41Page 14 Times -Advocate, May 21, 1997
Charity golf tournament
Jim Guenther, far- left. from Huron Motor Products, and Nabisco Brands Ltd. employees..
-Marg Henderson. Mike Sedlak and John Bierling stand beside the Sunfire that will go to the
golfer who shoots a hole -in -one on the number six hole .at a fundraising golf tournament and•
barbecue to be held at the Exeter Golf Club en May 31. The United Food and 'Commercial
Workers Union is sponsoring the event to raise money for Leukemia research.
• your Views
Letters to the editor
Helping the environment
" I would like to thank that'group
of young people for beautifying
Dear Editor.
On .May 14. 1997 at lunch time. 1 saw a,group of
, , young people on Highway 44 picking up and hae•
ging titter that had been thrown or, blown all over ,
town. 1 would like: to thank that group of yaung.pen--
plc fin hertutttying•F.xctcr and cleaning up the envi;
rrinmcnt. It :un,mzcs ones thitt rhe human race. suppos-
edly the most intelligent life form on eared (person-
ally 1 helieve that on .i collective h:tsisahe whale mi.
still doesn't undcrstandithe importance of putdng_lit-:
ter in'its place and avoid polluting our world further. •
With this issue. every little hit of effort helps! -
Thank you young people of Exeter.
Lyn Keyser
uebecers have it good
..politica! leaders should have
,the guts to tell the separatists
what will happen if they abandon
Dear Editor:
It is doubtfyl-if many French-Canadians in Quc
bcc really want to separate. After all. they are doing
-very well as it is. All political parties have pandered
.to Quebec to buy. P.Q. votes, so/whyshould they
kill the golden goose'
.But our political Faders should have the guts to
tell the separatists what will happen if they 'abandon
Canada.,They:will no longer have a Canadian pass-
port. What muncv will they use' Not a Canadian ,
dollar' What ;Mout stamps' .\II Canadian armed
forces limctlities must he moved out of Quebec and
the Force's personnel They can't claim Labrador.:is
their maps show sostnative group; would want t3
remain Canadian they know they can. trust Que
Parts of Quebec r Montreal., hits and pieces here
"and there, also inav'want to separate What .1 dog's
breakfast' •
if they actually want to "go". let them go hut there
is a price they must pay.
Let;s hope it lluesn t happen'
Yours truly.
• " Gihhy" J.M. Gibson
Huron -Bruce PC candidate
profile - Colleen Schenk
gressive Conservative •candidata; Colleen Schenk
has had Tory blue in her hlisOd since she was young.
She's been working. on election cwnpaigns since
;he was a teenager. Her lther. was intolyed with
ainpaigns and .her great uncle ices once speaker of
the house in New Brunswick. .
'The family passion tor•Ttjry'politics continues as
her son Todd is. her, cotrinuinrcations couralinator .
.(rid husband John and daughters Courtney and \ n -
_rnia help as well on she campaign.
The Winghatti wofttan said her
move. to federal politics is a natural
progression 111 her e.treer.
She is currently a trustee fur • the
Huron .County •Board of Education.
and was also ehairman.ot' the Wing -
ham planning hoard. when it existed.
"i'm interested in serving the. peo-
ple on a•hroadcr scale." she said in a
recent interview." •
I'm very invoked in the com-
munity and I share (Conservative
Leader) Jean Charest's passion Iii`
.Schenk has lived in most parts of Canada. hut has
called Wingham home.for almost 20 years.
Schenk has run her own small retail direct sales
business for 12 years and has worked for Statistics .
Canada for six and a half years, particularly in the
area of agricultural surveys. •
Health care. jobs, education and gun control are
the most important issues for the residents of Hu-
ton•Bruce. Schenk says.
"People are disappointed with the Liberals 'be-.
cause they, said they would create jobs and haven't
done it. 1 really like our platform .on that, issue.
We're not creating jobs, we're creating the climate
for jobs." •
The Conservatives have promised to reduce per-
sonal income tax by 10 per cent over a first man-
date and reduce employment insurance premiums,
which the party says will stimulate job growth. '
The Conservatives are also promising to cut the
size of the federal governnment, including pri-
vatizing the Ministry of Pui,:ie Works and the Min-
istry of Indian and Northern Affairs.
(Other c,serrunent departments would he com-
bined.. -
.• Schenk._said health cart: is an important issue that
people are redlinng has heen ,mftcctcd'bv the Liher-
tl ovein mens. which slashed health transfers by
41)•.,per cert.
.The Conservatives have pledged to get the prov-
okes together to .sign a health- care guarantee.
-. henk •.aid the provinces won't yet the new money -
• hau the Conservative's have pledged." Si hilliun.•
.''thou( signing the guarantee.
"We need Wrote of the federal .govern-
ment and the pros inces working togeth-
er," .she said. • . •
The •Conscrvatises can pick up the
pieces of ,federal government failures on
national unity, says- Schenk; because the
Tories are .t changed party.
• 1t watt a hie shock so as three and a
half tears sego" (when the Conser\ative
party -was reduced front the party in
power to two seuts in the House of
Conmmuns. ).
"it caused a hig shafreup .and we lis-
• toned to the people. Evervone has had input into
'our plan. It's been ti,rinulatcd ht people for people.
It's•a I0 -year Plan, .t document for !fie I'utuie "
Schenk is pleased that the'French leaders debate,
cut short by the fainting of the moderator: \sill he.•
continued. .
National unity was the topic when the dchate w• as
cut shop. • .
• She said many people,, from all, areas of the riding, .
watched •the debate. 'in which Chat -est perlurnmed
She also isn't concerned about the lack 'so'. all=
candidates meetings in the riding. Three have beets
.scheduled -- one June 20 at F.E. Madill Secondary
School, one in Holmesville 'and one in -Chepstow.
She's more interested •in talking to people 'on the
street about their concerns.
Time weather has played, havoc with' some can-
didates' mainstreeting. Schenk got wet May .10 and
the color from her blue loafers ran unto her feet. '
"They said 1 must be true blue," she said with a
Huron -Bruce Liberal
candidate - Paul Steckle
cumbent Paul Steckle says Canadians 'should be
more optimistic about the future. .
"As Canadians we need to refleet an more of the
positivies," he said during a recent visit to the.Ad-
The one -term MP said the economic state of -Can-
. ada,.
f Can-
ada,. which is the envy of the world.. should give
Canadians optimism - - . • •
• He also pledged sbpport•for the ability of the Lib-
erahgovernment•to deal. with economic issues.
"Governments can only create the •
environment for job creation."
Steckledid admit his Liberal gov-
ernment has failed in its hid-- to re
• duce, the unemployment rate.
"We haven't done as well as we'd
like to," he said.
"But if you. look, our exports are
up 40 per cent over the last four
years. ' Our agriculture exports are.
up fantastically." - .
The Liberals ,et a goal of $24 bit-
lion in agriculture exports by 2,000. • '
Speckle ,aid this- year exports are expected ui top
311) hellion.
He :iud the business comniunity. wants she Liber-
als to stay the .course af. deficit=reduction until the
budget is balanced and heforc tax cuts. sir S1ther -
,:pending.changes arc implemented..' • .
Steckle has heen a %,k. -al !:rifle of his gotcrn-
inent's ih.andling of some. situations. ins"ludin3 •sort
,antral. hen -he ,,.vs he -has ifarced out a niihe'for
utn,elf in Ottawa.
Steckle: himself an avid hunter. rated -against the '
i_iberal'- gun control hill. -
:ss punishment for voting agttinst the gun• control
hill. Steckle -.vas taken 41. t the agrtoulnire sxn-
mittce and pl,r.: J ‘Itatta the .library c.oinni ttee for•.,' t
• hiwr_. fie not rs a rnenher �,t the,, t ,heri.> con-
nrinee. - ' -
,�,He points to the ?ewer punishment of Ontario
Conservative SIPPs-who spoke. out against their
party as- common examples, of ilarric "punishing •
Their own memhers., The Reforrn party has also"-
:.rckcd sittt.meruhers who have spoken out •aeaimt
He said many other government members have
telt able to vote against government hills since he
and others voted against the gun.control legislation.
But Steckle insists' he would never vote against
his government in matters of non -confidence, usu-
ally money bills such as budgets. •
"1 have been very supportive of budgets and tax
measures of the past four years."
He -said people in the riding recognize him for his
stand. •
"IPthere is a'singte issue people talk to-
me about, it is the fire arms issue and it -
goes hack to me taking a position. Peo-
ple are taking to my style. Constituent
,representation has- not htms as tnpch.arten-
'lion in the past. People probably just as-
sumedit was there."
Steckle said his rime in .Ottawa .has
shown firm the difference between urban
and rural areas of the country.
':The culture is Different, the %aloes ,ire
different,= he :aid. "ft'; not that we don; t
share. the same. gids: it's just that we
know what it is to share wiith ourimeighhors."
The Liberal gosernntent;'has heen criticized for
calling art election earlier titan usual.
iew is th:tr,;.te ;horrid have gone an -the fall."
,aid Sme talc. \nd I u,t* that to the prime minister
anti the :tueur,. Hut 'nee he media sen ;ed there '
' would he an election. the media pus:ted it The ixtd-
,rn'uf the „pp„.unit parties aer;n- .n rhe h.ni>c
anymore: ihct t\erc ori c,tinp a nin_.
Stgkle oho .,ud an- election .tug ,I c ttticr-
fere(' t4mmh :an intrnaul,ital ants:, : __ i,ctn_ ,
haired _hn minister rn the :,til
tion, .al,u Ica e .e” (tine for member,
moot ft: ft(, l•t ( .,tltilt.in,.
• Steck!: :. 'i orYrrcr, f
Count \ '..arden. Ile is: married
siren ,end wits intuited to the acti:uitur: 'Indu,tit
for '(J vear< .foal h‘ es near /.uric!).
Life-giving donation
The Ausable River Nomads of Exeter sponsored a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic neld at
South Huron District High School on May 12. The Nomads. a carnpmg club. have ween soon-
soring the clinic every spring and fall for 15 years. Katherine Zan, Red Cross Clinic. assist-
ant comforts Myra Lovell from Exeter..who is a regular donor:
Notice is Hereby Given
to al persons in possession of lands within in the Munrcipalittes of the County of Huron as follows:
Township t;,lerk
Ashfield L. Andrew
Colborne J. Kay
Godench L. Cranston
Grey 8. Knight
Hay J: Zimmerman
Howick M.E. Grab
Hullett B. Shaddick
McKillop M. McClure
Morris N. Michie
Stanley - A. Willer!
Stephen L. Brown
Tuckersmith J. McLachlan
Tumberry D. Kelly
Usborne S. Strang
E. Wawanosh W. Thompson
W. Wawanosh L. Nolan
M. Jefferson
L. McCabe
J. Crocker
B. Adams
G.R. Knox
J. Stewart
D. White
L. Pharr
S. Baker
In accordance with the Weed Control Act. Statutes of Ontario, 1990, Chapter W5,
Sections 3, 16 and 23, that' unless noxious weeds growing on lands are destroyed
by the property owner by June 9,1997, and throughout the season, the Municipality
may enter upon the said lands and have weedsdestroyed, charging the costs against
the land in taxes, as set o• tt by the Weed Control Act.
The Co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited.
Weed Inspector, County of Huron