HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-14, Page 15. Page 12 Times -Advocate, May 14, 1997 SHDHS performance Kerianne O'Rourke, in fibril'. and Shari Bierling play an • emotional scene u? Listen to the Wind. Listen to the Wind: a tale of poetic drama By Brenda Burke 7 rt Reporter I I Etat Take -the passionate. poetic script uI London playwright/ plc, James Itecutcs and conihiric it H ilh eiter_I tic Ellett of South Hu- ron• I)isitici• High School ;indents. Tltt ies.ilt :, ICL :mid intriguing: • 'the 'play Vitiiiu•.t Islay" i,.uhsi- (usi) a unique/ and saust> Ino t C11 lure; both for the. performers and crew as is as the audience. Set in the 19 t;: s.. i s e : ntrt , • :uutintt, the ih:uacl r. (-)wen. an ill child who gels Ili cher with friends w•hhr act out life pr'thlcnts ihroti h their •r- torite hook. The Sa,i,a uJ .Cu, /o,t Coir!. "Life. like our dreams. as full of contTicts hut our storytelling can -• help define and cushion the hlitws that life deals us." explains Director Glenda Burrell. who de,crI I cs-" the plat' as "exciting and challenging... Welcoming a script peppered with -strong. language. •real kisses. 'n uncruus props. double •character rule,. a meandering ,towline and fir top it. u11 lilt: a nn sterioti' chanting chorus: the `.utidenh pull uff.:i sttc, cd 'tut perlornt:utce. .The chorus. dressed in black. i, integral -10 the play. drat Ing unen- .rcingly toward the audience atone nttmlent. coritieuII play Ing roles of \.trite, c:uunrs-at .uxithcr..tnd _Un- trihuting ,pr.i.tl sound effect, and symbol; such as rain, cricket,. a lullaby. a garden. Proh.•;ire .lu,c& rcalisticalls load mull. -lighting. ;t Match .1, )r pipe :vitt pouring ss hat appears to he .tt inc. . ('hat./ len iadi:uej variety • alt i strength. r:ang_imr (rum the innocent. pl:ntirl Ooven. played: .like Sehv nidi. to the ruthless. tna- nipitrtc (ier:ildine: played . ht /Kul.erianne O'Kuurke: • - ' ...in. the wine cell;u:, :of their heart, and . the - pantries, of their hones." Geraldine seethes. He:n t thc"nies of death. de- •prds-rnt. tapped animals-itul mud- • died lamih ties. t+inch are handled •.stcll hy.thc actors..are simplified anti pw into rcrspectiye hy tcrhal indications- of scene Owen: "What %riot hate we - been listening Ili Chorus: "The north wind: The south it ind." O cn: "Then it is time. 10 end Act.l The contrast hcttvecn the pl'ay's opening. consisting. of children /-tin- ning and laughing. and it's ending: a couple- (corm in -June. lends the .perfornlal1 e .1 gripping mood of u1, t.dr!ic tlrc:t,l. THE OPPORTUNITY... to replace Canada's separatist opposition with a genuine "Pro -Canada' opposition that is ready to govern when Canadians give Reformers the mandate. THE .OPPORTUNITY... to tell Jean Chretien and Paul Martin that the Canada Pension Plan is' nothing but a tab on current and future Canadian workers? The CPP tax is going up $1400/yr. to a total of $3270/yr/employee/employer by 2003: 2 wage earners $6540/family. Is this fair? By any standards C.P.P. is a bad investment that kills jobs, jobs, jobs. Reform will guarantee the current minimum & give people,a better alternative. THE OPPORTUNITY... to elect a government who's policies and principles have been carefully developed aver a 10 year period by grass roots Canadians? Say "NO" to Liberal -Tory party platforms compiled in a 10 week frenzy by the party leader and a few close associates! THE OPPORTUNITY IS YOURS TO HAVE. ... The Commitment! The Party That Puts You First! The Warranty! DOUG FINES VOTE REFORM REFORM t Irl 1111\ I:It 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I „rI I .I COMMUNITY Huron Centennial celebrating 30 years Former classmates and teachers will be able to share memo- ries. By Joan Beierling Varna correspondent VARNA - The Stan Lee Club met at the Complex at 8 p.m. on May -7 with 27 in attendance. Final preparations .were made to send people to the • Tri -County Senior Games to he held iii Lucan and arca on June 16 and 17. • • • The nc>it.mccting.is planned for Millingtons to have supper. Charles Reid will make arrangements for June -1 and inforrh everyone: Euchre was. played with prizes Big Bike coming again to Exeter STRATFORD - The Big Bike for Stroke returns to Exeter on May 21., The second appearance hy the wacky. 50-footiong. bicycle built for 30 takes place at South Huron District Secondary School begin- ning at t2 noon. The Big Bike rais- es funds for stroke research and health promotion. Teams of 29 col- lect pledges. ride the three kin' route -and earn priics. The Exeter Big Bike- for -Stroke event begins at 12 nunn at Staab Huritn Secondary School. Teams currently rcgr.tered to participate include South Huron • Secirnd:rn• School. MacLeans `Home H:trd- warc._ tMcDonalds Restaurant ai.d Shoppers Drug Marta going to 'Noreen Hayter. Leona McBride. Bili .McAsh and Maye McBride. Most lone hands was won by Bob Reid. A lunch com- pleted the eveniog.- - The Sacrament of .Baptism was celebrated at • the Varna United Church .on Sunday. John Allan Armstrong, son of Kevin and Kim .was baptized with Rev. Tracy Crick performing the ceremony. There was also 'an installation of Stewards and Session incnihers from both Varna and Goshen. Mother's Day was celebrated with each mother presented with a car- nation. The Varna Goshen charge was also celebrating. the 35th anni- versary .of the .United. Chum h Women. There was it special thank you to all women who take part in the U.C.W..'s. Brenda Consist gas e a recitation and lit a candle for the past. Lori Mcrncr lit a candle for the present and Leanne Keys lit a candle for the future. All mothers were honored. fol- lowing -thechurch service with cake and refreshments served hy the men. _ • On- May' 18. •the church service will he held iii Goshen Sonne visitors from ('uha arc coming- to London Mr- - the . week and to London Conference to learn more about the United Church of Canada. Some of ihese visitors from Cuha will he visiting Jean and Art Bennett on May- 2l . The Ben- netts will he hosting a potluck sup- per for the Varna Goshen c<r: