HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-14, Page 30IN THE NEWS
Times -Advocate, May 21, 1997
Page 3
Fire works • display
The Stephen Township Fire De-
partment couldn't have Umed
the fireworks display any better
on Sunday night. The im-
pressive light show held in Cre-
diton finished just as it started
to rain. Firefighters exploded ap-
proximately $4,000 of fireworks
and the proceeds from this
year's show go toward funding
the next Victoria Day fireworks
display. From left, Amber Lord,
Erin Bowers, Lisa Johnson and
Jenna Wareing react to the . fire
in the sky.
Council cuts funds for program
rr Continued from front page
',i iiia' and the filial tooth.) ('uts
. this' year will reduce the hoard's
budget to $45,(MX) and the` cxiia
$2.55u will nu longe; .hc• availahte
for the 1998 Willie'. season. How-
cvci. Brown -said the Arena Board
. still has the option of otiering the
tie time to the schools._
"It's up to the Aicna
Board to manage the
operation and they can
still .choQM. to .,t lc:
the 1.C,.le. s thou tic
cision,". said BritNq
adding n d,. Cpl 1 d the
grant in response. t„
"holt tightenuig
throughout all do
• Jack Glavin; Arena
Board Chairperson.
said he would like to
keep the school skat
ing program going.
hut it will be difficult
without the earmarked ftinds.
"They're (council) saying its up
to us as a hoard if we want td gi%c
t the schoolsfillttcc time. but we won't
get the money tit sup/hi/1 the pro
gram," said Glasin, adding if it did
offer the program the Arena Board
would have to absorb a penses
such -as staff hums and hydro.
Glavin said council put the Arena -
Board in a tough position because
iMost of the 'money in rescrres was
used to replace the deteriorating
"chiller. a vital component in the
arena's cooling system..
"They put us on the spot by drop-
. ping the money from
the_ budget- and leaving .
it up to us to decide
what to do_ We wani to
uffos (the program) hut
howit an ire..if a dory t:
have imi iey-P' •
Brown Said council
didn't dictate how the
board allocated the.
52.5.50 and' the money
was used to pay for reg-
ularice rental rates.
port the pro-• ‘,..By doing so we were
grant '+ 'subsidizing the arena
not. just the school (skat-
ing program,. The.arena.
can provide that -ice in the noddle
of the day at a very marginal cost,"
said Brown.
Rob Snell. principal for Stephen
Central School. said the free :kat- 1
ing at the arena was included in the
1I.s up to us as a
..board if we.want
to give (the
schools) ice
. time, but we
won't get the
money to sup -
school's physical education pro-
gram, and all students were encour-
aged to. take -part. He said he was
.not aware of the decision facing the
Arena Board hut remains optimistic
the skating program will continue
next winter.
"We certainly appreciate the. fact
the ice time was .available to us
through the goodness of Township
Council.. but if the • money isn't
available through town coffers then
We'll try to tout another way to -
fund it, id Stiehl"'
Co it t rfta1r _i
an n tion tit *they .t ee•alrca y un.,.
raising for the arena expansion pro-
ject -
"The hoard will have to figure
nut where the money will come
from and we hope -we can work out
something with the schools." he
said. •
As of • Friday. Glavin � said. the
Arena Board has ntit• rrr8d�' a final";
decision but he feels .there will he
something -available to the schools
"This program is important to the
community -especially for the -kids'
who don't play hockey. For some
if these kids it's the only time -
hey 'rc on the ice ".
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OPP contract policing
subject to new formula
by Marion Duke
Listowel Burner
STRATFORD—It is likely municipalities being
policed under Ontario Provincial Police contracts will
face increased costs, effective Jan. 1. 1998.
Speaking lo the annual .conferen-ce of the
Organization of Small Urban Municipalities, Staff
Sergeant Michael Read, of the Contract Policing
Section of the OPP, made a number of announcements.
He prefaced his remarks with the proviso the Police
• Services Amendment Act has yet to pass the legislative
process. However, he said while there may be some
modifications to the final legislation, no significant
't'changes are anticipated. The Act (Bill 105) is expected
tato take effect Jan. I. 1998.
Following his remarks, and answering a number of
I questions, he was approached by a number of delegates
with specific questions.
• 'Staff Sgt. Read left little doubt in the minds of
;'municipal delegates the cost of OPP contract policing is
likely to increase. The reason is that up until now costs
were based on a 1982 costing formula.
Now the Management Board 'of Cabinet has
approved a revised OPP costing formula which will be
used for alt costings. and preparation of -actual policing
costs beginning Jan. I. 1998.
Since amendment to the Police Services Act stipulate.
alt municipalities will have to pay for policing, details
of -the new formula have been eagerly sought.' At
present approximately 576 municipalities. representing
about 15 per cern of the total population of Ontario,
receive OPP service at no direct cost.
Staff Sgt. Read said in November 1995, the soltcitor
general announced a major review of the structure and
financing of • policing in Ontario, and placed a
moratorium on costing requests. •
He advised municipal delegates they will soon
receive an estimate of their OPP policing costs. based.
on 1996 workload date. However: he stressed _these
estimates "arc just that — estimates." in October
municipalities wilt receive a better estimate, based on
workload data collected from Jan. 1. 1997.
'These estimates should -assist you in assessing y• our
policing expenditures." he said. -
• Included in thenew-formula will be estimates for:
• Direct costs (salaries, wages, and benefits of
uniform and civilian staff);.
- • Equipment costs (vehicles, uniforms, supplies,
communication. dispatch); • •
• Support •Services (communications operators..
prisoner guards);
• Indirect -costs • in supJtitt of the municipal OPP
services; such as regional -and general headquarters
(preciously not included in costings)
- 'Not -104.141(W.----- -- - - -- -
Staff Sgt. Read advised delegates it is unlikely any
municipal police service will be charged for services
provided by specialists, or special , teams of the
Ontario Provincial Police called in to provide
He said the feeling now is the practice of providing
such service without charge to municipalities will
• remain - even though revisions to Section 19 of the
Act now provide that the OPP may. with the approval
of the solicitor general. charge a municipality for any
service it provides under the Act.
Other services not included in estimates for OPP
contract policing -will include:
• Traffic patrol on King's highways;
• Waterways policing, unless the -municipality is
designated; -
• Investigative' services maintained • .
municipal police forces; .
- • Provincial emergency/disaster
• Policing in provincial parks or Crown land within
a -municipality. '
Staff Sgt. Read said police services have always •
. had. the responsibility of providing . "adequate and
effective police services in accordance with the needs
of the municipality." -
However, there has never been a' defint'aon of
"adequate and effective." he said. "That is up_until .•
now. . the amended Act will define:adequate and.'
effective.' " '
"The Act provides that at a minimum. all, -of the
following core police services must he provided by a
police force: crime prevention. law enforcement.
assistance- to_ victims of crime. .public order
maintenance, and emergency response." • .
"A municipality will. also he responsible for
providing all.the infrastructure and administration •
necessary; including vehicles. boats. equipment. • •
•communication.deviees, building and supplies." Staff
Sgt. Read said. • - •
Police boards - `
The -.Police Services Amendment Act alters- • the
composition of police services boards. Staff Sgt. Read. -
"A hoard shall consist of an equal number /of
municipal and provincial appointees. and one member'
who is "neither a municipal council member or
municipalemptoyee, and who shall be app?inted by
the council." -
Presently on a five -member board. the provinr.e has
three appointees: and the muni.:ipality two (including
the mayor as an ex officio member).
Staff Sgt. Read also noted the amended Act now
gives municipal councils tete responsibility of
deciding whether to request an-OPP costing ft,rrpolico
servicing of the municipality. Previously this i the
-9nendetenfthe-Police ServicesBoard`
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