HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-14, Page 25200 Main St. Lucan Ont. NOM 210 519) 227-4434 • Fax (519) 227-4420 1'afie 22 Tiate Aiiimite, May 14, 1')(1 20 Property for Rent [ 20 Property for Rent \1 11 k • two IKtlnkio ,Ip,utnl.•tu in a 114;s I_u,•: twin deck for sitting tin.IJ: m ih, \\u III wratIhI 1)bl) INC. hlotk. (runt I„\\ mown I ndge and .h,\: Included I .uul,11 1i k up. Available July 1. 1997 .k ".trod . la W. 34.5-421{6.(191111) I \I II R I IvJuiin yr. m 4 flex. : nu.utce. A\.ulble Jul) I. No pets. luau simiker keleaoces 215- 1114. I ,s1 11.R • 1114 \ndr, w tit One bedroom 4111 11-17511 m,111111). in.ludr. stove. tndvr. haat. Iwknlg. hydro extra. ('all 1'1 :11 1 1 119ilui i G.K. Realty 284 Main St_ Exeter 519-235-2420 NEW LISTING :-' I,5- Ir„(,m l:rick liungaiow. loo lo. ,it un. good condition. deck at reap. tricked in sunporch. CaII: Murray Keys Sales Rep. 235-2898 or Pager 1-519- . 4302-101 and leave your number. 01.1.150114515 111-4.9.50-11.:114.50 G.K. Realtyil L • and Insuranrr Inc - ei 284 Main St. Exeter Ontario • 4 Li L (519) 235-2420 PRICE REDUCED L 4 4 L L 4 L 4 5209.900 - Forrni-• r renchrnan $ Inn • I$ : • Main SI'Exeter Exce lent condition Lot 158' x 185. O:v ,c5- ;,nartment H E. gas tL beat Central :, . l site Equipment -and 1; cha"els inc1,0e J Gill Dwayne Turney el EXETER -.'3 bedroom bri k family home IL schools and Central air.��`,' 00. Call Ov.a le is _ 4 on 82 x 165 tr .11/2 ref." cen•r( -Now. ask • 4 T .nney i) EXETER r •:m t:r'ck. near schools 1= „.14 and ' . ;• - gas heat Maio iv ' L IPV€ I$tlr.(•', . 'iiIy room with 1'4' . tL'irer- ire f,. 2J ...,g room Cali 4 • 4.Owri, ,. Tmhey - - . - tt: • EXETER 1 67 acre .ndustrlal property L 4 so 13 18‘, sq fl gas healed building Air L L. Lond•'ix.ed.olbces. Good condition. - L 4'. Sales Representative • . e; Dwayne Tinney 235-3889 14 L L v Sales el Representative ri �► Dwayne Tinney IE 235-3889 4. e 14 f` Sales • L, ei i.,... ,5-:p"' Representative III . Bill Gilfillan - • 235-0116 L150.10ISL'ta4L'LL'LL'LLLLL`'LLL'LLL'Lt (ej i \ 11.1 14 One la drtarn .iiii\ gr•und it • l\ai I,il k immediate' 1(75,O twathl) plus utilities. Phone 215 12K(.alter 11,i1u l •• IiXI.I; 1' 2bedroom home. Large kitchen and h\utgrkin. 1'nfinished haven t. laundry main (loot S600 /month p tis utiliies.l lu.r1••it III % n. 1\.ulahle lupe R: tereiices .0 lilac: 01 employment. 215-1647 118u11. IB' \ N1.1 \I.1 IM dilate 1-btdroo - lath 262 21)1t, (19dn) ` 11 R\IsIII I) ROOM WITH., PRIVATE 1.IVI\l. it( gm in new, addition of riuntry schoolhouse. 10 minutes from Reiter,, 30 train sivalotd S180./illouilh.. Non-smoker 511) Ws 27l01.t19:21`) \A\',All ,\RI.I•. NOW - One ttdrom ,gtiuuu: n; & two.lednign townhouse in a lanul) ouenteJ. quirt amtmunity setting. Grp.) the freedom ..I no landlord and the den'ei iii eurur(r1 aril security of a co ohetative. RE \ 11 HAVE 11'51 BEEN 141:1)1 ('t1)! First and 24th munhtsrent-free to "lull rent:' aPllicants. ('a11 Wayne at 215 11142 al lix.mdarea Meadows ('o -op in ['AOC( I.5- nasi, information. We also have Ihare bedo.an townhouses available. ('all to get un Aril waiting list lir these. Conte to sir Olken I I• ruse on May, 24 and, 25 from 2-4 p. .\'o subsidy available - (19:)lc) /1'RB'11 Spacious 2 bedroom apt. with Luigi maintained yard. Private parking, IA 4.11;1. dryer hook up. ,1 illfics Include'. S4s5 /month: 23.6-4773. (t)tfn) 1 -XI -11-R 411 Main St. 1. store 6(x) sq. ft. 215• •1285 (l9t1n) . , I \I 11 k 195 M,un St. rear bachelor altiumment 211, 2742 alter 6 puna. (19tfnr \iAI'I:I'. ARA1s .APARTMENT . I.arge huuuc 2 lii2 beit I rt i. 2 blocks from shopping Ideal tar s, nuns. Available June 1. 211. 29(-I 1 141.1)R(x)\t GROI'ND ' 1'L(K)R AI'AR 1111:\'1' I nt:gc and stove supplied.- v,lilahle July 1 or soarer. 5120.00Inionth. . all 235- i354. f PAN) /.1'141l'1I AVIS. - 1-3 bedroom ales.. available. (lean. spacious. gromd level. reasnnatde rates. ('all Donna at. 236-7439. (20.21c) .4 BEIM 14)\1 BRICK 1101:5) - High 'efficiency gas. -Nice yard. Available lune 1st. Phone 23:S.n2')1(lir 215.4096; (2Otfn) A'I ' 171E REA(3f Port Franks. One Ix•dnkrn apts.: patio ,chkr to Targe hack yard' •5345. per month plµo utilities. 21; 05'7 1211,-, - if SHANTZ REALTY ire GRANTON - $109,900 Quiet. rural town. 1 1/2 storeys. 2 baths, main floor laundry. recent kitchen, double lot, workshop. LUCAN - $65,000 Handyman fix -up on Targe lot. 2 .bedrooms, quiet street. ' LUCAN - 8124,900 Great one floor 3+1 bedrooms. 2 baths. central air, gas furnace acid fireplace; mudroom. paved drive. deck. Al - condition. CHARACTER HOME In • Luc -in. $119.900. • 3 bedrooms.. Tots of wood. floors. nice yard. Home totally renovated. LUCAN - 119 900 Lovely 1 1/2 storey home on Oak St, 3 bedrooms, attractively sided in gleaming white w/wedgewood blue trim. garage, deck. • Dirk Coolman • Ron Cottrell • Bob Heywood 109 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-3948 24 Hour Service Neat Ontario cottage with .Ig. eat -in kitchen. I. Hi -efficiency 'gas heat, central air. Close to downtown With Ig. lot. Move•in'condition. • - lM/_:... Loaded with features, great location. Exeter. Targe lot.. walk downtown. finished basement. fireplace. central air, mucti'more. NOW only S159,900. Looking for offers' - That's 'Right . this•quaint 2 beroom features recent flooring newer tilt -out windows, .full basement; main -floor laundry Separate dining room and large lot. one block from downtown. Call soon S117.900 - 11 you need 4 bedrooms. lots of room to roam and 11 you like a finished rec room and nice quiet area - then this attractive Dashwood red brick 1.1/2 storey is for you. Call for full particulars. •• - Stunning 3 bedroom split with oak trim, sunken family room. high efficient gas heat, central air, fireplace and much much more. This home is ready for immediate occupancy. INCOME PROPERTY • $119.900 - This downtown property brings in over $25,000 yr. Good building, expellent returns. LOTS FROM S37,900 - completely serviced MOBILE HOME • 2 bedroom, shed, addition. Reduced to $27,500 TERRIFIC BEACH with access for summer long enjoyment can be yours with the purchase of this cedar -log sided 3 bedroom winterized cottage near St. Joseph. Investment value at $79,900. EXETER - Your chance to own your own home. Three bedroom townhouse, very spacious, excellent location, close to schools and shopping. Owner may assist with financing. $79,000. EXETER - Great retirement home located in Riverview Estates. Very spacious two bedroom double wide. Huge master bedroom with walk-in closet and ensuite. Priced at $59,900. WE HAVE DOZENS OF LISTINGS RANGING FROM THE MID TWENTIES AND UP. Whatever your real estate needs, give us a call. No better time than now with a hot market, reasonable prices and low. low interest rates 20 Property for Rent ('OLINTRY HOME • Exeter area. 4 bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. References and place of employment. Phone 235-1857.. (20.2I•)__ 4 lil•:I)ROOM FARM 11O1'SE in excellent condition a miles east of Kippen. large lawn. attached garage. References required. Phone 511)- 261 x988. (20.::Ic1 EXETER - 411 .Main Nt.. I tk•dniom apartment 'Phone 2364.85. (20ttnc) • 21 For Rent ' MOTOR HOME: FOR 'RENT - (' Class 27' includes' 'IV, microwave. furnace. air. awning, bath, fridge. sleeps 6; kens daily, weekly or monthly. 236-7169. (19tfn ) WA\TI:n PERSONS To SJ IARE ' 11(11'Sts. in l'reditoil. Heat, hydro, washer, 'dryer included. 5250: per month. 234.6060. (l9.20c ) 22ForSaleorRent AVAILABI.I'. IMMEDG\lIiI.Y - 3 bedroom u,n mobile hone ill a country park - large addition mature adults. no lets and preferably non-smokers. References and place of employment: Phone 237-3260 evenings or leave message (01lfn ) 23 Wanted to Rent MO11111. RV WANTED T(1 RE\'1 - Ain looking for a vehicle to travel to lialilax with my family. Approx. dates: July 27 - Aug. 9. Responsible driver. ('all 291-2997. (17-24x) 25Notice PIiO'I'(1.1. PROM • YOi'k PAST - The Exeter 1 imes • Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received from your special occasion. Please pick up your photo. Blyth Festival • wants stories BLYTH - Remember living in a dry -town in a "dry' county? That would he say..:40 years ago. right? ► Okay so - how dry was "dry"? How far was your lavorile oasis. or,- if you were.a teetotaler (as for sure you were). how lar was your neigh- ► hor's favorite oasis'' Horticultural Society learns about clematis KIRKTON - The Kirkton Horti- cultural Society held their meeting on Tuesday. May 6 at the Kirkuin Woodham Community Centre.. First vice .president• Lynda Hod- gins, welcomed everyone. She thanked Gertrude Willis for deco- rating the entry to the hall. Ger- trude Willis introduced the speaker. Janet Anderson.from Strathroy. She .is a graduate from -Guelph and op- erates a wholesale business from her home. Anderson showed' excel- lent slides of different varieties of clematis. She .explained that clema- tis may be grown on a trellis. on an evergreen shrub as a ground cover or in a container. •There arc three kinds that bloom in early spring, or bloom in late May or bloom in mid suinnier. Elaine Stephen thanked Janet: Linda Dick judged the spring show. She was introduced by Jo- Anne Meta. 1. 3'tulips 1st Gretchen Haiclwood: 2.1 daffodils or narcis- si 1st Gladys Buswell, 2nd 'Elaine Stephen:- 3. any other bulb 1.1 Elaine Stephen: 2nd .1-ynda Hod- gins; 4. spring (lowers in container Ist Jean Ratcliffe. 2nd Lynda Hod- gins; 5. six- plants grown from sect 1st Gertrude Willis; 6. any plant grown from !calor cutting 1st Jo- Anne Meta. 2nd Gladys Buswell: 7. Spring Bonnet 1 si Jo -Anne Meta: 8. birds of a Feather. 1st Elaine Ste- phen. 2nd Jean Ratclillc: 1). Hlanc- niadc bird house 1st Jo -Anne Meta. The meeting concluded with a plant and hake sale including clematis: a sale of adds and ends and refresh- ments. The Blyth Festival urgently needs your anecdotes. rcctillcetions. and most of all: photos of your Bol1A, Days in a Dry County - or you 'neighbor's! Your memories and memorabilia could heconle part of the Festival's second show of thtl ► season Opening June 26. - . • I1 you can help. call the Festival at (519) 523-4345: fax 523-9804: write to Box 10:.Blyth NOM 1110. or • send. an e-mail to hlyth.festivtd(n'odysscv.on.ca. Your anonymity is guaranteed •if so re- ► quested.. • Countrywide® HEARTLAND REALTY INC. 441 Main St. Exeter 5„235-3330 V Serving Boron from 1 he 1 hear! • WANTED - SMALL ACREAGE WITH HOUSE & OUTBUILDINGS IN THE EXETER AREA. I have potential buyers 235-3330 ask for Dave 24 HOUR REALTY INFO... FREE Immediately • Anywhere • Voice or Fax Dial • 1-800-463-7363 & Enter Ext. Number for hnmed+ate Details DAVE YOUMANS Res. 235-3026 OPEN HOUSE • OPEN HOUSE • OPEN HOUSE 107 DEVON DR. SATURDAY, MAY 17 2:00 until 4:00 5127,900. 9 year old brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms (one is master .ensuite.) rec room. bar, carport. cement drive. central au, nice lot. Closing June 1st See you there. EXCELLENT ZURICH shop and garage - PROPERTY. n.•ah d. 3.21 -ACRE HOBBY FARM 5159,000 nothing 10 do but lust move into this 3 bedroom completely renovated house lust nunGtes front Pieter 36'x32' barn. fenced Paddock areanewer drilled well. -septic .sst"m' 1 year old. even a great tree house t r !to. it HWY. •4 tAulh of Clinton. Live in v.nr► in FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE plus a commercial building lot $115 000. $79 900 WANTED - Farms - We have potential buyers • quick closing or close in late fall FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, Thames Road CA L. L-23 r�-3330 •BLUEWATER REALTY INC. Office 235-3 7 7 7 396 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. Res. 235-1304 ► Sunday May 18 2-4 .m. • Bayview Subdivision • d NORTH OF GRAND BEND • LAKEFRONT spectacular view from this -3 bedroom furnished cottage with attached garage and bunkhouse. Golfing a short walk away. 5125,900. RF/MAIC LANDMARK REALTY INC 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London, Ont. N6A 1S2 JUST LISTED CREDITON - 1 3/4 storey, well maintained on 3 1/2 acres, barn. shop. House is spotless. gas , air.- cable, water. Price 5109,000. NEW LISTINGS LUCAN • Gibson Cres. New raised ranch to be : built • - 5135,900. - 30 more lots to choose from - will build 10 Suit. • CREDITON - large cement block shop.- gas heat, suitable for many purposes. Low 50s. CENTRALIA - Victoria -St., large 3 bedroom, 2 storey yellow brick with new. addition, plus Targe fenced lot. Low 90s. - FOR SALE ZURICH - Two storey country style home with garage. Private yard with trees and perennial gardens. Don't miss the chance to own this affordable home. Low 70s. CREDITON - • 2 Targe lots, with gas. water, cable. 129' x 250'. LUCAN - one floor ranch with. garage. spotless. 5119.000. CENTRALIA - Large shop: or storage with overhead doors, washroom, heat, fenced yard. Low 50s. . CREDITON -,large building on lot, suitable for all trades plus office. CREDITON - lot with fenced compound. Member of Re/Max 100% Club Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 439-1400 anytime or 234-6281 Residence ► . ► . 5 r e • BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS 3 4x', •r• bungalow , with Mature Iandi -ai : woodstove, dishwasher and k,,ds 1 storage. 599,900. . • OWNER WANTS OFFER 3 bedrooms, - 2 ► baths, lower level family room and office Nice fenced lot and double garage 4 5132,900 ' • ► ► ► ► e e d • e • NEAT AS A PIN 2.1 bedroom home. 2 baths. garage. central air, gas heal. 7 appliances and lower level finished. 5135.500 MOM • Irl 1 - ZURICH - GINGERBREAD TRIM Central ► air. central vac. lower level family room. 5 e piece jacurzr type bath, 3 bedrooms and attached •arare.5t49,900.- OFFERS CONSIDERED. 3 + 2 bedroom home with a large fenced yard. Whirlpool' tub pine Cabinets, - island, main floor laundry are lust a few of the s•ecial features. '. 147 000. • • 5 ACRE HOBBY FARM. Five I vis rat main floor laundry a• 1 !dimly :• odstove. fenced pasture and es bar-,. 5154.900. YOU WILL LOVE •1 5 MINUTES TO TOWN 3 bedroom) home on 1 1/2 acres shaded by mature trees, separate workshop' and potential galore 599.900. OR YOUR FAMILY 4 bedroom brick home re good location. 2 baths, nalu4al woodwork, many updates and wap around verandah 5129.900. N•M 040 ri 1 OWNER OCCUPIED COMMERCIAL BUILDING also 4 apartments. location is superb Good income!'" right investor. Marlene Parsons Sales Rep. Member of RE/MAX 100% CLUB i1 FANTASTIC FIXER 2 storey- home with Ir+dge and stove.' 100 x 100 lot. attached garage suitable for storage: but needs sorne tender toying care. $79.900 A MUST SEE 3 plus- I bedrooms. 2 baths finished oh. beth levels gas fireplace maintenance free exterior and carport $143.500 u r. x<w• ; B' I K 3 BEDROOM HOME, main floor family room. formal living and riming rooms, pockel doors and wrap around deck $139,900. Extra lot also available 524.900. A MUST VIEW Spacious 5 bedroom home with whirlpool ensuite, 30' oak kitchen. with island. natural wood trim, bmit•m desk and wet bar. 44. f --. COMMERCIAL ZONING 132' Main St frontage. in prime area of town. GREA POTENTIAL. • ► NEW PRICE - BRICK HOME - 3 BEDROOMS, close to schools and -shopping, hardwood floors, fireplace, main floor ► , family room and French doors. $95,000. • • OWNER RELOCATING Sumptuous master bedroom ensuite, giant walk-in closets and stunning bath. Oak kitchen with island, built-in t appliances and main floor family room with fireplace. Extra large double car garage. 5269.000. e YOU CAN OWN THIS 3 bedroom 4 1/2 storey home, oak kitchen cabinets, plus bam. Priced 8t 599.900. ON THE EDGE OF ZURICH. • GOOD STARTER HOME ON DEEP LOT. 3 bedroom, oak kitchen. new wiring, hedged 1ot and located close to park and downtown. • $77.500 ► ENTERTAINER'S DELIGHT 4 bedroom brick home with 2 baths, central air. gas fireplace. oak kitchen, inground pool and 5 appliances included 5159,900. . ' ASKING PRICE 5149,900 Open concept 3.1 bedroom home; gas fireplace, hardwood floors . finished lower level and attached garage. FANTASTIC LOT WITH MATURE TREES, 2 baths. 2 bedrooms, large workshop/garage and many recent renovations. 5103200. s ENJOY CONVENIENCES 3 bedroom brick home just minutes from downlown, main floor laundry, eat -in kitchen. 2 baths, large lot, lower • level pec room and newer roof. 599,900. • s LIVE IN TramThis 3 bedroom 2 bath bungalow, ensuite bath. 2 storage sheds and 5 appliances. IS ONLY 599.900. 5 ► ► • 5-4 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 - IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, ceramic flooring. oak cabinets. attached garage and patio doors 10 rear deck. 5149,900. 4 ► e MAY CONSIDER RENTING. 4 ' COUNTRY LIKE 3 bedroom ranch with attached garage, full basement ready to be finished, ensuite bath, nicely e decorated. ONLY 5139,900. ► 4 ORANO BEND • RETIRE HERE • in this low maintenance 2 bedroom bungalow nicely landscaped. 5 appliances end fireplace. 554,900 0, ► 1 OR this 2 bedroom retirement home, 5 appliances included for 569.900. Grand Cove Estates. ► 1 Ml -2 ZONING almost 19,000 sq. h. long term tenants. Building kiss than 10 yrs . old GOOD INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY E ►• GOOD LOCATION, C1.1 zoning, approximately 10,000 sq. h. under one roof. OWNER OPEN TO ALL OFFERS. ► COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with 4 apts. and potential gross income over $17,000. ASKING 585,900. 4 ► • BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME NOW, SEVERAL LOTS AVAILABLE, SNIDER ESTATES. 4. _ 4 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k .. A A A A A A A A A. A A A A A.. A. A...... A AAA A A A .•A A A A A A•A A AAA