HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-05-07, Page 10I'age 10 , Advocate,. May 7, 1997
Torchmen perform
Members. Of- the Gospel group The Torchrnen. based in St. Catherines, performed, at the.
South Huron Recreation Centre Sunday night. Members of the group .include Hill Koop, Law
rence Tritton,• Jeff Tritton, Stan Oster.. Mike Morarr and Jon Hisey., Paul Hisey is the group's
.chaplain and driver. The Torchrnen are celebrating their 27th year performing together
Bluewater residents prepare
for annual tea and bazaar
There will be quilt
and cake draws.
By Carmel Sweeney _
Zurich correspondent
Z13Rl( i Doc to a lack of inter
est, Me. him tryp to Holland. Michi-
gan in tilav h is•been cancelled
(iandace Becker. of 1)ashvotd
daughter- Of -Nand arid Joe. .was-
;tinong. tho' c w'lio flew. to Thunder
May recently v<•iih the swim team
1 The Huron Hurricanes Aquatic
• Club: based at \ .u►arstra, Thr club
competed 'against 55(1 swimmers
,from.30 teams from. all over O1ita-
•no: I,.
Becker finished suxth..placc in the
N►. metre /freestyle and • won' twci
bronze • medals • in 'freestyle and
Medley relay.
t "ungraIulations ,io the grade two
students • of St. &mifacc School
who . have made. .their first Holy
Communion, Danny _ Hartman.
Mark Hartman,' Nathan .' Bedard,
Bobbie -Lynn Gfenicr. Devon Bed-
ard, Jeffrey Mathonia and Mark
Wilder. Fantilsget-togethers were
held afterward.'
A Ica. bazaar, -hake sale. craft ta-
ble and silent auction. will be held
.:t the Blue Nater Rest Home May
1(1 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thcrc will
be .quill and cake draws. sponsored
by 'the Ladies Auxiliary. The rest-
. dents arc getting things ready .for
• the crafttablc.
There -will be a spring concert at-
. the Zurich:Public School on Mny 7
with two shows at • 115 p.m.' and
7:30 p.m. in the gyne.
A card party at the township hall
on April 28 had 10 tables of'card
players. High ladies for thc'evening
%% etc Gwen:McKellar and Margaret
Reid: High oleo were Emma Camp-
bell playing a man's card. and.Bob
Reid. Lone hand winner was A1=
dine Wolf Doorprize winners
'WM: Gnict Hayter, Annie. Fink-
bciner, Louella Willer( and .Ruth
A social and lunch followed af-
terwards. The next card patty to be
sponsored by the Golden .Agers
will be held on May 26 at 7:30 p.m..
at the Town Hall. The cost is $2 at
the door. :
- Anyone wanting to Sign then
children up tor_ baseball this sunt
iter can still der so by calling -Iran•
cis Bedard as '.i 011 as pussahlc al
236-7716. Coaches are al�o need
ed. •
Registration for a girl: h,ickcs
team will he held in •August
'l1,ree._inemhcrs oI the St It,Ini
face C.W.L. and St Peter's (SI Ju
septet ('.W.I attended the• London
Diocesan C'. -4A'.1- Convention 111
Chatham; at the Wheel's Inst Iron►
April 28 hi 30.1 The theme was
"'through Scn ice to Ihc •People of
(iixl. r
- Sarah Vermont _ and .Kcii.innc
O'Rourke pl the -Zurich arca had
lead roles in :i South Huron High
School play last week "Listen to
the Wind" •
- Education week is taking' place at
the schools during this week atVar-
sous trines and days. ; .
St. Bonilacc will he having- an
open. house on May 8 from 7 to
8:30 p.m. Parents arc welcome to
come and sec:their kids work.
The trip of the month draw and
'weekend getaway; sponsored by.
the Zurich and District Chamber of
Commerce Was made .on May 3 for
a sports package for two people to
"Toronto, which include tickets to a
Blue Jays game and overnight stay
at the Skydornc Hotel. The lucky
winner was Bill Wagner.
Thc.next winner will be going to •
the Benmiller Inn near Goderich.
The Chamber will have their
meeting at Erb's 'Country Kitchen
on May 2(1 with"dinner at 7 p.m. • .
Recently Music for Young Chil-
dren students of Laurie Erb A.
Mus., their .families • and friends
gathered at Zurich Public. .School
for their spring recitals. There were
over IOU people 11i attendance at
.tach of two, recitals. Special guests
were- former M.Y.C.- graduates,
- Ashley Erb; Amanda "Lehr, Emily
Hoffman. •'I'arnara Cook. Lindsay
Haberer alid Lacrl iia !'fall". who
shared what- they're. doing with
their music since blushing M VC.
.The 1996-97 graduates of Music
for Young Children are Albert De-
litala, Grand Bend, Laura Elder.
Hensall, Kayla Lagerwcf. Ailsa
Craig. Skyc McLennaghan. Bruce-
- field, and Sarah Van Doornik Sea
Students of .1.aurre 1:rh A. Mus
recently .cprupercd ar 4hc London
Kiwanrs Music I estival. "Ihcy (lid
well achieving. marks 1,44111 80 to
88. Those participating were Can.
three- Ftcckiir (throb. Ashley i:rt,
(voice and piano). Stephanie Erb
(voice Brit and third). Brenda Fay
that.' Sarah Kyle; Emily Raicl.iffc,
Brandon. Skinner, Skylar . Van
Gsch, Jessica-VanRaay, Brittany
Williams and Amanda Zehr. High
est rriarks were :athicved by ('an
dace Becker (list). - Amanda %chi
.and Saryah Kyle (88 piano ducts.
Ashley .•_ Erb _ and Skylar . VanOsch
(87 "pianoduet)
Happy birthday wishes go tri Ju-
Iue (,elinas on May 5 and to Heath-
er Klopp on May 10.
. John and Barb Rau. RR 2 Zurich.
celchraicd their 40th wedding anni-
versary on May 4. A family get-
together was held at the home of
thgir daughter)'Tern and Pat F3rian.
'.don near Varna on Sunday •and
they all enjoyed going to the Tor
of the Fair for.dinncr in; London;
A bridal shower was held fair
Sheila Ihhnommc on May 4 at Sr
Boniface Parish Hall. She is the
daughter -of Mary -Lou Denomme,
_Zurich and fiancee of Dennis kf-
Frey, son of Dolly Jeffrey of St. Jo-
seph. -
The couple arc to be married in
• A bridal -shower' was held -for
Colleen Keller, daughter of Wayne
-and Bonnie Keller, al St. Peter's
Lutheran Church" Parish Hall on
May 4. She is the fiancee of ian.
Smythe of Lindsay and they arc
planning to be married in June. .
A buck and doe was•hcld..Ikir Pat
Regier Jr:, soh of Pat. and .Evelyn.
RR 3 Zurich, and Jodi -Soldan at
the Hensall arena ori May •2. The;
couple arc planning ter be Married
in September. .
('ongratulaitons. to Mark and
Melanie Stuart (nee Beatscntj who
were married April 19 at theCom-
niunity Bible Church. He isithc son
of Joan Stuart, RR 2 Zurich. '.
Seniors meet in Dashwood
DASHWOOD - On. April 21 the
Dashwood "Good Companions"
met at the Community Hall at 7:30
p.m. with 32 members present. The
meeting opened by singing '0 Can -
ad' and repeating the Lord's
The secretary's report and treas-
urer's reports were given and were
adopted by Alma Genttner. The
club received a thank you note
ftom Brenda Kipfer of the Huron
Sledge and Ice Picking Club. Eve-
lyn Pickering 110.! a, joke and Velma
Russell gave a reading.
Dorothy Restemayer gave a read-
ing and a few jokes.
Max Duchanne and the . Town
Liners entertained with some old
lime music. h was Ducharme's
birthday and a number of his
friends arrived a bit later to surprise
Alter lunch, they ended the eve
ning with a game of Brines
The next meeting will he held at
7:31) p.m.- on May 19 All "seniors
arc welcome
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Teachers hold dinner- meetings
STRATFORD - O.A.s.w.T. (On-
tario Association id Superannuated
Women . Teachers, Stratford •
-Branch, held a .dinner meeting at
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ
,of- Latter Day :Saints. Stratford. on
April all with 77 people present:
President. Mabel Nesbitt welcomed
them all and Hazel Skahtzhy read a
poem '`Shades of Spring". '0 Cana-
da' was' sung in English and
French. ' -
. Betty Jean Davis -said Grace. A
meal was enjoyed by all.. Ann
Gregory thanked the, caterers" - (Tor
sages were given.io lour .new retir-
ees. Pins were also given to women
who had paid "for their first dinner
meeting. A torment's silence was
held • for- those who hal recently
Guests were Mike Kelly, Manag
er of Estate Planning. Met Life, and
Dan Searboro. assistant: They work
with Metropolitan- Life Insurance
Company in Stratford They gave a
demonstration• rd financial estate
planning "i;hey were presented with
gifts from the group,
Minutes of_Novctnher and Febru-
ary meetings were.given by secre-T;
tory Audrey :Stovel The"treasurer's
report was given •hy treasurer. Dor-
• othy Flail -
('ormnrttec"-reports. were given as
follows: Social, Jackie Hall; Cards.
and Goodwill • • Phyllis Davidson;
imurance:- Sonja Trier, issues and -
Concerns Betty Jean Davis; Prest-
ressreports - Dorothy Dillon, History i
- Nancy Kraemer . -
Inez Haul installed the, officers
for the year-IO<)7-98t'asi President
_Mahe! Nesbitt: President - Marion
Ma inpnzc. hist vice president
sonpi "Goer SE•&pnd vier pre.ufent
By Bill Kline
• On the -weekend, South Flu
ron hosted the annual senior
and junior boys coater tourna-
• ment. The senior team defeated
• Winghain I-0. Si.•David 1-0.
and East tagin-2-1 in only 30
minute..games .Finishing first -
in their pool. the team next„ , •
r played (kxdcrich.-After domi
mating the game.,South Huron •
ended up going i itn-shootnuts
-with the Vikings. which was
easily won by the Panthers.•in
the finals. the senfors.con-
trolled the tempo. -beating San
gcen 2-0. South Huron's excel-
lent play can be credited to Jeft•
Sararas's strong defensivei play
and Chad Gilfillan's free -
Wheeling style on offense. -"We
controlled almost every minute
of every game. Hopefully we r
can keep -this -going. said coach
'George McEwan.
Elections are coming up for
next year's student Council if
you would like to -be premier;
social convenor, or athletic •
council, you must have a cam
paign and say a speech...These
positions will -be voted on by
-..the-rest of the student body. 'Alf
other -positions must be applied
for. Certain positions for next
year have been "combined unto
one. position so there will be
less people on council. There-
• will only be one premier. and
two co -deputy premiers.
.Upcoming events
• Chicago Trip, May 9. 10 & l l
• Blood Donor Clinic. May 12.
Large gym. 1-4 and 5:30- 8:30
• Music Trip to Sault. Ste.Ma-
ric.May 6. 7. and 8
Until next week...Bill Kline
Jo -Anne Eckert: Secretary Audrey
Stovel: Treasurer` Dorothy Hart,
_Social committee - Jean Davidson.
Beth Eickmeyer. Mary Duffin. Stel-
la Biagi) Cards and Goodwill -
Ruth Ruby Vera Kerpp. lila
McKenzie. Inez Haid;. Insurance -
.Sonja 'fuer Issues and ('oncerns. '-
Betty Jean- Davie: Press Reporter
Betty Paulen', History Karen
Finck, Joan Wickman; Telephone
committee' for Stratford. • - Kay
Jack, Betty Davies. Anna Srrachar,
Gladys .Moore. Mary Hoy.' lean
Bone., Phyllis -Davidson. •Dririt. -
Bartlett.; for St Mary: fila
McKenzie. Helen: Gook. for Mil .
verton -• Getty t?unhar., for Mitchell
- J)orothy (lour. Helen Bryan
.Inez Hard gave a irib to to Mabel
Nesbitt for her work. Marion Main -
prize adjorirned. the. meeting. _ .
Superannuated Teachers .of.O tta-
rio Huron Perth Ductrrct ..9 held a -
successful dinner meeting at Mitch-
ell Community. Centre on April 29.
The meeting opened -with '0 Cana-
da' .and President Dave- McClure
welcomed the group A tribute was
given in. memory of 'President tan
Munro. who died in April. and a
moment's Silence followed in hon
or of fan and other .deceased yr()
members. Minutes of the spring
Meeting were distributed and the
• treasurer's report was given by sec-
retary -treasurer Ted Baxter. Other •
reports were as frillowa (k1odv%ilI
Alice Andrews, -Joan. Anderson, •
Health and Insurance - Harold-Wis-
ternoff: Membership Doreen
Smith: Newsletter Ralph Smith:
Entertainment Mary Hoy; Social • •
Dope Week travel Mice Her- .
her(. Publicity Dorothy Dillon; -
Fluron Chit report Ross Errington;
Perth 1.nit'report loan Anderson -
Mary. Hoy introduced guest
speaker Nancy Kraemer. the Brock-.
glen School Museum "teacher".
_whohad the name of Miss Parrott. •
dressed appropriately as a teacher •
in 1910. and treated the audience as
.her students:The "school day" was
begun bysinging "God Save the
King". Clare French accompanied
the group on the piano -- -
.School pictures' were shown on -
the ' screen: - Miss Parrott had
brought numerous item, and
played the. including- a" hoy's cot •
tome and a girl's pinafore Ted
Baxter presented her" with a (Iona-
_'• A
A lasagna diriner was•enloyed by
-all after the meeting
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